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Everything posted by gzell60

  1. Wait, is the league calling for NHL 17 levels of social media shitposting to return? 😏
  2. If the folks over at EA are not capable of rebalancing the broken boosts mechanic, nobody is. Next ECL we will again see identical builds as something else becomes the new meta. Just leave it and accept the shit gameplay, or dump boosts entirely.
  3. I would like to vote but the form does not accept this input: Agree None None Results will be slightly biased
  4. Need to play more than 3 games obviously, but first impression is that slowdown for poke checks (not just skill stick, but single tap as well) plus the Balance boost for all player classes, which renders hitting ineffective in many situations, is a massive W for attackers and a massive L for defenders. Might need some rebalancing?
  5. Love the constant flow of content during the past few days!
  6. Sure, it's a thing. It's not the reason why the team is playing Elite however, so that comes across a little disrespectful. Thanks for addressing it!
  7. @jahajaha93 Half of our paragraph dedicated to EA server fuckery, without any actual content on the team? Care to explain? 🤔
  8. https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports-Feedback/6v6-EASHL-matchmaking-too-strict/td-p/9462009/p Here's the bug report for the broken EU matchmaking. Please support the affected teams by selecting "Me too" and "XP" below the post
  9. Where the heck is Frostbite? I'm pretty sure EA started mandating their dev studios to switch to that engine years ago, why is the team in Vancouver still allowed to build on legacy tech called Ignite? By the time they make the switch to current gen tech, all other EA studios will have moved on to some next gen successor of Frostbite. Fucking embarrassing.
  10. The push faceoffs and The Junker. Sometimes you just need a handful of things to make it to the Elite playoffs 😍
  11. Where would one place such bets? Asking for a friend.
  12. Or, you know, EA simply revert the broken changes they did to matchmaking around October/November and we can all go back to playing the game normally.
  13. Changing the region doesn't help, we tried countless times. I assume it's not affecting matchmaking at all.
  14. Bump. Any other teams still affected? We've been limited to playing a handful of German and French teams in public matchmaking for roughly 2 months now. Basically when this thread started. The beta and ~ first two weeks were working fine.
  15. You gotta appreciate how Clem talks openly about very specific details and their entire thought processes for a new edition of their game. A couple of years ago, their development was a blackbox, today it is pretty much transparent to the people that really care about the game, and this deserves a lot of respect.
  16. Why is that a problem? If your statement is true (I'm not so sure about that), the top lite teams and the top pro level teams would end up in the same division for the next tournament. Sounds pretty good to me. As one of the original Divisions creators, assuming the main goal is to shrink Lite in size, I have a different suggestion: Increase ECL Pro to 48 teams and keep the existing structure.
  17. I remember our Twitter conversation from 2 days ago where you did not sound like the fighting rule is "very vague" and ended it by calling it "pointless". How come?
  18. Not a fan either, especially the late shots thingy. Instead, make it clear that fighting is only disallowed for the acceptor (which seems to be people's favourite solution) instead of just saying "Players are not allowed to fight" like before. It's not like this is the first time LA ever had to add more clarification to the rules in all these years
  19. Nothing changed in 🇩🇪 either. Just hovering between 22 and 25 versus different opponents.
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