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Free. Long term and active team. Contacts here, psn or discord Tanski87#867328 points
Those are annoying goals to let for sure and they happen to every goalie who is playing this game at the moment😴, The game was released just this week so there will eventually be patches that fix these issues like every year giving up after such a short time of playing the game seems bit too much in my opinion, as overall this looks to be one of the best NHL games in a long time💪😎13 points
Yeah so we were playing 6v6 against ”Dinamo Riga” aka. ”Latvian Warriors” at the late night. We were leading the game 4-2 when syncing error occured. Normally the losing team would leave but in this case they lied to us how they turned PS off and went to bed. Had a little chat with the captain where he said he ”was in bed” and using ”PS app”. Well after few hours of waiting I checked if the game was still running and noticed that you can actually see who are still in the game if you press ”report content”. And surprise surprise there was 4 guys from the opposing team waiting us to leave to get experience and ranking including the captain I had been previously talking and who said his ”PS is off”. Yeah nobody cares about club ranking or experience but this is a matter of principal especially when both teams are part of this NHLGamer community. These guys just make me physically ill. Just pathetic. I would recommend avoiding this team when playing 6s.10 points
I put my playstation in rest mode and my name is still showing there. Its pathetic to cry for such thing. Also, doesnt it sound suspicious that you have 20+ games with such error(your club has 33 games)? So i would recommend all to avoid your team first. For us it was second time in 40 games played. But i can give you recommendation so you dont get this error again - delete this post, delete the game, fix network connection, and go to Fortnite. GG8 points
7 points
Free G for next ECL and upcoming tournaments. I am very motivated and can play everyday. 17yo Pro/elite Ready for tryouts! Thanks Rusty Blades/Roots, you are always in my heart❤️ Speaking fin/eng Contact me here or psn kaz_zu or discord kaz_zu#42446 points
Free G/Rd/Rw for next ecl. Contact me here or in psn for trials. 👍🏻 Prefer finnish teams but can also speak english. Psn: mestari_tikku965 points
Hi free goalie for next ecl. Im 18 years old and i have played goalie for 7 years. Now i am looking for a pro or lite team to play next ecl with. I have loots of experience in the net, im also really calm in the net and i always cover my first post when i got trust to the defenders. Contact me here or on my psn sonnys2profil to fix a trout. Also pm if you want more information about me or how i play in the net. See you on the ice! https://nhlgamer.com/players/29575 points
5 points
HEYA! experienced one n only true JOHTAJA is looking for new home to play NHL, former team's are Finnish Roosters, Monte Carlo, Children Of Ice, Resurrection (ecl 7, ecl 😎 i can play C / RW with me u get player who like to pass rather than shoot , quick sneeky moves which are sometimes controlled ...sometimes even man behind controller doesn't know what happen next... , playmaker who can be diffrence in both ends...and even sometimes if i get good enough pass i can score after missed 2 empty net... and i am very active on NHL all around year... ☝️ limited edition only one piece left 👆 https://nhlgamer.com/players/2784 points
Free Goalie for next ECL Backup is fine. psn:KASIINELONEN4 points
4 points
3 points
3 points
Lutunilkat etsii puolustajaa! NHLGamerin alaisuudessa pelaavista joukkueista ylivoimaisesti viihdyttävin organisaatio etsii kokoonpanoonsa yhtä vasenta puolustajaa tulevalle Lite kaudelle! Lutunilkat on tässä kohtaa varmasti jokaiselle scenessä mukana olleelle edes jollain asteella tuttu organisaatio. Lähtökohtaisesti ollaan maalivahteja lukuunottamatta Tamperelainen kaveriporukka, johon on helppo tulla sisään. Me ollaan änäriä hakattu lapsista asti ja kilpaa pelattu nyt vuoden verran NHLGamerin alaisuudessa hieman vaihtelevalla menestyksellä, mutta hauskaa on ollut ja niin tulee oleen myös jatkossakin. Pelataan tunteella ja tykätään avojään jalkahassuista, vastustajalle valehtelusta, Raimo Helmisestä, vastustajan maalivahdin nöyryyttämisestä ja vastapalloon vetämisestä. Me tuuletetaan maaleja oikeesti ja halutaan, että niin tuuletat myös sääkin, mutta tärkeintä on hauskanpito. Lutunilkkojen somegame on vähintäänkin paheksuttavaa, mutta ennen kaikkea kyseenalaista. Twitterissä meillä on urku auki ja pyritään herättään huomiota aivan käsittämättömän tyhmillä jutuilla. Ottelulähetyksien katsojakeskiarvo menneellä FCL-kaudella oli 64,4 katsojaa per suoratoistettu tunti, joka on ihan jepa. Siellä käy myös @Patzlaf aika usein pyörimässä ni ei sitä tiedä signaako ne isolla rahalla sut kesken kauden Filadelphiaan pelaan Eliteä, kun se on touhutipat pitkin reisiä kattellu, kun alistat Lutunilkkojen paidassa vastustajan kärkikarvaajaa ja teet vastustajan maalivahdille mitä haluat. Mitä Lutunilkat tarjoaa sinulle? - Vakituisen paikan kokoonpanosta - pelaat kaikki pelit mitkä haluat - Erinomaisen alustan saada taitosi esille - Hyvää peliseuraa äärimmäisen häiriintyneellä huumorintajulla - Couchgameja Tampereella - Paikan Lutunilkkojen WhatsApp ryhmässä - Lutugearia - Lutunilkat PS5 skinin Mitä Lutunilkat odottaa sinulta? - Olet hyvä tyyppi - Kokemusta vähintäänkin Litestä. Tähän lisättynä toivomme, että ymmärrät miten peliä kannattaa pelata ja osaat tarvittaessa ohjeistaa muita pelaajia - Mielellään rightin veto, mutta ei ole pakollinen. - Täysi-ikäisyys on ehdoton, sillä joukkueen saunailloissa ei vieläkään juoda grandia - Aktiivisuutta myös harkkamatseissa - Mikrofoni on pakollinen, sillä puheemme kuuluvat ottelulähetykseen Mikäli koet olevasi meidän etsimä taiteilija, niin otathan rohkeasti meihin yhteyttä pienimuotoisella hakemuksella, josta käy ilmi seuraavat asiat: - Miksi haluat Lutunilkkoihin? - Minkä ikäinen olet? - PSN ID - 1+4*10 = ? Hakemuksen voit laittaa twitterissä viestillä tilille Lutunilkat, NHLGamerissa minulle tai Discordissa käyttäjälle Nikke#2083 www.twitch.tv/lutunilkat www.twitter.com/lutunilkat ps. jos oot asunu kiven alla ja et oo eksyny Lutunilkkojen lähetyksiin, niin oheiselta videolta saat edes vähän ideaa mitä tehdään.3 points
