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Posts posted by MartindalexC

  1. 57 minutes ago, FreddeSwede said:

    Hello hockeystars! 

    I'm totally new to NHL and the whole franchise. Does anyone have some tips and tricks to share? When do I pass or shoot? Is there a goal celebration that is better than the other? People talk a lot about "teamplay". What does it mean? 

    Press up to score 

    Very secret strat only the best know tbh 

    • Like 2
  2. Team name: Northern Ascendancy 

    Team Abbreviation: NOR

    Team Captains (PSN / Xbox Live IDs): MartindalexC (C), x27ScottieN27x (A), Foppatofflan (A)

    Team Roster (PSN / Xbox Live IDs):

    • MartindalexC
    • anrh17
    • PresleyTheKing
    • Foppatofflan
    • windblad
    • Minikangaroo
    • x27ScottieN27x
    • crono578x
    • Nephenzy
    • (Couple other players will be joining soon)


    Thank you again Kenu! :D 

    • Like 3
  3. On 16/04/2016 at 3:49 PM, ScottieN27 said:

    Center looking for club.

    played for Northern Ascendancy the last few tournaments (console-hockey on x360 and first ECL on ps4). During that stint with NA I played almost every position (expect G), but I'd prefer to play C or Wing (using a right shooting player). Usually using a two way fwd or grinder. Defense first (especially as Center). Quite good on deflections.

    Languages: German, English

    NA doesn't play this trny so feel free to contact me here via pm or on psn (x27ScottieN27x). I wouldn't mind playing for a "rookie club".


    Modesty is key here ;) 

    • Like 1
  4. 21 minutes ago, OxtreeLAT said:

    Where did I say that you have to shut up? I even encouraged you to express your opinions. Just stop proclaiming them as the best fucking thing since sliced bread and throwing tantrums if anyone disagrees with you.

    Constructive criticism is always great, throwing meaningless insults and childish tantrums... not so much.

    You see the thing is, I did do that before, legit go through my post history, you'll see the post quality gradually decrease as I begin to realise that very little will actually be changed. Seriously, I implore you go through all of these topics and see how much has actually changed even on the most basic of decisions (such as a player dropping mid period for example), so yea, pardon me for losing a little faith in the system so to speak. 

  5. Just now, OxtreeLAT said:

    THEN FUCKING DEAL WITH IT. Plenty of people here are having a great time. Not all things are gonna go your way and you're not gonna last long in any community if you plan to throw tantrums left and right just because you have a different opinion.

    We've seen that people are always welcome here to express their opinions and give their input. Just quit proclaiming that only your opinions and suggestions are correct and that everyone should follow them. You're only making yourself look bad with this childish behavior.

    Ha, so instead of voicing my opinion I should just straight up shut up and 'deal with it', man you should go into politics with thinking like that.

    And yes, you are correct that not everything will go my way but out of what I have said, what is completely unique to me? The ban on Pair? Nope. The WO rule with a banned team? Nope, Billy also thinks it's stupid. How the site is setup so that any discussion can ultimately get immediately veto'd? Well I know I'm not alone in thinking that.

    Believe it or not, but there are a lot more members on here besides those that post a lot, unfortunately most that actually do post are so far up this site's ass they're gonna need a toothbrush soon. 

    And dude, this isn't my first tournament so don't try to talk smack to me about not lasting. Better to have some criticism than a bunch of yes men which is what this site is turning into, but w/e, this site completely perfect and anyone that complains about it should be banned right? Sick.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Billy44205 said:

    Lot of hyperbole going on in the last bunch of posts. 

    Kenu's reasoning behind the WO after 80% GP thing is wrong imo (if I'm a team that spent so many man hours entering the stats of 2 losses against the quitting team, I'd rather the points others had be cancelled than my hard work be aknowledged) but Janbo's argument is valid. In the grand scheme of things it's not that big of a deal anyway and the rules were even worse (50% threshold) before so meh...

    Now as far as punishing the entire team for its manager's actions... It may look/be unfair but it is supposed to be a deterrent. I am not siding for or against this very very harsh ruling, but I think the goal is to make you all realize that you should know better than to choose idiot managers to play for, and managers should know that their action have a real impact on their whole team. 

