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Posts posted by Kenu

  1. 4 minutes ago, Billy44205 said:

    I don't think it will be resolved on EA's side in 2 weeks but I still voted Yes because I think people should know about the tournament structure and rules long enough before the start of ECL. Not sure how long is "long enough" but there are not many days left before November 16th so...

    Also, if the schedule is available a week or so before tournament start it allows teams to plan ahead for the first games and that's a good thing too. 

    So yeah captain lag or not I don't think postponing for like a week is a bad thing.

    Well said Billy. This is why I think it's a win-win situation to postpone. Of course half of it is our own fault. :$

  2. As you are probably aware - if you've been playing EASHL this year - there are some major issues in the EASHL this year, causing at least the home team captain to suffer from an enormous amount of lag. This may also apply to other players. Due to this, the game is often unplayable for at least part of the players on the ice.

    We here at NHL Gamer think that it would be a good idea to postpone the start of the ECL with a couple weeks, to see if there is any progress with this issue. This will also give us an extra bit of time to test the website some more and give you, the community, time to get familiar with the site and build your roster.

    Please note that the outcome of the poll is not the final word on this issue, but rather we are looking for some data on how the opinions about this issue are split.

    Below is EA's statement on their forums:



    UPDATE [11/06] 

    * Dev and QA teams investigated multiple leads but nothing conclusive pointing to the root cause of this issue thus far. 

    * Our senior engineers have also looked at the IP blocking workaround that was circulating the community and it doesn't look like it would specifically fix the captain lag issue. Also, for some users it could block their ability to play altogether. 

    * While we have reached out directly to several members of the community, we are unable to identify a pattern of behaviour to help establish the conditions to reproduce the issue. 

    * We need more info but we will continue to dedicate time and resources to this. The team is in the process of preparing a detailed survey questionnaire (will post link here) to get more focused input and feedback. 




    Hey folks, 

    It's been a few weeks since we started investigating this issue. 

    First off, thanks to many members of the community for chiming in and providing valuable info. 


    Moving forward, we will provide any updates on this specific input lag issue in this post. 


    What issue are we trying to track down? 

    EASHL Home captain is affected by unplayable input lag. It has been reported that this happens in both Drop-In and Club Seasons games. 


    What has been reported? 

    User who is home captain may experience input lag. This doesn’t happen in all games but once it happens the input lag persists throughout the game for that one user. Other users in the same session are unaffected. 


    Is it an Internet Service Provider (ISP) issue? 

    We have evaluated the info posted by a number of users (via PM) and there isn’t a consistent trend that correlates this issue with specific ISPs. 

    As well, users have reported that the input lag doesn’t persist game over game. 


    What have we found so far? 

    In the past month, we have focused our efforts on a) trying to reproduce the input lag issue within the studio and b) working with members of the community to audit server logs in games where users have experienced the issue. 

    We’ve analyzed the logs but haven’t found any conclusive evidence pointing to a server issue. While we are not discounting that this could be a server issue, we are focusing our investigation efforts on the game client side (i.e. non-server) at this time. 


    Is there an ETA for a fix? When can the next update be expected? 

    Unfortunately this issue has been tricky to track down and reproduce. At this time, the dev team is unable to provide an ETA. 

    That being said, any updates will be posted to this thread as soon as it happens. 

    Source: http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/list/10370055.page


    Please feel free to discuss things more in this thread.

    On behalf of the NHL Gamer staff,


  3. 8 hours ago, Pick 69 said:

    then there is the heart of the team ...me and with the support of the fans I will carry this team to lots of wins and trophys dont worry all my fans I will make sure to get you all the silverware 

    And the award for the most confusing forum post ever goes to..... Jocke!

  4. hybris.png


    • Team Name: Hybris
    • Team Abbreviation: HYB
    • Team Captains: Kenu, TommyC142, Sickan
    • Team Roster:
      • Claudi
      • Jake
      • Jesus
      • Jocke
      • KenuFHR
      • Sickan
      • stormi
      • Tepeis
      • TommyC142
    • Tell us about your team (optional): A mix of mostly the old Company of Geeks and FHR Punakone, with a hint of other talent. 

    (I will fix the roster names to match the user names as soon as everyone has registered)

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