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Posts posted by Kenu

  1. 2 hours ago, Snapster said:

    I for one had to login with my username (Snapster), like it actually says in the login field. :D It's different when you login directly from the community section, then you have to use your email as the "username" or whatever it's called. Is it a bug or is it intended that way?

    That shouldn't be the case. You should be able to log in with your username on both platforms. The email doesn't work on the main page, that is true.

  2. 1 hour ago, Heksaa said:

    Well, it's not a bug, but are you able to get messages seen in the main page as well. I mean that there will be missed private messages as they wont be seen if you won't change to community page. Maybe the smallest thing to complain, but you forced us to tell even the smallest ones9_9

    Very true. We definitely want to have this functionality. We need to study the functionality of the community software more, but it should definitely be possible. On the to-do list, but won't give you any estimates, as there are more urgent things on the list.

    Appreciate the request! :)

  3. 2 hours ago, Asche said:

    on the Front page the Point  " Contact us " is not working

    Thanks, this is just due to us not finding the time to make this page. It is coming. :)

    1 hour ago, gzell60 said:

    Not sure if this is a bug or just a software limitation: If you are browsing the community forums you can switch to the main page within the same browser tab by clicking "NHLGamer.com" at the top beneath the logo. But when you click "Community" on the main page, it opens up a new browser tab.

    I believe this is a choice made by @Lurkins. I agree it might not be the optimal approach. I guess the logic might be that you don't get confused about how to go back. Easy to fix it so it doesn't open into a new tab.

    Our goal is to merge the forums and league parts of the website more and more, so they are one similar experience, rather than these two parts. With the pressure of getting the league underway, it is not our top priority at the moment, though.

  4. Hi Everyone,

    As you might have noticed, the league website is now launched. It is far from the dream that we have with all the features, but I'm sure you'll discover within a few days that it's already enjoyable as it is.

    That being said, there have been some bugs reported and I am fixing them as we speak. If you run into any issues, please describe them as well as you can in this thread. If you can, please post a screenshot, if you think that might help.


  5. 13 hours ago, Asche said:

    Why is 3 days discussed if the determined direction is 2 days per week .. then we need no polls

    am against it

    We need with searching and all thisl lagquiters min.3 hours for 4 games .. thats enough

    and then 3 days in the workweek. no thanks


    Because the votes started when ConsoleHockey was still around and some people were considering playing in both leagues.

    The votes are now 69 for 2 days a week and 63 for 3 days a week. I know at least 3 people who have told me that they want to change their vote from 2 -> 3, after finding out that ConsoleHockey won't be running a tournament. This means the votes are at least 66-66. (Please note that I have recently added the option to change your vote, but this thread is old and people haven't found the option yet.)

    This is up for discussion, it is only our suggestion.

    • Like 2
  6. On 25 Nov 2015 13:35:56, Moisala said:

    Freddie Mercury Institute is regretfully forced to withdraw their registration application due to frustration and motivation issues caused by the constant high latency/ping issues.

    Freddie Mercury Institute is eager and happy to stay in ECL, if the issue gets fixed before the League officially starts. If not, we're out - unfortunately. :(


    Respectfully on behalf of FMI,

    Moisala- (formerly known as Lelson)


    Sorry, I forgot to comment on this earlier.

    Very sad to hear about this, but I understand and respect your decision. Very kind of you to let us know up-front!

  7. Hi Everyone,

    I have gone through the list and removed the teams that have said they are out. There are currently 60/60 teams in the league. Every team that has applied and hasn't informed us that they are out, are out. Let me know if I missed someone!

    Freddie Mercury Institute is not in the list below, as they have informed us that they don't want to play if EA doesn't fix the lag issue. We will try to find room for FMI, in case EA does come through and fixes the issues.


