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Posts posted by Kenu

  1. Thanks for the feedback.

    1) Regarding the last day of the regular season, I agree that it should be a solid date, well known up front. That was actually our intent for this season, but - as mentioned previously - due to human error, the old wording was left in about the 7 days.

    • Originally intended extra days: 0
    • Extra days with first announcement (as we wanted to start the playoffs on Monday): 3
    • Extra days, after we got the feedback that the rules say seven days: 5

    In other words, we made a compromise with this decision, while not removing too many days from what some teams may have been expecting.

    I believe we put up the announcement on Thursday evening, regarding the two extra days. Are you saying you didn't have this information on Sunday when you played the last games? We still have some work to do with having a clear line communication with the captains and that's something we can improve on.


    2) Regarding the trade-deadline I personally find it ok (while not optimal) to change it during the season, as we gave a one week warning and people could still transfer. This rule was intended to be in place to avoid team jumping when the playoffs start.


    Overall, I agree WE need to step up our game as a team and you can expect a solid date for the above mentioned things ECL 6. We have been very short on active staff members this season, which easily leads to shortages and mistakes. We would very much want enthusiastic and active people to join us to make ECL 6 the best experience we can. Send me a PM if you're interested and have the time to invest (this is for anyone, not directed at @imosi).


    Please keep the feedback coming and don't be afraid to bring these up at the start of the season (like for example @Janikka did, and I appreciate that).

    • Like 3
  2. 12 hours ago, iSvamp said:

    The first link has the gameType defined and the below one doesn't. This was a mistake in a link on the league page that was fixed during the week, but I now saw that the forums had a couple of those links now. These are fixed. All ok now? Thanks!

    12 hours ago, iSvamp said:

    This "ECL-all time stats thing". 

    Would it be hard to change it to
    ECL Elite - All time stats
    ECL Pro - All time stats
    ECL Lite - All time stats
    Summer Cup - All Time stats
    ECL1,2,3 - All time stats

    It would actually help as a "GM" to scout players (when you are lazy and not have the time to test them)

    It takes a bit of work, but that is the plan.


    12 hours ago, iSvamp said:

    And would it be hard to put in the old databases from Consolehockey.com & Consolehockey.net? 

    We're still the same guys, almost the same teams that started to play this 8 years ago. the only difference is the name of the site and the tournaments we are playing. 

    This has also been on the drawing board for quite a while. 

    12 hours ago, iSvamp said:

    I know u are busy with writing articles and fixing game-reports. But it would be a nice thing to have, just saying. 

    Couldn't agree more. Not writing so many articles myself, but very short on time for programming more than the bare minimum lately. I'm talking to some people about this to hopefully find some new hands on this. If you're reading this and are a programmer, feel free to send me a PM.



    Thanks for the feedback! :)

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  3. Hey @Ollizhki,

    Please be sure to write down the stats from their stream asap, as it might disappear.

    I don't know what has gone wrong with the addition of stats, but I have two options: remove the game and have one of you guys re-add it with the correct scorers.


    Submit all goal and penalty information here and we can add it.

  4. 4 hours ago, Jnmxxx said:

    In previous seasons tie-breaker situations has been fixed manually after the season ends. I believe thats the case in here also so i wouldnt worry about it too much yet.

    This is correct. The standings isn't taking the head-to-head games into consideration here. Not to worry! :)

    Edit: Now reflected in the standings.

    • Like 1
  5. Ohhh, I know why @amfdok, it's cause the old tool only shows RCL games for you. I have temporarily removed your captain status in the RCL, so you can see the correct list. This is a bug in the old tool that needs to be fixed, but we can use this workaround for now. Let me know when the stats are in. Please note that either your opponent, or I will have to submit the away stats.

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 07/11/2017 at 8:35 AM, amfdok said:


    We can't fill the game's results, because there is not a game in the list for adding (api). The game has been played 18.10.17

    RAKETTIPUTKET  @ Rusty Bulls    -   4:3 OT 

    And the player D.Ryzhov has left our team https://nhlgamer.com/player.php?playerID=576


    Hi and sorry for the delayed reply,


    https://nhlgamer.com/match.php?matchID=5211 <- this game was also missing Mr Ryzhov and I have added him, but the stats are missing.

