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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/21 in all areas

  1. As an action towards the instances of improper and unacceptable behavior in our community, we will be updating our rulebook(s) and community guidelines to set clear expectations and a code of conduct that is to be followed in all interactions around our community. A clear-cut guideline on what type of behavior will not be tolerated and what might be the repercussions of such actions. At NHLGamer, we want to ensure a fair, safe, and inclusive environment for gamers of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. We are tremendously proud of the community that we all have built together so far but know that we can do even better by being even better towards each other. In the process of working to enable this type of environment, we need to have rules in place and will occasionally have to give out suspensions to our users. This is not something we enjoy doing but is necessary to preserve the integrity of the rulebook and the game. Our ideology has always been and will continue to be, that when someone crosses the line – our main priority is to put a stop to it and then educate the team/individual and everyone else in the community about why the action in question is wrong and unacceptable. The purpose of punishment is to drive the point home, to ensure actions have consequences, and to discourage teams/individuals from repeating their offense(s). In short, rules are there for a reason, and should you break them you will be punished. And, hopefully, learn from it. While different cultural and educational backgrounds do not make inappropriate behavior acceptable, it can sometimes create gaps in how different people interpret a situation. Like we mentioned above, two of the integral goals of our community are inclusion and education. That means we will also do our best to understand the reasoning for the behavior of a person who breaks our rules, to make sure we give them the best opportunity to learn from their mistake and not repeat it - not just because of the fear of punishment, but to make them understand why it is not acceptable. If the user does not learn from their mistake, though - we do reserve the right to more severe punishment. It is an instinctual reaction in many of us to want to punish someone who breaks the rules we as a society – or, in this case, community – set out for ourselves. It can even be tempting to, if the rule transgression is egregious enough, banish the rule-breaker in question forever and purge him or her from sight and mind. But is that the thing that puts the individual on a path to fixing their actions? To making things right? While the most extreme of cases might call for such a decision, it should not be a quick-trigger action. At the same time, a rulebook cannot – and should not – be written under the assumption that a perceived softness in punishment will not be abused. So, how do we find the medium between these two ‘extremes’, as it were? In order to make this process as transparent and fair as possible, we are working to set a standard on how these cases will be determined. Here is an example of how it could look*: First offense, 2 weeks - 3 months Second offense, 6 months to 1+ year Third offense will cause a minimum of 3 years and up to a permanent community and league participation ban *Note: This is a work-in-process example. This will only be used on serious matters. We reserve the right to go higher depending on intent. We will also be adding rules about apparel on broadcasts and socials: No tobacco, alcohol, drugs, nudity, hateful or otherwise inappropriate text, logos, or images No discrimination No brands that compete with our partners** **Exceptions can be made in the case of team partners On a more general level, we are not satisfied with the efficiency that we were able to handle support tickets, especially on the League Administrative side during ECL 11 and the goal of our work in preparing for the next season is to mitigate the bottlenecks that lead to this situation. The reasons behind the long turn-around time on some of the tickets were e.g. A large number of tickets compared to the size of available support staff Partially insufficient tools at the disposal of some of the support staff A need for better-defined rules in some cases that would have helped resolve cases more efficiently and perhaps avoided a support ticket in the first place Please do not misinterpret this as distrust towards our rulebook. We are proud of our rulebook, but like any rulebook, it requires updates, further specifications, and re-evaluating certain aspects due to changes to the game, changes to public opinion, and the growth and needs of our community. Finally, while we have no intention of becoming the internet police, we do take our role as one of the leading entities in this community seriously. We do want to educate when and where we can and continue to make this space a safe and welcoming one for people from all walks of life. Therefore, we will be looking to partner with different types of third-party organizations in the future to help give our members access to useful, well-researched information from people that are actual experts on subjects like racism, sexism, depression, and addiction. This will require time and research as we do not intend to simply stamp a logo on something, believing that solves the issue at hand. In the end, we will always be open to continued feedback, criticisms, and suggestions. We are not perfect, nor will we ever be. But we can always try to do better. And we will.
    25 points
  2. Sulkavan Sudet is looking for new LW/C(right-handed). Pm me here or psn oxdoggi if you think you are next Ovechkin. (Put your nhlgamerstats in that message.)
