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Everything posted by Franky__2768
Hallo, ja dies ist noch möglich. Viele Grüße, Franky
Team name: Deadly Phantoms HC Team abbreviation: DPH Team captains (PSN IDs): (C) Mannheimer1938, (A) The_Rayman80 (A) gzell60 Team roster (PSN IDs): RPH_31 gzell60 Mannheimer1938 steveERC Jeason99 neymar92ftrio2 The_Rayman80 Tim_FlyersFan willywonkaaa XxTHENEXTONE87xX Muecke_the_great Playmaker1010 EA SPORTS club overview: https://www.easports.com/nhl/clubs/ps4/Deadly Phantoms HC Team Logo:
NHL 19 Tuner 1.0.2 is out - Are we overreacting about the changes?
Franky__2768 commented on Kenu's record in EA Sports NHL
Are we overreacting? Personally it isn't a question to have a clear answer for it. IMO it's a no for that the game is unplayable or completely unjoyable. Do we have a less more effective poke check? Yes. Therefore we had a spamming stick lift festival which seemed to be a little bit fixed yesterday but still there are some situations where you could basically watch two guys smashing the x button for quite a while without any penalty. There are still out of nowhere pokes and stick lifts where you are wondering how you could loose the puck. Was this better in beta? At least the poke check was way better as you had to realy think if you use it instead of "let's poke, good things will happen". I don't get it why you change it if nearly most of your gamechangers and therefore visible "advertisement" are very excited and satisfied and you release a "how to poke video" before bring the good old times back a day later. Make it variable for the different divisions as a softer tuner for lower divisions and harder tuner for higher tiers. Personally the skating feels a little bit weaker than at launch but way better than in nhl 18. But there are definitely a few pick up scenes where you only can scratch your head off. A little example? If you do a saucer pass along the boards the receiving player will do a little cut inside and looses his speed and position. Very frustrating if you do exactly the right play but the game and not an opposing player "defends" your actions. For me it's the little things which realy leaving me sometimes with total disbelief. Every player on the ice get displayed as a center in the cut scenes - basically what the fuck? It should be the same code as for years now. It occurred during the beta and is still not fixed two months after that? I know this has nothing to do with gameplay and the realy important things to adjust but that's how you make people motivate to screw your game. Or the fact that your player takes a seat during the penalty kill on two different places - sometimes on the players bench, sometimes inside the penalty box. And this kind of bug realy effects gameplay and tactics. Let this scenario come inside your head: ecl playoffs, matchup for the title/promotion/relegation, overtime. Your team has a powerplay and don't score, produces a turnover and There are 2 seconds left on the penalty. You are in total stress and make the move to the side of the penalty box to prevent a breakaway chance - and the player spawns exact on the other side of the ice, gives a middlefinger to your positioning, scores a goal and you are done. That would also be a nice way to sell some new tv's, monitors, controllers.. And don't forget the major point of all critics - the dressing room error. One of our backup guys can play every other game with a very low ping with a nice internet connection, but he can't play nhl because of reasons. Basically he spent 70 euros to try it sometimes and have fun for 20 minutes in our party chat and than rages and go to another game because he can't play any single game with us. That's not acceptable. In the rest of our team we don't realy have that much problems with error codes or get kicked out of the sessions, but you spend nearly half an hour or more in the dressing room everyday because some guy drops out of the game and you have to restart it. And you don't go back to the dressing room, no, this would be the easy solution so no way to do it like that. Go to the main menu and click through 5 different menus to get back to the dressing room. Brilliant! Otherwise the game physics are kind of random sometimes - on that play your player is totally in the wrong position and still takes the puck, sometimes you stand perfect in the passing lane and he is more interested in the young girl from shawinigan in the stands as picking up the puck. You do a great saucer pass to score a cross crease goal? Don't trust it, because the defender could do a random stick lift to stop it and sometimes your pass gets through 3 players. It's basically inconsistent for a lot of games. I guess that most people don't want to complain the whole game, but currently these little flaws are way to present and pisses everyone that off that they will see way more negative things than positive. It's human to rage and hate the game if you spend 2 hours in the dressing room without finding a matchup that works without any drops and than receive a cheesy goal. So far I'm satisfied with the general settings and it feels that you need more skill to win games. But I can totally understand people who hates the game already because off all these flaws and maybe the only big change in the game physics (skating) got cut and it seems that frostbite or other new game mechanics are far away to get included. Ps: please note that I'm nearly only playing eashl and not versus or HUT.- 19 comments
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Roster announcement 2018/2019 Mario is one of the silent guys, but he speaks up for himself due to his playstyle. He was also part of the start of the rebuild and become stronger in every game he has played. Steve and Mario built one of the best defensive duos in the ECL 5 Lite division and they had a big impact of the teams development. Sometimes he has to suffer for his homeland, as he is beside Patrick the only Austrian on our team, but he's never shy to throw a joke about his favourite neighbours. ------------------------------------------------------------- Kaderbekanntgabe 2018/2019 Mario ist einer der ruhigen Jungs, aber er macht durch seine Leistungen auf sich aufmerksam. Er war ebenfalls Teil des Neustarts und wird mit jedem Spiel immer besser. Steve und Mario bildeten eines der besten Defensivduos in der ECL 5 Lite Division und hatten großen Anteil an der Entwicklung des Teams. Manchmal muss er ein bisschen aufgrund seines Heimatlandes leiden, da er neben Patrick der einzige Österreicher in unserem Team ist, aber er schreckt nicht davor zurück mal den ein oder anderen Witz über seine Lieblingsnachbarn auszupacken.
Roster announcement 2018/2019 Steve was the first player to join the risky journey of rebuilding the whole team in NHL17. Stefan, Willy and Franky were glad to have him on our side as he was known as a rock-solid defender of our former farmteam Rising Phantoms HC. As he decided to look for something new, we know that Steve will be the perfect addition to our plans. If you have to play against him, tighten your chin straps and be ready to work your ass off in order to score some goals. --------------------------------------------------- Kaderbekanntgabe 2018/2019 Steve war der erste Spieler, der dem riskanten Unterfangen eines Neuaufbaus des Teams in NHL17 beitrat. Stefan, Willy und Franky waren froh darum ihn zu haben, da er als außerordentlicher Verteidiger unseres früheren Farmteams Rising Phantoms HC bekannt war. Als er sich dazu entschied etwas Neues zu suchen, wussten wir, dass Steve perfekt zu unseren Plänen passen würde. Wenn du gegen ihn spielen musst, schnalle dir den Kinnriemen enger und sei bereit dir den Arsch dafür abzurackern um Tore zu erzielen.
Roster announcement 2018/2019 Our ECL captain will suit up in a different role than in the last season. Franky will also be part of the defense but probably see some ice-time as a forward. He will try to make everything happen that the teams success will be greater than in ECL 6. ---------------------------------------------------- Kaderbekanntgabe 2018/2019 Unser ECL Kapitän wird eine andere Rolle als letzte Saison einnehmen. Franky wird ebenfalls Teil der Defensive sein, aber möglicherweise auch Eiszeit als Stürmer erhalten. Er wird alles versuchen, dass das Team noch größeren Erfolg als in ECL 6 hat.
