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Posts posted by Kenu

  1. 13 hours ago, Aitis said:


    Match ended 3-2 HIK´s overtime winning and I put HIK´s overtimegoal to system (1st OT 00:35 Ce Jalaka, Per (Hina, Pentti), Powerplay, Delayed penalty) Because it was our powerplay and penalty was coming for our opponent. 

    This goal is not showing in the match report now? Was it that, because I put this delayed penalty also in there?


    Kind Regards,





    Thanks, must be a bug in the system. Thanks for helping us investigate. Game report is fixed now.

  2. Just now, ahonaattori said:

    This did not help in this case. He was member of the club when he joined. I fired him, everyone else left from dressing room, we came back and he was still there...

    Ahh, good to know. Thanks, I'll report it.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, ahonaattori said:

    Difficult person alert! Was coming for try out in my team. I said to him that top 100 defender don`t mean a thing if you have played only 3s.  He was rank 230 rank in 3s carreer. I said he may still be good player and asked him to come for tryout. In about minute he answered that he has found a team... Then after few hours he msg me that he can come for one game tryout... I say we don`t need him... he came anyway and locked to goalie position... And there he was about next hour and half. We could not kick him out...

    OMG 43-year old man... unbelieveable... Thanks for ruining our club games tonight!

    When all actual members leave the dressing room, any guests should be booted.

  4. 1 hour ago, Hoiggaa said:

    Goalie looking for new challenges after  ECL didn't work out for Kattiautomaatti.

    Because ECL7 is so close to start, I have no problems being a back-up player.

    -Finnish & English speaking

    -Interested to play regular club games also as LD if needed.

    -Novembers & decembers gaming time is still unsure for me because of my school, but atleast couple times a week.

    Feel free to contact me for more info or try outs here or in PSN: hoiggaa


    3 hours ago, Jnmxxx said:



    Time has come for me to find a new club to play with.

    If your team is planning to participate on ecl and still needs a RW, C or RD, feel free to invite me on a try out for your team.

    As ECL is just around the corner, i do realise that there might be only back-up roles available and i am fine with that. 

    I am finnish but can speak and understand english.

    contact me here or in psn: jimmiNOhands / jnmxx


    Both of these gents are of the finest caliber. Big recommendation on my part. 🏆

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  5. Hei @Raato77

    Xboxin osallistujamäärät ovat olleet valitettavan pieniä aiemmin järjestämissämme turnauksissa ja liigoissa. Kokemustemme mukaan valtava enemmistö pelaajista ja käytänönssä kaikki 6vs6-joukkueista pelavat PS4:n puolella ja päädyimme tällä kertaa järjestämään karsinnat pelkästään Playstation-alustalla. NHL 1vs1 paikalliskarsintaan on vielä paikkoja vapaana, eli sinne kannattaa ilmoittautua, jos vain pääset paikalle. FIFA:lle ei valitettavasti ole tänä vuonna tarjoilla muuta kuin PS4-onlinekarsinnat. 


    Kiitän palautteestasi ja pidämme sen ehdottomasti mielessä seuraavan vuoden eSM:iä suunnitellessa!

  6. Hi!

    We are glad you're back in action for ECL Elite in ECL 7. In case you did not read our sign-up instructions yet, please read the following news story first:


    Please use the template below to sign up your team!




    Team name: 

    Team abbreviation:

    Team captains (PSN IDs): Captain 1, Assistant Captain 1, Assistant Captain 2

    Team roster (PSN IDs):

    • Player 1
    • Player 2
    • Player 3
    • Player 4
    • Player 5
    • Player 6
    • Player 7
    • ...

    EA SPORTS club overview: (Go to  https://www.easports.com/nhl/clubs/search, look up your team, and include your team's page URL in this post. Example: https://www.easports.com/nhl/clubs/ps4/Team%20Frosty (Team Frosty)

    Previous team name(s): (If you renamed your team since ECL 5, please include previous team name(s) for reference)

    Team Logo: (Optional - you can sign up without a logo. You can edit your post until the end of the registration deadline to submit a logo. If you wish to change your previously submitted logo, add the new one to this post. Please try to use PNG with transparency, or better.)

    ECL Elite license: (Yes/No - without the license you do not have access to the prize pool)

    • Like 3
  7. Hi!

    We are glad you're back in action for ECL Pro in ECL 7. In case you did not read our sign-up instructions yet, please read the following news story first:

    Please use the template below to sign up your team!



    Team name: 

    Team abbreviation:

    Team captains (PSN IDs): Captain 1, Assistant Captain 1, Assistant Captain 2

    Team roster (PSN IDs):

    • Player 1
    • Player 2
    • Player 3
    • Player 4
    • Player 5
    • Player 6
    • Player 7
    • Player 8
    • ...