    11 points
  3. up ❤️ UPD: Found myself a club! Thanks for support! ❤️
    4 points
  4. Örebro eHockey is ready to bounce back and compete, therefore we're looking for one more FW to our team. We'll play in the PRO qualifier and compete in the eSHL aswell as the other upcoming tournaments. What we're looking for: Pro player in ECL11 or ECL 10. Experience from Elite is a bonus. ROSTER G's Nexhztah Ranta83 D's Jesse6115 Robin_8777 Svampbot Fw's eBasstian Tzon93 Zuppe_29 PM Xoxo
    3 points
  5. Looking for team in long term for ECL lite/neo. I can play as a RW or G. Contact me for tryouts. PSN - DrHarrambe
    2 points
  6. Free Agent as G for ECL, searching for lite or higher. Write to me here or on PSN (Klubbcorn). 😇
    2 points
  7. RD is still searching team for upcoming ECL. I can be backup GK also. Psn: Samilandia Twitch: Samila87 Discord: Samila#2646
    2 points
  8. hi everyone, HC Lugano eSports team is looking for good players for the next ECL. Please note that hc Lugano eSports team will be a professional esport team so we need good and serious players, thx. What we do expect: - activities at least 3 times a week - motivated and ambitious - team play - responsability, fairness, humor and reliability - experience in ecl/gcl and good skills - english is required What we offer: - regular workouts 3/4 times a week - partecipation in ecl/gcl leagues - comunication on discord and whatsapp - new and interisting project If you are interested please feel free to dm to me and ask, we can arrange the tryouts as soon as possible.
    2 points
  9. Project X is looking winger, ld and g you can contact to psn: fin_torspo
    2 points
  10. Free c/lw looking for a top lite/pro team Contact me here or psn jiibada_
    2 points
  11. Sack brothers is looking for starter RD for next ecl. Contact me here or psn: jjomppaa
    2 points
  12. Well This guy was an Russian and @Patzlafis well known Finnish elite player so ofcourse the punishment is different. Its almost like... racism??
    2 points
  13. Our Team needs Right side Defender or player who can adapt, Next season we are in ECL Lite, Contact psn: i_kauppinen_i Twitter: "Kauppine__". 😎
    1 point
  14. Free left handed RD / LD looking for active ecl team. Sent message here of PSN. EtuKoppari
    1 point
  15. Free LD looking for team in the next ECL and upcoming tournaments and offseason! (ECL Lite/Pro) contact here or psn (rightinkarlsson)
    1 point
  16. Free LD/RD/C looking for team next ecl core/lite contact me here or psn: kuumapelaaja87
    1 point
  17. Hello! i looking for team next ecl lite/pro I am free goalie and i play everyday I am 22 years old experience can be found in lite Contact me psn: torvelajr__
    1 point
  18. G looking for a team for the next ECL and following tournaments. I would also like to establish myself in a team for long term. Pro and elite experience available. For more info PSN: Darcam86
    1 point
  19. Etsin suomalaisia pelikavereita 3 vs.3 peleihin. Pelaan yleensä laitahyökkääjää,mut muutkin pelipaikat onnistuu ja tossa 3 vs.3 pelipaikat vähän välillä muuttuu tilanteen mukaan. Olen noin 21 000cr tason pelaaja,mut sekin mun mielestä vähän riippuu siitä miten hyvin joukkueena pystytään pelaamaan. Tällä hetkellä pelaan yhdessä joukkueessa mikä saa pelit pystyyn liian harvoin johtuen tästä kiireisestä suoritusyhteiskunnasta. Pelejä on joukkueessa 147 alla ja pisteitä kertynyt 435. Mielellään yli 22-vuotiaita ja ymmärtää joukkuepelaamisen alkeet. Ei tarvitse ottaa niin tosissaan,mut jokaista matsia lähdetään voittamaan. Voi ottaa vaikka pari bissee pelien ohessa ja jauhaa paskaa mitä kummallisimmista ja mielenkiintoisista asioista. Yleensä pelaan klo 17-01 aikavälillä ja itse kyllä olen sosiaalinen sotahistoriasta kiinnostunut ja noin 20 eri maata matkustellut hedonisti. Joten juttua riittää ja todella tärkeää ois hyvä huumorintaju. Ota yhteyttä RiggedCasino jos tuntu,et tällänen rento ja asiallinen peliseura kelpaisi sun joukkuekaveriks. PS. Iso plussa jos olet itsekkin entinen jääkiekonpelaaja. Oma seurani oli Kiekkoreipas.