Roster announcement 2018/2019 We go further in the process of releasing our roster for the new season by presenting you our new assistant captain Maxi "gzell60"! He's not only one of the guys with the highest hockey IQ on the team, his off ice presence was a reason for the GMs Stefan "The_Rayman80" and Franky "Mannheimer1938" to promote his role inside the team. The signing of this german NHL icon was defining for our future path. Here are some facts about him: --------------------------------------------------------- Kaderbekanntgabe 2018/2019 Wir führen unsere Vorstellungen unseres Kaders für die neue Saison fort und präsentieren euch unseren neuen Assistenzkapitän Maxi "gzell60"! Er ist nicht nur einer der Jungs mit der höchsten Spielintelligenz, sondern seine Präsenz auch außerhalb des Eises war ein Grund für die GMs Stefan "The_Rayman80" und Franky "Mannheimer1938" in innerhalb des Teams zu befördern. Der Zugang dieser deutschen NHL Ikone war bestimmend für unseren zukünftigen Weg. Hier sind ein paar Fakten über ihn:
Roster announcement 2018/2019 HYPE! There are only 7 days left to the early release of EA Sports NHL19 and 10 days for the normal version. As a lot of teams we would like to announce our final roster for the upcoming season. As you will notice, we will publish every player separate as they should get the credit they deserve. If you want to check out our whole roster, stay tuned the next following days as you can get to know our players a little bit differently as expected. We will start with the presentation of our netminder - Patrick, RPH_31, who saved our ECL 6 season as a midseason signing because our former goaltender @willywonkaaa had to take a step back due to personal reasons. He had a big impact for our improvement at the end of the season and is without a doubt one of the best german-speaking goaltenders the game has to offer. As we know from the Beta version, he is hyped to get things started as the most said words during the Beta were "I like this game!". ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaderbekanntgabe 2018/2019 ENDLICH! Es sind nur noch 7 Tage bis zum Start der Legenden/Ultimate-Version von EA Sports NHL19 und 10 Tage bis zum Start der Standard-Version. Wie viele Teams wollen wir unseren finalen Kader für die kommende Saison bekanntgeben. Wie ihr sehen werdet, werden wir jeden einzelnen Spieler separat bekanntgeben, da sie die Aufmerksamkeit erhalten sollen, die sie verdienen. Wenn ihr unseren gesamten Kader kennenlernen wollt, bleibt die nächsten tage dran um unsere Spieler von einer anderen Seite als gedacht kennenzulernen. Wir starten mit der Vorstellung unseres Torhüters - Patrick, RPH_31, welcher unsere ECL 6 Saison gerettet hat, als wir ihn mitten in der Saison verpflichteten, da unser ehemaliger Torhüter willywonkaaa einen Schritt aus persönlichen Gründen zurücktreten musste. Er war ein großer Faktor für unsere Entwicklung zum Ende unserer Saison und ist ohne Zweifel einer der besten deutschsprachigen Torhüter, welches das Spiel zu bieten hat. Wie wir von der Beta Version wissen, ist er ganz aufgeregt endlich loslegen zu können, da die meistgesagten Worte folgende waren: "Ich mag dieses Spiel!".
Hey NHLGamers, the regular season of Summer Cup 3 is in the books and we go further into the process and start the playoff action! We hope that the final episode of competitive NHL 18 action has been and continues being fun for all participants and everybody has had the chance to fulfil their expectations: get in touch with the 6vs6 mode, get to know the NHLGamer community, learn swear words from foreign languages and last but not least - we hope everyone has had FUN. On behalf of the NHLGamer organisation we would say thank you to all 433 participants and especially those 40 serving as primary captains. Not everybody got the four required games played, but we had a look at all of the cases cases where a player did not play enough and currently no team or player has been punished and as it looks, no one will be. The captains did a good job at communicating with their teams and did their best to get all players onto the ice. Now we are heading into the playoffs, where 32 out of the total 40 teams have made their way. The seeding is based on PPG and the usual tie-breakers (as per the rules) and these are the pairings for the first round: (1.) NG KELAMIEHET vs NG Stanley Cupcakes (32.) (2.) NG HANAA vs NG Misfits (31.) (3.) NG Blue Circle vs NG Thunder (30.) (4.) NG Club Kannunkulma vs NG Pucktroopers (29.) (5.) NG Alahärmän Pullistus vs NG JERRY 69 (28.) (6.) NG RIPmoti vs NG Capitals (27.) (7.) NG Definitely Maybe vs NG Whoforce (26.) (8.) NG Pena ja Setelit vs NG Nighthawks (25.) (9.) NG Blackout vs NG We Dem Boyz (24.) (10.) NG Tampereen Elvis vs NG Dekes of Hazard (23.) (11.) NG Mousetrap vs NG Chaves Carnivores (22.) (12.) NG Puck Nation vs NG Spring (21.) (13.) NG Rough Riders vs NG Finnish Snipers (20.) (14.) NG OldbutSlow vs NG Paikallinen (19.) (15.) NG Kings vs NG White Sharks (18.) (16.) NG Knox vs NG Intl Hooligans (17.) The 1st round is played in a best-of-three series starting today, on the 2nd of July 2018, and has to be finished by the end of Wednesday 4th of July 2018. No extra time will be given! As a reminder, here is the schedule for the playoffs: Playoffs round 1: 2.7.-4.7. Playoffs round 2: 5.7.-9.7. Quarter Finals: 11.7.-14.7. Semi Finals: 16.7.-19.7. Finals: 22.7. We wish all participating teams and players good luck.
