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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/23 in all areas

  1. Leksands IF IN: @Youtube_Azzez ✅️ Välkommen till Leksand!
    5 points
  2. Herforder Ice Dragons IN: @eBasstian Welcome
    5 points
  3. Predators Welcome Bro 🤪 In: @fedra.luca (PantherOnSkates) 🤙
    3 points
  4. Free C/LW/LD. Open to everything from starter to reserve. I am 20 years old and speak Swedish & English fluently. I have been playing EASHL 6v6 quite regurarly (both full 6s and without full team) for about 4 years but never really bothered getting into something more organized and serious. PSN: Skogspyssling PS5
    1 point
  5. available LW or HF looking for club in neo or core. also know a little vb and C previous experience from lite/core and neo pm me for tryout
    1 point
  6. SportsGamer is at the Tubecon Games event at Tampere-talo this Friday and Saturday (January 6 & 7). There is plenty to play, as well as challenge games against some of the most known faces in the in the gaming influencer industry in Finland! Ilari Pro, Paqpa, Jaakko Parkkali, ZoneVD and many others will be there during the weekend! The games are tongue in cheek, intended for more casual gaming. For SportsGamer users willing to make the trip, we are able to offer a discount code for the purchase of both a day ticket and a two-day tickets, which you can purchase here. You'll find our FIFA & NHL stations in the Duetto 2 area, where you can play challenge games and small tournaments on both days, with both FIFA 23 and NHL 23 games available. Hope to see you there!
    1 point
  7. Free RW/C/RD looking for team for ECL Winter and upcoming tournaments. Contact here or PSN: valdmaar https://sportsgamer.gg/players/4922#nhl
    1 point
  8. SIX STICKS MISFITS (Lite) is looking for backup player. If you can play in multiple position, thats a huge plus. You can contact me here or psn: Lamsa
    1 point
  9. Växjö lakers in: @Melguss Welcome melle!🦁
    1 point
  10. DJURGÅRDEN HOCKEY (maybe a bit late) IN: @Strumpan87 @Zupancic_King424 @pakjiz @Tizjeflen And our newest addition: @Skumparty Welcome to the team boys! ❤️
    1 point
  11. Örebro Hockey in @karlsson_adam11 Welcome! 🔥
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. IN @Maestroffi from HC Pustertal eSports OUT @Tumpp1A to GOONS 🔒 twitter.com/hanaahc_
    1 point
  14. Sawolanche In: @Oicteppotulppu @Misantti @Pedro-11 Out: @Pronssikypara PumPum 🔥🔥🔥
    1 point
  15. Bastu In: @Finnish_hockeyking (Fin_S1su) Welcome to the sauna!
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. NOSTREETSPORTS 🏄‍♂️ In: @Kesichkin welecome back 🤠 @selänne8 🏌️ ”Like sands through an hourglass, these are the trades of our lives.”
    1 point
  18. JYP Jyväskylä❤️🌪️🖤 Next ECL In: @Frans-Fin @J-_-Jamaltheman @xAaro89x @obivop out: @Sakkem @vSilenttio @keranee Welcome to the team, and good luck to future Sakke, Jere and Sile🐐
    1 point
  19. Björklöven Esport In: @Rubituss - Falun Coal Miners @Demski_ - HV71 @Tkautto98 - HV71 Out: @Janzuh - Memento @Duracellii - Memento Thank you Janne and Dura for your contributions and gl in the future, and big welcome to the new guys 💖
    1 point
  20. HC Pustertal eSports We are finally complete and ready to go 🖤 💛 IN: @NotzPanthers 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Welcome to the 🐺 pack, Jake!
    1 point
  21. Otukset eSports ✨ IN: @Putteekiing from Manos 🤚 Welcome 💖
    1 point
  22. Mora IK In: @Fidelvv @karlsson_adam11 @broken rice @albin tinglert @topetsi @Diizzylicious @jBoulder-mClump Out: @Hokiboi18 @devilfish333 @mewn73 @Allupekkaz Welcome in to team, and good luck for you other guys see you on the ice!
    1 point
  23. LIONS ACADEMY 🦁 IN: @JLopatko aka SnipeLVcelly8 Last piece to the puzzle. Welcome to the team, Juris!
    1 point
  24. IK Oskarshamn in: @Aunee95 Warm Welcome👑🏒
    1 point
  25. Finally ECL is back, and so are we IN @Jondeezz from Hokurit @Rytze_ from GoldenNights @eissi83 from Sulkavan Sudet(/Otus?:3) OUT @xLeikku career break (?) @ripKeisari to Örebro Hockey @Johansson-37 to Örebro Hockey @juhkis96 to Otukset @Simbanho to Tohtorit @Esko-etikka to Bad to the Bone Thx to all the former players for their contributions, now it's time to turn a new page yet again twitter.com/hanaahc_
    1 point
  26. Big Mistake IN: @Nagneigel Welcome!👋🏻🐗
    1 point
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