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Posts posted by Kenu

  1. Hi @Raulii Tajukangas,

    This is because Lucky Strike for some reason reported the game using the Old Tool instead of the EA API. You can add the stats from here: https://nhlgamer.com/insert_stats.php?stage=2&matchID=7553&leagueID=29&reportingTeamID=331

    (You can find this link by going to ADD MATCH (EA API) and then navigating to the old tool and clicking Insert individual stats.)

    The OLD TOOL should only be used when having waited for hours and a game still doesn't show up in the EA API. Also, when used, the opponent should be informed.

  2. On 27/02/2018 at 9:09 PM, gzell60 said:

    @Kenu @Lurkins

    Sedinsisters only scored 1 goal, and first part of the report has the correct amount of goals entered. However, there are two rows for goals created on Sedinsisters' side. How? Needs to be investigated (will report to Bitbucket in a second).

    The person who reported the game reported the winning goal for the wrong player (and wrong team). User error. Then when you go into the edit stats tool it presents the fields based on the old input, which is you were unable to fix it.

    That being said, of course it would be handy to have a check to prevent the user from doing that.


    This error has been fixed now. Thanks.

  3. On 26/02/2018 at 11:04 AM, Jonitski said:



    Can you add win lose otl stats instead of pim goals assists points in goalie game by game stats?

    Yes, good idea. Can't give you a time-frame, but it will happen.

    7 minutes ago, typolino79 said:

    Is it possible to select the Results of the days in the gruops? In the ECL light its not easy to see which games a played in the won Group.

    Currently no. Good feedback. We have something better almost finished at this stage and adding groups to that is a good idea.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. 22 hours ago, J0HTAJA said:

    Monte Carlo

    Oli synkkä ja myrsyinen yö....hetken jo Monte Carlon koti stadionilla valot himmenivät MUTTA vain loistaakseen kirkkaammin kuin koskaan!

            etsin vielä yhtä iloista, hullua ja taitavaa pelaajaa huonolla huumorin tajulla höystettynä joukkoomme,  pelipaikaltaan olet VL

    Jos tunsit kutinaa lukiessasi tämän haarojesi välissä, mene lääkäriin jos taas kutina tuntui muualla kropassasi ota rohkeasti yhteyttä ja sovitaan elämäsi tärskyt ;)


    yhteyttä voit laittaa yv tääl gameris tai Psn: johtaja699


    It was a dark and stormy night... and for a moment the arena lights went dark....BUT only to shine brighter than ever!
    I'm still looking for one happy, crazy and tallented player with a bad sense of humour to join our team as a LW.

    If, while reading this, you felt an itch between your legs, go see a doctor. If the itch was somewhere else around your body, don't hesitate to get in touch and let's set up the date of your life. ;)

    You can contact me by PM here on NHLGamer or on PSN: johtaja699

    A finnish player is preferred, due to language barriors, but this rule is not set in stone, if you're good enogh.  

    Now translated.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  5. Hi!

    We are glad you're back in action for ECL Elite in ECL 6. In case you did not read our sign-up instructions yet, please read the following news story first:


    Please use the template below to sign up your team!


    Team name: 

    Team abbreviation:

    Team captains (PSN IDs): Captain 1, Assistant Captain 1, Assistant Captain 2

    Team roster (PSN IDs):

    • Player 1
    • Player 2
    • Player 3
    • Player 4
    • Player 5
    • Player 6
    • Player 7
    • Player 8
    • ...

    EA SPORTS club overview: (Go to  https://www.easports.com/nhl/clubs/search, look up your team, and include your team's page URL in this post. Example: https://www.easports.com/nhl/clubs/ps4/Monte Carlo (Monte Carlo)

    Previous team name(s): (If you renamed your team since ECL 5, please include previous team name(s) for reference)

    Team Logo: (Optional - you can sign up without a logo. You can edit your post until the end of the registration deadline to submit a logo. If you wish to change your previously submitted logo, add the new one to this post)

    • Like 1
  6. Hi!

    We are glad you're back in action for ECL Pro in ECL 6. In case you did not read our sign-up instructions yet, please read the following news story first:


    Please use the template below to sign up your team!


    Team name: 

    Team abbreviation:

    Team captains (PSN IDs): Captain 1, Assistant Captain 1, Assistant Captain 2

    Team roster (PSN IDs):

    • Player 1
    • Player 2
    • Player 3
    • Player 4
    • Player 5
    • Player 6
    • Player 7
    • Player 8
    • ...

    EA SPORTS club overview: (Go to  https://www.easports.com/nhl/clubs/search, look up your team, and include your team's page URL in this post. Example: https://www.easports.com/nhl/clubs/ps4/Monte Carlo (Monte Carlo)

    Previous team name(s): (If you renamed your team since ECL 5, please include previous team name(s) for reference)

    Team Logo: (Optional - you can sign up without a logo. You can edit your post until the end of the registration deadline to submit a logo. If you wish to change your previously submitted logo, add the new one to this post)

    • Like 2
  7. Hi!

    We are glad you are interested in joining ECL Lite for ECL 6. In case you did not read our sign-up instructions yet, please read the following news story first:


    Please use the template below to sign up your team!


    Team name: 

    Team abbreviation:

    Team captains (PSN IDs): Captain 1, Assistant Captain 1, Assistant Captain 2

    Team roster (PSN IDs):

    • Player 1
    • Player 2
    • Player 3
    • Player 4
    • Player 5
    • Player 6
    • Player 7
    • Player 8
    • ...

    EA SPORTS club overview: (Go to  https://www.easports.com/nhl/clubs/search, look up your team, and include your team's page URL in this post. Example: https://www.easports.com/nhl/clubs/ps4/Monte Carlo (Monte Carlo)

    Previous team name(s): (In case you already participated in a tournament on NHLGamer.com and renamed yourself, please include previous team names for historical purposes)

    Team Logo: (Optional - you can sign up without a logo. You can edit your post until the end of the registration deadline to submit a logo. If you wish to change your previously submitted logo, add the new one to this post)

    ECL Pro application: Yes/No

    • Like 2
  8. This is certainly one of the best, if not the best and most truthful post I have read on our forums. You certainly hit the nail with many points about how it can be hard to join a new community, how the people you play with make the biggest difference and how important it is for the established community to welcome new members with open arms and make people feel welcome. "Treat other people like you want to be treated" is a cliché, but I couldn't agree with it more.

    You also describe the everyday life of playing what is "just a game" quite perfectly. Not everyone takes it as seriously (and that's also perfectly fine), but for those of us who do, I'm sure resonate with your story above.

    Thank you for this post and the value you bring to this community.

    • Like 21
  9. 2 hours ago, kungenkurwa said:

    This comes only when i try to go "add match" page. But yeah, i try again later today and let you know.

    It is the EA EASHL page that is down again and that is why the API-page is not loading. Once their site is up and running again, so will the API. :)

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