Hey NHLGamers, after a great night with the Summer Cup Draft Lottery, everyone is fired up for the final Draft this Saturday. We will begin the broadcast at 16:00 CEST, so stay tuned to hear your name get off the board and into a new teamplay experience. @The_Alpha_Furyan hyped up the end of the NHL year in previous occasions with his mock drafts and @MartindalexC, @Panarinz and myself have the pleasure to try to walk in his footsteps by continuing this series with a kind of a variation. This year we will name our Top 40 (Round 1) and introduce a brand new scoring system. We will differentiate those 40 players into 4 groups: Top 10 (pick 1-10), Top 20 (pick 11-20), Top 30 (pick 21-30) and Top 40 (pick 31-40). If someone picked the player on the exact spot, they will get 3 points. If the player gets picked in the same group, they will get 1 point. If the player gets picked in another group, they will get 0 points. For example, if @Panarinz picks @MartindalexC on spot number 1 and he goes first overall, Panarinz will get 3 points. If MartindalexC gets picked as second overall, Panarinz will get 1 point. If MartindalexC gets picked as the 11th player in this years draft, Panarinz will get 0 points. We would like you to join us with your own mock draft in the comment section! The winner of this tongue-in-cheek competition will - in addition to bragging rights - win a broadcast night for his ECL team. You can name us a regular season matchup and we will cover it live with commentary on our Twitch-channel. Without further ado, here are our mock drafts: @Panarinz Top 10 1. I_Eki_I 2. Pleemaker 3. Flyerkungen 4. Joukki13 5. Dominointi 6. KingOfApes 7. Foppatofflan 8. Patzlaf 9. vatalist 10. jtorro1234 Top 20 11. indi969 12. hansulinho 13. ilmari30 14. DieCutterMC 15. Puantso 16. Vilupoika 17. Crisu_Rottis 18. cHIIMEERa 19. FIN_Potilas 20. Bugimir Top 30 21. Anhel_Kuru 22. oGBioLan 23. Re_Wenger 24. Nylanderi 25. Jageksi 26. lbjonol 27. Zande95 28. pajenc32 29. ktewjh 30. swagx88 Top 40 31. VeskuLiNe 32. Hullued 33. Strumpan87 34. januri98 35. taemtaem 36. Eyebiz 37. Terasniska 38. Lamsa 39. JParola 40. vSilenttio @Mannheimer1938 Top 10 1. Flyerkungen 2. I_Eki_I 3. Foppatofflan 4. Dominointi 5. Pleemaker 6. Patzlaf 7. Joukki13 8. vatalisti 9. Puantso 10. cHIIMEERa Top 20 11. KingOfApes 12. indi969 13. ilmari30 14. jtorro1234 15. DieCutterMC 16. tbnantti 17. hansulinho 18. pajenc32 19. FIN_Potilas 20. vilupoika Top 30 21. swagx88 22. Anhel_Kuru 23. Jageksi 24. Crisu_Rottis 25. bugimir 26. Zande95 27. eyebiz 28. oGBioLan 29. Nylanderi 30. vSilenttio Top 40 31. johtaja699 32. imosi1 33. lbjonol 34. JParola 35. re_Wenger 36. Ikavalko 37. taemtaem 38. ZipPlayer 39. BiggestEight 40. Haldeeem @MartindalexC Top 10 1. I_Eki_I 2. Dominointi 3. Pleemaker 4. Joukki13 5. Puantso 6. Foppatofflan 7. Patzlaf 8. Vilupoika 9. Tbnantti 10. Vatalisti Top 20 11. Flyerkungen 12. jtorro1234 13. Hansulinho 14. Indi969 15. Nylanderi 16. Kingofapes 17. DieCutterMC 18. Lamsa 19. Silenttio 20. Bugimir Top 30 21. JParola 22. Chiimeera 23. ilmari30 24. Filariou 25. Anhel_Kuru 26. Bjono 27. JaikenK 28.Rutonmosse 29. Ikavalko 30. Zande95 Top 40 31.Imosi1 32. Ktewjh 33. Terasniska 34. Re_wenger 35. koojiikoojii 36. Strumpan87 37. Jergelii 38. Supreex 39. Pelle3000 40. JaromirSniper68 Do you think these mock drafts are good, ridiculous, bold? Let us know in the comment section below by building your own mock draft! You can find the list of all draftable players by clicking here.
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Hey NHLGamers, we want to remind you that the deadline for the Summer Cup registration is only 1 day away (Wednesday, 6th June 2018 23:59:59 CEST). Over 370 players will already take part in this Summer tournament and we would be proud to break the mark of 400 participants. This tournament will increase your network within the community and especially newcomers are welcome to enjoy the possibilities which NHLGamer has to offer. We are doing a live-draft event on Saturday, starting at 16:00 CEST, where every team captain will complete their roster piece by piece by hopefully drafting a great bunch of players who will have a ton of fun together. If you missed our original Summer Cup 3 post, here is the structure of this upcoming event: SUMMER CUP 3 FRAMEWORK Team building: No more than 2 players from a single ECL 6 team are allowed to play on the same Summer Cup team. This rule applies to the final rosters, after transfers and free agents. Team names: The Summer Cup will be played in dedicated EASHL teams which will have "NG" as a prefix - for example "NG Golden Knights". Sign-ups: To rule out unfortunate circumstances when it comes to player positioning, holidays and other aspects, the sign-ups will follow a clear structure, allowing captains to recognize fitting players more easily. Draft procedure: The team captains will be taking part in a snake draft, where all of the signed up players will be drafted during one night. LEAGUE DETAILS Summer Cup Season 3 will take place on the PS4 version of NHL18. Last day to sign up is Wednesday 6th of June 2018. Players sign up using the registration tool linked at the bottom of the post. Due to the latency issues experienced by the North American players in Summer Cup 2, Summer Cup 3 is only for European players. All signed up players are aimed to be seeded into teams with a size of 10 players (may vary). Out of all registrations, NHLGamer Staff will select an according number of team captains from the players that offered to take on a captaincy role in their sign-up post - anyone is allowed to apply for it. Team captains will receive a draft sheet on Thursday 7th of June, containing all signed up players and relevant information in a structured form. Team captains will be taking part in a live draft event on Saturday 9th of June picking their roster until all players are seeded. The draft will be streamed live on our Twitch channel. All games are played 6vs6 using dedicated EASHL teams. The Summer Cup is set to start on the week of June 11th and aimed to be finished in July. Full rules will be released after registration is over. HOW TO PARTICIPATE To participate, make sure you are logged in or create an account first, visit the sign-up page and fill in all fields of the registration form like below - make sure the player positions in your Player Card are up-to-date so captains know who they are drafting! You can update your Player Card on the "Edit Player" page. Sign-up page: Click here! Be a part of this record breaking crowd and sign up for this years Summer Cup!
Hallo GCL-Gamers, die erste Playoff-Runde ist nun vorüber und jeweils die Favoriten haben sich, zumindest laut Ergebnissen, recht eindeutig durchgesetzt. Die Spiele waren aber zumeist jeweils von sehr enger Natur, was noch mehr Spannung für das Halbfinale verspricht! Wir danken hierbei nochmal allen Teilnehmern, auch aus der regulären Saison! Wir hoffen, die erste Saison auf NHLGamer hat euch Spaß gemacht und wir dürfen euch für unsere nächste GCL Saison hier wieder begrüßen. So waren die Paarungen und Ergebnisse in der ersten Playoff-Runde: (1.) Deadly Phantoms HC - Pink Panthers HC (8.) 4:1 (2.) The Black Jacks - Clowns on Ice (7.) 4:1 (3.) Trinidad Tobago - SGWEER United (6.) 4:0 (4.) Puck Panthers - EV Duisburg (5.) 4:0 Die Paarungen für die zweite Runde, das Halbfinale, lauten wie folgt: (1.) Deadly Phantoms HC - Puck Panthers (4.) (2.) The Black Jacks - Trinidad Tobago (3.) Diese Partien werden im Modus best-of-7 ausgetragen und beginnen am Montag, den 04.06.2018 und müssen bis einschliesslich Sonntag, den 10.06.2018, beendet sein. Wir versprechen uns bei diesen Matchups sehr spannende Partien und hoffen, ihr könnt diese auch auf den jeweils vorhandenen Twitch-Channel der Teams mit ansehen. Des Weiteren möchten wir euch hier noch über die Entscheidungen der Ligaleitung über folgende Partien mitteilen: 1. Regular Season - SGWEER United - Puck Panthers. Die Puck Panthers haben für diese Partien 4 Punkte durch Walk-Over Siege erhalten. SGWEER musste zwei vorhandene Termine leider absagen und entschied sich dazu, die Punkte an die Puck Panthers abzutreten. 2. Regular Season - SGWEER United - NHL4you. Diese Spiele waren offiziell für den 30.04.2018 angesetzt, wurden jedoch nie gespielt. Beide Teams befanden sich im Austausch, wobei jedoch SGWEER United den wesentlich aktiveren Part darstellte, entschieden wir uns dazu, ihnen beide Walk-Over Siege zuzuschreiben. 3. Regular Season - SGWEER United - The German Empire. Bei diesem Aufeinandertreffen entschieden wir uns dazu, dass keiner der beiden Parteien eine Wertung zu deren Gunsten verdient hatte. 4. Disqualifikation des Teams The Two Ways - The Two Ways mussten uns leider über ihre Aufgabe der GCL2-Saison informieren, da sie zu wenig Spieler besaßen, um die Saison noch zu Ende spielen zu können. Da maximal 4 Spiele aufgegeben werden dürfen, entschieden wir uns dazu die Ergebnisse des Teams vollständig zu annullieren. 4.1. Da The Two Ways ihre Saison leider vorzeitig beenden mussten, erhalten die GMs Thomas05081986, Mathnicole251213 und Red09Dragon08 eine GM-Sperre für jeweils ein Turnier der GCL und ECL, da sie ihren Pflichten als GMs nicht nachgekommen sind um ihre Spiele bzw. die Saison zu beenden. Da die Transferfrist bis Ende der regulären Saison andauerte, wäre es noch möglich gewesen, Spieler zu verpflichten um die Saison zu Ende spielen zu können. 5. Rückzug des Teams SGWEER United - Das Team SGWEER United informierte uns leider erst am 3. Tag der ersten Playoff-Runde, dass sie sich aus der GCL 2 zurückziehen werden. Hierfür erhält das Team Trinidad Tobago vier Walk-Over Siege und rückt in das Halbfinale vor. Die GMs des Teams SGWEER United Ccbow-501, Chris-at-Home und Armani-code1904 erhalten ebenfalls eine GM-Sperre für jeweils ein GCL und ECL Turnier (Begründung siehe Punkt 5 in den Regeln). Wir wünschen allen verbliebenen Teams viel Erfolg und Glück, habt Spaß!
