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Everything posted by Kenu

  1. Eilen EA SPORTS julkaisi kesän odotetuimman tapauksen eli NHL 20:n avoimen betan. Netissä oli ollut paljon arvelua siitä, tulisiko beta vai ei, mutta lopulta se saatiin ja vastaanotto on ollut varovaisen optimistista. Poikkeuksellisesti EA SPORTS julkaisi juuri betan kynnyksellä listan parannuksista, joita peliin on jo tehty kahdeksan viikkoa vanhan beta-version jälkeen. Kyse on tietenkin vasta betasta, joten ei liene yllätys, että useita parannuksia kaivataan vielä. Siinä me haluamme olla avuksi, sillä olemmehan yksi maailman suurimmista NHL-pelisivustoista, ja meidän yhteisömme pursuaa osaamista ja intohimoa. Niinpä haluaisimme teidän näkemyksiänne, jotka aiomme välittää EA SPORTSille selkeästi muotoiltuina. Toivomme, että jaatte meille betaan liittyvät kokemuksenne (niin hyvät kuin huonot) sekä mahdollisesti kohtaamanne ongelmat ja niihin toivomanne ratkaisut. Mikäli haluat raportoida bugeja, lähetäthän liitteenä kuvakaappauksia tai videoleikkeitä, joissa ongelma esiintyy selkeästi. Vaikka joku muu olisi jo ehtinyt raportoida saman bugin, voi olla erittäin hyödyllistä jos bugista saadaan lisätietoa tai lisää esimerkkejä ja videotodisteita. Palautetta betasta voi myös lähettää EA Answers HQ -palstalle, löydät sen seuraamalla tätä linkkiä. Me NHLGamerillä haluamme keskustella näistä asioista porukalla ja koota palautteen ja bugit pelin tekijöille mahdollisimman selkeässä ja hyvin artikuloidussa muodossa. Näin saamme tästä NHL:stä kenties kaikkien aikojen parhaan! Palautteen voi kirjoittaa haluamallaan tavalla, mutta alla on esimerkkejä aiheista, mitä voi käsitellä. NHL Ones NHL THREES -sparripelit EASHL-sparripelit (tarkenna, liittyykö palaute 3 vs 3:een/6 vs 6:een/molempiin) EASHL 3 vs 3 -kerhopelit EASHL 6 vs 6 -kerhopelit Tekoälyn ohjaamat kenttäpelaajat World of Chelissä (ilmoita pelimuoto + kuinka monta tekoälypelaajaa) Tekoälymaalivahdit World of Chelissä (ilmoita pelimuoto) Tekoälymaalivahdit EASHL:ssä (tarkenna, onko kyse 3 vs 3:sta vai 6 vs 6:sta) Muokkaus: pelaajatyypit + erityistaidot Muokkaus: varusteet (rento + ammattilainen + varustekassit) Muu palaute World of Chelistä Online Vs. Tekoälykenttäpelaajat Online Vs:ssä Tekoälymaalivahdit Online Vs:ssä Luistelu Taklaaminen (törmäysfysiikat) Mailapuolustus Laukominen Hyökkäyspelaaminen (miltä hyökkääminen tuntui? Kuinka helppoa se oli? Näkyivätkö pelaajien tasoerot? Oliko joitain rajoitteita?) Puolustuspelaaminen (miltä puolustaminen tuntui? Kuinka helppoa se oli? Näkyivätkö pelaajien tasoerot? Oliko joitain rajoitteita?) Ihmismaalivahdit EASHL:ssä Uusi presentaatio ja tulostaulu (mikäli sinulla on ongelmia uuden tulostaulun kanssa - olethan asettanut safe-zonet oikein kun käynnistit betan ensimmäistä kertaa?) Muu (kaikki, mitä ei vielä mainittu) Toivoisimme palautetta englanniksi, koska se nopeuttaa palautteen käsittelyä ja mahdollistaa koko yhteisömme osallistumisen keskusteluun. Tiedämme kuitenkin sen, että jotkut ilmaisevat itseään paremmin omalla äidinkielellään, ja niinpä palautteelle on omat ketjut muutamalla eri kielellä: englanti suomi (tämä viestiketju) saksa venäjä ruotsi
  2. The NHL 20 Open Beta is available for download now on PS4 and XB1! https://store.playstation.com/en-fi/product/EP0006-CUSA16390_00-NHL2020BETAGAME1 https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/p/nhl-20-open-beta/bnlzc97wc6s9?activetab=pivot:overviewtab The download size for PS4 users will be 24.391GB. Whereas, users on the XB1 should expect to see the download only come to 22.98GB. While your download is in progress why not have a read through one of our most recent articles in which we went over what you should expect in the Beta, as well what changes did not make the final cut for it. Are you not able to play it yet? Do you have any questions about the beta? Please, feel free to ask in the comments below
  3. These are purely my assumptions and guesses, but I believe there is a time-consuming process to get a product released on PSN and Xbox Live and they will have to go through testing etc. before actually being made available. While fixing bugs, you may also cause some new bugs to appear and e.g. cause a product to be less stable - which is fine during development, but might not pass quality assurance to be made available for the public. (Yes, yes, the NHL 19 dressing room still made it through 😅). That would be my guesses why the process goes like that. Same thing for when you create a demo of a game that is still in development - you have to choose a build to start working on the demo for, as it is a separate product that will have to go through testing and other processes before release. In the mean time the main product development may be continued with. Good question. I would guess the control scheme wants to be kept the same between game modes and afaik there are no more buttons available for use in versus. Would be great if you could bind your own buttons to avoid this thing in EASHL, though.
