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Hey NHLGamers, the second round of the Spring League has come to an end and had a banging upset with it. Will there be one more in the next round when The Black Jacks face the six-headed monster of Written In The Stars? Without further ado we want to announce the third round of the playoffs: #1 Written In The Stars vs The Black Jacks #35 #3 Butterfly Effect vs AIK Hockey #27 #4 Northern Ascendancy vs Gotham Knights #20 #5 Invictus vs Deadly Phantoms HC #17 #6 The Next Gen vs Nordic Stars #15 #8 Reality Check HC vs Vesa Pompa HC #14 #9 MUKIMIEHET vs Almost Famous #12 #10 Unlucky Boys HC vs Supernatural #11 As in the first two rounds, the third edition will also be played in a best-of-5 series, so you need three wins to advance to the next round. The third round starts Thursday, 27.06.2019 and all games have to be played by Wednesday, 03.07.2019, 23:59 CEST. Whether you're playing in the Spring League or not, please make sure to follow our news section as info for further tournaments will be released soon.
Hey NHLGamers, The first playoff round of the Spring League has nearly ended. So far we haven't seen that many upsets, but who knows - maybe things will change in the second round as soon as the big guns will enter the race. Will there be a choke, sorry, I mean Tampa Bay fiasco? As you probably noticed and/or experienced, the PSN network had some downtime on Thursday, the 13th of June 2019, which was set to be the last game day for the first round. Three series' are left to be played as they had planned to play the remaining games on the evening where the downtime occurred. Due to this unforeseen PSN downtime, we have decided to extend the first round until Monday, 17th of June 2019 23:59 CEST. As some second round pairs are already clear, these matchups can start playing on Sunday, 16th of June 2019 and the whole second round has to be played by Wednesday, 26th of June 2019. Please note that due to this generous amount of time for the second round, do not expect any additional time if you plan poorly. The last three remaining series of the first round are: #22 Blackdawgs vs EV Duisburg #43 (Series 1:1) #31 Silver Sword Griffins vs UnderRated Lekstuga #34 (Series 2:0) #32 Wolverines HC vs SOPPAJENGI #33 (Series 2:2) To summarize: 1st round: Sunday, 09.06.2019 until Monday, 17.06.2019 23:59 CEST 2nd round: Tuesday 18.06.2019 until Wednesday, 26.06.2019 23:59 CEST (however confirmed pairs may start sooner) League Administration would like to announce the following rulings on below cases: Deadly Phantoms HC vs ExBox DPH had a 2:0 series lead over ExBox and the teams agreed to finish the series on Tuesday 11th of June. After first delaying the decisive games by 30 minutes, ExBox informed DPH at the delayed starting time that they won't have the players to finish the series and that ExBox will forfeit the remaining game. Deadly Phantoms HC receives a WO win and are therefore qualified for the second round. Raccoon Rampage vs United Crew Raccoon Rampage had a 2:0 series lead over United Crew. After the second game, which United Crew quit in the third period, United Crew informed Raccoon Rampage that they won't play the third game and leave them the last remaining win. Therefore the WO is awarded for Raccoon Rampage and they have also qualified for the second round. LA would like to remind all teams that quitting mid-game and/or giving up during a series is poor sportmanship and unacceptable behavior from a team. Playoffs Round 2: #1 Written In The Stars vs HC Unknown Diamond #39 #2 Symphony vs The Black Jacks #35 #3 Butterfly Effect vs Wolverines HC #32 #4 Northern Ascendancy vs Silver Sword Griffins #31 #5 Invictus vs Company of Geeks #29 #6 The Next Gen vs Cannonieris #28 #7 Checkmate vs AIK Hockey #27 #8 Reality Check HC vs Virtual Horizons eSports #25 #9 MUKIMIEHET vs TIKI TALK #24 #10 Unlucky Boys HC vs Horror Hockey #23 #11 Supernatural vs Blackdawgs #22 #12 Almost Famous vs Raccoon Rampage #21 #13 Six Sticks Misfits vs Gotham Knights #20 #14 Vesa Pompa HC vs GHETTO FIREBIRDS #19 #15 Nordic Stars vs LIONHEARTS #18 #16 Cheers Hockey vs Deadly Phantoms HC #17 All matchups are a best-of-5 series, so you need 3 wins to advance to the next round. The higher ranked team has the home ice advantage. Captains of the teams which didn't qualify for the playoffs: After asking for your opinion about lower tier playoffs, we would like to announce that we have decided to not host lower-tier playoffs in this season. There weren't enough teams that wanted to participate in the lower tier playoffs and with the Summer Cup around the corner (info will be released as soon as we know all the relevant details), it didn't make sense for us to go through all of that trouble for only a handful of teams. That being said, a big thank you to the teams for their activity in responding to this inquiry!
Hey NHLGamers, as the spring itself, our Spring League is closing in towards its end. The temperature is getting higher, as is the intensity on the virtual ice. Over 1.700 matches were played and over 800 players took part in this tournament. We saw tight games, we saw some upsets, we saw some big guns firing everything they've got. The top 8 in points have 100+ points with an average of nearly 4 points per game - who the heck is Gretzky right? But there is nothing like playoff hockey, even in a fun and more relaxed league like the Spring League - if you sign up, you want to go all the way and win the whole thing! Without further ado we would like to introduce you the playoffs for this seasons Spring League: 48 Teams are qualified for the playoffs - the top two teams of each group will have a bye round in the first week. In addition, the 4 next teams with the best points per game average (PPG) will also be joining this bye round. The other 32 teams are getting seeded due to the following factors: PPG average during the regular season Wins (per game - as there were some groups with less games than others) Head to Head record Goal Difference Goals scored Every series is a best of 5 series, so you need three wins to advance to the next round. The higher ranked team has the home ice advantage. This leads to the following seeding and playoff pairs: Teams with bye round: #1 Written In The Stars, #2 Symphony, #3 Butterfly Effect, #4 Northern Ascendancy, #5 Invictus, #6 The Next Gen, #7 Checkmate, #8 Reality Check HC, #9 MUKIMIEHET, #10 Unlucky Boys HC, #11 Supernatural, #12 Almost Famous, #13 Six Sticks Misfits, #14 Vesa Pompa HC, #15 Nordic Stars, #16 Cheers Hockey Playoffs round 1: #17 Deadly Phantoms HC vs ExBox #48 #18 LIONHEARTS vs Old Farts #47 #19 GHETTO FIREBIRDS vs Freddie Mercury Institute #46 #20 Gotham Knights vs Rukoilevat Hinkkaajat #45 #21 Raccoon Rampage vs United Crew #44 #22 Blackdawgs vs EV Duisburg #43 #23 Horror Hockey vs Beast Hockey #42 #24 TIKI TALK vs Speedy Bros Hockey #41 #25 Virtual Horizons eSports vs MahtiAnkat HT #40 #26 FarmiNaattori vs HC Unknown Diamond #39 #27 AIK Hockey vs Clowns On Ice #38 #28 Cannonieris vs EV Fuessen eSports #37 #29 Company of Geeks vs Murohoki #36 #30 Bellizzi vs The Black Jacks #35 #31 Silver Sword Griffins vs UnderRated Lekstuga #34 #32 Wolverines HC vs SOPPAJENGI #33 The first round off the playoffs will take place between Sunday 09.06.2019 and Thursday, 13.06.2019. We want to wish every team good luck and have fun! Captains of the teams which didn't qualify for the playoffs, please check your inbox during the weekend as League Administration will want your teams interest in a lower tier playoffs and if you are ready to participate - or if you'd rather call it a day. Nevertheless we want to thank all of you for participating!
Hey NHLGamers, We are already in week 5 of the Spring League, but there is still a lot of hockey left to be played. Surely you noticed that the last scheduled gameday is Monday, the 03.06.2019. As some teams are a little bit behind schedule and we want to ensure all games to be played on the ice, we decided to set the regular season end for Thursday, 06.06.2019 and the playoffs are about to start on Monday, 10.06.2019. If you have any troubles in scheduling with your opponent, please contact the League Administration via the support tool. Furthermore please be aware that we will start a poll soon where we need your opinion, if you want to have lower tier playoffs. Please do only vote if your team is effected.