    @MartindalexC To tell you the truth this website is not a democracy. It's more like a business, if you don't like it don't use it type of thing. Ofc the guys in charge listen to people to a certain extent but you won't force them to. 

    @janbonator The team is disqualified alright, but wpuld the players have been able to join other clubs if that happened before the trade deadline? 

    You raise a point about this site being more like a business, but is that entirely the correct way that people (ie: Kenu) should be approaching this? Besides, what even is the point in even asking for input if only the select few will be heard, seems a little counter-intuitive. Plus, if we are treating it like a business, it's more like a monopoly at this point since there's no where else with this many teams running these tournaments, so people telling me to fuck off because I'm complaining are a little dim in the head. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, The_Alpha_Furyan said:

    MartindalexC, you really need to chill. You're coming across as the most childish person in here and that's no easy feat seeing some of the posts.

    Cursing like a teenager throwing a tantrum, whining, insulting the admins, being an overall douchelord - good job.

    How about just respect the judgement, voice your concerns in a respectful way and move on. Your team will still make the playoffs so it doesn't affect you directly as much as you're making it sound.

    IMO, the rule concerned in this case is reasonable, clearly worded and should be followed to the letter. Good job admins.

    Please, I'm acting like this because appearing in the manner you have suggested has gotten no where in the past. Besides I'm just pissed at this entire site in general but that's something for another day.

    Although I am curious if any of these so called 'discussions' have led to anything substantial before, all it feels like at the moment is a bit of fake democracy (ie: say people have a choice and can make decisions but in reality they can't do anything).

    Additionally, pray tell how I look more childish than the guy calling the admins Nazis? Nice filter you've got going there. 

  8. 44 minutes ago, janbonator said:

    The WO's are a difficult issue. I understand the point you guys are making about nullifying all the games. However, the rule has been out there since before the start of the tournament. We did not want to change the rule during the tournament, but it can be reviewed later. Changing the rule would have directly affected one of the staff member's teams, which would have been quite controversial to say the least.

    As far as I can tell, nope you are wrong.

    The rule is as follows, "if the opponent was available they get a walk over win". Therefore it would go without saying that seen as other teams played them, they were available to play.

    And btw, don't use the excuse that you can't change rules mid tournament as an excuse for not making better rules before hand (ie: covering all scenarios).

  9. 14 minutes ago, Billy44205 said:

    I will never understand why giving WO's for the remaining games of a team that quits is ever a better option than voiding all its games, at least from the point of view of tournament users. 

    Side note, I have read about some old-ish DBK drama in the chatbox and I was wondering, what about disciplinary action on that case? 

    I agree, if a team is removed from a tournament through bans or inactivity, all games involving that team should be nullified.


    Side note, so lemme get this straight. Because my team played Circus last night instead of waiting, we lost out on 3pts? Sick system broskis, should either give every game a WO or take every game out of the records 

    • Like 1
  10. 18 hours ago, gzell60 said:

    8 teams per group are qualifying for the playoffs.

    Sending a number of teams that doesn't break down to 2 finalists into the playoffs sounds like a terrible idea, by the way.

    I'm confused, in my model and Billy's there is 2 finalists (one from group a/b and one from group c/d). 

    Unless of course you're talking about the 'bye week' I outlined. In which case, yes it would be a little strange / awkward but it could just be given to the top ranked team remaining in each 'conference'. A reward if you will for playing well throughout the tournament. 

  11. 18 hours ago, Billy44205 said:

    @MartindalexC You don't know what has been defined in terms of playoffs, and you didn't read the brief  summary @Kenu wrote in the chatbox on that topic the other day. I love convoluted, boring meta-tournament stuff though so let's talk...

    First, how are wildcard spots given? [1] Since you're so hung up on fairness I reckon you don't just compare team records across different groups since the teams haven't even played against the same opponents (even if groups are supposedly even-ish). So you want the potential WC teams to play against each other, and that takes time that all previously qualified teams will spend waiting so that's not good either imo. 

    Also, why does your percentage of playoff teams have to mimic the NHL? [2] What's the reasoning behind it, other than "looks like the NHL"? What about how the NHL was with 24 teams? Copying the real thing for no reason is not good either. 