    Without further ado, below is the list:


    1. Aapon taikasauva 
    2. Ace Holes hc 
    3. Beatless 
    4. Beniserna
    5. Bombers Hockey
    6. Carlsberg HC 
    7. Checkmate
    8. HC Circus  
      Classic Style
    9. DirtyDozen Team
    10. Ducktales BK 
    11. Dynasty 
    12. Falun Coal Miners
    13. Finnish Jets
    14. Finnish Roosters   
    15. Free From Rodents 
    16. Ganja Bonanzas 
    17. Gulligellot 
    18. HCF Since 2009
    19. Heroes of Our Time 
    20. Holy Ghostbusters 
    21. Hottikset
    22. Hybris 
    23. IceHookers  
    24. Infinity
    25. K A R H U T  
    26. Kattiautomaatti 
    27. KiekkoKopla 
    28. Knuckle Sandwich
    29. Mestarit Areenalla  
    30. murohoki 
      MotherPucsters Go Pro
    31. No Guts No Glory 
    32. Nordic Blizzard 
    33. Nordic Stars 
    34. Nordic Hockey Tigers
    35. Northern Ascendancy  
    36. Northern Stars 
    37. The Old Farts 
    38. IIONEII 
    39. Origins
    40. PSHL Criminal Minds
    41. Puckaroonies
    42. Refuse To Lose 
    44. SIKA 
    45. Silver Sword Griffins 
    46. Sjukstugan 
    48. Sunny Side 
    49. Synergy Hockey 
    50. Terrible Bears 
    51. Tiger Of Sweden 
    52. TIKI TALK 
    53. TJ Jezibaby
    54. Tuhlaajapojat 
    55. UKnighted HC 
      The Unstoppable Warriors 
    57. Vetelin kuivat 
    58. VilppiVeikot 
    • Like 7
  8. 6 minutes ago, MartindalexC said:

    But is it? Look, I'm not trying to be aggressive or purposefully awkward but come on. This site has been in his mind for atleast a year and we're still waiting? To me that's just plain silly and the 'lag' is getting used as a scapegoat when it is completely down to the site not even being complete. 

    Don't mistake this for me just bitching, it's along the lines of looking at this situation critically more than anything else. 

    Appreciate the feedback. I do admit (as discussed from the get-go) that the website status is pushing back the start of the league, but at the same time I honestly do think that the league would benefit from it, if EA fixed their issues. If it was a two week wait, then sure. If not, I guess we have to move on and hope that the fix arrives somewhere along the line. The poll was made to get an overview of the urgency inside the community to determine whether there was patience or not to wait for a couple weeks. Since about half of the voters felt like there's no need to rush into things, we continued on our design path instead of throwing something quick together as a quick fix. This will benefit us in the future.

    I absolutely hate to keep the community waiting and I'd love nothing more than to get to start the league. With lag, as it seems to be looking like.


    Regarding your comment about how the site has been in my mind for at least a year and you're still waiting: The website has been in my mind since 2009, but unfortunately it takes a lot of work to make it a reality.

    If this was a business, I might fire myself, but since we're investing our money and time into bringing people a platform they'll (hopefully) be happy with, I hope you guys have the patience to wait just a little bit. And I don't blame you for being impatient; I would be too - especially with the lack of quality communication from our side.


    With all of the above said: We will update you further on Wednesday.


  9. Excellent write-up @MartindalexC and I agree 100% with your concerns. When originally bringing up the issue I was a bit more hopeful of EA coming up with a solution quickly. Now that we've got some more facts, it seems that it will take more time than anticipated.

    At this point, like @MovaaN said above, we're not simply sitting on our hands waiting for EA to fix the game. @Lurkins and I are working on the finishing touches necessary before "letting people in". We ran into a bug with signing in that is just as annoying as it sounds. We have a temporary fix for that in our mind, in case the planned sign-in won't work from the get go.

    I apologise for the poor communication on our part. I've been overwhelmingly busy in the past weeks and it saddens me that it has taken its toll on the web development side. Unfortunately, I have had to prioritise work.

    I have now taken three days off work in order to write an essay and work on the website. This is why I've said that you can expect an update by the end of Wednesday.

  10. Hi Everyone,

    Due to popular requests, I have made some changes to the forum settings. The most interesting once for regular users are:

    - You can now change your mind about your vote on a poll.

    - You can now delete your own content.

    - Added a flood check, so you don't accidentally double-post (applies for both creating topics and replying to topics). Time should be short enough not to stop anyone from actually posting content.


    Any other requests, let me know. Also let me know if these changes somehow make your experience worse.


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