Hey NHLGamers, Yet another ECL season is in the books and we got to enjoy some outstanding games, teams and players. We would like to launch our season recap series by taking a look in the rear-view mirror at what happened in our Lite division. This season we broke the benchmark of 100 participating teams, which resulted in a 60-team Lite division with six 10-team groups. In this Lite division recap, we’ll be reviewing the performance of those teams highlighted in our predictions article. Group 1: Ghetto Firebirds - The Firebirds proved that they belong in the mix of teams that can compete for the chance for the promotion to the Pro division. They had a nice bounce back after being relegated from Pro at the end of ECL 5. Captain @Aantri led his team to a convincing 1st place finish in their group with a record of 14-3-1, the captain amassing a decent 53 points along the way. The team started the playoffs quite well with a 4:1 series win in the first round, following a 6 game series in the second round. They fell just short of a promotion by losing their quarterfinal against Sektion K with a series score of 1:4. Sektion K - Sektion K finished only 3rd in their group, but former Lavetten player @Edhoolm97 in the center position together with goaltender @Tauri led their team all the way into the semi-finals where they lost in a game 7 thriller to one of the preview favourites, Cowabunga Hockey. They gained their promotion by knocking out the top 3 seed SGWEER United. Group 2: Freddie Mercury Institute - Freddie Mercury Institute had to deal with quite a tough group and finished only 4th in the regular season. They were still ranked as the 12th seed in the playoffs and punched their ticket for a chance of a promotion by qualifying into the round of the last 8. However, this story didn’t have a happy ending as Style crushed their dreams by winning the series 4:1. SGWEER United - This German-Swedish connection came back strong after a painful 1st round exit in ECL 5. They topped their group again and managed to advance to the second round in the playoffs. In the second round SGWEER faced eventual semi-finalists Sektion K, whose impressive defensive efforts were poisonous for SGWEER’s very strong offense built around top-scorer @Gregson91. Group 3: Style - The double OEHL champion established a strong presence in the ECL scene by finishing 2nd in their group. Left wing @Panarinz put in a huge effort in their long playoff run, which ended in a 4:2 semi-final loss against the champions to be EV Duisburg. On their playoff run, Style managed sweep another favourite Suomen Sonnit in their second round matchup, which is certainly an impressive show of strength from the Swedes. Korpens Finest - Listed as the team to watch in group 3, Korpens Finest proved their given status by finishing on top of their group with a regular season record of 13-3-2. Heading into the Playoffs as only the 10th seed, they eliminated The Black Jacks - also from group 3 in the first round. However, their second round matchup against GHETTO FIREBIRDS ended in a disappointing loss. Group 4: Bare Knuckles Hockey - Bare Knuckles Hockey had a nearly perfect regular season with a record of 17-1-0. The only loss they had to mark was in their last matchup against Kaksikymmentaseitseman. Ranked 1st of all playoff teams, high-scoring right wing @Tero Paikkari (Teroe94) and his group struggled early in the first round, with the series extending all the way to a game seven. This monster of a team was taken down in the second round in another seven game series in the hands of MotherPuckers. Etelan Vetelat - Etelan Vetelat perfomed quite well as a newcomer into the ECL scene by gaining the 2nd place of their group. After losing both games in their very first regular season matchup against Bare Knuckles Hockey, they won nearly all of their remaining games. Seeding 9th into the playoffs, Vetelat got eliminated in the hands of the later champion EV Duisburg in the second round. Group 5: Cowabunga Hockey - Cowabunga Hockey was listed as a favourite for group 5 and they didn't hesitate to show us why. With a record of 15-2-1 they were the 2nd seed for this seasons Lite playoffs and had one heck of a playoff run. Nearly the same six guys tied their skates for the entire season and brought the team all the way into the finals - only to have their dreams obliterated by EV Duisburg in a sweep. Despite their difficult matchup in the finals, we are sure Cowabunga will be motivated for their next season in ECL Pro, coming back even stronger. Hippo Rangers - The Hippo Rangers had a very strong performance as a newcomer and only tiebreakers kept them from topping their regular season group. After sweeping KulmalaHengaus in the first round, they were forced to pack their bags and head for the beaches in a 2:4 series loss against Pohjoista Voimaa in the second round. With a combo of good offense, strong defense and a small but experienced squad they were a force to be reckoned with and may still be next season. Group 6: Suomen Sonnit - The Finns were on every list for this season's favourites in the Lite division. After a decent regular season (14-3-1) they handed out a sweep in the first round, only to get it handed back by Style in the second round. They had a match winner in goaltender @Theoikeakarim, who had an incredible season with just under 2 GAA in both the playoffs and during the regular season. They will learn from their mistakes and assuming we'll see these guys in Lite next season they will probably be one of the favourites to get promoted. HokiDogit - HokiDogit impressed everyone with their performance in the regular season (11-3-4) but they failed to gain confidence out of it. Unfortunately for them, they lost directly in the first round against the Bucketeers. They played a good allround game during the regular season, having good defense and decent scoring from all roster players. With more practice and experience from tight playoff games they will not make the same mistakes again and you can expect them to come back even stronger. Under the radar: EV Duisburg - The Germans flew under the radar in the beginning of the season. After turning down an offer of being promoted to ECL Pro in the offseason, EVD came back to Lite as they wanted to prove to themselves that they are worth the Pro spot. Their road to victory began as the 8th seed (finished 3rd in the group stage) and a 4:1 victory over Soldiers of Odens. @FoxGoalie and his crew eliminated Etelan Vetelat (4:2), Pohjoista Voimaa (4:0) and Style (4:2) on their way to the cup by finishing it in style with a finals sweep over Cowabunga Hockey (4:0). AWARDS Playoff MVP: @FoxGoalie