Hi GCLGamers, die Vorrunde ist vorbei, nun geht's um den Pokal! Es haben sich die Plätze 1-3 jeder Gruppe direkt für das Viertelfinale qualifiziert. Die Plätze 4-5 beider Gruppen spielen in den Pre-Playoffs die beiden verbleibenden Plätze aus. Sowohl in den PPOs, als auch im Viertelfinale sind die Paarungen überkreuz zusammengesetzt. Während die Pre-Playoffs im best-of-three Modus gespielt werden, sind ab den danach folgenden Runden best-of-seven Serien angesetzt. Entscheidungen der Ligaleitung Slapshot Club Germany vs The Swiss Bombers Beide Mannschaften konnten sich nicht auf einen Termin einigen und konnten so an den letzten beiden Spieltagen die Spiele nicht auf dem Eis entscheiden. Beide Teams wünschten sich eine neutrale Wertung. Zu dieser Entscheidung ist auch die Ligaleitung gekommen und somit werden beide Spiele mit 0:0 gewertet. Aus technischen Gründen können diese momentan so nicht eingetragen werden und damit bleiben beide Teams bei 14 statt 16 Spielen. Es gibt keine Strafen in diesem Fall. EV Duisburg vs Atomic Hamster HC Beide Mannschaften konnten sich nicht auf einen Termin einigen. Da der EV Duisburg der wesentlich aktivere Part war, haben die Atomic Hamster die Spiele per Walkover abgegeben. Dem EV Duisburg werden somit zwei 5:0 Siege hinzugerechnet. Dieser Entscheidung pflichten wir nach Einsicht der Kommunikation bei. Dies führt zu folgenden Paarungen: Pre Playoffs - best-of-three (4.) Puck Panthers vs DEG eSports (5.) (4.) Niederrhein Canucks vs Eisbaeren Regensburg (5.) Die Partien sind von Sonntag, 19.05.2019 bis Dienstag, 21.05.2019 zu spielen. Viertefinale - best-of-seven (1.) Deadly Phantoms HC vs TBD (1.) EV Füssen eSports vs TBD (2.) The Black Jacks vs WEREWOLVES HC (3.) (3.) Clowns On Ice vs EV Duisburg (2.) Die Partien sind von Sonntag, 19.05.2019 bis Dienstag, 28.05.2019 zu spielen. Das jeweils besser platzierte Team genießt Heimrecht. Das Seeding ab dem Halbfinale richtet sich nach dem PPG-Schnitt. Wir wünschen allen Teams viel Glück und Erfolg! Bei allen ausgeschiedenen Teams bedanken wir uns für eure Teilnahme. Legt aber noch nicht das Spiel beiseite, es kommt noch eine Überraschung in den nächsten Wochen! Hier auch noch eine kleine Vorausschau auf die Playoff-Partien: Puck Panthers (Gruppe 1, Platz 4) vs DEG eSports (Gruppe 2, Platz 5) Nach einem Herzschlagfinale am letzten Spieltag schafften Puck Panthers um Kapitän @Swiss Moger doch noch die Einzug in die Pre-Playoffs und ergatterten sich dort sogar das Heimrecht, was gerade in einer kurzen best-of-three Serie den Ausschlag geben könnte. Die Spiele der Puck Panthers sind meist nicht gerade von einem Spektakel gekrönt (4,5 Tore pro Spiel), jedoch spielen sie eine solide Defensive und sind dadurch schwer zu schlagen. Ein kleiner Kader mit relativ wenig wechseln sorgte für Kontinuität und es wird spannend zu sehen sein, welche Starting 6 um den Einzug ins Viertelfinale kämpft. Topscorer – @Giinis (11 Sp, 11 T, 12 A, 23 P) – Torhüter – @wobfighter (11 Sp, 7 W, 2 L, 2 OTL, 78,94%, 2,18 GAA, 0 SO) Bilanz: 8 Siege, 4 Niederlagen, 4 OT Niederlagen, 35 Tore, 37 Gegentore Der erste deutsche eSports Verein aus Düsseldorf hat relativ souverän den Einzug in die Playoffs geschafft. Kapitän @Seibertus94 baute in der regulären Saison auf einen leicht breiteren Kader als die Panther. In den Spielen der DEG fallen verhältnismäßig mehr Tore (6,12 Tore pro Spiel), was jedoch am offensiveren Spielstil der Mannschaft liegt. Es wird interessant zu sein, ob die DEG gegen einen defensiv stabil stehenden Gegner ihren Stil aufdrücken kann oder zu oft gefährliche Konter fangen. Wer wird der X-Faktor zum möglichen Einzug ins Viertelfinale? Topscorer – @DangerBrooklyn (16 Sp, 21 T, 11 A, 32 P) – Torhüter – @ElementsOrange (10 Sp, 7 W, 2 L , 1 OTL, 83,20%, 2,20 GAA, 2 SO) Bilanz: 9 Siege, 5 Niederlagen, 2 OT Niederlagen, 53 Tore, 45 Gegentore Niederrhein Canucks (Gruppe 2 Platz 4) vs Eisbaeren Regensburg (Gruppe 1, Platz 5) Die Canucks haben sich im Vergleich zur vorigen Saison verbessert, das muss man ohne Frage anerkennen. Schaffte man letzte Saison ganz knapp die Playoffs, so war die diesjährige Qualifikation hierfür eigentlich fast nie zweifelhaft. Die Jungs vom Niederrhein sind beispielhaft dafür, dass es ein Team Step-by-Step nach vorne schaffen kann. Hierfür vertraut Kapitän @Francoconte einem breiten Kader, in dem jeder seine sich verdienten Spielzeiten verdient. Eine entscheidende Schwäche könnte das dünne Powerplay (10,3%) werden. Dennoch würde es niemanden wundern, wenn die Canucks wieder einmal den Sprung ins Viertelfinale schaffen würden. Topscorer – @Gregson91 (14 Sp, 12 T, 15 A, 27 P) – Torhüter – @Francoconte (6 Sp, 6 W, 0 L, 0 OTL, 85,00%, 2,00 GAA, 0 SO) Bilanz: 10 Siege, 5 Niederlagen, 1 OT Niederlage, 46 Tore, 45 Gegentore Most Improved Team – So könnte man zweifelsfrei die Eisbaeren Regensburg bezeichnen. Sehr gefällig im Aufbauspiel mit frechen Pässen haben sie sich zu einem kleinen Darkhorse der diesjährigen Saison entwickelt. Eine klare Starting 5 bei den Feldspielern sicherte den Jungs aus Bayern die erste Playoffteilnahme der Vereinsgeschichte. Erstaunlich dabei zu sehen, dass Kapitän @Boogeyman hier kräftig zurücksteckt und momentan wohl eher im Hintergrund die strippen zieht. Die Tornetze wurden in ihren jeweiligen Spielen gehörig beansprucht (7,75 Tore pro Spiel), jedoch soll angeblich die Defensive Schlüssel zu einer Meisterschaft sein. Gibt es einen offenen Schlagabtausch oder werden die Eisbaeren ihren Stil ein wenig den Playoffs anpassen? Topscorer – @Toews19 (16 Sp, 27 T, 21 A, 48 P) – Torhüter – @Jokerlaura (10 Sp, 4 W, 6 L, 0 OTL, 64,96%, 4,80 GAA, 0 SO) Bilanz: 9 Siege, 7 Niederlagen, 0 OT Niederlagen, 60 Tore, 64 Gegentore Viertelfinale The Black Jacks (Gruppe 1, Platz 2) vs WEREWOLVES HC (Gruppe 2, Platz 3) Frisch ausgestattet mit eSports Verträgen sind die Schweizer hochmotiviert durch professionelle Strukturen auch den großen Wurf einfahren zu können. Der Vorjahreshalbfinalist setzte vor der Saison mit dem Elite-erfahrenen Verteidiger @Haldeem ein dickes Ausrufezeichen. Kapitän @Original-SnuS, dessen Antlitz man nun auch im Stream bestaunen darf, hat in seinem vorherigen Torhüter @afc_Tschitsch einen adäquaten Ersatz auf dem Flügel gefunden. Mit 5,75 selbst geschossenen Toren im Spiel sind sie weiterhin einer der Scoring-Power-Houses der Liga und müssen erst einmal gestoppt werden. Die Powerplay-Quote von 45,6% ist absoluter Spitzenwert und könnte zu einem großen Faktor werden. Die Erfahrung von einer ECL Pro Saison ist auch sichtlich erkennbar. Wie weit geht es für die sympathischen Jungs? Topscorer – @afc_Tschitsch (16 SP, 41 T, 28 A, 69 P) – Torhüter – @NHLDennis86 (16 Sp, 12 W, 2 L, 2 OTL, 80,68%, 2,12 GAA, 3 SO) Bilanz: 12 Siege, 2 Niederlagen, 2 OT Niederlagen, 92 Tore, 34 Gegentore Der neu gegründete Club um Kapitän @ali-kn hat viele Veteranen der Szene in seinen Reihen. Dass in diesem Verein Potenzial besteht stand außer Frage, doch man hat es schon oft genug gesehen, dass selbst bei genug Talent ebenfalls die Chemie im Team stimmen muss – und das passt, sofort. 10 Spieler teilen sich ausgeglichen die Eiszeiten und so kommt bei keinem Frust auf. Wird man dieses Konzept ebenfalls in den Playoffs fortführen, oder greift man dann doch auf die berühmte „Starting 6“ zurück? In der Defensive stehen die Werwölfe stabil um dann beim Konterspiel brandgefährlich zu sein. Man hat in der ersten Saison direkt die Krallen in einen der Top 6 Plätze geschlagen, hat man nun Blut geleckt und will mehr? Topscorer – @Daniel Thenextone (14 Sp, 15 T, 12 A, 27P) – Torhüter – @devilfish333 (12 Sp, 7 W, 3 L, 2 OTL, 84,84%, 1,66 GAA, 3 SO) Bilanz: 10 Siege, 4 Niederlagen, 2 OT Niederlagen, 50 Tore, 28 Gegentore EV Duisburg (Gruppe 2, Platz 2) vs Clowns On Ice (Gruppe 1, Platz 3) Der EV Duisburg um Kapitän @FoxGoalie hatte nach einer schwierigen ECL Pro Saison auch in der GCL 3 zu kämpfen. Dennoch qualifizierte man sich für das Halbfinale, wo man schon aussichtlos mit 0:3 gegen die Deadly Phantoms zurück lag. Man kämpfte sich in beeindruckender Manier noch in die Verlängerung in Spiel 7, musste dort jedoch den Kürzeren ziehen. Dennoch scheint das dem Team einen gewissen Schub verliehen zu haben. Man schraubte zudem etwas am Line-Up. Vorzeigeverteidiger @xXPsykoSkillsXx wechselte an den Bullypunkt und wusste dort zu gefallen. Die Defensive der Füchse ist definitiv deren Trumpf und die Gegner müssen sich schon gehörig anstrengen um ein Tor zu erzielen. Dennoch sind sie bei Kontern brandgefährlich und wissen mit der Scheibe umzugehen. Ein starker Schlussspurt spülte Duisburg noch auf Platz 2 der Gruppe, können sie das Momentum mit in die Playoffs nehmen? Topscorer – @xXPsykoSkillsXx (14 Sp, 11 T, 24 A, 35 P) – Torhüter – @FoxGoalie (14 Sp, 9 W, 4 L, 1 OTL, 83,13%, 2,00 GAA, 2 SO) Bilanz: 11 Siege, 4 Niederlagen, 1 OT Niederlage, 53 Tore, 28 Gegentore Die Clowns On Ice hatten in der Off-Season einen gehörigen Umbruch zu verkraften. Nach dem abermaligen Abgang des vorherigen #1 Centers zu den Konkurrenten Deadly Phantoms musste man auf der doch so wichtigen Position einen Ersatz finden. Mit @DaMan fiel dieser hochkarätig aus. Zudem verstärkte @steveERC im Gegenzug die Defensive. Man startete zwar zu Anfang mit zwei Niederlagen gegen Topkonkurrent Füssen, zeigte danach jedoch ordentliche Partien und blieb lediglich zwei Mal punktlos. Kapitän @rams412 setzt auf einen Stamm von 4 Feldspielern, greift jedoch auf mehrere Optionen zurück. Besonders zu erwähnen ist ebenfalls, dass Backup @Domi3110 in seinen 6 Partien ganz starke Werte aufweist (6 Sp, 6 W, 92,30%, 0,83 GAA, 3SO) und liefert, sobald er gebraucht wird. Eine stabile Defensive ist ebenfalls der Trumpf der Clowns und es wird daher spannend zu sehen sein, wer zuerst von seinem System zurück weicht, oder ob wir ganz enge low-scoring-games sehen werden. Topscorer – @DaMan (16 Sp, 15 T, 26 A, 41 P) – Torhüter – @Darcam (10 Sp, 5 W, 3 L, 2 OTL, 85,33%, 2,20 GAA, 0 SO) Bilanz: 11 Siege, 3 Niederlagen, 2 OTL Niederlagen, 54 Tore, 28 Gegentore
