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Posts posted by l-Furyan-l

  1. I guess a loud minority really can make a difference. Inspiring.

    Furthermore, where's the transparency from management on this matter? What was the process like before you arrived at this decision? Why is this being announced literally minutes before teams start playing their games (in some cases even after puck drop)?

    This is absolute bush-league for a professional organization with paying customers and I think everyone, regardless of where they stand on this particular matter, expect better than this. 

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  2. Falun Coal Miners (ECL Pro) - a new era has begun...


    Foppatofflan -> The Black Jacks

    MartindalexC -> Carolus Icemen

    poliskontroll -> FA

    jtorro-_- -> FA

    tbnantti -> FA

    Aaronss__ -> Gunners HC


    @Buffy <- IK Oskarshamn

    @Ted Kempe <- Björklöven Esport

    @STRANDMANNEN11 <- BK Skinnarna

    @Supremski <- Staying in FCM

    @eliekamel87 <- Staying in FCM

    @SelanneFIN <- Six Sticks Misfits


    • Like 15
  3. 1 timme sedan, Lxndstrom säger:

    I think there is still very much More people who thinks that those ability Need to be Jannen.

    So much more fun to watch this game if trucu and tipperi is banned 

    I really that thinks works like that but couple guys tried to ask if we make this kind a ”gentleman eile” but people only say that if it isn’t banned by sportsgamer we play with those 

    People who want specific changes are usually louder and more inclined to campaign for those changes than the ones who are content with the way things are. 

    I think the gentlemans rule is a good compromise, with the understanding that it is always okay to turn that suggestion down.

    • Like 2
  4. falun-showcase-t.thumb.png.7397ad7faa5bc378bdce7715ffe99973.png



    @Tope0090 (Mestari_tikkuuu) -> Polski Boys 

    @Timasy -> The Black Jacks


    A genuine thank you to both of you for a great journey and fun times during NHL 23. Best of luck with your new clubs! Except when you play us...



    @tbnantti <- JYP Jyväskylä

    @eliekamel87 <- The Black Jacks

    @Aarons <- Gunners HC


    Welcome down to the mines of Falun, boys. Let's have some fun 👀⛏️

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  5. På 2023-09-14 på 14:08, l-Furyan-l säger:

    Redhawks Esport / Falun Coal Miners (Elite) looking for two players

    We are currently looking for two players to bolster our lineup; one goaltender and one skater.

    - For the goalie, we are considering different roles depending on who applies for the job. 50/50, backup, 1a & 1b etc., is on the table. Experience from the higher tiers is preferable, but personality is also a factor - basically we need someone to stop the puck and be an overall fun person to hang around.

    - For the skater, we are mainly looking for a versatile player that can play multiple positions and is okay with not playing every game. At the same time, if there is an established Elite skater out there that feels like they can step in and help us win games right away, we'd certainly listen to that suggestion as well. 

    Contact me or @Foppatofflan here at SportsGamer DM's.

    UPDATE: Goaltender has been found. To everyone who sent applications and those who tried out for us; thank you for your time and interest. Best of luck moving forward!

    Still taking applications for the versatility/utility player, but do note that the role has evolved into more of a backup one.

    Contact info is the same.

    • Like 11
  6. Redhawks Esport / Falun Coal Miners (Elite) looking for two players

    We are currently looking for two players to bolster our lineup; one goaltender and one skater.

    - For the goalie, we are considering different roles depending on who applies for the job. 50/50, backup, 1a & 1b etc., is on the table. Experience from the higher tiers is preferable, but personality is also a factor - basically we need someone to stop the puck and be an overall fun person to hang around.

    - For the skater, we are mainly looking for a versatile player that can play multiple positions and is okay with not playing every game. At the same time, if there is an established Elite skater out there that feels like they can step in and help us win games right away, we'd certainly listen to that suggestion as well. 

    Contact me or @Foppatofflan here at SportsGamer DM's.

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  7. Redhawks Esport looking for two Swedish players to participate in the upcoming SCL tournament.

    We are looking for one skater to join our starting lineup; either a defender or a forward. Assuming we find the right fit, this skater will participate in 100% of the SCL comp. games and obviously practice with us as well. Mainly looking for a defender, but if you're a forward that can put us over the top, don't hesitate to reach out!

    We are also looking for one backup goaltender. This goalie will see practice time with us and might get a game or two in the tournament, but the starting position is already filled and so keep this in mind when applying. Not a 50/50 role.