  4. Impressive - made it look easy! 😍
  5. Surely you don't mean that you want to remove skating backwards? Assuming you mean changing it for the better so it isn't as useful. Please let us know your ides on what the critical things to fix is and where it's most wrong in your opinion and how you would like it to function. And I really mean it - we can all go "It's broken! It's broken!", but in order for the feedback to be the most beneficial, it'd be great to get the most concrete description(s) of what exactly is disliked, what's liked and how we think it could be fixed the best to our liking. From NHL 20 onwards we will be focusing even more on getting the feedback from our community and how we can best communicate it to the producers and I will definitely be asking for more videos this year. I'll post more about this later.
  6. I've had some questions about L2/LT, and I thought I'd address them, but my man NoSleeves12 already beat me to it with this video: So basically it's useless (and hard) to try to remember how exactly it felt in at the end of April, but the important thing is the conversations with the producers about these things and where they want to go with it. I'm also a strong believer in "I believe it when I see it" with such things as seamless puck pickups, but at least I can say everything I saw in Vancouver points to that they're really working on making it better and skating and passing did feel better - not completely overhauled by any measurement, but more smooth and less on rails with certain movements such as receiving a pass. Needless to say, there were many things not implemented yet in April and it was noticeable (which is to be expected during development), so it's impossible for me to say how well things pan out and work when the game comes out. What I can say though, is that the developers put in a lot of time and energy and genuinely seem to share the passion that we have for the game. I definitely want to work on how we are able to provide better and more specific feedback from here on out and that we as a community get good quality videos of things that we dislike, bugs etc. as I can assure you they do look at them and make decisions based on the material we provide them with.
  7. Big thanks to @FlyerKungen for his well written feedback and to everyone who's chimed in! I agree that there is room for fine-tuning especially in the brief Finnish 6vs6 rules that we made specifically for this purpose. We wanted to make them shorter and easier to read than for example the ECL rulebook, but the downside is that we lost some of the detail that makes the ECL rulebook so good (arguable! 😄). I would also like to see the FCL (& eSM) be more of a league (hence the name) with more time and a season feel to it and that is the goal for it next year. Regarding the BO3 vs BO5 vs BO7 - I would love for everything to be BO7 or at least BO5, but due to the time restrictions everyone is playing these games with we felt BO3 is the only format we can be sure that teams can finish during one night. As for the live portion of things, in order to be able to have 4 teams battling it out during one day, at least the semis have to be BO3 (and bronze battle BO1). The problem arises from potential OT's (which we love!) and schedules stretching out. Aside from player, commentator and studio personnel stamina, we have to remember that the audience might not want to watch for 9 hours straight either (Summer Cup 2 Draft ftw 😅). Of course as the NHL esport continues to grow and we can have more events/days it's easier to build a concept that gives a bit more freedom while not making the broadcasts intolerably long. And I will say, to avoid misunderstandings about what I said just above, that I'm very grateful for the confidence our partners have in us and that they let us make our own decisions how we best see fit. Especially with live events there's often a need to compromise so the event makes sense to more than the absolute HC fans. Keep the feedback coming - thank you!