Most Points: @Fin_torspo90, Cowabunga Hockey, 28 Goals, 35 Assists, 63 Points in 18 games Most Goals: @Tero Paikkari (Teroe94), Bare Knuckles Hockey, 39 Goals, 21 Assists, 60 Points in 18 games Most Assists: @Tinkesakara, Cowabunga Hockey, 17 Goals, 37 Assists, 54 Points in 18 games Most Hits by a Forward: @Zuominen, Unfinished Business, 112 Hits in 16 games Best +/-: @Duran93, Bare Knuckles Hockey, +51 in 18 games Most Points by a Defenseman: @C4__N4R__V4, SGWEER United, 4 Goals, 24 Assists, 28 Points in 18 games Most Goals by a Defenseman: @lejo199, Asserklubi, 8 Goals, 8 Assists, 16 Points in 16 games Most Assist by a Defenseman: @C4__N4R__V4, SGWEER United, 4 Goals, 24 Assists, 28 Points in 18 games Most Hits by a Defenseman: @Tobago, Trinidad Tobago,134 Hits in 24 Games TOP 3'S OF ECL 6 LITE Top 3 Forwards Regular Season: 1. @Fin_torspo90 , Cowabunga Hockey, 28 Goals, 35 Assists, 63 Points in 18 games 2. @Tero Paikkari (Teroe), Bare Knuckles Hockey, 39 Goals, 21 Assists, 60 Points in 18 games 3. @Gregson91 , SGWEER United, 28 Goals, 32 Assists, 60 Points in 16 games Top 3 Defender Regular Season: 1. @C4__N4R__V4, SGWEER United, 4 Goals, 24 Assists, 28 Points in 18 games 2. @CCBow-501, SGWEER United, 2 Goals, 21 Assists, 23 Points in 16 games 3. @MonkeyHead_AF, Cowabunga Hockey, 4 Goals, 18 Assists in 18 games Top 3 Goaltenders Regular Season: 1. @Jonitski, Cowabunga Hockey, 15 Wins, 88,54%, 1,44 GAA, 4 SO in 18 games 2. @Perkkari, Hippo Rangers, 15 Wins, 84,21%, 1,50 GAA, 3 SO in 18 games 3. @George, Bare Knuckles Hockey, 15 Wins, 80,13%, 1,81 GAA, 4 SO in 16 games Top 3 Forwards Playoffs: 1. @Tinkesakara, Cowabunga Hockey, 16 Goals, 28 Assists, 44 Points in 25 games 2. @Edhoolm97, Sektion K, 22 Goals, 19 Assists, 41 Points in 20 games 3. @Panarinz, Style, 18 Goals, 21 Assists, 39 Points in 18 games Top 3 Defender Playoffs: 1. @xXPsykoSkillsXx, EV Duisburg, 3 Goals, 20 Assists, 23 Points in 24 games 2. @HambergD, Sektion K, 3 Goals, 15 Assists, 18 Points in 21 games 3. @Lortto, Hippo Rangers, 3 Goals, 13 Assists, 16 Points in 10 games Top 3 Goaltenders Playoffs: 1. @FoxGoalie, EV Duisburg, 20 Wins, 90,40%, 1,04 GAA, 10 SO in 25 games 2. @Jonitski, Cowabunga Hockey, 16 Wins, 86,57%, 1,60 GAA, 4 SO in 26 games 3. @Gunde021, Style, 12 Wins, 86,47%, 1,55 GAA, 3 SO in 18 games This season we'd also like to make the introduction of the top 6 of the season. This will mean a selection of six players in a starting lineup, that have showed exceptional skill and played a good season. This season, the selections were made by staff members who have been following ECL Lite. Without further ado, here's the top 6 of our Lite division in ECL 6: @Panarinz (Style) - @Tinkesakara (Cowabunga Hockey) - @Edhoolm97 (Sektion K) @xXPsykoSkillsXx (EV Duisburg) - @C4__N4R__V4 (SGWEER United) @FoxGoalie (EV Duisburg) The NHLGamer staff congratulates EV Duisburg for winning the Lite division and furthermore Cowabunga Hockey, Sektion K and Style for their promotions to the Pro division. We want to thank all participating teams for their efforts and hope you all enjoyed the season! If you have any suggestions on how we could improve our website, please let us know by contacting any staff member. The recaps of our other divisions will be published soon, so keep your eyes peeled!
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Hey NHLGamers, the second round of the Pro playoffs are finished and we go on to the next round. All remaining teams got one step closer to their chance to play in the Elite division next season in ECL 7 by winning their respective series. The two finalists will be qualified directly, while the two semi final losers have their chance by playing against the Nordic Stars or Pata Hellalla in the relegation battles. We are excited for these tough battles, which we will do our best to cover on our Twitch channel. These are the upcoming matchups for the semifinals: (1) FILADELPHIA vs White Trash (7) FILADELPHIA sweeped their quarter final opponent Deadly Phantoms HC right away and don't seem to hesitate on finishing their season goal of qualifying for Elite! They needed only a total of 9 games in the first two rounds to go on to the semi finals and even with that low game count,@Erkki (I_Eki_I) and @Joonas Paatiala (Patzlaf) are in the Top 10 playoff scorers. They lead their Elite style offense, generating dangerous scoring chances and always seem to have the patience to make the right decisions. @xDoumi and @oGBioLan are strong on both ends of the ice and very decent on the opening pass. White Trash had to go the full distance in their seven game series against SIKA, just as in the first round. Lead by @Zip player, the dynamic offensive trio of @rGinnu and @Kane can score some goals and can make every defense hurt by gaining chances out of their mistakes. They showed us that they can stand the pressure by winning two game 7's. Are they able to shut down the weapons of FILADELPHIA and score efficiently enough on the chances they will get? Prediction: 4:2 FILADELPHIA (2) Monarchs vs Almost Famous (3) Monarchs impressed everyone so far this season. Mentioned as the underdog in our season preview, they topped their group and have only lost two games in this seasons playoffs so far. The team - previously called Lavetten - had a sweep in the first round and nearly controlled all of their second round matchup against Red Machine. Led by the captain @chavelski in net, the whole team showed up as a future Elite team. @pajenc , @Tacterz and @Zalaz know every trick of the game and are able to spin the defense's heads around. Almost Famous tries to accomplish the walk-trough from Lite to Elite in only two seasons. They flew under the radar at the beginning of the season, but were noticed by everyone, starting their first Pro-season 9-1-0, with wins over the top contenders Shameful Knights and Baltic Sea Eagles. As in the regular season, they defeated the Baltic Sea Eagles in the second round (4-1) and try to keep their hope of the Elite division alive. They don't win their games in a spectacular fashion, but @Ikavalko , @Rimpe and @Devilfish14 strike whenever they have to. As part of the regular season in group 1 they already played two games against each other. Both teams won their respective home games (3:1 and 4:2) so we can expect a really tough matchup and a long series! Prediction: 4:3 Monarchs The semifinals are underway (from 13th April 2018) and have to be finished by 20th April 2018 (Friday). No extra time will be given! We wish all the remaining teams good luck and most importantly: have fun! Please let us know when you will play your respective games so we have the chance to cover them.
