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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/13/24 in Posts

  1. Loyal team player looking for a team due to last-minute Armada Hockey disbandment. RW position preferred. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/4
    58 points
  2. JYP Jyväskylä 🌪️🟥⬛ In: @Mozjayh Welcome Mozja nice to have you! maybe we now get little bit of "voittamisen kulttuuria"
    53 points
  3. Free f for upcoming tournaments ->psn/dc/here dm : tkantola https://sportsgamer.gg/players/2227
    49 points
  4. @SportsGamer How hard can it be? Start a poll for Elite and Pro. React with a 🏆 if you want to bann Truc, UF and Tipper. (Or other abilities) React with a 👍🏻if you want to play ECL with all abilities available. Only for players that played in ECL Elite and ECL PRO in ECL Spring Democracy is a good thing
    48 points
  5. Free C/RD/RW for all upcoming tournaments, contacts preferably via Discord
    47 points
  6. 47 points
  7. Free contact in twitter or discord; .doumi
    46 points
  8. Free G for upcoming tournaments psn: Ricco21-- Discord: ricco21_
    45 points
  9. Free RD (LD) for upcoming tournaments msg here or discord
    44 points
  10. I guess a loud minority really can make a difference. Inspiring. Furthermore, where's the transparency from management on this matter? What was the process like before you arrived at this decision? Why is this being announced literally minutes before teams start playing their games (in some cases even after puck drop)? This is absolute bush-league for a professional organization with paying customers and I think everyone, regardless of where they stand on this particular matter, expect better than this.
    43 points
  11. Free f for upcoming tournaments Mainly looking for elite
    42 points
  12. Free rw looking for team (backup role), can play sometimes but ready be humble and work for team success ❤️
    42 points
  13. Free RW for the upcoming ecl. Prefer a Finnish or a Swedish team.
    41 points
  14. 🦇 Gotham Knights 🦇 We are looking for starting C or LW & RD! Right now I don't have time to play enough so it's better to find someone who has Obviously these players must to be active & hungry! We wanna prove that we can stay in Elite & fight for that playoff spot so there's much work ahead of us! If you are interested contact me, @Rimpeor @keranee 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇
    41 points
  15. Kymmeneltä Baariin Looking for starting RW/LW, LD, Starter G/ 2x 50/50 G’s Our goal is to make pro qualis! Contact us via discord: hopeakypara99, aaro47 or sirlateksi
    40 points
  16. Stone Age (Core)🦣 Mammoths are back and we are looking for: -C or LW -LD -RD We also need couple backup players to complete our roster. What we expect: -Experience from ECL tournaments -Good sense of humour Active 3-4 times per week What we offer: Active team with good team spirit. Starter role in ECL Prefer finnish players. Contact me here or PSN: Maexsa for more info.
    39 points
  17. Free Lw if something interesting comes up PRO/ELITE I have a 10-game ban, but after that, I'm cleared to play Dm only on discord!
    38 points
  18. 🦇 Gotham Knights 🦇 IN: @LucePro @Jemmuuu @TheSpeedo @jyrki456 @Kussan82 Welcome our new bats!🔥 Our team is now ready! 🦇🦇🦇
    38 points
  19. Free LD (RD) for upcoming tournaments Can try as F too Top Pro/Elite Contact me here or dc: xSnaipperi
    38 points
  20. 🦇 Gotham Knights 🦇 IN: @I_Saarinen_I @Mise Our newest BaTs, Warm welcome! 🦇👊 Our roster is now ready for ECL Elite! 🔥
    38 points
  21. I have to ask why it will never happen? Every X-Factor is kinda silly in their own way, some being more stupid than others obviously. Anyway, now when EA "removed" Elite Edges, this should be the perfect spot to just ban them all from competitive gameplay, and end this f*cking stupid shitshow circle happening again year after year. No? If I would need to choose, I would go with "ban all" or "don't ban nothing" at this point. I have to agree with message above 100%. I take Kenus side with the decision they've made. He clearly informed 5-6 weeks ago they will probably go with "no-bans" if enough people doesn't stand out. Players saying it was "off-season" is just poor take for me. I understand that, but it's just not enough. Should SG have reminded us about this article? Yes sure, but it's still impossible to blame SG about it or attack towards them. Current situation is our fault and some self-reflection could be made here and there. What makes me the most tired are the toxic messages with zero value on this topic. Don't overreact, sit down, deep breath, analyze the shit and write your thoughts as respectfully as possible and the most important thing, justify your sayings. I rarely take part in conversations in this scene nowadays, and that's mostly because of the quality of the conversation and "cheap shots". Maybe I'm getting too old. And for SG, I also suggest to not make things harder what they really are. And with that I mean, if majority wants fe.; Big Tipper to be banned and no-one is against it, SG should have some balls to make quick LA decisions inside week or two. It's not that hard after all. We don't need 2 or 3 months long "testing ground" season to see if the shit is brown when we clearly know the answer already.