Alles klar bzw. Was eventuell auch möglich ist, mir einfach die ganzen Fotos zu schicken und ich editiere das Ganze dann. Ich weiß ehrlich gesagt nicht, wie lange die Datenbank auf die spiele zugreifen kann.. Grüße
Hallo @Goegi91, sorry für die späte Antwort. Bitte bestätige zuerst, dass alle relevanten Stats vorhanden sind. Grüße
Eisbaeren Regensburg vs. Power of Diesel/EV Füssen
Franky__2768 replied to Toews19's question in Game Report Issues
Fixed -
Hi NHLGamers, it's time for our very first Spring League! A total of 82 teams registered for this non-divisional tournament which will feature some of the very best ECL teams alongside some newcomers. Without further ado we would like to give you a short briefing of the important details of this tournament: The Spring League season kicks off tomorrow on Monday 6th of May, however we would like captains to attempt respecting the suggested gamedays as follows: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Rules There are currently no special rules for the Spring League, but we would like to refer to the known ECL rulebook - the rules will be most likely to display the rules which are set for the Pro division. We will update the rulebook and release it as soon as possible. League Administration All league related verdicts will be decided by the League Administration. To open up a case, visit the new Support section on the forums. Please note: before contacting League Administration, teams are expected to solve issues they might have on their own. Familiarize yourself with our rules first, as they include lots of guidance for different issues. League Administration is always to be used as the last resort to solve any disagreements. Spring League Groups: Below is the complete list of the teams participating this season and in which groups they will play. We decided to make a total of 6 groups. Here are your Spring League groups: Group 1: Beast Hockey Cheers Hockey Deadly Phantoms HC HC Dynastia Hockey HC Unknown Diamond Invictus Nordic Stars Puck Panthers Raccoon Rampage Rosvosektori Rukoilevat Hinkkaajat Scrubs of Sweden Supremacy WEREWOLVES HC Group 2: Bockens EV Fuessen eSports Gotham Knights Hepola United Horror Hockey Kouvola Screaming Eagles Power Of Diesel Reality Check HC Silver Sword Griffins Speedy Bros Hockey Sweden Wikings The Next Gen Verket Wolverines HC Group 3: AIK Hockey Albatrossi Bellizzi Blackpups Butterfly Effect Cannonieris Elamam Kiekko FarmiNaattori Kanukit Les Affranchis Murohoki Six Sticks Misfits Sulkavan Sudet Supernatural Group 4: Checkmate Eagle Town Hockey Electric Ice GHETTO FIREBIRDS MAD KINGS Masse and the Beavers North Pole Huskies Old Farts Reborn Raptors Symphony UnderRated Lekstuga United Crew Vesa Pompa HC Virtual Horizon eSports Group 5: Banterfield Battalion Blackdawgs Clowns On Ice HC Slapshot MahtiAnkat HT Mockba Northern Ascendancy Pink Panthers HC SOPPAJENGI The Black Jacks The Syndicate TIKI TALK Unlucky Boys HC Group 6: Almost Famous Bio Company of Geeks EV Duisburg ExBox Freddie Mercury Institute Knogmackers HC LIONHEARTS Mighty French Roosters MUKIMIEHET Nearbird Fighters RENEGATS ECL Written In the Stars Playoffs The eight best teams out of each group will be making the playoffs. This totals up to 48 teams. 16 teams will have a bye week for the first round, these 16 include the top two teams out of each group and the four next best teams determined by PPG. Alike the playoffs in ECL 8 Lite, the remaining 32 teams will then be seeded according to PPG and matched up against each other based on that. A new seeding will be done after the first round. The playoffs will be played in a best-of-5 format throughout. Communication Although we have a set schedule with gamedays that should be respected, please ALWAYS contact your opponents ahead of a scheduled game. This way several misunderstandings can be avoided and eventual rescheduling can be agreed upon. We recommend contacting your opponents both on PSN and NHLGamer. How to report games Game reporting is essential in order for the league to run smoothly. All captains should familiarise themselves with how the function works. For detailed instructions, please read our manual here.
- 28
The Swiss Bombers vs Minotaurs Heim und Auswärtsspiel
Franky__2768 replied to Goegi91's question in Game Report Issues
Hallo @Goegi91 die Spiele sind nun gelöscht und können neu eingetragen werden. Viele Grüße, Franky -
Hi GCLGamers, nach einer doch lange andauernden 3. Saison der German Championship League, in der am Ende die Deadly Phantoms Ihren Titel verteidigen konnten, beginnt nun am 17.04. die vierte Ausgabe des Turniers. Wir werden diese Saison wieder viele altbekannte Gesichter und Teams sehen, jedoch sind wieder einmal neue Teams am Start. Ohne lange um den heißen Brei herumzureden, gibt es hier eine kleine Vorausschau auf die teilnehmenden Teams. EV Füssen eSports - Da die Kollegen auf den echten Schlittschuhen die bayrische Meisterschaft und den damit verbundenen Aufstieg in die Oberliga feiern konnten, sollte die Motivation der eSports-Kollegen für die neue Saison mindestens genauso hoch sein und man wird mit Sicherheit ebenfalls einen Pokal in die Höhe recken wollen. Das frühere Inter Iceland um Kapitän @Alex28 war in der Lage einen lokalen Club für den eSports zu begeistern und man wird versuchen, sich nicht auf den Vorschusslorbeeren auszuruhen sondern direkt für Furore zu sorgen. Aufgrund regeltechnischer Gegebenheiten führt der Elite-erfahrene Torhüter @Joshua Plattner den Club in die Saison, in der nun auch der langjährige Topscorer @Stefan_397 mit vom Geschehen ist. Während man in der Lite-Saison der ECL 8 leider frühzeitig die Segel streichen musste, hat man sich jedoch für die Zukunft kräftig mit dem fleißigen Punktesammler @Krinke verstärkt. Platzierungstipp: Top 3 DEG eSports - Das Erste und Nächste eSports Team geht in seine zweite GCL-Saison. Kapitän @Seibertus94 bringt mit dem erfahrenen @Daniel huggler frisches Blut auf dem Flügel. Es wird spannend zu sehen sein, inwiefern die anderen Neuzugänge einschlagen und ob man einen Schritt vorwärts gehen kann. War das Ziel schon letztes Jahr, dass man um den Titel mitspielt, so hat man mit dem 6. Platz nach der Hauptrunde immerhin die Grundvoraussetzung dafür geschaffen. Jedoch scheiterte die DEG an dem späteren Finalisten Silver Sword Griffins deutlich in 5 Spielen. Werden die Rot-Gelben diese Saison ihre hoch gesteckten Ziele erfüllen können, nachdem ihr Starting-Goalie @Chris-at-Home den Club verlassen hat bzw. kann der neue Mann zwischen den Pfosten @ElementsOrange direkt dem Team helfen? Platzierungstipp: Kampf um die Playoffs Niederrhein Canucks - Das grundsolide Langzeitprojekt aus Nordrhein-Westfalen möchte den nächsten Schritt in ihrer Entwicklung gehen. Während es den Club schon länger gibt, sind sie jedoch erst seit 2018 auf der 6vs6 Landkarte erschienen. Die Jungs um Kapitän @Francoconte sind Vorbild für viele frischgegründete Vereine, dass sich langjähriges Zusammenspiel auf Dauer auszahlt. So steht der Charakter und Spaß in der Kabine zwar im Vordergrund, jedoch verliert man niemals den Wettkampf aus den Augen. Mit dieser Philosophie konnten sie nun auch den technisch versierten @Gregson91 an den Niederrhein locken, der die Offensive sicherlich beleben wird. Letzte Saison qualifizierte man sich noch am letzten Spieltag knapp mit dem 8. Platz für die Playoffs und schied mit einem Sweep gegen den späteren Champion Deadly Phantoms HC aus. Ob es in dieser Saison eventuell sogar ins Halbfinale gehen wird? Die Zeit wird es zeigen, eins ist jedoch sicher: Die Jungs werden Spaß haben! Platzierungstipp: Kampf um die Playoffs Ice Aliens eSports - Das Team um Urgestein und Kapitän @Re1merShow17 tritt zum zweiten Mal in der GCL an. Während man in der vorherigen Saison noch unter dem Namen Ice Aliens HC antrat, konnte man nicht nur den Sponsor "Hall of Games eSports", sondern auch deren Namenszusatz eSports gewinnen. Die Ice Aliens werden bemüht sein, ihre dadurch deutlich gestiegenen Erwartungen zu erfüllen und ein besseres Ergebnis als den vorjährigen letzten Platz zu erzielen. Dafür wird auch die Tagesform von Torhüter @HardSmoG und dem neuen Verteidiger @Chaosregiert49 entscheidend sein. Platzierungstipp: untere Tabellenregion Eisbaeren Regensburg - Die erste GCL Saison verlief nicht wirklich gut für das neue Team aus Regensburg. Nach 26 Spielen standen nur 4 Siege und 12 Punkte auf der Habenseite. Jedoch steht dort noch etwas wichtiges: Erfahrung. Die Eisbaeren werden ihre Lehren aus der Vorsaison gezogen haben und wissen nun, wie der Hase läuft. Voller Motivation strotzen sie bereits, wie ihr neues Logo ebenfalls beweist. Wie wird die weitere Entwicklung des Teams um Kapitän @Boogeyman sein? Tritt man auf der Stelle oder schnuppert man in Richtung Playoffs? Das Grundgerüst ist nach wie vor das Gleiche, können die Neuzugänge direkt Impulse setzen? Platzierungstipp: untere Tabellenregion Puck Panthers - Das schweizerisch geprägte Team um @Swiss Moger ist schon eine Weile im Geschäft, hat immer wieder mit einem gewissen Spielerturnaround zu kämpfen, jedoch ist der Kern seit einigen Spielzeiten gleich. Hierbei beschränkt man sich nicht nur auf deutschsprachige Spieler, sondern hat Charaktere auf dem Eis, die aus ganz