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- monarchs
- almost famous
(and 7 more)
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Hey NHLGamers, the playoffs in the Pro divisions are underway and we saw tight matchups throughout the whole first playoff round. Now we are down to eight teams and below you'll find our attempt at predicting the outcome of the quarter final matchups: (1) FILADELPHIA vs Deadly Phantoms HC (13) (written by @jahajaha93) This series will be featuring number one seed, powerhouse FILADELPHIA taking on a surprisingly strong Deadly Phantoms HC who managed to beat Alliance HT in their first round matchup. FILA didn’t dominate as much as expected in their last matchup, as they were seemingly struggling at times against Quality, who provided a good challenge with their counter attacks and offensive zone saucers. Maybe it’s just a matter of mental preparation for the heavy favourites, led by @Erkki (I_Eki_I). Deadly Phantoms on the other end will have nothing to lose in this matchup. After getting promoted to Pro after a successful campaign last year they will surely look to display yet another upset in this seasons playoffs. Can the Germans display a defense good enough to wear out FILADELPHIA's offensive guns and will Eki be able to motivate his team enough to bring their A game in this series? These will be the big questions that decide the outcome of this matchup. Prediction: 4-2 FILADELPHIA (2) Monarchs vs Red Machine (11) Monarchs are the top seed of group 1 and didn't hesitate to fulfill the expectations with their sweep against the Raging Monkeys. @chavelski stood tall in net, allowing only 5 goals in 4 games. They struggled a little bit in the first game (3:2 OT victory), but then they found the key to success against their opponent by dominating them in the rest of the series. At the other side of the rink, Red Machine was able to outscore the 3rd seed of group 1 (Shameful Knights). Their offense is lead by @RutonMosse with an outstanding - some might say incredible - shot-percentage of 100% (12 shots, 12 goals) and they are also very hard to beat with their strong defensive core (9 GAA in 6 games). We expect a defensive battle, where Monarchs have to be patient to get by the defense of Red Machine and be aware of their dangerous counter attacks. Prediction: 4-2 Monarchs (3) Almost Famous vs Baltic Sea Eagles (10) Both teams of this series won their first round series 4:2. While Almost Famous struggled a little bit on the first night (1-2), they got their things together by winning the matchup with three unanswered wins. The series of Baltic Sea Eagles was a little bit tighter with three games going to overtime (BSE lost two). As in the regular season, Almost Famous is playing nearly every time with their starting six, while Baltic Sea Eagles handles the pressure with more rotation of their players. The strong defense of the Sea Eagles have to shut down the dynamic offensive trio of @Ikavalko, @Devilfish14 and @Rimpe. Prediction: 4-1 Almost Famous (5) SIKA vs White Trash (7) SIKA had a rough start into this years playoffs by losing two games out of the first three, but kept their season alive by turning the series around by winning the last three matches. White Trash had to go with a full best of seven series, coming back from being down 2:3 in the series. @rGinnu turned the series into their favour by scoring six points in the last two wins. White Trash has to improve the defensive game, but definitely has the chance to outscore SIKA. We expect a tight matchup and a long series. Prediction: 4-3 SIKA All series will be played in a best-of-seven series between the 5th and the 12th of April 2018. No extra time will be given! We wish all remaining teams good luck and please let us know, when your series will take place so we have a chance to cover the games on our official Twitch channel twitch.tv/NHLGamerTwitch.
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- predictions
- quarter finals
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Hey NHLGamers, we witnessed what some would describe as upset wins in the Lite playoffs. We definitely have to mention that there is only one team out of the top six regular season teams remaining. At this stage, there are no teams left that don't belong there, though. The level of competitiveness is very high and all teams want to pick up their spots for the Pro division. The winner of the series earn their guaranteed spot in the higher division in ECL 7. So the price is high, the fall is near endless. Let's have a look at the upcoming matchups: (2) Cowabunga Hockey vs MotherPuckers (19) (7) GHETTO FIREBIRDS vs Sektion K (15) (8) EV Duisburg vs Pohjoista Voimaa (13) (11) Style vs Freddie Mercury Institute (12) The quarter final round is going to be played from 30th March until 7th April 2018 (Saturday). No extra time will be given! We hope we can cover some playoff action via our NHLGamer Twitch channel. At the very least you will be able to follow the action by following the respective team channels. Stay tuned on the NHLGamer.com front page to stay on top of the action. Best of luck to all of the remaining teams!
Thanks @strapat, I don't know why I missed them. I fixed it
Hey NHLGamers, an eventful regular season in ECL Pro is behind us. We saw tough battles for the playoff spots and teams fighting for their life to avoid the relegation battles. Unfortunately LA had to disqualify two teams (Inter Iceland and Sypperstaars) because of several rule infractions. Pro group 1 therefore had only 26 games to finish their regular season. All of our predicted favorites who were mentioned in our season preview by @jahajaha93 are qualified for the best time of the year. The so called underdog Monarchs actually turned out to be the strongest team in Group 1. As expected, FILADELPHIA showed their skill by winning group 2 and are still on their path to get to the Elite division as soon as possible. The first round in the Pro playoffs is cross-seeded, which means the top seed of group 1 will face off against the lowest seed of group 2. After the first round, the seeding will be set by PPG. Below are the matchups for round 1: (1) FILADELPHIA vs Quality (16) (2) Monarchs vs Raging Monkeys (15) (3) Almost Famous vs Monte Carlo (14) (4) Alliance HT vs Deadly Phantoms HC (13) (5) SIKA vs Arctic (12) (6) Shameful Knights vs Red Machine (11) (7) White Trash vs Clowns on Ice (9) (8) Synergy Hockey vs Baltic Sea Eagles (10) All series will be played in a best-of-seven series from 26th of March 2018 until the 4th of April 2018. The first round is a little bit extended to account for the easter holidays. Below you can find the exact dates for the ECL Pro playoffs: First round 26.3.-4.4. Second round 5.4.-12.4. Semi-finals 13.4.-20.4. Finals 21.4.-28.4. After the loss of 3 teams for the relegation battles, League Administration has decided that there will only be one relegation battle in ECL Pro this season. The teams with the lowest PPG are going to fight to stay in the Pro division. The relegation matchup is: J P T J vs Nordic Nosebleed The teams Free From Rodents, Murohoki, Banterfield Battalion, Speedy Bros Hockey, TIKI TALK, Bellizzi, OG Royals, Penalty Box, Old Farts, EN HUND and Breakers of the Bone managed to stay in Pro. We thank all participants and hope you will return next season! Best of luck for all remaining teams, have fun!
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Hey NHLGamers, right now there is so much great stuff going on in this community. We have been enjoying a very entertaining All-Star Week, Pro teams pushing for their playoff spots and last but not least, the first round of the Lite playoffs. Nearly every favorite won their series, but they had to fight hard to get to the next stage. David alias EaLogic nearly crushed the dreams of Goliath alias Bare Knuckles Hockey. Will there be a big surprise in round 2? If your team lost your series, keep your head up, learn from it and come back even stronger next year! Did you win? Great, you advanced to the next level, but don't think it's gonna get any easier. Keep the momentum going, there will be no cakewalk to the finals! Let's have a look at the upcoming matchups: (1) Bare Knuckles Hockey vs MotherPuckers (19) (2) Cowabunga Hockey vs Bucketeers (17) (3) SGWEER United vs Sektion K (15) (4) Hippo Rangers vs Pohjoista Voimaa (13) (5) Rukoilevat Hinkkaajat vs Freddie Mercury Insitute (12) (6) Suomen Sonnit vs Style (11) (7) GHETTO FIREBIRDS vs Korpens Finest (10) (8) EV Duisburg vs Etelan Vetelat (9) The second round is going to be played from 23rd March until 29th March 2018 (next Thursday). No extra time will be given! There are many interesting matchups and it will be fun to watch. Stay tuned on the streams which will be featured on our main page. Best of luck for all the remaining teams!
