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Everything posted by Kenu

  1. Well said Billy. This is why I think it's a win-win situation to postpone. Of course half of it is our own fault.
  2. Good arguments @gzell60. I would like to underline that we are not suggesting waiting for months, but rather 2-3 weeks to see if there is any further communication.
  3. As you are probably aware - if you've been playing EASHL this year - there are some major issues in the EASHL this year, causing at least the home team captain to suffer from an enormous amount of lag. This may also apply to other players. Due to this, the game is often unplayable for at least part of the players on the ice. We here at NHL Gamer think that it would be a good idea to postpone the start of the ECL with a couple weeks, to see if there is any progress with this issue. This will also give us an extra bit of time to test the website some more and give you, the community, time to get familiar with the site and build your roster. Please note that the outcome of the poll is not the final word on this issue, but rather we are looking for some data on how the opinions about this issue are split. Below is EA's statement on their forums: Source: http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/list/10370055.page Please feel free to discuss things more in this thread. On behalf of the NHL Gamer staff, Kenneth
  4. We've been discussing this, actually, but haven't had the time to look into it more than some initial tests. If anyone can suggest some good software for this, I'm all ears.
  5. @MartindalexC: I have been working on a goal tracker thing (optional), where you can click where the goal was scored from. Shot tracking sounds very time consuming. The same concept can be used of course, but I doubt many would use it for shot tracking. Definitely something that can be considered adding as a super optional feature at a later time, but at this point, there are no plans to have it available during the first tournament.
  6. Kenu