Europa stammen. Die neue Lizenzspielerregelung traf dieses Team sichtlich, jedoch sollte das auf die Starting 6 des Teams einen eher geringfügigen Einfluss haben. Kamen in der GCL 3 noch 16 Feldspieler und 4 Torhüter zum Einsatz, was sicherlich einen der höchsten Werte aufweisen sollte, sind zur Zeit "nur" 9 Spieler gemeldet. Diese Eingespieltheit und die dazugehörige Erfahrung sollen wieder den Sprung in die Playoffgefilde möglich machen, den man letzte Saison bedenklich knapp durch einen Punkt und dem damit verbundenen 9. Platz verpasste. Platzierungstipp: Kampf um die Playoffs The Black Jacks - Die Vorzeigeschweizer hatten bisher einen eher schwierigen Start in das Turnierjahr 2019 - Während man zum Jahresausklang noch den Titel der Lite Division in der ECL in die Höhe recken durfte, waren die Playoffs in der Pro-Division das ausgegebene Ziel. Jedoch tat man sich mit dem angehobenen Niveau etwas schwer und verschenkte oft unnötig sicher geglaubte Punkte. So scheiterte man relativ deutlich an den Playoffs mit 6 Punkten Rückstand und Platz 10 nach der Vorrunde. Im deutschsprachigen Raum gab man sich nach dem Vorjahresfinale relativ wenig Blöße und beendete die Vorrunde auf Platz 2. Nach der Qualifikation in 6 Spielen gegen den Kooperationspartner Pink Panthers HC, scheiterte man jedoch im Halbfinale dem Iserlohnischen/bremerhafener-Syndrom geprägten Silver Sword Griffins. Nach dem Abgang von @Krinke orientierte man sich um, führte viele Gespräche und der Traum nach höherem erfüllte sich schließlich: @Haldeem, DER deutschsprachige Elite-Verteidiger und von Hauptberuf Prinz Charming schloss sich der Schweizer Erfolgsgeschichte an. Mit diesem Neuzugang sollten sie wieder mehr als ein kräftiges Wörtchen um den Titel mitreden. Platzierungstipp: Top 3 Clowns On Ice - Das bunte, lustige Völkchen rund um Kapitän @rams412 hatte ebenfalls einen schwierigen Start in das diesjährige Turnierjahr. Leider musste man nach einer äußerst bescheidenen ECL Pro Saison die Segel streichen und muss das Schiff wieder in der Lite auf den richtigen Kurs bringen. Zwar keimte während der Abstiegsserie gegen Pata Hellalla noch einmal Hoffnung auf, die Unbeständigkeit obsiegte allerdings dennoch. In der GCL lag man letzte Saison durchaus auf Kurs, als 5. platzierter Club schaffte man relativ ungefährdet den Einzug in die Endrunde. Dort war allerdings ebenfalls nach 6 Spielen gegen den EV Duisburg Schluss. Da sich mal wieder die Phantoms an der Talentschmiede der Clowns bedienten und @ProfaneKiss zu ihnen lotsten, müssen diese nun auf der doch so wichtigen Center-Position einen geeigneten Ersatz finden. Dafür verstärkte man die Defensive mit dem erfahrenen @steveERC, der sicherlich für Stabilität sorgen wird. Es wird dennoch spannend zu sehen sein, wer sich durch eine gute Spielzeit für die Phantoms zum NHL 20 Teil empfehlen wird. Platzierungstipp: Playoffqualifikation Pink Panthers HC - Die pinken Panther gehen frohen Mutes in die neue Saison. War man in der zweiten GCL Saison noch auf Platz 8, stand in der letzten Saison Platz 7 in den Geschichtsbüchern. Mühsam ernährt sich das Eichhörnchen, ehm, Panthers natürlich. Zwar schied man nach 6 Spielen gegen den schweizer Kooperationspartner aus, dennoch war in dieser Saison ein Schritt nach vorne zu erkennen. @CHT-Kalle hatte mit dem Abgang des Stammtorhüters @ElementsOrange zu kämpfen, verstärkte sein Team jedoch zwei Mal aus dem professionellen Rheinland. @Chris-at-Home und @rene hackberger ersetzen rot und gelb mit pink. Ob dieser krasse Farbwechsel gut tun wird? Die Beständigkeit im Kader sowie die generelle positive Entwicklung spricht jedenfalls dafür, dass es in diesem Jahr eventuell sogar zu etwas mehr, als nur dem Viertelfinale reichen wird. Platzierungstipp: Playoffqualifikation The Raccoons - Kapitän @TheBert lässt die Waschbären los. Ein neues Team stößt in die Wiege der deutschsprachigen 6vs6-Gemeinde dazu, holte sich aber mit @Bazzsaw81 und @Manodead zwei Jungs dazu, die bereits die Szene und das Ligentreiben gewohnt sind. Man wird sicherlich erst einmal tapsige Schritte begehen, wichtig wird jedoch sein, ob man aus den Fehlern lernt, die man begehen wird und auf die guten Sachen aufbaut. Slapshot Club Germany - Sie sind zurück! Endlich wieder Schlagschüsse statt diesem stupiden Wristshotglitch. Kapitän @pleskot_bua und @SniperCrusader haben ein paar der alten Jungs zusammengetrommelt und jagen wieder der runden Hartgummischeibe hinterher. Ein paar tragende Säulen sind zwar fort, dennoch fanden sich ein paar Weggefährten wieder zusammen. Zur GCL 3 von der Bildfläche verschwunden war man jedoch in der GCL 2 aktiv. Dort verpasste man knapp mit dem 9. Platz nach der Hauptrunde das Ticket für die Playoffs. Diese Tabellenregion wird sicherlich wieder das Ziel sein. Es wird interessant zu sehen ob man den Rost von der Ausrüstung abschütteln und direkt im Ligaalltag bestehen kann. Plazierungstipp: Kampf um die Playoffs Deadly Phantoms HC - Der back2back-Champion und amtierende Titelverteidiger wird sicherlich wieder der Klub sein, den es auf dem Weg zum Titel zu schlagen gilt. Die Truppe um @Mannheimer1938 möchte weiter an Rekorden schrauben und bei der dritten Teilnahme an diesem Wettbewerb die Trophäe in die Vitrine stellen. Nach einer sehr erfolgreich verlaufenden ECL Elite Saison, die man letztlich auf Platz 5 beendete, war die Konzentration im deutschen Wettbewerb nicht auf höchstem Niveau. Man musste sich die Goldmedaille hart erkämpfen und drohte zwei mal bitter zu scheitern, als man das Halbfinale und Finale jeweils erst in Spiel 7 und dessen Verlängerung für sich entscheiden konnte. Ein paar Abgänge hatte der Klub zu verzeichnen: @Daniel Thenextone, @Jeason99 und @steveERC verließen den Verein um sich neuen Aufgaben zu widmen. Diese Ausfälle hat man bisher nur von seinem Lieblingsscoutingteam, den Clowns On Ice, mit einem Spieler kompensiert: @ProfaneKiss. Dieser soll dem qualitativ hochwertig bestückten Kader weitere Tiefe verleihen. Ob noch ein neues Gesicht hinzukommt, wird die Zeit zeigen. @neymar92ftrio2 wird versuchen die Chance auf mehr Eiszeit zu ergreifen. Das Ziel wird nichts anderes als die Titelverteidigung sein, doch die Konkurrenz hat nicht geschlafen. Platzierungstipp: Top 3 WEREWOLVES HC - Ein neuer Klub ist geboren, die Werwölfe gehen auf die Jagd. Doch ein neuer Klub heißt nicht gleichzeitig, dass die Jungs noch frisch in die Windeln scheißen, ganz und gar nicht. Mit @ali-kn als Kapitän, der schon aus seinen damaligen erfolgreichen Zeiten mit den Icy Demons weiß, wie der Hase läuft, ist mit dieser Truppe sofort zu rechnen. Ganz viel Erfahrung ist dort vorhanden: Seien es Meisterschaften wie bei @Daniel Thenextone und @Jeason99, oder andere Spieler die schon einige Kerben an Ihrem Spind vorzuweisen haben, wie z.B. @devilfish333. Das Talent und Können hier vorhanden ist, steht außer Frage, jedoch muss daraus erstmal eine Einheit auf dem Eis werden. Dennoch für uns ein heißer Kandidat um viele Teams ärgern zu können. Platzierungstipp: Playoffqualifikation Power Of Diesel - Unter neuem, altem Namen geht das Team um Kapitän @IiVAPOR100iI an den Start. Der namentliche Glanz der alten Zeiten soll den Weg zum neuerlichen Ruhm ebnen, so zumindest der Plan der ehemaligen westlichen Dynastie. Für diesen Neustart hat man sich ebenfalls mit ein paar Kollegen aus dem früheren schwedisch-deutschen Zusammenschluss SGWEER verstärkt: @Armani-code1904 und @C4__N4R__V4 sind erfahrene Kräfte, die den Sprung unter die Playoffplätze ermöglichen sollten, den sie letzte Saison mit dem 11. Platz und 3 Punkten Rückstand noch verpassten. Platzierungstipp: Kampf um die Playoffs The Swiss Bombers - Ein weiterer Verein, dessen Stärkungsmahlzeit Toblerone ist, versucht sich diese Saison auf neuem 6vs6-Eis. Kapitän @dütschli führt seine Mannen auf unbekanntes Terrain, spricht man zumindest über die kompetitive 6vs6-Szene auf der Playstation 4. Jedoch ganz ohne Erfahrung treten die Jungs auch nicht an. Das Kapitänstrio hat ebenfalls einige Spiele für das frühere Team NHL4you auf dem Buckel, ist also mit den hiesigen Gepflogenheiten vertraut. Dennoch sind wir gespannt, ob der Lernwille hoch und die Frustrationsgrenze tief bleibt. Oder werden sie sogar für die ein oder andere Überraschung sorgen können? Platzierungstipp: untere Tabellenregion Minotaurs - Von aufsteigenden Phantomen zu Fabelwesen, @RPH__95 führt sie alle an und beherbergt sie, egal aus welchen Ländern sie auch kommen mögen. Mit von der Partie sind ebenfalls ein paar Franzosen, ob die morgendlichen Croissants in der Kabine für den Zuschlag gesorgt haben? Spaß beiseite, Toni und seine tollkühne Crew kennen ebenfalls die Tricks und Kniffe des Spiels. Ob die Zugänge zu neuen Impulsen führen? War man in der dritten Ausgabe der GCL nicht vertreten, so wagt man diese Saison einen neuen Versuch, sich wieder mit der deutschsprachigen Community zu messen. Beständiges Spiel wird das A und O sein, sonst wird man den eingespielten Teams relativ wenig entgegenzusetzen haben. Platzierungstipp: Kampf um die Playoffs EV Duisburg - Der Vorjahreshalbfinalist startet relativ unverändert in die neue Saison. Während fast alle Starter mit an Bord blieben, kamen jedoch auch keine Neuzugänge hinzu. Wirklich Not hatte Kapitän @FoxGoalie auch nicht wirklich. Zwar stieg man im europäischen Vergleich nach einer sehr durchwachsenen Saison leider ab, dennoch schaffte man es, den späteren Titelträger in der GCL zu einer Verlängerung in Spiel 7 des Halbfinales zu zwingen - und das nach einem 0:3 Serienrückstand! Zum größten Comeback nach Tiger Woods fehlte lediglich ein einziges Tor. Die Füchse sind eingespielt und dürften reichlich Motivation