    EA SPORTS club overview: (Go to  https://www.easports.com/nhl/clubs/search, look up your team, and include your team's page URL in this post. Example: https://www.easports.com/nhl/clubs/ps4/Team%20Frosty (Team Frosty)

    Previous team name(s): (If you renamed your team since ECL 5, please include previous team name(s) for reference)

    Team Logo: (Optional - you can sign up without a logo. You can edit your post until the end of the registration deadline to submit a logo. If you wish to change your previously submitted logo, add the new one to this post. Please try to use PNG with transparency, or better.)

    • Like 1
  8. Hi!

    We are glad you are interested in joining ECL Lite for ECL 6. In case you did not read our sign-up instructions yet, please read the following news story first:


    Please use the template below to sign up your team!



    Team name: 

    Team abbreviation:

    Team captains (PSN IDs): Captain 1, Assistant Captain 1, Assistant Captain 2

    Team roster (PSN IDs):

    • Player 1
    • Player 2
    • Player 3
    • Player 4
    • Player 5
    • Player 6
    • Player 7
    • Player 8
    • ...

    EA SPORTS club overview: (Go to  https://www.easports.com/nhl/clubs/search, look up your team, and include your team's page URL in this post. Example: https://www.easports.com/nhl/clubs/ps4/Team%20Frosty (Team Frosty)

    Previous team name(s): (In case you already participated in a tournament on NHLGamer.com and renamed yourself, please include previous team names for historical purposes)

    Team Logo: (Optional - you can sign up without a logo. You can edit your post until the end of the registration deadline to submit a logo. If you wish to change your previously submitted logo, add the new one to this post. Please try to use PNG with transparency, or better.)

    ECL Pro application: Yes/No

    • Like 4
  9. 2 hours ago, Joukki said:

    He is suspicious because the creators name is cometomyteam , finnish profile with 0 psn friends 🙃

    Ahh. It does sound suspicious and stupid of someone to do that.

  10. 5 hours ago, Tuukka.R said:

    So after someone created team Delusion before we did (toxic community) we change our name again.

    Was it someone from our community, or is it possible you're being delusional?

    • Like 4
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  11. On 9/8/2018 at 6:44 PM, Clumpyindiana79 said:

    Hello! I am thinking of switching to ps4 from xbox to join in a team to play in a league here. But have one little problem, i dont really know anyone on ps4 so thats why i am asking here if someone would be interested to have me in their team .

    I am 23 year old and have played nhl since i can remember started play online first time in nhl 08 on pc.

    I have never really played 6v6 but i have played alot of eashl games with 1-2 players on my team, and alot of hut games.

    I love to win games so would try my best to win every game for the team.

    99% of my games i have been center but any forward positon would work i guess and i prefer to use the left stick.

     But ofc if i dont get any team and someone need any other position i could try play that too (except goalie) cus i really wanna try out this league.

    I am new to this site so dunno if u can message me here if interested but otherwise my gamertag on xbox atm is Kovalchuk i7, but feel free to message me there too as i dont have ps4 yet

    Played some really tough 1vs1 games against this guy and he's both a good sport and an excellent player. Future superstar. Highly recommend.

    Welcome to the community!

    • Like 9
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  12. betafeedback.png


    Förra veckan kom EA Sports ut med den mest efterlängtade saken av sommaren genom att publicera NHL19 Open Beta. Det var mycket snack runt om webben ifall betan skulle publiceras eller inte, men smått oväntat publicerades den och första intrycket har varit väldigt positivt runt communityn. Nya skridskoåkningsmekaniken ser och känns fantastiskt och feedbacken speciellt kring 6vs6 har varit mestadels riktigt bra. Såklart är detta en beta och mycket förväntas förbättras till den fullständiga versionen. Som en av de största NHL gaming sidorna i världen - inte för att glömma talangen och passionen bland våra medlemmar - vill vi hjälpa till. Vi vill veta vad ni tycker, så vi kan förmedla informationen till EA SPORTS på ett strukturerat sätt. Vi vill ni tar tiden och skriver om era erfarenheter (både bra och dåliga), problem och möjligtvis sätt att lösa problemet så att vi förhoppningsvis kan hjälpa skapa det bästa NHL-spelet här tills! Du kan presentera din feedback hur du vill, men nedanför har vi gett er exempel på frågor som kan diskuteras. Frågorna är ursprungligen presenterade av EA SPORTS NHL Community Manager Tyler Horsfall på Twitter.

    1. NHL Ones
    2. NHL Threes Drop-In (Arcade formatet)
    3. EASHL Drop-Ins. (Specifiera gärna ifall det är 3or eller 6or)
    4. EASHL Klubb 3or
    5. EASHL Klubb 6or
    6. Botstyrda spelare i World of Chel (Specifiera spelläge + hur många botstyrda)
    7. Botstyrda målvakter i World of Chel (Specifiera spelläge)
    8. Botstyrda målvakter i EASHL (Specifiera 3or eller 6or)
    9. Redigera spelarklass + specialisering
    10. Redigera utrustning (Casual + Pro utrustning + hockeybag)
    11. Övrigt World of Chel feedback
    12. Online versus
    13. Botstyrda spelare i Versus
    14. Botstyrda målvakter i Versus
    15. Skridskoåkning
    16. Taklingar
    17. Pokechecks
    18. Anfallspel (Hur känns det att spela anfallsspel? Hur enkelt var det? Fanns det skillgap? Finns det restriktioner?)
    19. Försvarsspel (Hur känns det att spela försvarsspel? Hur enkelt var det? Fanns det skillgap? Finns det restriktioner?)
    20. Övrigt
    21. Människostyrda målvakter i EASHL


