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Everything posted by gzell60

  1. I hope I was able to explain the system thoroughly while keeping the video somewhat short at the same time. Please feel free to pause the video if things are going too fast, and ask questions if something is still unclear
  2. Hopefully they do! Other teams who purposefully manipulate stats need to suffer the same actions.
  3. Actually, one of my teammates (assistant captain) made me aware of a reporting error I had yesterday. Just saying.
  4. I don't think these actions are "quite hard". Actually you found a middle way even though some outrageous things were discussed within the chatbox. I have a good feeling with that decision.
  5. Something weird is going on with country flags on the mobile page. Edit: Turns out the desktop page is affected, too. Both on iPhone 6 with Safari.
  6. Just a short comment on that part: I know small tasks were already given out to a few people, e.g. SeRe's blog or the creation of a FAQ section which I agreed to help with after my exams are done. But I'm sure there are more people who would spend some of their free time, especially for simple tasks like fixing a game result. I mean, we are close to 800 members.
  7. I get the same empty page on iPhone 6 and Mobile Safari.
  8. ...when your car phone holder and the NHLGamer admin @Kenu share the same name!
  9. The PS4 tournament already started 3 days ago. The Xbox one (woah) is still open for registration.
  10. 8 teams per group are qualifying for the playoffs. Sending a number of teams that doesn't break down to 2 finalists into the playoffs sounds like a terrible idea, by the way.
  11. There is a new bug I just came across: If you visit a user profile and click Message, close the compose window, go to the top of the page and click on the Mail icon -> Compose New, you can't enter a recipient. The box just seems to be greyed out then.
  12. Thanks @Lurkins! I know that was a fussy complaint, but that's the only thing I noticed so far
  13. Not sure if this is a bug or just a software limitation: If you are browsing the community forums you can switch to the main page within the same browser tab by clicking "NHLGamer.com" at the top beneath the logo. But when you click "Community" on the main page, it opens up a new browser tab.
  14. We should just randomize them at this point, it's hard to split 20 teams up into 4 groups and still make sure they are all even. Literally any of those teams can beat each other.
  15. Why would you want them to end up in the same group? Or is it a typo?
  16. I tried to take a more analytical approach like @tokFan earlier and took screenshots of the OVERALL 6vs6 LEADERBOARDS as of December 2nd, 4:17 p.m. GMT +1. I created an Excel sheet with 38 teams which are in the Top 100 EA leaderboards and registered for this tournament. What I did then was create a Points per game average for all of these teams. I attached the file below. Top 20 results (only >100 games played): Top 20 results (all games): Not sure if we should count teams with ~40 or ~60 games due to easier opponents in lower divisions, but that's up to @Kenu I guess. Let me know what you think about this! 6vs6 overall 021215.xlsx
  17. Past EHL tournaments on Consolehockey had a history of teams not finishing their games because they were hopelessly inferior to most of the other participants. Now when I take a look at the list of registered teams, I see quite a few names I have never heard or played before. It should be everyone's desire to create a tournament where newcomers can actually compete, because we will need them to keep a community like NHLGamer going. We have seen the demise of Consolehockey, and they failed at keeping known teams and gaining interest of new teams out there. I really want this website to expand to something more 'stable' than that.
  18. If you want to have a few teams leave the tournament early on, then that is certainly a very good idea. I will compile my own list later.
  19. @Kenu Top 20 will be problematic as there will be a lot of different opinions about the last couple of teams to fit on the list. Maybe reduce it to 16 or 12 instead?
  20. @Kenu Will those 4 groups be drawn live by the way? I think that would be one important step to avoid complaints about groups being unfair (which they will inevitably be in this first tournament)
  21. I think we could start a week earlier, that's 3 days to setup your team then. Should be enough time for everyone.
  22. Neither Microsoft's nor Sony's networking solutions are related to this issue at all. NHL as well as almost any EA game (except Titanfall) is hosted on EA servers, entirely.
  23. Well we will wait 2 or 3 weeks for nothing to happen (except we can mess around with team management on this page).
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