aus der letzten Saison gesammelt haben. Gelingt ihnen dieses Jahr vielleicht sogar der Sprung ins Finale? Platzierungstipp: Top 3 Atomic Hamsters - Die verstrahlten Nager um @Hennisch steigen zwar erstmals in die GCL ein, unbekannte Gesichter sind dort aber keinesfalls vertreten. Nicht umsonst strahlt ihr neues Team, da scheint noch der Geist der Vergangenheit ein wenig mit. Nach einem etwas unglücklichem Ausscheiden aus den Lite Playoffs in der ECL, kam es zu einem Umbruch im Team. Kommt sofort der AHA-Effekt? Zwar liest man im Kader auch ein paar unbekannte Namen, man verstärkte sich aber ebenfalls mit @Pathen-21-, der schon einige Schlachten geschlagen hat. Wird direkt der Einzug in die Playoffs gelingen? Platzierungstipp: Kampf um die Playoffs Aufgrund der Vielzahl der angemeldeten Teams und möglichen weiteren Turnieren danach, hat man sich dazu entschieden, die Liga in zwei 9er Gruppen aufzuteilen. Um hierfür auf eine gleiche Gruppenstärke zu kommen, hat man 3 Töpfe für die Auslosung auserkoren. Aus den ersten beiden Töpfen wurden jeweils zwei Teams den beiden Gruppen zugewiesen, Topf 3 füllte diese Gruppen auf. Diese Töpfe waren wie folgt: Topf 1: Deadly Phantoms HC, The Black Jacks, EV Füssen eSports, EV Duisburg Topf 2: Clowns On Ice, Pink Panthers HC, Puck Panthers, DEG eSports Topf 3: Restliche Teams Der Zufallsgenerator führte zu folgenden Gruppen: Gruppe 1: EV Füssen eSports, The Black Jacks, Puck Panthers, Clowns On Ice, Power Of Diesel, Slapshot Club Germany, Minotaurs, The Swiss Bombers und Eisbaeren Regensburg Gruppe 2: Deadly Phantoms HC, EV Duisburg, Pink Panthers HC, DEG eSports, Ice Aliens eSports, WEREWOLVES HC, Atomic Hamsters, Niederrhein Canucks und The Raccoons Die ersten 5 Vereine jeder Gruppe qualifizieren sich für die Playoffs. Während die Plätze 1-3 direkt in der Endrunde vertreten sind, spielen die Plätze 4-5 in den Pre-Playoffs die weiteren Plätze aus. Die Pre-Playoffserie wird im Modus best-of-three gespielt, alle anderen Serien im Modus best-of-seven. Die Paarungen werden überkreuz stattfinden (z.B. Platz 4 Gruppe A vs Platz 5 Gruppe B). Sollten beide Pre-Playoffsieger einer Gruppe angehören, so wechselt das schlechter platzierte Team sozusagen die Gruppe. Die reguläre Saison beginnt am Mittwoch, den 17.04.2019, und endet am Donnerstag, den 16.05.2019. Die Transferfrist endet am Dienstag, den 07.05.2019. Aufgrund der teils exzessiven Ausnutzung des Regelwerks bezüglich der Verwendung von "ausländischen" Spielern, wird seit dieser Saison ab sofort die Lizenzspielerregelung eingeführt. In einem Kader dürfen insgesamt maximal 3 Spieler stehen, die nicht aus der DACH-Region (Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz) stammen bzw. dort ansässig sind. Während eines Spiels dürfen ebenso nur maximal 2 Lizenzspieler eingesetzt werden. Wir verkünden hiermit auch noch nachreichlich die Strafen, die aus den Rückzügen kurz vor Ende der GCL 3 Saison von dem Teams Black Warriors HC und NextGeneration entstanden sind. Die damaligen GMs werden für die nun aktuell stattfindende GCL 4 mit einer GM-Sperre belegt. Diese Spieler sind myjbrandt, Chillivanilli511, asdrbnhjm und KG12PK88, Nick9342, Cpt_Robsen. Die Ligaleitung wünscht allen teilnehmenden Teams und Spielern vielen Spaß und viel Erfolg! @Mannheimer1938, @FoxGoalie, @GreatOne139, @domii_ecn, @Original-SnuS
Team name: Deadly Phantoms HC Team Abbreviation: DPH Team captains (PSN IDs): Mannheimer1938 (C) ; The_Rayman80 (A) ; Tim_FlyersFan (A) Team roster (PSN IDs): RPH_31 gzell60 Mannheimer1938 neymar92ftrio2 The_Rayman80 Tim_FlyersFan ProfaneKiss Playmaker1010 EA SPORTS club overview: https://www.easports.com/nhl/clubs/ps4/Deadly Phantoms HC Team Logo:
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NHLGamers, With this season review, we'll be able to put yet another ECL Pro season in the books! After an unfortunate delay due to ISP issues, we were able to crown POGGERS the new champion and congratulate them for a guaranteed Elite spot for ECL 9. Without further ado we want to conclude a season review in traditional fashion: Top 8 teams of ECL 8 Pro: POGGERS - The new champion had an outstanding playoff run (16 wins, 4 losses) which wasn't easy. In the first round they only needed 5 games to top the most liked mascot of Raccoon Rampage, 6 games to destroy the hopes of the contender Gotham Knights and 5 games against the very well defending team of Checkmate. In the finals POGGERS faced the team to beat - TIKI TALK ran by veteran @itspardytime who were the favorites all across the board. POGGERS regular season wasn't that pretty, as they finished only 5th in Group 1 which resulted in the 9th seed overall. After rotating a little bit in the regular season, POGGERS sticked with their starting 6 for the playoffs. @Chafak led the team in points all season long but don't sleep on the nice defensive pair of @Speedy104 and @Wickedtah69. It will be interesting to see, how they will perform in the Elite next season. TIKI TALK - The runner-up was the favorite coming into the season and didn't disappoint. They dominated their Group 1 with their high-scoring offense around top-scoring captain @itspardytime. They were no slouches on the the defensive side either and these two factors certainly made them into real contenders this season. TIKI TALK didn't hesitate to make their presence felt in the playoffs as they swept Bellizzi and SIKA in the first two rounds. They had to pay attention in the semi-finals against Black Horse as they beat the 1st seed of The Next Gen, but as it seemed it wasn't too hard to deal with as Pardy and his guys only needed five games to secure their finals spot. Quite disappointing that they fell short against the later champions but TIKI TALK will have a shot at the highest division in their promotion battles against Synergy Hockey. Will there be a joyful ending to their cinderella story? Checkmate - The defensive minded team built around @TackleControl had a pretty shaky line up during the regular season where they used 9 skaters and 2 goalies. This wasn't the case for the playoffs as nearly all of the games were played by their starting 6. Checkmate's way to the semi-final was built up by a pretty good 3rd place in Group 1 which lead to a first round matchup against Speedy Bros Hockey (win in 5 games) and a quarterfinal against Mentula SKA (win in 6 games). They didn't flaunt their offensive guns that much but are very good at shut down defense and very dangerous in the counter attacks. Their effort wasn't enough in the semis against the later champs POGGERS, but you will see them in the Elite next season, as they were able to beat Resurrection in the promotion battle. Black Horse - Going into the season in the role as their name would suggest, Black Horse struggled to show their talent in the regular season. Finishing 5th in Group 2 which resulted in the 13th seed overall, they showed their real potential finally in the playoffs. A contender like Silver Sword Griffins in the first round? Done in 6 games. The highest seed in the quarterfinals? C'mon, let's sweep them. The later runner-up TIKI TALK eventually beat them in 5 games, but nevertheless the team around @Tapparafan made some noise for sure. Unfortunately we won't see this team again as rumours about a breakup have been heard through the grapevine. Gotham Knights - The former Elite team wanted to play a bounce-back season and were an early favorite for sure. They rotated quite heavily during the regular season but top-scorer and captain @ReDMisTi kept his cool with his experience leading his team to a second place finish in Group 1 and the 3rd seed overall. Their defense was outstanding as they only conceded 42 goals in a total of 30 games. While continuing their good form in the first round as they beat the SPARTANS in 5 games, their season came to a quick halt in the quarter finals against the later champions POGGERS. As Black Horse left an open promotion spot by disbanding, the Knights out of Gotham had were given the chance due to their best remaining playoff record and PPG of the regular season. Unfortunately they lost to the Unlucky Boys HC and will remain in the Pro division for ECL 9. Mentula SKA - After they got promoted from Lite in ECL 7, Mentula SKA showed that they can compete also in the second highest division. An immediate playoff qualification with the record 20-8-2 resulted in the 3rd place of Group 2 and the 6th overall seed goes to show for that. After a tight battle which needed 7 games to see a winner in the first round against Rajatorpan Mafia, the team of @Niksu21 fell short against the later Elite qualifying Checkmate in 6 games. Nevertheless a pretty good debut season for the former Lite team and they will be in the mix of the favorites for further tournaments for sure! The Next Gen - The runner-up of the ECL 7 Lite division was on fire right from the get go. Leading Group 2 all the way, they ended up being the top seed overall for the playoffs. This team boasted top-scorers @kriketski17 and @NikkeDangles in their lineup and managed to be one of the defensive powerhouses of the league even with missing their starting goaltender and captain @ramseyy2. Easy tap in in a wide open spot for ECL 9 Elite right? Playoff hockey is a different story - that's something that will be hard to swallow for The Next Gen. They needed 7 games against the GHETTO FIREBIRDS in the first round and guess what? They got swept in the quarterfinals against Black Horse. Pretty disappointing end to an otherwise outstanding season. We're hoping for these guys to be back, that's for sure! SIKA - After a very bad season in the Elite