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Everything posted by iSvamp

  1. Buy 1, get 2 D-pair for sale LD: Terasniska RD: Svamp around 20000 games together since NHL 11 won some tournaments back in the days in Unknown/Northern Ascendancy Terasniska (LD) Consolehockey: 103 games, 86 goals, 159 ass, +227, 245 points ECL ELITE: 125 games, 22 goals, 103 ass, +98, 125 points iSvamp (RD) Consolehockey: 241 games, 78 goals, 321 ass, +240, 399 points ECL Elite: 72 games, 12 goals, 55 ass, +63, 67 points AND!! We don't speak mumin! but we're okey with english. Now old and rusty and looking for a team in LITE/PRO We prefer LITE, just for the adveeeeeeenture. huehue
  2. Yes, my pass assist changes from 96 back to 100/70 every other day. But @Egyptologen found a solution for this a couple of months ago. - give us your wisdom. *I think it was something like this -> Delete your nhl-profile, and install it again, and the bug will disappear. yw
  3. vad tror ni? Jag skulle aldrig göra något sånt här.
  4. Where can I apply for "chatterbox-punisher"??
  5. Haldem won best LD and RD. end of story.
  6. dafuq is this
  7. Congratz Aapon! By far the hardest team to play this season. Fair win!
  8. Ask Lain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKTFvBoEFUk
  9. Dumbasses has no name
  10. Free Agent Goalie Looking for a low-tier team in Lite Main position: G Been playing RD for Northern Ascendancy and Unknown during the years. Feel free to not message me. #SOLD
  11. iSvamp

    ECL 5 - Elite Finals

    It's a tradition that NOS loses game 7 tho. But you got a point
  12. take him before I do. Just look at his stats. Better than many other Elite-goalies. And also pretty good at drinking Jack and Cola.
  13. iSvamp

    ECL 5 - Elite Finals

    Okey. SO, When did you had an important role in an elite-team the last time? I can understand that you guys don't know this Lainville-dude. But that's just because he already had 3 titles before you even started to play. So to say, it's pretty fun when you "superstars" continues with all this "who are you-thing". AND, the answer to your question - He's fucking yoda, and I'm his paddaaawaan. He's the reason why I'm retarded.
  14. iSvamp

    ECL 5 - Elite Finals

    that's cuz you're a noob!
  15. iSvamp

    ECL 5 - Elite Finals

  16. I didn't understod a shit from that post.
  17. "everyone hates players from SKY" COMMOOOOOOOOOON! Bitch please. Welcome to my world Just wait 7-8 more years, you will get over it. noob.
  18. https://youtu.be/9L0Fp047s8Q?t=34s - det är taget, så länge du kan ta ton med 2min kvar till anfallsmålet.
  19. + our girls looks better.
  20. Brother, retire? Have you even started? 😶
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