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Posts posted by Kenu

  1. On 05/03/2018 at 10:42 AM, jurisc1989 said:


    It is very strange, after accepting results in EA API between Nearbird Fighters - Ice Aliens HC teams, primary statistics (score, goals, goalie statistics) is correct, but individual statistics is empty!

    Please help us and tell us what to do?! In OLD Statistic Tool those games is hidden. :ph34r:


    Nearbird Fighters - Ice Aliens HC

    Ice Aliens HC - Nearbird Fighters

    2018-02-26 20:29 CET Nearbird Fighters - Ice Aliens HC 2-1   0
    2018-02-26 21:04 CET Ice Aliens HC - Nearbird Fighters 4-5 OT   0

    Best regards, Nearbird Fighters team

    Hey @jurisc1989,

    Seems like the stats were imported from the API, but the goal and penalty data was never input. Was there something prohibiting that? Did you get any errors?

    The easiest way for us to fix this is to delete the games and you report them again through the API. Do you have all of the necessary screenshots for that? :)


    Kind regards,


    • Like 1
  2. On 03/03/2018 at 7:13 PM, tokFan said:

    Nice now it works. Now to the next problem. One of the players have left our team (KattenJansson) how should we report this game without him? :S

    Damn it... :D

    Put in someone else who wasn't in that game and let me know who to replace.

  3. Hey @DaMan,

    The reason for this is that for some reason @riihimaenharski has reported the game with the old tool. If you want, I can delete the game and you can add it again through the API. Alternatively, you can choose to use the old tool and click "add individual stats" to get your team stats in there.

    Let me know.


    Kind regards,


  4. Hey @SolenX86, can you describe what might have gone wrong?

    Sometimes it takes even hours before the 2nd game shows up in the EA API. We think this might have to do with players shutting off their consoles in "a weird place" instead of leaving the dressing room first. (Just a theory on our part)

    I have deleted the game now and I checked that you can see the game in the EA API now, so you should be able to report the game now.

    Please confirm when this is done and if you need any additional help.


    Kind regards,


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