    Contact me or @Foppatofflan here through SportsGamer DM or me over at Discord (l-Furyan-l#9335)

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    1️⃣4️⃣ - @Tope0090/mestari_tikkuuu (From Setelit on Ice)

    2️⃣6️⃣ - @TheArska/XxProArskaxX (From Stargazing)

    - Welcome to The Mine, guys! 🤝


    antoniomannen_ (FBK Esports)
    l-Rubituss-l (Björklöven Esport)
    Supreex (Retired)

    - Thanks for your efforts with FCM, best of luck in the future 🤝

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  9. På 2022-10-11 på 15:12, l-Furyan-l säger:

    Falun Coal Miners (Elite) looking for two starting forwards (C & RW)

    We’re restructuring our line-up after SCL and so we’re now on the hunt for two starting forwards for the upcoming ECL Elite season in NHL 23.

    With the Center, we’re looking for someone that has a good eye for the game, is calm under pressure, is adept at both shooting and passing, is effective at utilizing defenders offensively and who is defensively responsible.

    With the Right Wing, we’re looking for someone who just loves to put the puck in the net. Seriously, if you snipe the puck, bang home rebounds, get open to unleash one-timers and celebrate like Ovechkin – hit us up. 

    Nationality isn’t an issue as our communication will be in English. If you are a LW, we’d still like to hear from you, but just be aware that our current priority is C & RW. Pro/Elite experience will give you an advantage.

    Contact me or @Foppatofflan here at SportsGamer DM (or me through Discord at l-Furyan-l#9335).

    (P.S. If there is a top-tier Right Defenseman out there looking for a team, we'd consider it. Our player situation is somewhat fluid, and we would be willing to rearrange our original plans… but only for the right RD. High-level Elite experience an absolute must for this one.)


    UPDATE: Now just looking for either a Right Defenseman or a Right/Left Winger, depending on what is the best fit in terms of chemistry, playing style etc. But yeah, FCM still looking for 1 (!) player.

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  10. Falun Coal Miners (Elite) looking for two starting forwards (C & RW)

    We’re restructuring our line-up after SCL and so we’re now on the hunt for two starting forwards for the upcoming ECL Elite season in NHL 23.

    With the Center, we’re looking for someone that has a good eye for the game, is calm under pressure, is adept at both shooting and passing, is effective at utilizing defenders offensively and who is defensively responsible.

    With the Right Wing, we’re looking for someone who just loves to put the puck in the net. Seriously, if you snipe the puck, bang home rebounds, get open to unleash one-timers and celebrate like Ovechkin – hit us up. 

    Nationality isn’t an issue as our communication will be in English. If you are a LW, we’d still like to hear from you, but just be aware that our current priority is C & RW. Pro/Elite experience will give you an advantage.

    Contact me or @Foppatofflan here at SportsGamer DM (or me through Discord at l-Furyan-l#9335).

    (P.S. If there is a top-tier Right Defenseman out there looking for a team, we'd consider it. Our player situation is somewhat fluid, and we would be willing to rearrange our original plans… but only for the right RD. High-level Elite experience an absolute must for this one.)

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  11. ECL '22 Spring Elite - Season Recap

    Well, the weekly recap report turned out to be not so much a weekly occurrence as a... one-hit wonder. Wild how that happens. Everyday life, poorer-than-expected results and a general lack of inspiration will do that to a man.

    But let's wrap this baby up, shall we? This time with more GIF's than ever.

    Great addition to the forums btw, who doesn't love the Graphics Interchange Format? (pronounced "Jiff")


    ⛏️ Week 2 (2-0-2 vs. JYP Jyväskylä, GOONS):
    At this point we were still flying high. Coming off a successful opening week, we kept the momentum going and managed 3/4p each in two tough matchups. But most of the action this week took place off-ice. Specifically, this was the week podcaster extraordinaire @vSilenttio, of JYP fame, made it clear to the world that we were a team "playing just to survive at this level" and that playing with "clenched butts" was our only brand of hockey. 

