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I miss the days when spotify or whatever had a negative impact. Today I keep everything running, 4K streaming, Roon music server going at it cause no one bother to turn it off, and girlfriend listening to podcasts. If I turn everything off...and just plug my PS4 with a Supra Cat8 cable (meant for 8k streaming), nothing happens...meaning its equally bad. So yeah its all EA. Wouldn't bother much with other settings. At least that is my experience6 points
4 points
Is that the case? Can't quote the article but Gzell's words in the Pro Post-Season article: PRO RELEGATION FACEOFFS Teams ranked 13th to 16th in both conferences are cross-seeded as well. While all winners will remain in ECL Pro for ECL 6, the losers are moved down to ECL Lite and will be replaced by the ECL Lite semi-finalists. Here are the pairings: AK 47 vs. Bellizzi Squirt Hockey vs. GHETTO FIREBIRDS Sypperstaars vs. Bare Knuckles Hockey Banterfield Battalion vs. Nemesis3 points
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3 points
Oisko porukka kiinnostunut tulemaan risteilylle jossain vaiheessa? Yritetään saada mahdollisimman paljon NHLGAMER jäseniä mukaan, nyt jo monta sanonut tulevansa. Ois vähän tarkotus kartoittaa et kuinka monta tosiaan ois tulossa. Ajankohta ois todnäk tammikuun loppupuolella. Myös pitäis päättää että olisiko risteily ruotsiin vai 22h risteily viroon! Ottakaa kantaa ja kertokaa ihmeessä jos ois lähtijöitä... ÄÄNESTÄ https://strawpoll.com/e8adf32c2 points
Som ni kan se i chatterboxen så planerar finnarna att åka båt tillsammans med destination Sverige alt. Estland. (Förmodligen en hel del alkohol inplanerat också) Skaparen bakom tråden nämner att han vill samla ihop folk från NHLGamer men väljer även att framföra sin önskan på finska, så jag tolkar det som att NHLgamer är "finskt" enligt honom, må så vara. Därav, blir ju vi svenskar lottlösa. Men vad kan man då göra för att ta del av denna otroligt fina invite, oinbjudet? JO, jag tycker att vi helt enkelt prejjar dem halvvägs över östersjön, och vi gör det vi svenskar är jäkligt bra på - vi spelar SÄNKA SKEPP, vi sänker båten (vi skapar en landskamp av det hela, och vi går precis som i hockeyn, ut från kampen som segrare.) Oavsett om den här "alkoholbåten" väljer Sverige eller Estland som destination, så har vi ett bra utgångsläge för anfall om vi inledningsvis grupperar oss hemma hos Foppatofflan på Gotland. Dvs, foppa står för logi, och det jag behöver hjälp med är en båt, samt någon med skepparexamen. HUR ligger det till hos våra svenska kamrater där ute? Är det någon som sitter på en fin båt, flotte motsvarande? Vi är ju en hel del svenska lag, spridda över divisionerna. I Elite har vi NOR, NOS, 112, Synergy och NL. I PRO hittar vi blandannat Falun Coal Miners, Lavetten, DEAD END KINGS och FFR. I Lite har vi ju grabbarna från det gamla gardet i NNb, och säkert en hel del lag jag glömt. Och i dessa lag finns det ju otroligt många egenskaper och färdigheter för att lyckas. ni som sett filmen "Captain Philips" - Det behövs inte många personer för att ta över ett helt fartyg. Och nu är det ju ett fartyg fullt med finnar också. ------------------------ Alt.2 Men om det finns individer som tycker att det låter alldeles för våldsamt för deras smak, så kan jag också tänka mig att bli full, någonstans. Maise i 112 är ju en erkänt duktig Grabbarna-grus besökare, Kev från Unknown är en annan. Är det inte på tiden att vi super till det och slår ihjäl varandra på riktigt? Alt.3 Vi möter upp den finländska båten i Stockholm, och glitchar bort den finska communityn i stockholms innerstad. --------------------- Ordet är fritt, idébajsa. ** ADMINS - Delete all messages in finnish ** Thank you. Puss och kram2 points
2 points
It's time to fight for the spot in Pro division! Our opponent in relegations first round is Group A's #14 Squirt Hockey. Best of 7 series winner will secure their place in Pro division and loser has to continue to round 2. First games are played possibly at sunday, but we will inform about the games later at www.facebook.com/ghettofirebirds2 points
I have had everything else disconnected since Nhl11 or something like that. Noticed back then that even spotify or steam meant instantly bad connection. Even if spotify didnt play anything, it was enough that it was open. Not sure if these does any damage to connection these days, but netflix etc. propably will have the same effect.2 points
Looks like very helpful comments. Be sure there are no other devices using same connection.2 points
yeah, thats how i felt last 2 years. Fat cow on ice with an exception for a week or two As @The_Alpha_Furyan so correct said. And screw that ping shit, so unreal.2 points
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Experienced Goalie looking for a new team in ECL 6 - playing Goalie since 2012 6vs6 only - can speak English fluent - can almost play everyday from 19 CET to midnight -19 years old Last Teams 112, Inter Iceland, Royal HT I am looking most likely for a starter spot in Elite/good pro teams Hit me up for a tryout psn: alexbvb28 cya! Alex2 points