    With that said, the big issue with your proposal is that it does not lend itself to devising divisions for the next tournament. [3] That's the biggest no-no. 

    Here is what I had devised with this mysterious "NHLGamer staff" group and what @Kenu had presented in the chatbox back when 60 teams were supposed to play, and I'm going to adapt it to the 52-team format: 

    The first 8 teams from each group make the main playoffs. After the first round of these playoffs, the 16 winners go on to decide the winner of ECL ofc, and the losing 16 run parallel playoffs. This allows to know the top 16 teams in future Div1, then team 17 (and maybe 18) because in a 3-division system with 52 teams you'll have 17 or 18 teams per division. Let's say 17 teams in Div1, 17 in Div2, 18 in Div3 for now. 

    The remaining 15 guys in the parallel playoffs will go to Div2. 

    The bottom-20 teams in group stage will also have "bottom playoffs" where 12 teams (the 9th-11th teams from each group) will get a 1st round bye. Not ideal but imo there's no way around it and at least only 12 teams will have to wait there. Anyway, the top-2 teams out of these playoffs will go to Div2. 

    The remaining 18 will go to Div3. [4]

    I do agree about splitting the playoff trees by "conferences" of 2 groups, meaning that the first half of the playoff tree is only groups A-B and the other one is only C-D, and they face off in the final. The reason for that is that I didn't find a way to spread every group in every playoff tree. [5]

    Why is what I describe better? Because it lends itself to devising divisions obviously, but also because it gives bottom teams incentive to play ECL till the end. [6] Also it's easier to understand imo [7], but that might just be because I came up with it myself... I'm not saying my playoff structure is what will ultimately be retained, but it does what it needs to do while yours doesn't so at the very least your structure will not be retained in its current state, no matter what. 

    I enjoyed writing this wall of text of boring explanations. Thanks for the challenge Connor ;) 

    [1]- Wildcard spots would be given out based on points, with the tie breakers being the greater number of games won and then if this is the same between two clubs, another tie breaker will be used that is concerned with which team has the best goal differential. 

    [2]- The reasoning is that the NHL is the premier hockey league, plus there isn't much complaints about it's structure (specifically how many teams go to the playoffs), ie: it's a good thing to try and attain. Additionally, seen as my structure mimics the real life NHL model, it would reduce any potential confusion to a degree. 

    [3]- You are correct. I should have pre-faced the model by stating that its use would be vastly diminished if a lot of teams leave and if it is used past the current season (afterall, this is a first to have this many teams registered). 

    [4]- This would work perfectly from what I am reading, the only issue I have is that while it does give us a good way to allocate teams for later tournaments, I feel that the divisions may become unbalanced (Eg: 17 in Div, 15 in Div 2 and 10 in Div 3) due to lower teams leaving (This could be due to a whole host of reasons, ranging from scheduling issues to straight up being shit).

    [5]- What is this? The second thing we've agreed on in as many days? What is the world coming to? :P 

    [6]- I guess by definition, if they just happen to not shit the bed and finish relatively decently, that said how would you try to keep teams that are propping up the bottom of the table around? I'm talking about the really bad teams, the ones that would struggle to win in general (Think Ashton). They would gain nothing from keeping in the league and getting the shit kicked out of them, so it would be a good deal for them to feign 'scheduling issues' and retract from the tournament, then join back next year in Div 3. They wouldn't have gained anything for sure, but on the other hand they wouldn't have lost anything. 

    [7]- That shouldn't really be a negative of a model. Realistically only two people need to understand a league model 'fully' (ofc it is better if everyone understands it perfectly, that said, apart from the WC selection which as I've outlined is based off points, there isn't much of a complicated aspect to it), the creator and the person actively using it (ie: the commissioner / scheduler). 

    Overall I'd say our models differ on the basis from which they were created. Yours is to be used to allocate divisions for the next tournament. Mine is to try and raise the skill of those that eventually make it into the playoffs (WC selection) and stop basically everyone getting into the playoffs. (an issue that may very well appear later on in the tournament as teams leave). That said yours would work better for season one, however I'd say mine would be better suited for when there isn't a need to later split teams into divisions for later tournaments. 


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