    Clearly, the man was on to something... Our worst was yet to come this season! 🥶 Meanwhile, Sile lead his troops to results far exceeding our meagre capabilities as JYP ended up finishing a full point (!) above us in the standings this season 👀 #brändinnäköstä, I believe was the word.

    edge edgelord GIF by AOK

     ⛏️ Week 3 (0-6-0 vs. HAVU, Örebro, Färjestad):
    Boy, this was a rough one. Zero (0!) points overall and some real stinkers here. If I were to pinpoint a single game that kind of derailed our season, my mind goes back to Game 1 vs. HAVU. Up 3-2 and with less than five minutes to play we were in a good spot to push our seasonal record to 7-2-2, including a regulation win against the still-mighty HAVU franchise. But, shit went down. The experienced green and black side scored twice in those final minutes, handing us a regulation loss and hitting us with a solid closed-fist punch right in the gut. We ended up losing the second game vs. HAVU as well - and after that, things got dark. Four regulation losses in a row followed and the surprisingly good start we had built ourselves evaporated.

    Sad Ben Affleck GIF

     ⛏️ Week 4 (2-2-0 vs. YMCA, SAWO):
    Playing on the SportsGamer stream was apparently our key to success this season as we (seemingly) got back on track by winning two tight games against YCMA. Clearly, our mojo had returned, right? Wrong. For next we ran into the brick-wall that is SAWO Esports (the eventual finalists). While we stood tall in the first game and suffered a slim 3-2 defeat, the second game turned into a rout with us dropping 8-4 and adding to our league-worst goals against.

    Have you ever tried offering your team inspiration, as a defender, when you've just gotten walked for eight goals in one game?

    Nine out of ten dentists would not recommend this procedure 

    mad men g GIF

     ⛏️ Week 5 (1-1-0 vs. ZSC Esports):
    Jesus, how long was this season? Don't really remember much from this week, except the fact us and the Lions took home one game each by way of shutouts. Naturally, the wins were divided by server 🔌

     ⛏️ Week 6 (1-3-0 vs. Frölunda HC, HV71):
    The week of SHL matchups - and SHL losses. We got stomped twice by Frölunda and managed to reload enough to split the games vs. HV71. The FCM-HV matchup ended up looming large at the very end of the season as both teams finished in the relegation zone, just a point each below safe ground.

    Next time, we'll just have to "2-2" our way into eliminating the Italians, like Sweden and Denmark did in 2004, am I right? (Swedes will know exactly of what I speak  #duedue).

     ⛏️ Week 7 (2-1-1 vs. Stargazing, Roots Gaming):
    Ugh, would this season EVER end? Who's idea was it to have this season run 16 years? @Kenu, I am fixating my gaze upon you with ill intent 😠 

    Anyway, we were down to our last two matchups; our last four games. We needed to essentially win all of them to secure our spot in Elite. Or, at the very least, three of them. We managed to win a grand total of two... and ended up falling short by one point.

    We finished 13th in the regular season and were headed to the relegation series. Isn't that just how life goes sometimes? Closed-fist punch, right in the nutsack this time.


     ⛏️ Week 9 (4-0-1 vs. Hanaa HC):
    So, we had one week to rest, recuperate and then get ready for our relegation matchup vs. Hanaa HC. Honestly, we weren't feeling all that hot, just coming off a disappointing regular season...

    Thankfully, Hanaa decided to willingly "Relight Our Fire" as the Take That song goes.

    How, you ask? Well, this team of a combined 36 games of Elite experience all-time felt it prudent to preview our series by tweeting "let’s make sure these guys drop to pro for good." 


    Naturally, we printed these words and wallpapered it all over our locker room. It became our shining light in the darkness that was this season; our ice-cold Corona (with a large slice of lime) just as the summer heat was getting too much to bear.

    The appearance of super-sub (and Finnish reincarnation of legendary United striker Ole Gunnar Solskjaer) @pentsaa helped matters, as he came into the lineup guns blazing and brough energy, offense and savvy to our lineup.

    In the end, we won the series quite decisively (3-0, 4-3, 5-1, 2-3 OTL, 5-0) and proved that we belong in Elite. We finally got the offense firing on all cylinders, while getting the defense and goaltending to match it. It all came together to form an acceptable end to an otherwise disappointing ECL 22 Spring. 

    What comes next? Who knows. Never take anything for granted in this community. But we lived to fight another day. This time, at least.

    Enjoy your summer, SportsGamer members! 

    Later, skaters 🏒

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  12. ECL '22 Spring Elite - Weekly Report

    You know how sometimes you do a thing without even realizing why you are doing it? And it doesn't become clear to you until you look back on that very thing later, now able to put together the context and rationale behind your actions?

