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Everything posted by iSvamp

  1. **BUMP** - No goalies We want more names - We have now started doing tryouts, but want more names. ---- EDIT - we're done with tryouts and have found what we were looking for. Thank you
  2. "we" are looking for 1-2 long-term players. We're playing in ECL ELITE and eSHL (confirm will come). - we don't want any loan-players. - nationality isn't important. - no loans only for eSHL (it's doping), and nothing for us. Contact me, @Zip player or @Artuzio for tryouts
  3. --> Foppatofflan <--- - where are you now?
  4. Sweden have europes best 6vs6 team atm as we speak 😈🔥 That's something! But every swede knows that Linköping HC can't win titles as already mentioned 😙 --- @jtorro1233 förväntade mig dock Hytta Flames. Alla vet hur fantastiskt det kan vara en fredagskväll i januari! 😌
  5. Congratz boys! (I'm too lazy to read) but for how long? Kenu told us that swedish based organizations can't participate in eSM, FCL and IS - so what's the plan about that? Will Bert Robertsson be there at the live-event? Have they tested Surströmming yet?! Cloetta choklad till man of the match?
  6. Lägg handen på vänster bröst
  7. Isindar! Jag vet vad du gömmer under matchtröjan.. 😉
  8. Annars? 😯 Okej, "tillfälligheter". Otur boys
  9. Scheduling problems with Peking/Sjukstugan/AIK/Syntax Error, whatever - never heard that one before. 😂
  10. Jag HOPPAS att P.Nilsson coachar på ett ev LAN. https://youtu.be/YzLzwFwD7bk Grattis!
  11. Grattis boys! Men fy fa-an vad jag hatar FBK. 😅
  12. So, who are you guys facing in the first round? 😂 Will you stream it?
  13. Reto! 💣😍
  14. Grattis pojkar! Otroligt skönt för alla HV71 supportrar att nu ha ännu ett lag att luta sig tillbaka mot när de inte riktigt vet vart de egentligen har hjärtat! 😎
  15. We killed the club last night as you can see above. ----------- Free agents - 2 for 1 Fw: amadee21 (winger) https://nhlgamer.com/player.php?playerID=2003 eSvamp (can take a backup spot - mainly RD) Looking for a team together ----------- Available between 19-23cest 5 days a week. Contact me for tryouts with both of us Swe/eng/fin doesn't really matter. EDIT: taken
  16. Cannonieris looking for a player who can backup at D and FW in IS CUP Icetime guaranteed
  17. Make @Obagol pay for it
  18. Best goalie in this game after Havuhansulinho. AND - I promise that you will get a lot of sexy pictures of supersexy girls if you just ask. TAKE HIM!
  19. Cannonieris Looking for/testing Goalies Contact: me, @Meiccimoi or @TuomoP83 if interested.
  20. @Foppatofflan - go
  21. Read Jesus answer. It's not legit to wait for 18-24 months to even be able to play in the highest division if you admins want to call this an eSport. Nuff said
  22. You don't?? Teams giving up cuz it's not worth to start in LITE, pay 100 euros, play 2 tournaments and "maybe" get the chance in the same game/year to play in the highest division. Like Vesa * 4 divisions means that it would be any harder for a LITE team, and not cheaper.
  23. With more divisions do we need more ECL-tournaments every year. You should be able to reach the highest division from the lowest in the same game if you're having a good team. Instead of having good teams like "Vesa Pompa" who decides to split up cuz they don't "have the time" to grind in the 2nd highest division, and "maybe" get the opportunity to play in Elite later in 20. As it is now with 3 divisions is it already too few tournaments. Don't see that 4 divisions would make it any better, for anyone.
  24. ❤! Rest in peace brother Never forgotten ---- Så många finaler, så många bataljer genom åren - men ALLTID en värdig motståndare, på isen och vid sidan av planen, oavsett resultat. Har inte spelat otroligt mycket MED dig, men den lilla tiden jag var i Northern Stars, strökvällar här och där, så var du alltid kamratlig och genomgående genuin. Livet är otroligt orättvist - och jag beklagar sorgen till Floors närstående och lagkamrater. Spelare och människor som Floor växer inte på träd - och det här hålet är omöjligt att fylla. Vila i frid.. ❤
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