Hey NHLGamers, we hope you are excited as we are to get the playoffs started. As we mentioned in our post about the playoff-pairings, it’s now time to step up or step aside. Can an underdog step face-to-face against a goliath, or are there going to be dreams crushed by the recent favorites? In this article we give you our predictions about every match-up and mention possible factors for every team. VS Bare Knuckles Hockey (17-1-0 / L10: 9-1-0) vs EaLogic (9-7-2 / L10: 3-6-1) David vs Goliath or EaLogic vs Bare Knuckles Hockey. Is it even fair? Bare Knuckles Hockey finished with the best record in the regular season, coming up short of a perfect regular season with a loss in the last game. EaLogic had an upside down season: they failed to compete against the top guns of their group and were the last team to jump on the playoff train via a nail-biting tie-breaker. We don't mean to be harsh, but this sounds like a pretty obvious outcome. The cornerstone of this high scoring offense (78 goals) is right winger Teroe94 with 60 points, finished #2 among skaters. Their man in the crease Geqee also had a strong regular season, gaining 15 wins with only 1,81 GAA by 4 shutouts. On the other side of the field center Chaostive has to lead his team offensively and get their defensive tight to reduce scoring chances. Prediction: 4:0 Bare Knuckles Hockey VS Cowabunga Hockey (15-2-1 / L10: 8-1-1) vs Slapshot Club Germany (9-6-3 / L10: 5-4-1) Cowabunga Hockey can tear apart opponents with their high-scoring offense (84 goals), which is lead by #1 top scorer Fin_torsp90 (63 points). As if that wouldn’t be enough, they have the best goaltender so far in this season. Jonitski managed a 1,44 GAA average with an outstanding save percentage of 88%. Cowabunga Hockey's whole defensive game plan worked so far, with only 26 goals against in 18 games. Slapshot Club Germany had a bad start, strong mid-season and an even worse finish. Despite managing to get the necessary wins to make it to the playoffs, the team struggled to find their game all season long. Their defensive core has to step up and needs to keep clear shots for their netminder NHLDennis86. As they won’t get that many scoring chances, they have to be very effective in the offensive zone. Prediction: 4:1 Cowabunga Hockey VS SGWEER United (15-2-1 / L10: 7-2-1) vs Kaksikymmentaseitseman (8-7-3 / L10: 6-4-0) SGWEER United had the top scoring offense (86 goals) of this past regular season, but their defense is one of the weakest among the top teams. The top offensive duo Gregson91 and riNBF3 (both over 55 Points) needs to keep scoring to keep their hopes of moving on to the next round alive. The Germans also have the best defensive pairing measured in points, but they need to step up in the defensive zone. Their lack of effectiveness could bother them as you can see in the first two results (7:3 win, 2:1 loss). Kaksikymmentaseitseman had a sloppy start, but gaining 6 out of their 8 wins in their last 10 games. They need to keep their net clean and score on the chances they will get. Prediction: 4:2 SGWEER United VS Hippo Rangers (15-2-1 / L10: 10-0-0) vs KulmalaHengaus (8-7-3 / L10: 4-4-2) Hippo Rangers had the best possible record in the last 10 games, finishing strong with 10 wins. Their strong defensive core around their goaltender Perkkari - who managed a 1,50 goals against average with a save percentage of 84% - needs to play as they're used to. They are strong in faceoffs (57%), which could be the factor in tight match-ups. Their wingers lilchippah and Jii84-- (nearly 100 points in 18 games combined) need to keep their path going and hype their team up. Kulmala Hengaus struggled all season long, but won all important matchups against their evenly skilled opponents. They need to power up their offense to score against their opponents really good defense. Prediction: 4:0 Hippo Rangers VS Rukoilevat Hinkkaajat (14-3-1 / L10: 8-2-0) vs Rusty Bulls (10-7-1 / L10: 7-3-0) Rusty Bulls is a experienced team with a lot of tournaments under their belt. Rukoilevat Hinkkaajat had one of the best goal differences in the regular season. Rukoilevat have a well merited LW/C in Samzoni and he knows how to play the tough games and get out with a win. Prediction: 4:1 Rukoilevat Hinkkaajat VS Suomen Sonnit (14-3-1- / L10: 8-2-0) vs Cancun Pirates (10-7-1 / L10: 5-4-1) Suomen Sonnit has a lot of really experienced former ECL Pro players. Cancun Pirates is a sponsored French team in their first season. In this series the Bauer sponsorship will not matter. Sonnit would want to make an early statement and sweep Cancun. Prediction: 4:0 Suomen Sonnit VS Ghetto Firebirds (14-3-1 / L10: 7-2-1) vs ICEBREAKERS EAGLES (10-6-2 / L10: 6-3-1) Ghetto Firebirds have been pendling up and down between Pro and Lite. This time they will try their hardest to get up to Pro and stay there. With a faceoff percentage of over 58% they can build a little momentum in tight matchups. ICEBREAKERS EAGLES is a fusion of three old OEHL teams. Eagles can surprise quite a few people. They have a good mix of players and it's worth keeping an eye on Willander97, if he gets playtime in this series, as I'm sure he will score some goals. Prediction: 4:1 Ghetto Firebirds VS EV Duisburg (14-4-0 / L10: 8-2-0) vs Soldiers of Odens (11-7-0 / L10: 7-3-0) EV Duisburg has a lot of experience in ECL Lite, having played 3 seasons in Lite. However, this time their roster looks strong and deep, so they will look to get promoted. Their decent power play (30%) could take them a little step further into the next round. Soldiers of Odens have a couple Lite seasons under their belt, but they barely made it through to the playoffs with a negative goal difference. Odens improved their game towards the end of the regular season, are they able to continue? Prediction: 4:2 EV Duisburg VS Etelan Vetelat (14-4-0 / L10: 8-2-0) vs 5th Line Heroes (11-7-0 / L10: 6-4-0) Etelan Vetelat had a good regular season throughout, from a good beginning to a strong finish with 8 wins in their last 10 games. Their decent defense, backed up by their goaltender AcED719 with a 84% save-percentage, has to prevent the scoring chances of the stacked up offense of 5th Line Heroes. Their key to success will be to build up from their offensive outcome and reduce their turnovers. 