    37 points
  22. Purification (elite) in: @Snus97_ Welcome to puri!🤝🐐
    35 points
  23. Straikers looking for starting LD for potential future 6v6 tournaments in NHL 25. Contact me, Eki or FlyerKungen @ here or socials.
    35 points
  24. Ban truculence, big tipper, uf, no contest. Then we have the most competitive game we can have. Gameplay without traits aint it
    34 points
  25. Free G for upcoming tounaments https://sportsgamer.gg/index.php/players/1711
    34 points
  26. Parasite in: @Vattuyy @tomboo- @uhNikke welcome🔥
    34 points
  27. Free RD for upcoming tournaments! Stats 🎮 Edit: Team Found
    33 points
  28. Time to try one more time to compete at the highest level so Free LW/C/RW for upcoming FCL and ECL Spring Elite teams only👀 dm here or discord wpaananen
    33 points
  29. After giving it some thought and reading others' takes on this... I'm also team BanThemAll. And here's the reasoning why: The whole X-Factor ability shenanigans were added to the game in order to highlight superstar players with their superstar abilities. I totally understand that concept from an offline mode or online versus point of view, it's a great addition and does what it's supposed to do: recognize greatness. But in WOC game modes, we don't need that at all - everybody can already spend their XP however they see fit under the ruleset of preset builds and be the superstar they want (even though I'd love to see the return of the old custom build system). In WOC the X-Factors don't make anyone a superstar in the way they were intended in the first place if evvvveryone on the ice has them. What the X-Factors bring in 6s especially is instead lower skill gap RNG to a vast variety of in-game scenarios an even stronger meta for each wingers, centers, defencedudes & goalies where everyone exploits weaknesses in the game Therefore a competitive setting with no superpower abilities would balance not only the meta but also the dreadful RNG. EA made the decision on our behalf to remove EE from WOC, which, if you think about it for a second, is actually is a huge step towards the direction I'm suggesting here. And absolutely nobody is complaining about it. Now it's all about finishing what EA started this year and play without the honestly quite unnecessary X-Factor abilities in 6s.
    33 points
  30. Mby looking for some tryouts🤞.. Free RW https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1901
    33 points
  31. Free G for next ECL Elite maybe pro🫣 Ready to grind very much🫡 Contact me here or psn kaz_zu
    33 points
  32. Free G for FCL starter or backup contact psn or discord jubeex0r
    32 points
  33. Free LW/C for Elite / Pro MartindalexC - Player profile - SportsGamer
    32 points
  34. 32 points
  35. Voittamaton need players for FCL (any pos), but especially at RD.
    31 points
  36. Heimo In: @KingOfApes_ ⬅️ NOVA @Mozjayh ⬅️ EXEN Welcome to Heimo! Westend might feel a little different from Kivistö😄 Out from starting roster: @Sakkem @xHatsi
    31 points
  37. Free D Pro/Elite https://sportsgamer.gg/players/600
    31 points
  38. free rw/rd/G core/lite/pro Backup is also fine contact me here or PSN: Tuuski36
    31 points
  39. Please can we play this next ecl whitout tipper and trucu. KENU!!!!
    31 points
  40. Free C/D for next ecl Contact me here or psn miseee96
    30 points
  41. Free Ld/Rd next tournaments! Discord/psn: Rightinkarlsson
    30 points
  42. Hello, After a longer break from NHL it might be time to make a comeback.. Free LW/C/RW for upcoming tournaments. Contact me on PSN if interested 🐈 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1020
    30 points
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