    1 point
  20. Exerceo (PRO) is looking backup D (PRO/TOP LITE atleast), we play usually Sunday-Thursday ~21.00-23.00 FIN. Playing time guaranteed in club games and if things are going well, you will have a chance to get spot in starting lineup! What we expect: - competitive mindset, with good sense of humour - you are able to communicate - pref. finnish player Contact me here or PSN Saviinainen
    1 point
  21. TIKI TALK is looking for a DEFENDER and FORWARD We are looking for skilled and active players that can also communicate before and during the games. We mainly play from 8pm or 9pm until midnight. Currently all players on the team are Finnish. Please contact me PSN: itspardytime
    1 point
  22. Taavetin Starat Need G and RD. Contact me or jemmeloinen for more information.
    1 point
  23. We are certainly very pleased with our first season ever in ECL. We started building the team in the summer and we had high expectations, but as a newcomer it turned out a bit better than we would have guessed. Now Björklöven Esport are facing ECL Pro and we are at the moment looking for a right-handed LD. C and RD are also of interest. Starting players with the right experience and motivation to be part of the new puzzle towards another successful season. Preferable Swedish or Finnish players. Contact: @Kallmanius 🇸🇪 or @olgaaa71 🇫🇮 Players right now: Kallmanius (G), Dasplund (RD/C), olgaaa71 (RW), snusetskonung (LW)
    1 point
  24. ÖREBRO eHockey -eSHL -PRO Qualifications Looking for a backup Dman who can play both sides. PM
    1 point
  25. GOONS Looking for starting rd to next season in elite. If you feel like you might be the one we are looking for contact me
    1 point
  26. Do první sezóny CSCL na NHLGamer se registrovalo 16 týmů. V jejím průběhu ligu kvůli problémům v klubu opustily týmy EKOVY a Legion Of Doom a nadále CSCL dohrávalo 14 týmů. Vše šlo dle plánu, malé zaškobrtnutí však nastalo přes vánoční svátky, kdy se týmy nemohly sejít na odehrání zápasů v daném termínu - zápasy se tak doháněly po Novém roce. I přes některé problémy, které CSCL provázely, jsme se dostali do úspěšného konce, kdy se ve finále Play-off potkaly dva nejlepší týmy ligy, Toceny Salamy a Infamous. V prvním hracím dnu si Toceny Salamy poradili s Infamous 3:0 na zápasy. Druhý hrací den už rozhodl o vítězi CSCL, kdy se Infamous snažili ještě o obrat a první zapas dotáhli do vítězného konce. Ve druhém zápase už na silného soupeře nenašli recept a mistr byl na světě. Tímto blahopřejeme hráčům z týmu Toceny salamy k zisku prvního titulu CSCL na NHLGamer! Soupiska vítězů: BRANKÁŘI #8 DeathcoreFace #39 CZ_Phil93 OBRÁNCI #53 pepcastachurcik ÚTOČNÍCI #23 Winci16 #61 Dzouvi_ #80 DannyZedlo #95 TheNotorik #96 Kumbik #97 xDomin- Gratulace vítězům a čest všem zúčastněným!
    1 point
  27. A few weeks ago @sumskoy26 was displayed in an RCL tweet in which they were wearing a t-shirt that had an extensive amount of racist imagery on it. Prior to being notified of this by NHLGamer members, the image in question had been used in previous RCL broadcasts. Upon being called out for such a t-shirt publicly by other NHLGamer members, @sumskoy26 proceeded to act belligerently, going as far to call one member an “AFA clown”. LA has been in contact with @sumskoy26 in order to ascertain the motives behind the submission of such a photo to the RCL broadcast crew. In this conversation @sumskoy26 claimed that the t-shirt was worn for ‘satire’ purposes / as a joke – despite then conceding that they knew it would be taken more seriously in the ‘Western world’, as opposed to the Russian audience that, for the most part, the RCL broadcasts would be solely reaching. Without prompting, although closely following this conversation, @sumskoy26 apologised on Twitter for the picture in question and their actions, saying that they had regret regarding it. NHLGamer takes a strong stance against racism and discrimination of any form. We want to build a community that values people equally, regardless of their race or creed, and having images like the one in question be circulated puts a great stain on what we are trying to achieve. As such, we have decided to suspend @sumskoy26 from all events and tournaments on the NHLGamer platform for 90 days from the day that this statement was made, therefore the suspension will run from Tuesday, the 23rd of February, to Monday, the 24th of May, 2021. LA
    0 points
  28. free 17yo lw/rw/ld looking team for next ecl (Lite) and upcoming tournaments. can play everyday day. ready for tryouts! psn: rantanenn96
    0 points
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