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Posts posted by Kenu

  1. I really tip my hat to @Klaus for the positive attitude he has had towards our website. I guess the cat is out of the bag, but we have been offered to import the stats from Console Hockey, so no history will be lost! We are really grateful for this!

    It probably won't be implemented by the time the first league starts, but we will work the old stats in there in the future. We should also have the old Finnish Cup stats secure for Finnish players who played in those old leagues. :)


    Very well said @gzell60. I agree we have all the time in the world. As long as our design is smart, we can manipulate data even after leagues have been finished.

    That being said, I appreciate your thoughts @Billy44205. You are right that we have thought about most, if not all of the things that have been mentioned so far. The thing is though, that our opinions are not the absolute truth, so we want to hear what the community wants and how they respond to these ideas.

    • Like 1
  3. Hey @tokFan and @Dexrion - really appreciate the feedback!

    These are questions we are thinking about as well and things we have to tackle if (and hopefully when) more and more teams start joining.


    I have a question for you guys (and everyone else) regarding the division system: How would you make it work? As this is not professional sports, teams fold very easily and let's say a team ends up in a lower division and the team folds. Some of the players together with some of the best players in the world create a new team - do they automatically start in the lowest division, even if "everyone knows they will demolish everyone else"?

    ideally, I think this is how it should work - new teams will have to earn their spots and it will help familiar team "organisations" stay together for a long time, at least in the higher divisions. What I'm worried about, is that lower division teams fold all the time and everyone just tries to join a division 1 team.

    One option is of course to simply have small leagues. Let's say Division 1 would have 10-14 teams, and the lower divisions would likewise. Seasons would be shorter and we could play more seasons during the year. For this system to work, I think there should be a minimum of 4 seasons played per year. Otherwise there's the risk that the next NHL comes out and people think we should scrap the whole system.

    I hope I'm making sense with my explanations. I would love to discuss this some more! I think this is the type of steps we can take to create a more exciting and "professional" style of gaming community.

  4. Thanks for the great and insightful reply @Juizki! You are allowed to suggest whatever you want and we'll take all ideas into consideration. We love feedback and ideas!


    Regarding the amount of teams, my impression (assumption based on the past) is that the majority of teams will want to play on 3 days of the week - but we will see what the poll says and how everyone feels. I don't think more than 4 is realistic for most people.

    Regarding the team amounts etc. I agree with you. This is a fresh start and everyone should have the right to make a name for themselves. This is what we're aiming for. When we see the amount of interest we can attract, we will know how to set the league up. Again - keep the feedback and ideas coming.

    Please share the link to our website with as many potential players as you can think of. :)

  5. ecl-registration.jpg


    NHL Gamer welcomes you to the ECL!

    Hey NHL Gamers,

    It's great to have had so many of you join the site this early on and the amount of support you've shown is greatly appreciated!

    Without further ado, it's time to announce our first official 6 vs 6 league for both Playstation 4 and Xbox One - the European Championship League - ECL!


    League details:

    • All games are played 6vs6 - no exceptions!
    • A minimum of eight (8) players is required for a team to be eligible. We are willing to bump this up to if the community feels that helps reduce teams quitting/not being available to play (please vote on the poll).
    • Games will be played through the invitational Drop-in Mode.
    • Exact format of leagues will be determined by the amount of participating teams.
    • Schedule will be set for specific days (based on feedback), but teams are allowed to negotiate and move games.
    • The leagues are set to start on 16.11.2015.
    • Full rules will be released later.


    How to join?

    • Register to the forums.
    • Read this post entirely before registering.
    • Follow the link to the ECL for your preferred platform:
      Register for the ECL Playstation 4 -tournament here
      Register for the ECL Xbox One -tournament here
    • Create a thread with the subject "ECL Registration - Team Name" and use the following format in the post itself:
      • Team Name: Example Team Name
      • Team Abbreviation: ETN
      • Team Captains (up to 3): Example Captain1, Example Captain2, Example Captain 3
      • Team Roster (at least 8 players):
        • Example Player 1
        • Example Player 2
        • Ecample Player 3
        • etc.
      • Tell us about your team (optional): Here you can mention any accomplishments or specific reasons why your team should be selected to play in the league.


    We aim to select all eligible teams for the league, but we will have to see how many teams are interested in the first place. :) 

    Don't forget to vote on the poll!


    On behalf of the NHLGamer.com development team - thank you for your interest! We look forward to seeing you on the ice!




  6. Are you going to challenge the evil EHL empire by hosting your own tournaments on this website? 

    I reckon you'd receive support from a bunch of your friends Kenu, and you could assemble a team to run a tournament in a matter of minutes. But it does require a lot of additional features on the website imo. Then again maybe you've already built them but we just don't have access to them...? 

    Hey Billy, and thanks for your interest towards our project!

    We are indeed building the tournament engine behind the scenes. It's only myself and Samuli (aka Lurkins) working on the code in our spare time, so the development has been slightly slower than expected. We're very happy with our plans though and hope people will like our ideas and find their way to our website.

    I wish I could give you a time-frame, but I'll hold off on that until we can give an accurate estimation. We hope to throw together a little bit of a sneak peak as soon as possible, but at the same time we want to be happy with what we're showing off before showing it to the public.

    In the mean time, please feel free to write us what you would like to see on our website (or what you wouldn't like to see), what you've liked on other sites and what you've disliked. We really appreciate your feedback, so even if you think of something small, like "Custom line-ups for teams, so we don't have to select every player separately when reporting a game, even though playing with our #1 line-up" - just let us know! :)

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