  8. Hi NHLGamers! We want to start by thanking all teams and players for making the hectic group stage as efficient and problem free as it has been! We've seen some great battles within each of the groups and it really was a nail-biter all the way to the last round! As the FCL was wrapped up tonight, a situation has arisen in which tiebreakers will have to be applied. The situation in question is as follows: Butterfly Effect (+43), Dynasty (+25), GHETTO FIREBIRDS (+22), Rusty Blades (+23), Symphony (+41) and TIKI TALK (+15) all finished the season with 12 games played, 9 wins, & 19 points. The numbers in the brackets denote the goal differential for each team. Per the rulebook, in the event of such a tie occurring the following tiebreaks shall be used: Unfortunately, we failed to spot that having ‘head-to-head results’ would lead to some pretty major complications due to the multi-group setup that we are running with the FCL. While it works excellently within the groups or solely involving teams that played each other, it can not be implemented in this case. As such, we have decided that as this tiebreaker is only relevant to some of the teams (GHETTO FIREBIRDS vs Symphony and TIKI TALK vs Butterfly Effect), we will have to disregard it from the tie-breaking process and move straight to goal differential instead. Once again, this error is on us for not spotting the possible discrepancy in the rules, as the tie-break procedure was drawn up to be applied in a tournament setting where there is only one group, such as ECL: Elite, or at the very least a tournament with an even number of groups and cross-seeding in the first round. Ergo, as no teams are tied regarding ‘goal differential’, Butterfly Effect will take #7, followed by #8 Symphony, #9 Dynasty, then Rusty Blades, and finally bringing up the rear of the group we have GHETTO FIREBIRDS at #11 and TIKI TALK at #12.With this out of the way then, we can now give everyone a full rundown of the seeding for the playoffs, which will be shown below. As always, we would like to extend a thanks to everyone for competing thus far, as well as wishing good luck to all of the remaining teams! The first round of playoffs is to be completed and reported by end-of-day Sunday July 21st. Playoffs are played best-of-3 - meaning two wins takes you to the next round. Dynasty (#9) vsSymphony (#8) Rusty Blades (#10) vs Butterfly Effect (#7) GHETTO FIREBIRD (#11) vsRaccoon Rampage (#6) TIKI TALK (#12) vs Almost Famous (#5) POGGERS (#13) vsHAVU Gaming (#4) HC Wildcard (#14) vs Northern Ascendancy (#3) Mockba (#15) vs SOPPAJENGI (#2) Invictus (#16) vs FILADELPHIA (#1) For future leagues/tournaments involving more groups, we believe that defining the head-to-head result being applied only within the group and adding a tie-breaker using the placement within the group (i.e. Dynasty #1 in group 4) as the third tie-breaker would help value the group standings better. Please share your opinion with us in the comments. Good luck to all the teams in the playoffs - we can't wait to see what happens next!
  9. Can't confirm specifics at this point, but yeah, the next ECL will be in NHL 20.
  10. Good feedback. Roster has been added to our news story.
  11. We still see a big interest from the community for the Summer Cup, but we didn't want to start signups before we were able to communicate about FCL as we know some players will prefer to focus on that and that would have potentially lead to a lot of drop-outs. While our resources are definitely being tested with the SL and FCL running simultaneously, in addition to preparing for everything NHL 20, we hope to be able to discuss the Summer Cup next.