division of ECL 7 it was a team defining season for SIKA. They had some problems adjusting their style to start the season in the Pro division but eventually finished the group stage at 7th in Group 1 and 11th seed overall. This squad is experienced and that ended up paying off in the first round as they beat Born With It, who where the 2nd seed of Group 2, in 6 games. Unfortunately the Hogs weren't quite strong enough to hold up against the later runner-up TIKI TALK in the quarter finals. Can they make a deeper playoff run in ECL 9? AWARDS Playoff MVP: @Chafak Most Points: @itspardytime, TIKI TALK, 47 Goals, 48 Assists, 95 Points in 30 games Most Goals: @itspardytime, TIKI TALK, 47 Goals, 48 Assists, 95 Points in 30 games Most Assists: @itspardytime, TIKI TALK, 47 Goals, 48 Assists, 95 Points in 30 games Most Hits by a Forward: @Enerfity, Speedy Bros Hockey, 227 Hits in 26 games Best +/-: @kriketski17, The Next Gen, +74 in 30 games Most Points by a Defenseman: @Thewix93, TIKI TALK, 8 Goals, 35 Assists, 35 Points in 30 games Most Goals by a Defenseman: @Drunkendefender, SPARTANS, 11 Goals, 23 Assists, 34 Points in 30 games Most Assists by a Defenseman: @Thewix93, TIKI TALK, 8 Goals, 35 Assists, 35 Points in 30 games Most Hits by a Defenseman: @Lurkins, SIKA, 228 Hits in 22 games TOP 3'S OF ECL 8 PRO Top 3 Forwards Regular Season: 1. @itspardytime, TIKI TALK, 47 Goals, 48 Assists, 95 Points in 30 games 2. @kriketski17, The Next Gen, 47 Goals, 35 Assists, 82 Points in 30 games 3. @NikkeDangles, The Next Gen, 38 Goals, 44 Assists, 82 Points in 30 games Top 3 Defenders Regular Season: 1. @Thewix93, TIKI TALK, 8 Goals, 35 Assists, 43 Points in 30 games 2. @Drunkendefender, SPARTANS, 11 Goals, 23 Assists, 34 Points in 30 games 3. @oGBioLan, The Next Gen, 6 Goals, 26 Assists, 32 Points in 30 games Top 3 Goaltenders Regular Season: 1. @Masapunda, Born With It, 21 Wins, 86.47 SV%, 1.82 GAA, 5 SO in 29 games 2. @PeeloJombb, Mentula SKA, 20 Wins, 84.07 SV%, 1.66 GAA, 4 SO in 30 games 3. @Joshua Plattner, Silver Sword Griffins, 18 Wins, 80.78 SV%, 1.58 GAA, 8 SO in 30 games Top 3 Forwards Playoffs: 1. @itspardytime, TIKI TALK, 28 Goals, 27 Assists, 55 Points in 18 games 2. @Teme, TIKI TALK, 21 Goals, 24 Assists, 45 Points in 18 games 3. @Jirsimarco, TIKI TALK, 10 Goals, 23 Assists, 33 Points in 18 games Top 3 Defenders Playoffs: 1. @Thewix93, TIKI TALK, 6 Goals, 21 Assists, 27 Points in 18 games 2. @Savinaainen, TIKI TALK, 3 Goals, 13 Assists, 16 Points in 18 games 3. @Wickedtah69, POGGERS, 3 Goals, 12 Assists, 15 Points in 21 games Top 3 Goaltenders Playoffs: 1. @Janne Hietala, POGGERS, 16 Wins, 86.34 SV%, 1.47 GAA, 5 SO in 21 games 2. @PCJP, TIKI TALK, 13 Wins, 83.53 SV%, 1.50 GAA, 3 SO in 18 games 3. @villamies95, Black Horse, 9 Wins, 80.23 SV%, 2 SO in 15 games The controversial 'Top 6' of the season is making a comeback! What this means is a selection of six players in a starting lineup, that have showed exceptional skill and played a good season. Please note that all selections are subjective and they are made by community members who have been keeping an eye on ECL 8 Pro. Without further ado, here's the top 6 of our Pro division in ECL 8: @Chafak (POGGERS) - @Jirsimarco (TIKI TALK) - @itspardytime (TIKI TALK) @Thewix93 (TIKI TALK) - @Speedy104 (POGGERS) @Janne Hietala (POGGERS) We're happy to conclude the season with this review. Once again, thank you all for your participation and congrats to the promoted teams. See you next season! @jahajaha93 & @Mannheimer1938
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Hi NHLGamers, The quarterfinals brought us a whole bunch of more upsets, as did the previous rounds. The first seeded team of The Next Gen got swept, Elite experienced teams like SIKA and Gotham Knights got sent to improving their golfing skills as well. We congratulate TIKI TALK, Checkmate, POGGERS and Black Horse for their guaranteed shot at an Elite spot for ECL 9. The ECL 8 Pro Semifinals will be played between Monday, 25th of February and Sunday, 3rd of March 2019. Here are the matchups for the ECL 8 Pro Semi-finals: (2) TIKI TALK vs. Black Horse (13) Is it TIKI TALK's year? Will they finally make their way back to Elite in ECL 9? After a disappointing end to their ECL 7 season, TIKI TALK have finally shown their true potential in the 8th iteration of the European Championship League. They don't want to waste any more time in their quest to advance back to the highest tier division - two sweeps against Bellizzi and SIKA, you can call that impressive for sure. The teams iconic captain @itspardytime rules this team and the division playoffs so far by scoring 38 points (20 goals, 18 assists) in 8 games. TIKI TALK have been running with their top lineup for all games so far and we believe this won't change as you don't change a winning team, right? @Thewix93 (4 goals and 13 assists) and @PCJP (89,47 SV% and 1,00 GAA) are the defensive anchors which this highly potential offense need at the back end. Black Horse started the season as their name would imply and surpassed all expectations completely. While they struggled a little bit at the end of the season, which cost them a higher seed for the playoffs, they didn't hesitate to show their skill right at the start of the playoffs against the big guns. They eliminated the 4th seed Silver Sword Griffins in 6 games while burying the top seed The Next Gen in only 4. Is TIKI TALK next in the line on their way to winning it all? Their defense is the key to their success - while they don't win their games with style, they are hard to score against and will make you pay for your mistakes. While former top goaltender @Hullued now is showing that he can be a top center and leads the team in that role in all three zones of the ice, the defensive pair of @Miika (Since2009-) and @Exel56 do an outstanding job and @villamies95 in net is a real stud in his debut season! Pure offensive skill vs a brickwall, who's gonna stand tall when this series has been played? Our bet is on TIKI TALK in 6 games, but expect some really tight battles! (5) Checkmate vs. POGGERS (9) Checkmates situation is very familiar to the one TIKI TALK finds themselves in - they also had a disappointing outcome to the ECL 7 playoffs with a first round exit. Now they are back in business again. While in the regular season they played with quite a big roster, we get that familiar top 6 line up in the playoffs. This roster consists of guys who were able to beat Speedy Bros Hockey and Mentula SKA in 5, respective 6 games. Alike Black Horse, Checkmate is a defensive minded team built around the captain @TackleControl. They established this play style during last season as well, but what is different this year? Maybe the addition of the Elite experienced @Tuukka.R was the missing puzzle piece for their final success. Can they hold on to their strong defense and make it to the finals? Once a Wasp, now a frog - the evolution goes on, but they started with Quality right from the beginning! After defeating Raccoon Rampage and Gotham Knights in 5, respective 6 games, the team around the leader @Yoloberg will make sure to give the best fight they have to offer. The addition of veteran @Chafak helped them to go far in the playoffs. Look out for their offensive trio as they like to throw some extra sauce on their passes and might surprise you coming out of the gates. They are also quite good defensively and will make sure that their top 6 guys are on the ice to win them this series. It will be interesting to see which team is going to be the active part with more puck possession. We're expecting both teams to have to dig deep in their playbook if they want to advance to the finals. We believe it will be Checkmate coming out as a finalist, but it will take the full distance of 7 games! Results from the relegation matchups: (G1 #14) Clowns On Ice vs. Pata Hellalla (G2 #15) 2-4 At last we would like to wish all ECL 8 Pro semi-finalists good luck in these series and would also like to give a big congrats to Pata Hellalla for staying in Pro! Signing off for now, ECL Pro Writing Team @Mannheimer1938 & @Panarinz
Hallo zusammen, das wissen wir noch nicht. Wir werden uns zeitnah damit beschäftigen, sobald wir auch wissen, wie der europäische Plan von NHLGamer für diesen NHL Teil aussieht. Viele Grüße, Franky
