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kriketski17 last won the day on March 4

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  1. GOONS etsii yhtä varapelaajaa jolta löytyy pakintaitoa. ota yhteyttä minuun tai tkantolaan jos tuntuu että haluat GOONSIN laivaan kannelle nauttimaan jääkylmiä virvokkeita
  2. and if gamer wanna start banning stuff, just ban everything everybody knows how glitchy close quarters,trucu,big tipper,one tee, can be and if you wanna skate just put on elite edges. theres not 1 ability that is breaking the game, they all are.
  3. Yankees showed everybody there is counter play for truculence, so there is counter play to everything. just play the game as how it is, even tho it could be a shitty one. BTW If you blame the abilities you are shit player.
  4. GOONS We need 1 backup who can be active during FCL and can play center position and hopefully other positions too contact me
  5. niin se vain koko vuoden haukuttu ja parjattu pelimies tulee ja nostaa kannun. yllätyitkö? minä en.
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