Would two teams or 12 people be kind enough to test this for a few games? As they are unranked, you can quit games and start new ones to see if you have different results regarding lag in the different games. Things to test: When playing in a private lobby, is it laggy for 1 player or for more players?If only one, is it the one creating the room?If yes, try creating the room and inviting everyone, then dropping out yourself and ask to be invited back.Is it still lagging? Who is having the most issues?Please have all 12 players write down (even just one word from the scale: GREAT, GOOD, ACCEPTABLE, BAD, TERRIBLE) and it would be good to start (and play long enough so everyone has an opinion) at least 10 games, so we can get an ok sample-size.(Please feel free to come up with things to add to the list of things to try) Who's in? Either let everyone know that you have a full team that would like to participate or let us know that you want to join as one person. Thanks!