Guten Tag and välkommen NHLGamers, We'd like to welcome you to another exciting ECL Pro division season! It's only three weeks ago that we saw the grand finale of ECL 7, but here we are again, the short waiting is over and we are hyped to see the road to Elite starting over again. Can the promoted teams make a direct impact? Are the relegated former Elite teams capable of a bounce back season? Time will tell but here are some teams, that should be watched and followed for sure: Teams to watch - Group 1 Checkmate Checkmate had an impressive ECL 7 - the defensive minded team were hard to beat last season and didn't hesitate on the chances they got. 47 Points (23-6-1) were good for the second place in Group 2, so the pressure was high on the team for a decent playoff run. Unfortunately their offense struggled a lot in the elimination to CLUB ONE in 5 games, as they got shut out three times. They have kind of a rebuild as they lost three of their starters where two of them were their top scorers. It will be interesting to see if they can handle this situation with fresh blood for another playoff campaign. Gotham Knights After a disappointing season in ECL 7's Elite, the Gotham Knights are back into the Pro division where they don't plan to stay for long. They were one point shy of no-mans land so the relegation was quite unlucky. Nevertheless they didn't fall apart as many relegated teams - most of the guys stuck together to prove that they are better than what they showed last season. Their one and only goal for this team should be an instant Elite promotion, and with the addition of another Elite experienced player in @selänne8 this time, for good. SIKA SIKA was a late promotion to Elite before ECL 7, but many of us thought they will handle the higher division pretty well as they were very strong in the pre-season. Well, 23 losses later we now are aware that maybe they couldn't handle the pressure properly. Alike Gotham Knights, SIKA will also try to bounce back in the Pro division of ECL 8. Therefore SIKA decided to turn back the clocks and rebuild together with former members of EN HUND (SIKA members from way back). It will be fun to watch how the hounds and pigs will hunt together for points. Underdog The Black Jacks The ECL 7 champion of the Lite division will try to make a direct impact in uncharted territory. Their brutal offense will still be the key factor in their game and they will score some goals, but it will be interesting to see if they can handle the more defensive powerhouses and find some new ways to get the puck to the back of the net. Without any noticeable additions, these Swiss guys are trusting their core players to step up into the new level of competition. Teams to watch - Group 2 Speedy Bros Hockey The Speedy Bros had a decent playoff run after finishing 4th in Group 1 of ECL 7. They were even next in line to get an Elite promotion but after they lost their starting center just at the doorstep of the season, they stepped down to this and will try another run in Pro. By adding @LastMandalorian they get a player with Elite experience and the top scorer of ECL 7 @Tzon93 will try to have another outstanding season to get his team back for another deep playoff run and maybe a chance for a direct promotion. Cowabunga Hockey After a disappointing playoff campaign, Cowabunga got swept by Pata Hellalla in round 1, Cowabunga will try to repeat a nearly perfect regular season (finished 1st in Group 1) and guess who's back? Their former ECL 6 top scorer @Fin_torspo90! Will he be the final piece in the puzzle for success? They surely have a lot of fresh faces in their line-up, can @Tinkesakara get his team together for another exciting season? Born With It After struggling at the beginning of ECL 7, Born With It showed their talent at the end of the season were they had an incredible playoff push. Most of their starters stayed together and they added with @FIN_Potilas to bring some leadership to the squad! They will be in the mix for the Pro title for sure. Born With it have learned from their mistakes of last season and come back stronger than ever motivated as can be. Underdog The Next Gen The runner-up of ECL 7 Lite is ready for another great season and taking the next step. The key factors of their success are still there and they added some Elite/Pro experienced players on their way to avoid hanging around the relegation talk, instead they will aim for a high seed and a deep playoff run. These young guns know what's have to be done to be successful. Players to watch - group 1: Forward - Gotham Knights - @selänne8 (BiggestEight) In a struggling Falun last season in Elite, the big(gest) 8 still managed to put up some points and help his team in the way he does best, score and assist. With another type of opposition in games that can be more open, he will surely get back on his typical ECL Pro form, where in, earlier years, he has put up almost 250 points in 101 games. Defender - Gotham Knights - @eyebiz Yet another player from Gotham is joining our players to watch list, but for good reason. The defender has played 4 seasons in Elite, including a final in ECL 6 with Northern Ascendancy, talk about experience! He will bring that solidness to Gothams defense and can help them on their way back to Elite. Goaltender - Nordic Stars - @Tomsuu (a_pantera) There were a few candidates for this spot, as there are some great goaltenders in group 1! With that being said, a_pantera can be that game changer Nordic Stars need. He joins after a solid season in Checkmate, 84 SV% and 1.75 GAA in 16 games shows what he's capable of. Players to watch - group 2: Forward - Speedy Bros Hockey - @Tzon93 His stats speak for themselves. In ECL 7 he was the top scorer, counting both regular season playoff scoring. He reached the 100 point mark and scored goals from seemingly everywhere on the ice. I'd be shocked if Tzon wouldn't make our "Top 6 of the season" after this season as well as leading his team to a long playoff run. Defender - The Next Gen - @oGBioLan Former Elite winner and Pro silver medalist joins the newcomer and will provide that stability at the back end that every new team would love to have. oG has the ability of a top defenseman in NHL 19 and if he sees more icetime than last season, only 6 games with FILADELPHIA, I would already predict a ECL 8 Pro "Norris" season from him. Goaltender - Born With It - @Masapunda (octobussy) The guy with the great PSN had an incredible season in ECL 7, over 85 in SV%, a GAA of 1.80 and 7 shutouts during the regular season. If it wasn't for the toughest of competition he would've made the top 3 goaltenders list. Maybe he could snag that award this season? Wouldn't surprise me. For your reference, here are again the Groups of the ECL 8 Pro division: Group 1: Checkmate Tiffen The Black Jacks Supernatural Silver Sword Griffins SIKA Rajatorpan Mafia POGGERS Nordic Stars Murohoki Gotham Knights God Tier GHETTO FIREBIRDS EV Duisburg Clowns On Ice TIKI TALK Group 2: Bellizzi The Next Gen Style Speedy Bros Hockey SPARTANS Reality Check HC Raccoon Rampage Pata Hellalla Mentula SKA Horror Hockey Freddie Mercury Institute Cowabunga Hockey Born With It Bone Breakers Black Horse Virtual Horizons eSports That's all for now NHLGamers, be sure to follow our teams during their streams on Twitch and hopefully this season will turn even better as season 7! Signing off for now, ECL Pro Writing Team @Panarinz & @Mannheimer1938
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NHLGamer, Dr. Oetker and Elisa kicking off unparalleled 6vs6 experience with ECL 8
Franky__2768 commented on Kenu's record in ECL
This is so awesome! Thank you @Kenu for doing an outstanding job, being probably the biggest workhorse I've ever seen. This man spent countless hours for a vision - making NHL eSport ready and I guess he's doing fine right? Give yourself a big tap on your shoulder, I couldn't imagine another person who deserves it more. Also a big shoutout to the many guys in the background who made this happen. It doesn't care if you are fresh members or old veterans like @The_Alpha_Furyan or @gzell60 (to name only a few), we applaud you and appreciate your hard work! -
EU Clubs looking for players - PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S
Franky__2768 replied to Robsom's topic in EASHL Teams
Deadly Phantoms HC (Elite) looking for a goalie in the upcoming ECL 8 season. If you are interested, please contact me here via PM on NHLGamer.- 4742 replies
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Hi NHLGamers, the regular season of the Pro division is over and without further ado we start the first round of the ECL Pro Playoffs tomorrow, Monday 19th of November 2018. The first eight teams of both groups qualified for the playoffs with the goal of winning ECL Pro and having the shot of getting promoted to our highest tier division - ECL Elite! The teams will be cross-seeded so that e.g. the 1st placed team of group 1 will be playing against the 8th placed team in group 2 and so on. Starting from the second round, all teams will be seeded based on PPG and the other tie-breakers, where necessary. Every series will be played best-of-7, i.e. a team has to take four wins to advance to the next round. Teams have 7 days to finish the series, so the first round will take place starting Monday and ending Sunday, 25th of November 2018 23:59 CET. As there were no teams which got disqualified or folded, we will continue with four relegation battles with places 13 to 16 of both groups fighting for their right to play again in the Pro division next season. The relegation battles will also be cross-seeded between the groups and it takes 4 wins to close the series. The relegation battles will also take place from Monday, 19th November 2018 until Sunday, 25th November 2018 23:59 CET. These are the pairings for the first round of the playoffs: Pata Hellalla (G2 #8) vs Cowabunga Hockey (G1 #1) Born With It (G2 #7) vs 2. Synergy Hockey (G1 #2) Belizzi (G2 #6) vs Wasps Gaming (G1 #3) Raging Monkeys (G2 #5) vs Speedy Bros Hockey (G1 #4) EN HUND (G1 #5) vs Bucketeers (G2 #4) TIKI TALK (G1 #6) vs Resurrection (G2 #3) CLUB ONE (G1 #7) vs Checkmate (G2 #2) Saints (G1 #8) vs Deadly Phantoms HC (G2 #1) These are the pairings for the relegation battles: Nordic Nosebleed (G2 #16) vs Murohoki (G1 #13) Sektion K (G2 #15) vs 14. EV Duisburg (G1 #14) Free From Rodents (G1 #16) vs Nordic Stars (G2 #13) Unity (G1 #15) vs Bone Breakers (G2 #14) Teams that ended their season in no-mans-land (Places 9-12) will stay in Pro for the next season. The teams are: Racoon Rampage GHETTO FIREBIRDS Baltic Sea Eagles Style The Visionaries Pohjoista Voimaa Silver Sword Griffins Le Coq Sportif We would like to take this opportunity to thank all teams for participation, it was fun to watch and follow your games. Good luck for all teams with the further rounds and battles, good luck and most important - have fun!
