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Posts posted by Kenu

  1. On 04/04/2018 at 8:43 PM, Erkki said:

    Also when i try to submit stats for our 1-5 win it says that the game ended 3-0 and it is allready reported??

    Let me check that out.


    Edit: this is fixed.

  2. On 21/03/2018 at 5:29 PM, Ikavalko said:

    Hi, we had problems sending individual stats in our home game vs Quality. Individual stats seem to show up on match page but they are not registered on our own player card-stats.

    I can't add the picture of the error because the picture size over limits. Typed below (RIP me) :

    Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails ('sg502b_nhlgamer_live'.'nhlgamer_playerStats', CONSTRAINT 'nhlgamer_playerStats_ibfk_4' FOREIGN KEY ('playerID') REFERENCES 'nhlgamer_players' ('playerID'))

    Match link : https://nhlgamer.com/match.php?matchID=8458&leagueID=28

    Seems like Quality is also having some difficulties reporting their home game. I haven't spoken to Quality captains but it looks like they are also experiencing something...

    I have stats for both games if needed.

    Sorry for the delayed reply on this. Can you  check if the problem is solved now? I believe we fixed the issue a couple days ago.

  3. On 26/03/2018 at 9:07 AM, rjounila said:

    Sorry for the delay here. I'm sorry, but I am not sure if I understand the issue correctly @rjounila @nessron.

    Are you saying that you are trying to report a game, but it is not visible in the API - and instead it offers some old game that has already been reported?

    In that case, feel free to use the old tool - just be sure to ask the other team to report their stats afterwards, or let our ECL Lite crew know (in this thread) about what stats are missing, in case your opponent is unable to do it.


  4. On 20/03/2018 at 10:35 AM, MovaaN said:

    Due low viewership I open up a discussion how to improve my stream. I want you my viewers, to tell your opinion what you want to see on my channel so you would be interested to watch me more when online. I want to improve myself and my stream all the time.

    I took a peak in yesterday for a moment. The gameplay audio, the music and your speech kind of blended in together so I couldn't really hear what you were saying. It's up to you to prioritize what you want the viewers to hear, but I suggest looking at your audio mix and at least have your own voice come out clearly on top of the rest of the audio, so we can hear you. :)


    • Thanks 1
  5. 53 minutes ago, SelanneFIN said:

    No games in API, only "old tool". With game summary I mean shots, attack time, penalties etc.

    Yeah, the player stats come after that screen?

    Alternatively, list the times of the goals and the goals and assists and I will add them myself to the previously added game.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Temetsuka said:


    I had to put this game the old way beacuse with the API tool one of our goals was missing. Not sure if Cancun Pirates have pics of their individual stats, still waiting for their answer. Also it looks like this game might be showing  twice. Atleast our players all have 5 matches played even when we should only have 4 (since we won the series 4-0).



    I deleted the extra game yesterday but forgot to update the player stats. They should be fixed now(?). :)

    And Yeah Cancun needs to report their part.

  7. 3 hours ago, iRSPe said:

    Something weird is going on, FMI's captain tried to report their home matches and somehow one of the matches disappeared. He reported that with old tool, but now there is one match too much. I think API provided all game data, but it didn't show up correctly, now handly added match mixed thing even more.


    Well that was certainly a weird mess to fix. In the future we will put GAME # markings on the games to make it less error prone. :)

    Should be fixed now - please confirm.

  8. 6 hours ago, Malcowich said:

    Hello. I'm hoping for a some kind of (monster) tool that allows us to schoose what played games are listed in schedule menu. With options to select the game days or week and spedific (multible) teams or League, or Group.



    Not sure if it's as feature rich as you hope at release, but we do have something coming out that will at least significantly improve the current following of scores.

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