    Vi föredrar era tankar och bidrag på Engelska för att den gör processen för oss snabbare och möjliggör en diskussion som alla kan delta i. Samtidigt är vi också medvetna att det finns personer som är bättre på att uttrycka sig på sitt modersmål och av denna anledning har vi gjort det möjligt att även svara även på dessa språk:

  13. betafeedback.png


    Viime viikolla EA SPORTS julkaisi kesän odotetuimman tapauksen eli NHL 19:n avoimen betan. Netissä oli ollut paljon arvelua siitä, tulisiko beta vai ei, mutta lopulta se saatiin ja vastaanotto on ollut todella positiivinen. Uudistettu luistelu näyttää ja tuntuu mahtavalta, ja pelaajilta saatu palaute varsinkin 6 vs 6:sta on ollut lähes yksinomaan myönteistä. Kyse on tietenkin vasta betasta, ja monia parannuksia kaivataan vielä. Siinä me haluamme auttaa, sillä olemmehan yksi maailman suurimmista NHL-pelisivustoista, ja meidän yhteisömme pursuaa osaamista ja intohimoa.

    Niinpä haluaisimme teidän näkemyksiänne, jotka aiomme välittää EA SPORTSille selkeästi muotoiltuina. Toivomme, että jaatte meille betaan liittyvät kokemuksenne (niin hyvät kuin huonot) sekä mahdollisesti kohtaamanne ongelmat ja niihin toivomanne ratkaisut. Näin saamme tästä NHL:stä kenties kaikkien aikojen parhaan! Palautteen voi kirjoittaa haluamallaan tavalla, mutta alla on esimerkkejä aiheista, mitä voi käsitellä. Nämä on poimittu EA SPORTSin NHL Community Manager Tyler Horsfallin twiiteistä.

    1. NHL Ones
    2. NHL THREES -sparripelit
    3. EASHL-sparripelit (tarkenna, liittyykö palaute 3 vs 3:een/6 vs 6:een/molempiin)
    4. EASHL 3 vs 3 -kerhopelit
    5. EASHL 6 vs 6 -kerhopelit
    6. Tekoälyn ohjaamat kenttäpelaajat World of Chelissä (ilmoita pelimuoto + kuinka monta tekoälypelaajaa)
    7. Tekoälymaalivahdit World of Chelissä (ilmoita pelimuoto)
    8. Tekoälymaalivahdit EASHL:ssä (tarkenna, onko kyse 3 vs 3:sta vai 6 vs 6:sta)
    9. Muokkaus: pelaajatyypit + erityistaidot
    10. Muokkaus: varusteet (rento + ammattilainen + varustekassit)
    11. Muu palaute World of Chelistä
    12. Online Vs.
    13. Tekoälykenttäpelaajat Online Vs:ssä
    14. Tekoälymaalivahdit Online Vs:ssä
    15. Luistelu
    16. Taklaaminen (törmäysfysiikat)
    17. Mailapuolustus
    18. Hyökkäyspelaaminen (miltä hyökkääminen tuntui? Kuinka helppoa se oli? Näkyivätkö pelaajien tasoerot? Oliko joitain rajoitteita?) 
    19. Puolustuspelaaminen (miltä puolustaminen tuntui? Kuinka helppoa se oli? Näkyivätkö pelaajien tasoerot? Oliko joitain rajoitteita?) 
    20. Muu (kaikki, mitä ei vielä mainittu)
    21. Ihmismaalivahdit EASHL:ssä


    Toivoisimme palautetta englanniksi, koska se nopeuttaa palautteen käsittelyä ja mahdollistaa koko yhteisömme osallistumisen keskusteluun. Tiedämme kuitenkin sen, että jotkut ilmaisevat itseään paremmin omalla äidinkielellään, ja niinpä palautteelle on omat ketjut muutamalla eri kielellä:

  14. I can confirm this works. I was only able to play one game of EASHL or Ones and the next one would always give me the error screen. A couple days ago I started restarting the game after every game and I didn't get an error code since (except when I forgot to reboot the game).

    The second thing is that you need to ready up at the matchup screen within less than 30 seconds or so.

    • Like 1
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  15. 6 hours ago, Dercie said:

    I like it very much, the control of the player feels so smooth not only in versus but in EASHL I have not had a single game so far where I felt delay, I even played with north americans and didn't feel much difference. May this open up crossplay over the atlantic with our north american friends? 


    While I agree with you 100%, an improved connection has always been the case for me in the beta and when the actual game comes out, the connection - for one reason or another - is not as smooth. The numeric data for ping might be the same, but the smoothness is gone. Hopefully this is not the case for NHL 19.

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