    Happy Birthday man! B|

  7. As always, I appreciate your opinion and I understand where you're coming from. I can understand that not everyone is willing to share their real name and we will not force them. I would like to see people at least use names that appear like legitimate names and hopefully we can find a way not to have people use the same names. Our database will keep track of name changes on a league basis, so even if you play in three tournaments with three different names, it will all link back to the same user and is traceable for anyone viewing your profile. You will not be able to change your name during a league (unless you have a typo or something). In the end, when listing stats and what not, we're always referring to a user ID, so if we were to decide to change our mind or display Name + gamertag, that's totally doable. The site will see many changes during it's development, some will be good, some will perhaps be a step in the wrong direction and the community will have to help us by providing the feedback on what is loved and what is not. :)
  8. I couldn't disagree more Billy. In my opinion using full names makes things more authentic and a simulation of real life. That's why I play - cause I failed at real life.
  9. I've only played 3 games that weren't even 6vs6 since I did that. My connection was quite good for those games, but it's impossible to say at this point if that was just luck or if I've fixed the problem at my end.
  10. I'm glad you like it. I'm sure a lot of people might complain if you cross a certain line, but I hope we can find a balance between awesome and fast. :)
  11. I don't think that's up to you to decide @Billy44205, but of course these are things that are up for discussion. We will tell you more about the stats side soon. I am hoping people would be fine with recording the penalty times for the penalty their team takes. While it might feel useless, it opens up a whole new world of analysis. What if we could tell you when your team takes the most penalties, how your penalty kill is working and if there's a certain time-frame when things are going worse than others? We're not quite there yet with the analysis part, but by collecting the relevant data, we are able to do a bunch of cool stats in the future. Of course analysis is not everyone's cup of tea and we are building the features so that we can choose what fields are must fill and what fields are optional. I'm hoping the penalty times is not something people are against reporting, but as I mentioned, it will of course be taken into consideration.
  12. Thanks! Samuli spends more time in the box than he does on the ice.
  13. Hey NHL Gamers, As we near the release of the actual league side of our website, it's time to raise the curtain a bit regarding what the site looks like. I have attached some screenshots below, where you can see a little sneak peak of things to come. Please keep in mind that the images do not represent the final product and changes will be made before release and we will continue to develop it after release as well. It's also good to note that just because something isn't visible in the screenshots, doesn't mean it isn't a feature. Please feel free to come with questions and comments and we'll answer your questions as best as we can. Until next time, Kenneth
  14. Result with parental control turned off (and device rebooted): traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets 1 ( 0.454 ms 0.289 ms 0.188 ms 2 ( 7.876 ms 8.016 ms 7.795 ms 3 hel5-sr4.dnaip.fi ( 16.639 ms 7.161 ms 7.294 ms 4 esp2-tr2.dnaip.fi ( 8.791 ms 7.483 ms 7.748 ms 5 hel5-tr3.dnaip.fi ( 16.398 ms hel5-tr3.dnaip.fi ( 16.015 ms 16.417 ms 6 rai1-tr1.dnaip.fi ( 15.642 ms rai1-tr1.dnaip.fi ( 17.954 ms 16.022 ms 7 tuk2-sr1.dnaip.fi ( 16.178 ms 14.656 ms 17.132 ms 8 te0-7-0-2.ccr21.sto01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 15.358 ms 16.458 ms te0-0-0-7.ccr21.sto01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 16.536 ms 9 be2397.ccr22.sto03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 17.058 ms 16.533 ms be2396.ccr21.sto03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 16.122 ms 10 be2282.ccr42.ham01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 37.881 ms be2281.ccr41.ham01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 32.566 ms be2282.ccr42.ham01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 38.926 ms 11 be2257.ccr41.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 41.592 ms be2268.ccr42.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 47.346 ms be2257.ccr41.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 44.486 ms 12 be2184.agr21.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 54.459 ms be2188.agr21.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 522.978 ms be2184.agr21.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 549.065 ms 13 telia.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 39.355 ms 39.708 ms 43.958 ms 14 ae8.mpr1.fra3.de.zip.zayo.com ( 43.593 ms 50.673 ms 47.145 ms 15 ae4.cr1.ams5.nl.zip.zayo.com ( 45.058 ms 41.427 ms 45.458 ms 16 ae0.cr1.ams10.nl.zip.zayo.com ( 40.980 ms 45.576 ms 44.343 ms 17 ae7.cr2.dca2.us.zip.zayo.com ( 134.550 ms 130.464 ms 134.098 ms 18 ae1.er2.iad10.us.zip.zayo.com ( 129.619 ms 134.271 ms 133.524 ms 19 ( 130.649 ms 134.134 ms 130.189 ms 20 * * * 21 * * * 22 * * I don't know if it's random or not, but the two bolded lines have a much higher value than with parental control. I have run it again and the one that ends with .113 is significantly lower now, but the .69 is between 333-550ms. I will try to reapply the parental control and see how that impacts the result. EDIT: Never over 100ms on the bolded ip's with the parental control on. I'm no expert, but it would seem to be helping.
  15. I guess it doesn't? traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets 1 ( 0.500 ms 0.228 ms 0.184 ms 2 ( 6.357 ms 7.756 ms 6.280 ms 3 hel5-sr4.dnaip.fi ( 7.880 ms 7.780 ms 7.994 ms 4 esp2-tr2.dnaip.fi ( 8.059 ms 7.830 ms 7.906 ms 5 hel5-tr3.dnaip.fi ( 16.969 ms hel5-tr3.dnaip.fi ( 16.402 ms rai1-tr2.dnaip.fi ( 15.412 ms 6 rai1-tr1.dnaip.fi ( 16.139 ms 16.196 ms rai1-tr1.dnaip.fi ( 16.006 ms 7 tuk2-sr1.dnaip.fi ( 15.520 ms 16.039 ms 15.769 ms 8 te0-7-0-2.ccr21.sto01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 16.822 ms te0-0-0-7.ccr21.sto01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 15.608 ms te0-7-0-2.ccr21.sto01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 17.203 ms 9 be2397.ccr22.sto03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 16.648 ms 17.175 ms be2396.ccr21.sto03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 17.554 ms 10 be2282.ccr42.ham01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 37.045 ms be2281.ccr41.ham01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 35.047 ms be2282.ccr42.ham01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 35.967 ms 11 be2257.ccr41.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 43.703 ms be2268.ccr42.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 43.708 ms be2257.ccr41.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 46.776 ms 12 be2184.agr21.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 44.264 ms be2188.agr21.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 48.415 ms be2184.agr21.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 44.355 ms 13 telia.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 43.119 ms 45.300 ms 41.536 ms 14 ae8.mpr1.fra3.de.zip.zayo.com ( 47.167 ms 44.624 ms 47.949 ms 15 ae4.cr1.ams5.nl.zip.zayo.com ( 41.965 ms 46.196 ms 42.361 ms 16 ae0.cr1.ams10.nl.zip.zayo.com ( 46.790 ms 42.363 ms 46.722 ms 17 ae7.cr2.dca2.us.zip.zayo.com ( 131.163 ms 134.062 ms 135.085 ms 18 ae1.er2.iad10.us.zip.zayo.com ( 129.565 ms 131.294 ms 134.133 ms 19 ( 133.241 ms 130.559 ms 135.846 ms 20 * * * 21 * * * 22 * * * 23 * * *
  16. Thanks. I did that, but I am still able to ping both the IP and the url. Aren't you?
  17. I moved this topic to the NHL 16-section, as I see that is more fitting. Has anyone blocked the IP using a Cisco router? I'm using the Cisco EPC3825 router (provided by DNA) and I can't seem to get it working. I tried using the IP-filtering page for this in the router settings, but adding that IP gives me an "Invalid IP address" error. Is it better to connect to the router some other way than through the browser interface? I don't see any command options on my router, similar to what @XelsFIN mentioned about his Buffalo.
  18. Kenu


    Very cool to get to know a little about you @Asche! Welcome to the community! :)
  19. Hi Everyone, I have updated the community software during the night. If you run into any problems, please try logging out and in and doing a hard refresh (http://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/wiki/Hard_Refresh) If that doesn't help, please let us know your issue in this thread.
  20. I agree the US fix shouldn't work for the EU-players. On the contrary, I think we need to rout through Ireland.
  21. Don't worry OODAP, we are simply testing every angle we can think of, @Jiihooo86: Please try the different things I listed above, such as exiting the session after inviting everyone else and being re-invited.
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