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Everything posted by Jesus

  1. Very cool. I predict that Pajen will be a huge AIK legend
  2. End global poverty once and for all or fix a game for young wealthy white males!? Easy decision. Let's build an ark and sail to Canada!
  3. What's clear is that no matter what EA creates the annual sales for the NHL-series lays around 1 million sold copies all plattforms combined. There is simple not enough incentive to actually make that much of an effort . Hell, NHL 15 on next-gen without all team based online modes included sold better than NHL 18. This is however also a positive thing, since you basically can do whatever you want and still not see any real changes in sales. In order words a perfect context for creativity. Rammer and his team is not creative tho. Let's face it, EA Sports Vancouver is not a talented studio, they are mediocre at best.The fault is not on those who sit on the money, but on the actual creative team behind the game. They do not need more time or more money. They need more and better ideas. I would be fine with shitty matchmaking if they actually made som drastic changes just for the fun of it. Instead they not only keep the shitty matchmaking, they also copy the slow game mechanics from previous titles. What confuses me is that from a business side of things a more arcadelike type of game would of course have a bigger potential to attract a younger audience and with that grow the sales a little bit. It's beyond me why they instead decided to devolop this advanced, slow paced truck-simulator year after year. To the creator of topic. The problem is not the members of this site, since clearly we support the community and not the game. That is why we endure all the pain that the talentless Rammer and his team brings to the table. The problem is the rest outside the active community sites who do not care about originality or quality, but cares for the copyright of the NHL brand I think Rammer has to go. Bring back David Littman or whoever. Best advice I can give you is to share the game between your friends even more. That's the best way to bring down sales and honestly the only way.
  4. Geeks looking for some players. RW, LD and a G. psn: Ralfduran
  5. As we all know hockey fans usually don't have the best taste in music. So this was actually a pleasant surprise. Not the best soundtrack in the series by and means (that awards still goes to NHL 08 with Luna Halo, playradioplay etc) but overal I'm quite satisfied with this soundtrack. Some artist on the list really deserves the recognition. I'm especially delighted to see Arkells included (listen to Book Club if you haven't already). Hipsterpop at it's finest! At least we don't have to listen to "We will rock you" on repeat. That was my greatest fear!
  6. Great interview. Never heard this man get so many specific questions before in any interview. So respect to Kenu and the community. The question about selling consumables quicker in HUT was clearly an eye-opener to Rammer. So hopefully we get that in the post-game as well. Not a big fan of Rammer and the way this franchise has devoloped over the years, however the NHL 19 beta was the best example of virtual hockey since NHL 14, so let's hope for the best Nhlgamer FTW!!!!!!
  7. Congratulations. Well deserved. Interesting backstory behind the organisation as well. I'm just curious. Is there any content creator or streamer that can make a living out of playing NHL?
  8. Your shit at sitting in a bush? Well, of course it works. The hard part is killing the last guy, but as long as you farm some materials in the begining and have decent weapons it's a pretty smart way of winning a game. It's strangely appealing to sit in a bush and watch everyone else fight around you. Like going to the movies or something. Downside is ... You will probably never become better at the game. But hey, it's battle royale after all.
  9. The pope is a beast at NHL 18!
  10. Or they could just have removed the grinding ... tbh the current builds are pretty boring and takes away a lot of personality from the game.
  11. I'm free as well (and not banned I suppose?) Very active player, but fine with a back up role because of the late date. Center or winger. Can try ld as well. Any division is fine! PSN: ralfduran
  12. Company of Geeks are now looking for a defender, preferably LD. We are also looking for a goalie. Both positions are starting roles. Contact me or ralfduran on PSN. We are playing everyday during the week.
  13. Company of Geeks looking for talented players. Contact me here or on psn (ralfduran)
  14. It's not really a bad thing being honest lol. But it's maybe not the best salespitch to start with if you want to find a team.
  15. Not sure any GM will agree with you! Blame your absence on internet, holiday, work or whatever. Do not blame it on some ban.
  16. IS-cup? Time to grow a beard
  17. I see russians everywhere .. Good initiative tho.
  18. Who produced that trailer? Jesus? Awesome work nonetheless. Guess Chiimera really wants NOS to win again, seeing those frustrating screams repeated three times!
  19. They really like horses in Hockeyallsvenskan. AIK
  20. I think there is a point of expanding Elite division tho. Between 18-22 teams is a good amount. A larger elite division will put most of the focus on the Elite division in the community which is something that we want. A team should not gain as much hype for winning pro as of winning Elite. It will also be easier for good players to get into Elite, and not having them play in pro or lite due to limited rosters in Elite. This elite thinking that every game must be like a playoff final in terms of skill is kind of overrated. Most leagues have 5-6 elite teams in the highest division, 10 good and 5 bad teams. It builds hype for the truly big games between the top teams and also from time to time gives upsets when a lesser team beats one of the giants. Also fun when a lesser team (think Leicester) upsets the community and finish high in the standing. As it is right now, it doesn't matter if you finish high or low in the group stage making the group stage completely pointless , which is something Laser HT proved last year. To me there is a larger charm in this format. It gives the division character, something that the current Elite division lacks. It's not interesting tbh.
  21. I do agree with you. They already have a similar rep system in place for the your forum persona, but one for your player card is for sure much more interesting. Your idea is something that can personalize the experience of being part of nhlgamer immensely. Can just keep it simple. 1 p for every game played, 3 points for a goal, and 2 points for assists and 1 points per 10th hit and about 15 points for being part of a winning team in each division. Problem is that this perhaps takes some serious coding skills. But it's an interesting idea for sure that will work fine, since we all stick with our accounts on this website.
  22. Excellent idea Goals scored without any assists should give a few extra bonus points IMO
  23. Yes. This is a very important option to implement. Reality of this community is ... teams come and go. We don't want to many good teams/players in Lite since it will be harder for new members to develop their game. and I fear many good players will lose interest as well when having to start over in lite every year.
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