    That was me, reading back this thread. 

    At the time of writing, I thought I was just providing a bit of entertaining content for the community while keeping those genuinely interested in the team (potentially the most narrow target audience of all time... 👀) in the loop on what was happening. But now I realize that what I was really doing was creating a time capsule, of sorts. A written record of the trials and tribulations of a hobby project that seemed doomed to fail, yet soared above and beyond expectations.

    Until it eventually did fail 😂 But let's not focus on that.

    I always look back fondly on FCM's playoff run in ECL 5 Pro or the hardships and challenges of ECL 6 Elite, but it wasn't until I read back the posts (<- linked) that I was truly transported back into those moments - immediately able to recall multiple individual plays on the ice and the raw emotion each and every one of them brought. That's when it all clicked and a cartoonish light bulb appeared above my head; "it's a time capsule" 💡

    So, here I am. Again. Chronicling a weekly FCM report, again. Hopefully not on a journey towards another crushing defeat - only to then look back at these words fondly in four years time. But if that is the case (again), so be it.

    As Michael Scott from The Office would say; 

    Season 4 Michael GIF by The Office


    ⛏️ Week 1 (4-2-0 vs. hREDS, Conquer, IQUE):
    When the schedule dropped for ECL '22 Spring Elite, we weren't exactly doing the Macarena on the rooftops of Falun. Mostly because none of the players, past or present, actually live in Falun anymore. But if we had been living in Falun, we wouldn't have been doing the Macarena on its rooftops in any way, shape or form. The reason? Our first week featured matchups against back-to-back ECL Champions hREDS, a Conquer squad hungry for revenge after how last season ended and an IQUE squad that finished 4th overall in the standings last regular season and managed to retain their full roster going into this one. 

    Every week is a flat-out battle in Elite, but still... Yikes.

    With literally everybody and their uncle (barring a few notable exceptions) predicting a spectacular failure for this #FCMRevival, the stage was set for an immediate losing streak. And the season started off in precisely that way when we dropped a pair of decisions (0-3, 0-1) against hREDS while failing to register even a single goal.

    Still, with the combined old age experience on this roster, we didn't get rattled. Instead, we turned our attention towards our next opponent; Conquer Gaming.

    Showing up for what we believe was the teams' first ever appearance on a professional SportsGamer broadcast (FCM wasn't exactly the hottest ticket in town to be showcased back in ECL's 1-7; nor did NHLGamer stream as many games back then), we got going in a big way and managed a pair of victories over Conquer (5-2, 2-1 OT). In front of star broadcasting duo CynFtW & Tougie (who couldn't really agree on who to call 'captain' on the team... 👀),  @MartindalexC got us going by sniping in our first goal of the season and eventually ended up registering points on six of our first seven goals. @poliskontroll was strong in net, picking up his first wins in Elite since ECL 8, and @SadaPoika & @Foppatofflan both registered their first goals and points with the team.

    Just a day removed from those games, we were right back in the thick of it against IQUE. This time, the onus was on defense and goaltending. And really, really weird goals. However, the bounces ended up being on our side in this one (despite two own goals!) as we picked up a pair of 2-1 W's and improved our record to 4-2-0. A sharp @LastMandalorian picked up his first ever W's in Elite and @Tanski87 made sure to factor in on the offense, making it so that all the "new Miners" on the roster had each picked up points while wearing the Red, White & Coal - thereby securing their places in the great history book of FCM.


    That's it for Week 1. Will we be back for Week 2? Who knows. We'll see. This took way longer than I expected. And let's be honest, had we started the season off 0-6-0, I doubt I would've written an 800-word essay on it.

    But hey, let's enjoy the good vibes while they last ⛏️

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  13. Finally found some time to update with (most) of our ECL 9 Regular Season highlights. As always, they are uploaded to Luleå Hockey's YouTube channel and edited by @pentsaa. Remaining highlights from the regular season plus the first playoff round vs. Roots Gaming is up next.


    Matchup #6, 25/11 vs. Symphony:


    Matchup #7, 28/11 vs. TIKI TALK:


    Matchup #8, 28/11 vs. Almost Famous:


    Matchup #9, 1/12 vs. HAVU Gaming:


    Matchup #10, 2/12 vs. Roots:


    Matchup #11, 4/12 vs. Unlucky Boys:


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