  12. NHLGamers, It's with great pleasure we're able to announce that we have teamed up with Gigantti in order to bring you the Finnish Championship League! The FCL has the official Finnish Championship license (eSM 2019) from the Finnish Esports Federation (SEUL) and it will be played in both the 6vs6 and 1vs1 game modes. The FCL will be hosted over the next upcoming weeks and will culminate at Assembly Summer 2019 in Helsinki on Friday the 2nd (1vs1) and Saturday 3rd of August (6vs6) 2019. The game used to decide the new Finnish champions in ehockey will be NHL 19. The combined prize pool is 10 000 EUR, with both 6vs6 and 1vs1 getting a 5 000 EUR split (see below for a more detailed look)! This time around also non-Finnish citizens will be able to participate in the 6vs6 portion! The upcoming tournament will feature a foreign player quota, which entails that a majority (51%) of the teams roster (and line-up) must be Finnish. In addition, all captains must be Finnish citizens. All players require an eSM 2019 license in order to participate in FCL 6vs6 and/or FCL 1vs1. The cost of the license is 5 EUR and it can be obtained at esm.gg/pelaajalisenssi/ (click here for instructions in English). The one-time purchase of the license allows you to take part in all eSM 2019 leagues and tournaments (for 1vs1 you must be a Finnish citizen). "Why now, it's the Summer!?", someone might ask. To get to play for the Finnish championship at Summer Assembly powered by Gigantti is simply a great opportunity that fits together with our vision of providing high quality leagues and tournaments for our gamers all year long. We have been looking to give the teams and players an opportunity to prepare a bit longer for the Finnish championships than they have in the past and this enables us to do so also in the future. Signups are open effective immediately and will be open until Friday, 5th of July at 23:59 CEST. Please find a preliminary schedule for FCL 6vs6 below: Sign-ups: 28.6.-5.7. Group stage: 8.-17.7. Playoffs Round 1: 19.-21.7. (BO3) Quarter Finals 22.-24.7. (BO3) Semi-Finals (BO3), Bronze game (BO1) and Finals (BO3) @ Assembly Summer 3.8. SIGN UP YOUR TEAM FOR FCL 6vs6 HERE Please find a preliminary schedule for FCL 1vs1 below: Sign-ups: 28.6.-5.7. Group stage: 7.-17.7. Round of 112 19.-20.7. (BO3) Round of 56 21.-22.7. (BO3) Round of 28 23.-24.7. (BO3) TOP 16 Finals @ Assembly Summer 2.8. SIGN UP FOR FCL 1vs1 HERE (Finnish citizen only) NHLGamer reserves the right to adjust the schedule and structure based on the number of teams and players signed up to the FCL. The qualification stage for FCL 1vs1 is open to users on both Playstation 4 and Xbox One. The total amount of finalists from either console is yet to be determined but will be confirmed once the sign-up period has ended. The final tournament is played on the Playstation 4 console. FCL 6vs6 is played only on the Playstation 4 platform. Invitations FCL 6vs6: Reigning Finnish champion FILADELPHIA will be invited to round 1 of the playoff stage as the #1 seed as per eSM 2019 rules (restrictions apply). FCL 1vs1: Reigning Finnish champion Erik @Eki Tammenpää will be invited to the final tournament as the #1 seed as per eSM 2019 rules. Eki also finished #4 in the NHL GWC 2019. Eki represents Team Sampi. Hannes @Hansulinho Kettunen, who finished 6th in the NHL GWC 2019 will be invited to the final tournament as the #2 seed. Hansulinho represents HAVU Gaming. About us Since its inception, NHLGamer has continuously strived to offer the best possible experience for any and all gamers who have come to enjoy the competitiveness of playing the EA Sports series of NHL games. We made our biggest stride forward yet when we in late 2015 introduced the first ever European Championship League (ECL) - a league where all the best European NHL gamers create teams and compete against each other in the game mode EASHL (6vs6) for the title of Best EASHL Team in Europe. While proud of our achievements and the success we've had in creating and maintaining such a great community of talented gamers, we are not done yet. Our long-term goals include growing the community, hosting larger leagues with prize pools and working together with organizations at the cutting edge of gaming and esports. About our partners Gigantti is the largest consumer electronics