Hi NHLGamers, We are ready for round 2 of the ECL 7 Lite playoffs! After a very quiet first round with nearly no upsets, as 30 out of 32 ended with the higher seed winning. The stage is set for another exciting week of playoff hockey and we are now into familiar territory with the best 32 teams of the Lite division that will have to do or die. We expect some upsets in this round, based on previous seasons, as some favourites will struggle and some underdogs will rise. The games will be played best-of-7, meaning it takes four wins to make it into the next round. Due to the EA server downtime pushing the regular season end and eventually causing the Playoff pairs in round 1 to be published quite late, we ended up allowing one extra day for the first round of the playoffs, thus pushing the rest of the rounds forward, meaning round 2 has to be finished by end of Monday the 19th of November. Below are the pairs for round 2: 1. The Next Gen vs 43. Pink Panthers HC 2. Finnish Snipers vs 35. Rukoilevat Hinkkaajat 3. The Black Jacks vs 32. Lehmannen Badboyz 4. Mentula SKA vs 31. Puck Panthers 5. Clowns On Ice vs 29. Etelan Vetelat 6. Prowlers vs 28. Infinity 7. FarmiNaattori vs 27. Elämäm Kiekko 8. Supernatural vs 26. Suomen Sonnit 9. Rajatorpan Mafia vs 25. Finnish Hockey Legends 10. HokiDogit vs 24. Supremacy 11. We Kings vs 23. K A R H U T 12. SPARTANS vs 21. Poston Fruits 13. Freddie Mercury Institute vs 20. Blackdawgs 14. Inter Iceland vs 19. Kaukosen Luistin 15. Perttilan Kommandot vs 18. Dubnation Gaming 16. Kalamasu HT vs 17. Team France Please let us know when these matchups are going to take place, which gives us a better chance to cover it on our Twitch channel. Should you want your games to be covered in our live broadcasts, please provide us with the necessary information as early as possible before the games. The information includes: Date Time Line-ups for both teams (including correct spelling of PSN ID’s and player numbers) Captain/player interviews are a plus! We wish all the teams the best of luck - have fun out there!
Salut NHLGamers! It's time for yet another Team of the Week, For this season of ECL Pro, we'll have a running "Team of the Week"-segment. In other words, we'll be showcasing the best ECL Pro teams for both groups that week, but also a Top 6 lineup of individuals that excelled during said week. The articles will be released each Monday. Beware that we are only counting the stats for games played during each game week. This week our selection panel consisted of @Mannheimer1938 and @jahajaha93. Group 1 - Team of the Week - 4 Synergy Hockey (6-0-0) Is "hot" enough to describe this team right now? 6 games this week, 6 wins - and not against whoever, they won against the other top guns of group 1 when overcoming Speedy Bros Hockey, Wasps Gaming and EN HUND. Synergy is currently on a 12 game winning streak and has gained points in their last 14 matchups! They should be able to settle for the top spot in their group quite easily as we're going into the last week of the regular season. Group 2 - Team of the Week - 4 Belizzi (6-2-0) These guys have been great recently! They've stepped up their game when they needed it the most. Catching up from below the playoff line to a more or less certain spot is impressive while also breaking down teams like Resurrection and Raging Monkeys on their way there. They are really shaping up to be one of the dark horses this season, look out for them in the playoffs! Pro division - Players of the Week - 3 @Panarinz - @Playmaker - @Windblad @LegendenKurtz_ - @AndreasLeafs @DUNZA @Panarinz (Style) The assistant captain and leading scorer of Style managed to have himself a great week. Panarinz scored 10 goals and accumulated 4 assists on his left wing, having a total of three game winning goals among these snipes. Style is a team that after a tough start has heated up nicely, so look out for Panarinz and this group of guys in the weeks to come! @Playmaker (Deadly Phantoms HC) 27 points in 6 games - 3 points per game in the season so far (63 points in 21 games), Playmaker1010 is on another level right now as he's dominating the center land, tearing up opposing teams day in and day out. He is the leading offensive force for the Deadly Phantoms and surely brings it every time he laces up his skates but is also a key factor in the defense as he keeps the slot tight and makes it as hard as possible to score against his team. @Windblad (Synergy Hockey) Another center that has made it in this team of the week. Credit is due where credit is due, however. Scoring 11 points in 5 games doesn't tell us the whole story, but a +/- of 9 and a faceoff percentage of over 60 this week, it's very clear that this guy is well deserving of a spot on this roster. With his defense first kind of mindset, every team would be helped with him on the ice. @LegendenKurtz_ (Style) Legenden has been one of the main reasons for Style going on an incredible run of form lately. 8 points and a +/- of 10 in 6 games is proof of just that. Even though he is a very defense minded defenseman, he is ranked in the top 5 for points by defensemen. Beware if you face him 1 on 1 with or without the puck, he can dangle you out to the parking lot. @AndreasLeafs (Raging Monkeys) A guy currently ranked number 1 in points for defensemen this season who also had a great week, who am I thinking of? AndreasLeafs of course! 8 points in the last 8 games and a +/- of 6. He isn't known for scoring goals, that's for sure. Instead this Norweigan defenseman knows how to set up his teammates. Will he be ranked 1st in the points by defensemen standings at the end of the season too? @DUNZA (Synergy Hockey) Even with games remaining DUNZA himself has set a new ECL record! 11 shutouts so far in a single season is a remarkable stat, setting a new high for ECL goalies on any level. To be honest with you, he could've been featured every week. He has surely been a game changer this season and every stat I could mention here is proof of that. Let's just stick with his 11 shutouts, a GAA of 0.82 and a save percentage of nearly .90 is incredible. That's all for now, ladies and gentlemen. If you want to be featured next week here's the recipe: work hard, play hard and do your best to make it happen! Be sure to tune in next week to see if you, your team or one of your teammates made it into our "Team of the Week". Over and out, @Mannheimer1938
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My point of view is that if there happens an action on day x which has to be looked up by the LA, this day x is fact for the ruling of the LA. They were assistant captains at this time so the disqualification settle at day x and not on day x+5 when the final decision is published. Yeah, we all know that there are only English speaking people in the LA so there is no way of sending a message to them in English and their mother language.. anyways, if they asked for permission, they have to wait for the decision of the LA and not already switching captaincies and changing teams. This kind of behaviour insult that they didn't seem to try a big effort of keeping the team alive.
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Well, for what do have assistant captains then? That they have absolutely no responsibility in every case and are only named because the rulebook says so? I agree that this paragraph (13.4) is written a little bit sloppy but as 13.8 referes to this kind of situation it sticks for me. What did those two guys do? The captain left the sinking ship, that's crap for sure, but what kind of attitude you should have as an assistant captain? Step up for your team, take this role and try to do best out of it. For me it would be something like "pride" to finish the season as good as I can. For sure it could be very frustrating, but it is what it is. This should be a kind of codex to all of those guys who are in a leading role inside of a team. I know you earn nothing out of it as it's only a video game and I'm fully aware that it's nowhere written in the rule book and probably never will, but still, those captains and assistants have to take responsibility for all of the teams actions! When did they got transferred to Northern Ascendancy? Before or after it was clear they will brake up? Without having knowledge I would assume that it was after it and if it is so, due to this time of event they are responsible for the teams actions and for me it is that exactly after this event they got banned. So they can be transferred to Northern Ascendany but are banned for playing in ECL 7. You could also read the rule book this way. Sure, you can blame LA for writing this paragraph with some loop hole, but as a captain yourself, would you like to see that other captains will sneak through loop holes as well? I doubt it. For me it's the right call in case that everybody should take responsibility for their actions and don't snitch threw every written latter and try to make the best for themselves and give a damn to the integrity of this community. God damn, we don't do this for a living, there are and will be some mistakes. Please don't put every word or sentence under the microscope.
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Hey NHLGamers, here we are again, taking a look at last week of the Pro division as we'll try to highlight some special performances of teams and players. Please note that the stats include games played and reported during week 2 (22.10.-28.10.2018) only. Group 1 - Team of the Week - 2 Cowabunga Hockey Cowabunga Hockey only played one matchup in the first week but they got things running in this second week. They won 5 of their 8 matches and two losses came in overtime. Their defense was a key factor in clinching most of the points as they were able to get wins out of some tight games. Forwards @Tinkesakara, @Sokkelo__ and @Rapsu got their job done in both ends of the ice. Cowabunga is now placed 6th in their group but they'll try to rise in the upcoming week. Group 2 - Team of the Week - 2 Deadly Phantoms HC Deadly Phantoms HC had a tight schedule this week with 5 matchups and some double matchup nights in there too. They got 18 out of 20 points while their puck possession game was key to their offense clicking around @Playmaker. Their extraordinary offensive efforts lead to a current average of 3,88 goals for per game. @RPH_31 had an amazing run this week, allowing only 5 goals in 10 games and was able to record 4 shutouts during this timespan. Currently the Phantoms are leading group 2 and wouldn't want to lose that spot during next week. Pro division - Players of the Week - 2 @Buffy - @Playmaker - @ProMinx24 @SolenX86 - @xLVxRitchey @RPH_31 @Buffy (Raging Monkeys) had a solid run of form in ECL terms this week! Scoring a goal per game (6 goals in 6 games) but more impressively, 17 points in said amount of games. @Playmaker (Deadly Phantoms) was very strong in the first week and continued his dominant performance in the second week. 22 points in 9 games with an incredible +/- rating of +20! These stats show us that he can put up the points needed for his team, but most importantly keep the opposing teams shots out of his own teams net. @ProMinx24 (Silver Sword Griffins) set up some goals in this time period. With 17 assists (and 26 points) in 8 games he showed that he is a playmaking beast. Should he look into changing names with the guy above? Maybe so. @SolenX86 (Bucketeers) is an offensive minded defensemen that can pick out great passes all around the ice. That's exactly what he showed us this week. He is already 3rd in points for defensemen and don't be surprised if he continues his good form. @xLVxRitchey (Silver Sword Griffins) showed us what a cornerstone he can be in the defensive zone. With 7 points in 8 games and a +/- of 21 he comes off as a solid defensive defenseman that can provide offense when needed. He plays with a defense first mindset. Also worth mentioning he amassed 27 takeaways in last weeks games. @RPH_31 (Deadly Phantoms), man, what a run of form! Over 90% in saving percentage and 4 shutouts in 10 games. He's done everything his team can ask for. Even though his team has been playing great all around, he is one of the keys to their success so far. If you come up on a breakaway beware of his flashing glove! That's all for now, ladies and gentlemen. If you want to be featured next week here's the recipe: work hard, play hard and do your best to make it happen! Be sure to tune in next week to see if you, your team or one of your teammates made it into our "Team of the Week". Credits to @Panarinz who co-wrote this article with me!
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