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Everything posted by Jiihooo86

  1. Thank you !! , we r fighting for the last playoff spot still
  2. Great our points are accurate but i think checkmate is ahead of us...im not sure about it but i hope that your stats are accurate and..appreciate the gesture
  3. Jiihooo86

    Inside ECL

    Yup you're doing this for the same reasons why i write on our team page keep it coming
  4. I think monthly maybe.. because teams has changed and the roster has changed with many teams..maybe thats the best option
  5. Nice kenu !! Yeah i voted "its too late" because if we start 14th, christmas break comes too soon... so maybe 7th would be better so we can play couple of weeks and then go and have christmas in peace ?
  6. Tuhlaajapojat are testing tomorrow(if players are online) invitational drop in with 6vs6 G captains... 2 full games and 2 testing movement , command etc delays with goalie hosts... stay tuned for report ( it will be sent to kenneth )
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