2 points
2 points
Hotbox (PRO) is looking for starting LW, C and RD for upcoming ECL and other tournaments, prefer finnish players. Contact me here or PSN ItzPoro2 points
Prima eSport, an ambitious esports organization hailing from Stockholm is the next big name to join NHL esports and they will be doing so by acquiring an experienced lineup hungry for success in the near future. As we know, ice hockey is one of the most dominant sports in Sweden and with that sentiment in mind together with the recent growth and progress made in NHL gaming over the past few years, we've seen a surge of Swedish organizations and traditional hockey clubs into esports. That has also been the thought in the back of the head for Prima eSport CEO Martin Mårtensson since the first discussions with their newly acquired team: "As someone that has been within the hockey industry for many years this recruitment feels great in so many ways. With the team and with Mattias (@iSvamp), we instantly felt that this was a great match both ways and we couldn’t be happier with the result. Our goal right now is to make this team even tighter and making ourselves a force to be reckon with in the future." Robert Ribba, who is the organizations Esports Manager is quick to chime in: "Raised on the rink and as someone that to this day holds the game of hockey close to his heart, when presented this fantastic opportunity of recruiting this team I couldn't hesitate for a second. We are proud to enter this scene with the roster we now attained and are very excited for what the future brings." The roster itself has most recently completed an SCL campaign that ended in the Quarterfinals under their former name AiKnown and leader Mattias @iSvamp Björk feels that the team is in a very good place moving forward, with bigger and better things in sight: "It's extremely fun an exciting to start this new journey with Prima eSport. Since the first contact with the organization, I've had a good feeling about this and everything has worked out perfectly throughout the conversations and meetings we've had. The entire team is very eager to get this thing started!" After their recent proof of strength in the SCL, the newly signed Prima eSports squad is heading into future leagues with a very similar roster, that is now condensed to the very core. On offense, they consist of experienced offensive powerhouse Sebastian @eBasstian Nagel and dynamic duo Daniel @Daniel Asplund (dasplund_) Asplund & Philip @Philip Deemus (PHDeemus) Deemus, while the defensive corps holding down the fort will be Mattias @iSvamp Björk and Alexander @snusetskonung Arvidsson. In net, Dennis @denkaan_ Stendal and Viktor @Klangen Klang will be their tandem. Especially with the fact in mind that the squad only had a few days of play in hand together before the SCL, things are looking good moving forward. "We're definitely ambitious and have set goals for both ECL and SCL campaigns in the future. On the ECL side, like any other team, out ultimate goal is to one day play among the best in the Elite division. However, in the near future we hope to be able to establish ourselves as a solid ECL Pro level team and set new goals from there on out. We are humbled before our mission and realize that there are 40-50 teams out there with similar objectives and capacity, meaning that our journey won't be a walk in the park. We'll be giving it all we've got from the time the puck drops this fall." - Mattias @iSvamp Björk1 point
1 point
Free agent backup G. I am studying at weekends so i dont play so much so prefter backup. I have experience of some tournaments. I want a team that is good in every game no matter id its training or tournament games:)1 point
Free RD (LD/RW) for the upcoming tournaments. Really motivated and can play almost every day. Lite/core Contact me here or PSN: OzziX35 https://nhlgamer.com/players/45001 point
1 point
Free RD (RW/C) still looking for an Elite or top Pro team. Backup role would be ideal. 💸1 point
1 point
Dear EA, all the best and I have to stop playing this game. Thank you for the many years of cooperation, for the pleasure of the game, which I bought from you for your money. I kept expecting the goalkeeper to be made "normal". In the 21st version, such an attempt was made - it became more difficult for the goalkeeper to play, but more interesting. It was no longer possible to just stand on the "ribbon". And in the 22nd version, due to the peculiarities of modeling objects in the new engine, it does not depend on how I play whether I miss the puck or not. Therefore, I see no point in further play. Continuing the theme of bounces. Today I played only two games for the goalkeeper. I didn't have enough nerves for more. In every game I got goals under my arm. And it happens that there are 2 and 3 of them in one game. Here's a video. Look.0 points
0 points
Jaahass.. leuka rintaan ja kohti uusia pettymyksiä. 😅 Free RD/C core/lite ehkä mv motia voi jossai kokeilla. 😁 Psn. eissi830 points