retailer in Finland, with 41 stores and 1200 employees. In 2017, Gigantti started its own esports organization Team Gigantti. Team Gigantti's top achievements include among others Overwatch Contenders European and Finnish Championships in 2017, 2018 and 2019. Assembly is a bi-annual computer festival, esports event, demoscene and lan party in Helsinki, Finland. Assembly Organizing is a community of over 200 volunteers who passionately arrange the unique Assembly events in Finland since 1992. Their roots trace back to the early 90's when demo groups and individuals from the demoscene organized the first Assembly events. Assembly has been a catalyst to the Finnish game industry. They have been part of the birth of Rovio, Supercell, Remedy, Housemarque and many more gaming companies from the talents of the Finnish demoscene. Today they are backed by the Finnish non-profit company "Assembly Organizing". The Finnish Esports Federation (SEUL) works as the umbrella organization for Finnish competitive electronic gaming. Our mission is to improve and promote electronic sports and the activities of our members. The federation was established in December 2010 to respond to the growing need for an organization to promote esports as a hobby and as a respectable sport. The activities performed by SEUL are divided into the development of esports, protection of player’s interests and communicational work. The development of esports is done partly by utilizing workgroups, which are based on the work of our volunteers. The board is responsible for the day to day operations in co-operation with employees. The federation co-operates with many national organizations such as VERKE, EHYT ry and KAVI, promoting a positive image of gamers and gaming in general. The federation’s participation in international field is strong, since we represent Finland in the International Esports Federation (IESF). SEUL is also on the receiving end of the yearly grants given out by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture for youth programs. What are you waiting for? Sign up now for the chance of winning the Finnish Championship and some great cash prizes! We sincerely hope to see as many of you there as possible! Also, since the sign-up period is rather short, we'd appreciate it if you spread the word to everyone! On behalf of NHLGamer.com,
  13. Someone already wrote a good bit on this, so I'll just add a picture: Also related:
  14. Hi @Niklas bäcker, Info will be sent out tomorrow. Kind regards, Kenneth
  15. NHLGamers, We are nearing the end of SCL regular season! So far things have been running along fine. Below though is a list of situations were SCL Staff had to be involved. Korpens Finest - Style In the game between Style and Korpens Finest, the goalie leaves the goal crease near the end of the game which results in a goal for Style in an empty net. Korpens Finest claims that this is due to a bug showing a delayed penalty for their goalie, but this claim has not been proven. Thus, the match result stands. Hidden Gemz - Cannonieris Walkover wins are handed to Cannonieris in their matchup against Hidden Gemz. This is because Hidden Gemz rescheduled their game and yet failed to show up to play against Cannonieris. Bydemar, tobbe_persson and Drunken_Swede (Svea Kronor) Svea Kronor has been disqualified from SCL because they are not planning to play their remaining matches. Svea Kronor captains (Bydemar, tobbe_persson and Drunken_Swede) are banned from any captain role in leagues/tournaments on NHLGamer during 2019. robbieaik, Legenden1985 and Carlbrandt-79 (Socialdemokraterna) Socialdemokraterna has been disqualified from SCL because they are not planning to play their remaining matches. Socialdemokraterna captains are banned from any captain role in leagues/tournaments on NHLGamer during 2019. lbjonol (AIK Hockey) AIK Hockey had a player that was not properly registered to the team who participated in SCL matches. This player was present in AIK Hockey registration post and has played in AIK Hockey in previous seasons. This is therefore seen as a minor offence. SCL Staff is handing out a ban of 2 matches for lbjonol that applies in the next two scheduled matches. We are looking forward to an ending of the regular season with good communications between participating teams and SCL Staff!
