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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/21 in all areas

  1. SAWO ESPORTS So we are going through some changes and are looking for new starting RW and LD/RD to play with me, @Akunkkuand @Krisutus. Also looking for a goalie to replace @Juizki and give @Mehukatti10 some competition. Preferably players who have experience at least from playing in pro. If you are interested or you have questions, contact me at Twitter, PSN or Discord MrNipsuli#2840
    41 points
  2. 🥇Reign🥇 In: @pinppikeisari @PyroNiko@Mistertyppo95 @RogerRabbit@Teronuppi12 Out: @MORJENS@Zhenda@Elmerton Tony-the-beat-16 xbulis @Juge_rissanen Haminaattori
    13 points
  3. Top 5 ecl 11 elite LW plee, joukki, jm98, vattu, handy C pena, paahtis, seppo, antti, ade RW eki, tuukka, nikke, juigga, indi LD jtorro, doumi, nassu, teemuyy, rimpe RD loimuu, willekunq, ape, ilmari, ekoski G cappe, sibe, supreex, faze, konna pro allstar (no enigma) jerskayy - keskitalo - krike supremski - haldeem santerichristian
    11 points
  4. Free Ld/C for upcoming tournaments. https://nhlgamer.com/players/1386
    7 points
  5. Up; now only looking for a 50/50-ish Goalie. Ice time will depend on how well you play. Same as before, this is only for WECL and ! not ECL ! , skill cap rules apply, etc. Contact here or on PSN: PSchibra Roster is complete. thanks to everyone who showed interest
    5 points
  6. RCTIC IN: @Naikou88 @Ollizhki Welcome boys 💙
    5 points
  7. 4 points
  8. Free: RD prefer, LD (both handed) Looking team lite - pro Contact: psn: KinQjuusto I can play forward too
    4 points
  9. Free: LW, C, RW Looking team lite - pro Last season with: NLE Contact: psn: debi_85 Or here. Avaible allmost everyday on Mo-Fri 1900-> (can play D to, both handed)
    4 points
  10. Pata rekrytoinnin ovet ovat auki ja Pata aloittaa huhujen mukaan setelöinnin jälleen huomisillasta.
    4 points
  11. Hi, everybody) Hc korobka is looking for players for rcl lite and ECL neo / lite . at the LW and RD positions . PSN : Lordkomar91
    3 points
  12. Free goalie looking for new long term home Lite/Pro Contact me here or PSN: TheSpeedo
    3 points
  13. Free RW/C for next tournaments! Contact me here or psn tinke_sakara
    3 points
  14. Syndrome (Lite) We are also looking for starting LD. Don't hesitate to contact here or PSN applexi for any positions that we are looking for. Let's organize try-outs for YOU! 🙂
    3 points
  15. Moikka, Olisin kiinnostunut tulee kokeilee. PSN Ketun_siima
    2 points
  16. Moikka, mä olen kiinnostunut ja pelaan oikeestaan mitä paikkaa vaan paitsi pakkia. Tulen tänään linjoille siinä klo 20 jälkeen. PSN ketun_siima
    2 points
  17. Free LD/RD 28yo upcoming tournaments Psn: jormatsefiina
    2 points
  18. Free LD/RD looking For lite/Pro spot or LW/RW lite/core/neo spot. I can play Every Day 20-23. Contact here or PSN: Riksaboy https://nhlgamer.com/players/3385
    2 points
  19. Northen Falcons are looking for: Defender Requirements: Active Experience from ECL Lite / Pro You can speak and write in English About us: Last season we played in ECL Lite (Group 4, 3rd in regular season.) We are from Sweden & Finland. (We communicate in English during games.) ECL Stats: https://nhlgamer.com/leagues/96/teams/959 Contact me or @Phyreon in NHLGamer / PSN.
    2 points
  20. Free LW/RW Prefer Elite or Top-tier Pro team Contact here or PSN: iHandyyy https://nhlgamer.com/players/42
    2 points
  21. Hc Kahlaajat is looking: Starting/backup: LD Starting: RD Starting: G for upcoming tournaments and ECL Neo @nikitikitin or psn: nikitikitin
    1 point
  22. Still free Both Handed Forward player profile —> https://nhlgamer.com/players/3018
    1 point
  23. UP! P.S. It's also possible to get starter position, based on your performance and activity
    1 point
  24. Free 34yo Finnish LD/RD looking for a team (Lite/Core/Neo) for upcoming tournaments. I’m looking for a team that usually start playing at 21 Finnish time (20 CET) or after. Team’s ECL level isn’t a big deal for me. The most important things are an easy-going atmosphere and the team’s motivation to improve their teamplay. I’m ready for tryouts. You can contact me here or psn Juhis_K.
    1 point
  25. 🃏 Arkham Asylum 🃏 We still need a GOALIE!! Our other goalie is very busy with his work & family so he cant play as much as needed. You will definitely get a lot of ice time (normal games & ECL). We are really active team For more info contact me here or psn: ReDMisTi or @Hippitukka 🃏
    1 point
  26. Still looking Goalies for tryout next week Contact me: Twitter : Jiihooo861 PSN: Jiihooo86 or Assistant Captain: PSN : jBoulder-mClump
    1 point
  27. Hey gamers! Grenoble BDL esport is looking for a goalie for the next ECL season (pro qualifier). If you think you can make the job, feel free to contact us for some tryouts. (Pm here or on psn: tromi13) Cheers Tromi13 Gm Grenoble BDL esport
    1 point
  28. Free GK looking for the club for new NHLgamer tournament.
    1 point
  29. Well i think my job is to stop pucks, so im going back to the goalkeeper position again 😄 Free G for upcoming tournaments!
    1 point
  30. Sophomore slumping Free G Contact either; Twitter jombb3 Psn jombb- https://nhlgamer.com/players/1949
    1 point
  31. Free Center for next ECL. Looking for Elite/ Pro top-tier
    1 point
  32. Free RW/C Looking for starter role in Elite team. Backup role is also fine if i dont find anything intresting. I’ve had some motivation issues lately but im ready to start grind again. Last season i played RW but can play center too. Contact me here or PSN.
    1 point
  33. TOP 4 PRO NO GOONS LW Nieppii BiggestEight Stefan397 Vibholm_10 C Vire30 Hullued Dreamickie pikkardz RW eBastian Saunatonttu itspardytime sokkelo LD Haldeem Makeaxl😍Supremski🤩 oSandello RD eKoskii Patsberg Tominointi TappuTK G xBenu Vaporik TeikDaun sorsa103
    1 point
  34. Free goalie looking for a new home. Im looking for a starter position in a top lite/pro team. Are also intrested from Elite teams as backup if needs. Message me at PSN: Mrantonnn_ if you want to give me a tryout!
    0 points
  35. Hi Guys ... I sold my ps4 Now it is not known whether we will see you again or not 😟 Thanks to those who supported me :) Good luck to all! Gogen One Love❤️
    0 points
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