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Everything posted by iSvamp

  1. Bump! Starting with tryouts today
  2. AiKnown https://nhlgamer.com/leagues/121/teams/87 looking for a player (starter) Lw, C, Rw, Ld, Rd doesn't matters. Earlier exp from PRO (Elite also ofc) is a bonus! Contact me here or at discord: Svampbot#5875
  3. Örebro eHockey IN Hullued (RCTIC) Kihan64 (PAHAT POMMITTAJAT) Beastbenn14 (Illumination) For eSHL Foppatofflan (Free Agent)
  4. Cute! First guy who went personal in this thread! Kisses
  5. Haha like you just did. You're not a better person.
  6. If that is your best argument! Sure! Good luck without tacterz 😘
  7. Just remove them. 20 teams, more spots. The best teams will get the spots in PRO. Easy. These teams were not meant to be there from the first place. Or just keep them, 20 or 25 teams doesnt really matter. It's just 2 more gamedays.
  8. Why would it be a mess? What would it change more than gamer doing the right thing considering Kenu already talking about making this changes for ECL 13? I think (pretty much) everyone wants the PRO division to be competivitive. Just let everyone play in the qualifier so we get the best available teams in PRO for the next season. There is still time, gamer.
  9. Nope! from now. You can can still change it. Do the right thing from the start if you already can see that this is wrong and that it will be changed in the future. Yes I did. You could just have said "this is wrong, I want to play about it". You didn't, same as your team.
  10. It's just that your team doesn't deserve a spot in PRO without qualification (but I really understand why you and imosi are fighting about it, cuz you got it for free) compared with SSK who almost reached the playoffs in PRO and NOW needs to battle for their spot. It makes no fucking sense that a team in LITE who needed 10 more wins to even win the LITE division getting a spot for free in a higher division when a team who almost reached the playoffs in the higher division needs to fight for the spot in a qualification to even stay there. It's fucked up for real. I would love to see you guys fight about this PRO spot vs Royal HT and their "Elite" roster. But once again, congratz.
  11. Touché Forsberg! And to the rest: God bless all the free riders!
  12. Södertälje SK: 4 points away from the PRO Playoffs = Qualifications Your team: 10 wins away from winning the ECL LITE (TEN) = Free spot in PRO. ---- Ofc we're "happy" for you, but this is so wrong. It's not your fault tho, it's gamers.
  13. WTF did I just read?? 🤣 You fucked up. Can I make a support req about this?
  14. Reto ❤
  15. Örebro eHockey Welcome back to this scene, xXSinCosTanXx ⚠️
  16. Örebro eHockey is ready to bounce back and compete, therefore we're looking for one more FW to our team. We'll play in the PRO qualifier and compete in the eSHL aswell as the other upcoming tournaments. What we're looking for: Pro player in ECL11 or ECL 10. Experience from Elite is a bonus. ROSTER G's Nexhztah Ranta83 D's Jesse6115 Robin_8777 Svampbot Fw's eBasstian Tzon93 Zuppe_29 PM Xoxo
  17. ÖREBRO eHockey -eSHL -PRO Qualifications Looking for a backup Dman who can play both sides. PM
  18. And @poliskontroll* !
  19. Teams from Andorra: Im ready to serve 😘 me encanta la cerveza!
  20. After an extremely disappointing season Örebro eHockey is ready to bounce back and compete, therefore we're looking for a starting LW, C and LD. We'll play in the PRO qualifier and compete in the eSHL aswell as the other upcoming tournaments. What we're looking for: Pro player in ECL11 or a top player in Lite. Experience from elite is a bonus. // @Nexhztah @iSvamp
  21. ECL/eSHL/GCL Free RD (PRO-team) Free C (LITE/CORE) 29 y/o Northern Ascendancy x4, Djurgården, Miracle etc. -442 suicide-passes to Foppatofflan in SCL -Most goals by a dman -SCL silver (thank you EKI) Swede PM xoxo (Puss Hagerstrom_99 - ring tidningen)
  22. Another division.. nice Now we REALLY need more than 2 ECL tournaments per year Make them shorter, get more admins, make it happen. ------ ECL 1 Qualifiers ECL 2 Qualifiers ECL 3 Qualifiers **new game** The team with the most ECL wins (out of 3) = EU Champs -----
  23. Yeah, but 26 games in Elite, 1 goal, 7 assists and minus 44, compared to Tacterz: 73 games Bjono: 90 games, ish Janzuh: 190 games, ish. Mukimaisteri: 270 games, ish. I think they mentioned the right players in this article, after all.. 🥶
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