  16. NHLGamers, Vi börjar närma oss slutet av grundserien i SCL! Det har hittills inte varit några större problem, men här nedan följer några situationer som administrationen varit tvungna att hantera. Korpens Finest - Style I matchen mellan Style och Korpens Finest lämnar målvakten målområdet i slutet av matchen vilket resulterar i att Style gör mål i öppen målbur. Korpens Finest hävdar att detta beror på en bugg som visade avvaktande utvisning hos målvakten, men detta har dock inte kunnat bevisas. Matchresultatet kvarstår. Hidden Gemz - Cannonieris Seger utan tävling ges till Cannonieris i mötet mot Hidden Gemz. Detta eftersom att Hidden Gemz först bokat om matchen till en ny dag men sedan inte kommit på plats för att spela dessa matcher. Bydemar, tobbe_persson och Drunken_Swede (Svea Kronor) Svea Kronor har diskvalificerats från SCL då man inte avser att spela resterande matcher. Svea Kronors kaptener (Bydemar, tobbe_persson och Drunken_Swede) bestraffas med ett förbud att agera som kapten i ligor/turneringar på NHLGamer under 2019. robbieaik, Legenden1985 och Carlbrandt-79 (Socialdemokraterna) Socialdemokraterna har diskvalificerats från SCL då man inte avser att spela resterande matcher. Socialdemokraternas kaptener (robbieaik, Legenden1985 och Carlbrandt-79) bestraffas med ett förbud att agera kapten i ligor/turneringar på NHLGamer under 2019. lbjonol (AIK Hockey) AIK Hockey har haft en spelare som spelat matcher i SCL men som inte varit korrekt registrerad i laget. Då denna spelare varit med i tråden för registrering till SCL och har spelat i AIK Hockey tidigare säsonger så bedöms detta fel vara av lindrig karaktär. AIK Hockeys kapten lbjonol döms till avstängning i nästa schemalagda matchpar (2st matcher). Vi ser fram emot en avslutning på grundserien av SCL med fortsatt bra kommunikation mellan deltagande lag och SCL Staff!
  17. Versus, so not HUT.
  18. Hi, this particular league is for EU only, but of course we love to hear what our NA gamers want to play as well, so keep the feedback coming!
  19. Hey Everyone, This is a bit short notice, but I'm currently visiting EA Vancouver as a member of the Game Changer programme and I have a chance to talk to the developers in person. I would like to give you the chance to get your voices heard through me, so please feel free to send your constructive feedback about what things you would like changed in the game and how. Some categories that you could think about: World of Chel HUT VS Franchise mode Gameplay Menus/User experience Other Don't feel like you have to write an essay about every category - it might be best if you focus on the things that you feel most passionate about changing/fixing/adding. What would make your experience better?
  20. Players are allowed to take part in multiple leagues/tournaments with the same account. It's just important that every player keeps their captain informed of their availability so there are no unpleasant surprises.
  21. There is no prize pool planned for this one, but if many teams feel like having an optional buy-in where the ones participating in the buy-in have a chance to compete for the prize pool, we can look into it.
  22. NHLGamers, It's been a while since the ECL action came to an end and we've all surely been itching for some competitive hockey for quite a while now! The SCL is now underway and the first week of competition has shown a lot of promise - with that being said, we know that the SCL doesn't cater to the needs of all of our community and that's why we're bringing you the Spring League. The NHLGamer Spring League is a free-to-play tournament meant to cater to the competitive gamers in our community. This tournament is a great opportunity for teams to keep up their skill level while some teams will have the chance to face off and test their quality against some of the very top teams - something that wouldn't happen with the ECL format. The Spring League will not feature a divisions framework. The start date for the league is set at Monday, the 6th of May, 2019. Signups start immediately, please head over to the registrations thread in order to sign your team up. The deadline for signing up is Friday 3rd of May 23:59 CEST. Background vector created by freepik - www.freepik.com Further details about the league will be communicated once we have an approximate evaluation of how many teams will sign up, but expect the league to run with a similar ruleset to the ECL, without the divisions framework however. For those wondering, the Spring League and Summer Cup 4 will very likely be running simultaneously for part of the summer. This in no way means that you can't participate in both, but will force players to prioritise a bit for that time period. We look forward to seeing you all on the ice!
  23. Never happened... 😏(Thanks - fixed!)
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