    Can you please add the game you're describing, but just replace Mr. Ryzhov with someone else and send me the link, so I can then put Ryzhov back in. If you can't use the API, use the old tool. Please communicate with your opponent to get their stats in too.

  7. @The_Alpha_Furyan pretty much summed up most things I want to say here, but I'll add a few words.

    The Valve example is pretty radical though. Yes, absolutely, one can achieve great things with a small team - for sure! Do we have 12 full-time paid employees? Nope. 6? Nope. 3? Nope. 1? Nope.

    I think it's counterproductive to throw people under the bus and I won't, but sadly being listed as a member of something doesn't mean the workload is shared evenly. Sometimes people take expected breaks, sometimes unexpected. I wish I could say I spent 50% of my time developing. The amount of messages from our users to me on the forums, email, PSN, WhatsApp, Messenger, Facebook etc etc is in itself almost enough for a full-time job. What we've done now is aimed to funnel it into a help desk, so more of our staff members can look at things and free my hands, but evidently this transition process takes time.

    I agree about most of the things you said and how things should be handled and believe me, these are things I'm well aware of (though a reminder is sometimes in place, honestly) and as a person that demands very much of myself, sometimes eat at me. I definitely agree that we can work on our transparency and communication, to lift the illusion of nothing happening. Sometimes it's just a lot of invisible work that will make sense in the end, but until details are finalized, it's worthless and possibly can't even be discussed.

    On the tech side we haven't been flexing too much with fresh stuff lately, agreed. What we have done though, is made notable progress in the scene here in Finland and in the process developed some very good contacts and shown that we can produce a good high-quality live event for the top versus players. Continuing this work will help us produce more of these, eventually 6vs6 and also in other countries. Whether or not these are your cup of tea, I don't know, but I'm for one am proud of what we've accomplished and what we've working towards.

    Now, back to the tech part. We do indeed need some more hands on that. I actually brought in a guy (close friend of mine) and introduced him to what's under the hood. He tried hard to help out, but he was unable to be effective with it, while doing his other projects and taking care of his kids and family.

    I'm aware of some other candidates that could have the talent to help out, but I either need to trust that person with my life, or we need to (and we really do) work a bit with the architecture to allow access to smaller parts of the system and develop that way, instead of allowing access to absolutely everything. @Lurkins and I have certainly put the website on its knees a few times by being a bit sloppy in the wrong files and I wouldn't wish that on anyone else. Not to mention that a person with an ill intent could really do some damage with too much access.

    Concerning the "be patient", I completely understand that someone saying that doesn't exactly help at all. I try to avoid such things, but I know I can be annoyingly diplomatic about certain things and not say too much. The fact is though, that some of us work on this stuff for hours and hours and sacrifice sleep and other things to get this ship to where we want it (that definitely includes technology) and it's hard not to take it personally sometimes when people make blunt comments without knowing how much work is put into this. You've made a good point though - how could you, as it's not really documented?

    I really do appreciate your feedback and ideas @MartindalexC. I think it's a good idea to have a private talk and see how you could be able to help out. 

    • Like 2
  8. On 07/11/2017 at 10:42 AM, Sami Luoma said:

    Hi, thx for those two fixies. We dont have the stats of that game because it was not our home game. I'll ask if windblad still have those...

    New issues:


    I reported that game with old tool (päin persettä ku statseja luuri täys), coz we played that game with three part. Our second goalie had bad cnc. So, here are the real goals (delete the old ones)

    1st SBH 3:15 S. Drunkalot (1) (I. Eeli, G. Bobkov)

    1st S K 14:28 M. Koivu (1) (T. Wilson, B. Tyler)

    2nd SBH 2:08 G. Bobkov (1) ( I. Eeli, S. Drunkalot)

    2nd S K 2:41 Z. Zagryadsky (1) (T. Wilson)

    2nd S K 4:58 M. Koivu (2) (Z. Zagryadsky, J. Scott)

    3rd SBH 00:30 G. Bobkov (2) (no assists)

    OT S K 12:17 T. Wilson (1) (Z. Zagryadsky, J. Scott)


    S K  got one penalty: OT S K Tripping (2 min) (7:17) T. Wilson


    Would it be better if I deleted this game and you re-did it?

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