5th Line Heroes key player will be Ale_012 with an incredible shot percentage of 56,4% by 22 goals in the regular season. Prediction: 4:2 Etelan Vetelat VS Korpens Finest (13-3-2 / L10: 9-0-1) vs The Black Jacks (11-6-1 / L10: 4-5-1) Korpens Finest topped a very tough ECL Lite group - some would say the toughest this season - and played very evenly throughout the season. The Black Jacks played in the same group and could have finished top of the group if two or three results had gone their way. Expect this one to be a tough fight until the very end, maybe with a small advantage for Korpens Finest, as they won both games in the regular season, but it could go either way. Prediction: 4:2 Korpens Finest VS Style (13-4-1 / L10: 9-1-0) vs Roistot (10-4-4 / L10: 8-1-1) Style struggled at the beginning of their season, but got their things together trough mid-season. Their positive trend shows up in their last 10 games, where they won 9 out of 10 games. Roistot's key to success will be to shut down Styles' top scorer Panarinz with 48 points in 18 games. Roistot has a nearly similar path to the playoffs. Their dynamic duo of altsu123 and taikuri8_0, with over 100 combined points, can easily outscore every opponent when they are on fire. They might be the best 5th seed of this season. Prediction: 4:3 Style VS Freddie Mercury Institute (13-4-1 / L10: 6-3-1) vs Elämäm Kiekko (11-5-2 / L10: 6-4-0) In this match-up pair between Freddie Mercury Institute and Elämän Kiekko we find two well experienced teams with several ECL seasons in the bag, both as a team and as individuals. This is a hard matchup to predict. The key duel could be the FMI defense with only 1,5 GA per game versus EMK's right wing Markogirl87, who is ranked #9 in the division with 53 points (23G, 30A). Prediction: 4:3 Freddie Mercury Institute VS Pohjoista Voimaa (13-4-1 / L10: 7-2-1) vs DELIRIUM (12-6-0 / L10: 8-2-0) Pohjoista Voimaa's games may not be spectacular to watch (38 Goals, 25 Goals against), but they are highly effective. Their key to success is to build from their very decent defense around their netminder Meiha (88% save-percentage). DELIRUIM had a strong push towards the end of the regular season and have to be very effective on the few scoring chances they will get, in order to move forward. Prediction: 2:4 DELIRIUM VS Club de Caballeros (12-3-3 / L10: 7-1-2) vs Motherpuckers (12-5-1 / L10: 6-3-1) Also a big matchup with teams from a really tough group. Motherpuckers is an old top team and consists of multiple old Elite players and also a few old EHL winners. Their special teams with a 35% power play could be the key factor in this series. Club de Caballeros have a good mix of new talent and former Pro players. It's also worth mentioning that they have MovaaN, a big name in the community who played for both several Pro seasons and one in Elite. This will be the toughest matchup in this round. Both their mutual regular season games went to OT and you might see these teams needing some extra time a few times this series as well. Prediction: 3:4 Motherpuckers VS Sektion K (12-4-2 / L10: 6-2-2) vs Finnish Hockey Legends (12-5-1 / L10: 6-3-1) Sektion K has players with Pro experience that know what it takes to win against top teams. Honorable mention goes to Edhoolm97, a former Lavetten (ECL Pro) player that knows how to score goals. Finnish Hockey Legends has played well throughout this season but Sektion K have the edge in this series due to their experience. Prediction: 4:1 Sektion K VS HokiDogit (11-3-4 / L10: 6-1-3) vs Bucketeers (12-5-1 / L10: 7-3-0) The regular season records don't not tell you much in this matchup. Even though HokiDogit finished in a higher position in their group and with more points than Bucketeers, Bucketeers is a strong team that played in a tough group. They shouldn't be underestimated here. Bucketeers may not be very well-known in the ECL community, but when you face them in EASHL games that would not be noticeable. With a high paced attack and a strong defence, they will give HokiDogit some tough games. Prediction: 1:4 Bucketeers We are sure that there will be tons of highlights in this years Lite playoffs and they will be very fun to watch, so be sure to save them and send them our way! Credits to @Panarinz and @iRSPe for their help with this article Best of luck to all the teams, play fair, respect your opponent and have fun!
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Hey NHLGamers, finally it’s here, our most loved time of the season – playoff hockey! While all real hockey leagues around Europe are about to kick off their playoffs as well, the ECL Lite Division will start things off for NHLGamer and it will be pleasant to watch. Many skilled teams will be working hard to make their way to the ECL Pro Division. Are they able fulfil their own expectations? Will there be any upsets in the first rounds? Or are the favorites gonna have a cakewalk? Furthermore, we would like to thank all teams that were participating in ECL 6! If your season is already over, try to learn from it and become even stronger next time when we call for ECL 7. That being said, if there are still some regular season games with missing stats, be sure to take care of your duties before heading off to the off-season. For the remaining teams, it's time to get things straight. Put all your heart, will and skill together and prove yourselves to be the ones who have to be beaten down the road! The regular season in ECL 6 Lite had 6 groups with 10 teams each. The first 5 teams out of every group as well as the two best teams ranked 6th in their group are qualified for the playoffs. These two additional spots are decided by our usual tie-breakers, which were also used to seed all of the 16 playoff pairs in a "best-against-worst" procedure. These factors are listed below: 1. PPG (points per game average) 2. Wins (regulation and overtime wins) 3. H2H (head-to-head results) 4. Goal differential 5. Goals scored This leads us to the following playoff matchups: (1) Bare Knuckles Hockey vs EaLogic (32) (2) Cowabunga Hockey vs Slapshot Club Germany (31) (3) SGWEER United vs Kaksikymmentaseitseman (30) (4) Hippo Rangers vs KulmalaHengaus (29) (5) Rukoilevat Hinkkaajat vs Rusty Bulls (28) (6) Suomen Sonnit vs Cancun Pirates (27) (7) Ghetto Firebirds vs ICEBREAKERS EAGLES (26) (8) EV Duisburg vs Soldiers of Odens (25) (9) Etelan Vetelat vs 5th Line Heroes (24) (10) Korpens Finest vs The Black Jacks (23) (11) Style vs Roistot (22) (12) Freddie Mercury Institute vs Elämäm Kiekko (21) (13) Pohjoista Voimaa vs DELIRIUM (20) (14) Club de Caballeros vs Motherpuckers (19) (15) Sektion K vs Finnish Hockey Legends (18) (16) HokiDogit vs Bucketers (17) All matchups will be played in a best-of-seven series and the higher ranked seed gets home ice advantage. Due to the schedule becoming available quite late (due to late game reports), we have decided to not count the 15th as one of the Playoff days. Thus, every series has to be finished and reported by March 22nd, 2018. Here is the complete list of Playoff dates for ECL Lite: First round 15.3.-22.3. Second round 23.3.-29.3. Quarter-Finals 30.3.- 7.4. Semi-Finals 8.4.- 14.4. Finals 15.4-21.4. No extra time will be given - be active! Grow a beard, take a beer and let’s get started!
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Team name: Deadly Phantoms HC Team abbreviation: DPH Team captains (PSN IDs): Mannheimer1938 (C) ,wiIIywonkaaa (A), The_Rayman80 (A) Team roster (PSN IDs): The_Rayman80 wiIIywonkaaa Mannheimer1938 XxTHENEXTONE87xX steveERC Jeason99 Playmaker1010 gzell60 PSchmalzl2 Muecke_the_great neymar92ftrio2 EA SPORTS club overview: https://www.easports.com/de/nhl/clubs/ps4/Deadly Phantoms HC
EU Clubs looking for players - PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S
Franky__2768 replied to Robsom's topic in EASHL Teams
Deadly Phantoms HC (Lite, eventual Pro in ECL 6) is looking for a starting goaly. We are looking for our new starting goaly in ECL 6 and EASHL as well. We are a german native Team, but nevermind if you "only" speak english, that's fine for us as well. You have to be active 3-4 evenings a week. We are mainly gaming from Sunday till Thursday at 20:00 CEST. You will have a lot of Play time but can also take a day off, because we have a decent backup. If we catched your interest, please message me here or via PSN Mannheimer1938.- 4742 replies
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