Thou shalt not exclude foreigners from this cruise! Please translate your idea. I could be in, but I will take absolutely no responsibility for what happens on said cruise.2 points
Ehdottomasti! Pitäiskö tähän laittaa poll (englanniksi?), jossa ois muutama eri ajankohta vaihtoehdoiksi ja kohteet "Helsinki - Tallinna, Helsinki - Tukholma, kumpi vain"?1 point
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Just stop downloading japanese tentacle porn at the same time u are playing. Problem solved!1 point
You should try German Vodafone Connection and then you will be happy with what you have 😂😂😂1 point
1 point
Pitääkö mun ottaa sut siipieni alle? Olis kerrankin sitä skillhokii, vaikkakin 1-2 päivää vain. 🤔 Edit. Älkää huoliko, eiköhän elämän kiireet lykkää risteilyt myöhempiin vuosiin. 😁1 point
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löser du ekan så kan ja oxå damma av min Klass VII så ska vi nog tsm kunna hantera 2 åror iaf Teamwork!1 point
Kurwa! När sex pers från BIF Blizzards försökte sig på samma koncept höll det på att sluta i fullständig katastrof. (eller ja, mer eller mindre gjorde det ju de). När är tanken att detta ska ske?1 point
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Hey NHLGamers, Round 1 of the ECL Lite playoffs is done and we have seen quite a few surprising results, e.g. with SGWEER United, one of the regular season top teams, being eliminated in this early stage. Here is the complete rundown of series results: Deadly Phantoms HC |4:2| Bucketeers SGWEER United |0:4| Roistot Almost Famous |4:0| KulmalaHengaus Raging Monkeys |4:0| Rising Phantoms HC Red Machine |4:2| Slapshot Club Germany Face Wash Hockey |4:0| iNF4MOUS Try Another Hole |4:1| Ice Phoenix EV Duisburg |4:3| Rusty Bulls HC Aurinko |1:4| Breakers Of The Bone Squad Vilttiketju |4:3| Nottingham Chiefs RAKETTIPUTKET |X:X| Rukoilevat Hinkkaajat The Beagle Boys |4:2| Mentula SKA Penalty Box |4:3| Lucky Strike Nearbird Fighters |1:4| Finnish Hockey Legends Nordic Nosebleed |4:1| Freddie Mercury Institute Nordic Eagles |2:4| Puck Panthers RAKETTIPUTKET vs. Rukoilevat Hinkkaajat - LA decision Unfortunately, League Administration had to disqualify RAKETTIPUTKET from the playoffs due to multiple rule violations after being made aware of them by Rukoveilat Hinkkaajat captains. The following paragraphs were taken into consideration: RAKETTIPUTKET decided to use a player named "Lehis61" in some of their playoff games. At that time, Lehis61 was not part of the RAKETTIPUTKET roster and did not have an account at NHLGamer.com either. Seeing how the trade deadline has already passed, adding him to the roster at the start of the playoffs was not an option. Further investigation revealed the roster size dropped below 8 players shortly after the regular season was over. LA is fully aware that a disqualification at this point in a season is not an easy decision, however given all the circumstances no other solution was viable. Round 2 16 teams made it into the secound round of the ECL Lite playoffs and are one step closer to the championship and ECL Pro promotion! Congratulations to everyone so far. Without further ado, here are the pairings for the 2nd round of the ECL Lite playoffs: Deadly Phantoms HC vs Roistot Almost Famous vs Breakers of the Bone Raging Monkeys vs Rukoilevat Hinkkaajat Red Machine vs Finnish Hockey Legends Face Wash Hockey vs Puck Panthers Try Another Hole vs Nordic Nosebleed EV Duisburg vs Penalty Box Squad Vilttiketju vs The Beagle Boys The round starts today and all games must be completed before November 29, 23:59 CET / November 30, 00:59 EET. Good luck! @gzell60 for NHLGamer.com1 point
Silver Sword Griffins are looking for active and experienced LD/RD (can play both if necessary) - possibly two, and a competitive G for the ECL 6 in Elite. Our expectations other than already mentioned: team player (on and off the ice) (for D-man) very strong defensive mindset (for D-man) know how to adjust to different playstyles speak "decent" English willing to rotate if necessary be available nearly every evening (starting around 19:00 CET) have headset and WhatsApp If you get in the team, ECL game-time is guaranteed. Anyone is free to PM me here or on PS4 with the same username.1 point
Detta låter briljant! Svamp, eftersom vi båda bor i Nässjö skulle vi ju kunna träffas och planera/fixa ammunition. Det finns en kille som bor vid Södra torget där man kan köpa hembränt, dock går ryktena att vi kan köpa handgranater och liknande där också. Skulle det önskas kan jag vara den som ni kastar in först, ingen i Lavetten gillar mig ändå. Alternativt att vi kastar över Zalaz först, dock är han ju finne så han kanske byter sida...1 point
Då ska vi se hur många taggar man minns och kan få in här NOR och Lav verkar redan vara på bollen och FFR, NL, DEK samt Lite har jag för dålig koll på tyvärr, men: FCM: @iscojr94 @PatzyDrake @LastMandalorian @Onecorner95 @Meeertz @minokin SYN: @Norpee @Egyptologen @Pelle3000 @Supremski @berbaboon17 @DUNZA @Gustafsson7 112: @pnordetun @JaikenK @Bjono NOS: @cHIIMEERa @Rullstolskalas @Floor17 @ma0niii @MajLeN-Gaming1 point
@chavelski meddelade precis att han arbetar på Viking Line, så vi har "intel" från start. Han kommer försöka avboka så många som möjligt av de personer han känner igen. Så börjar vi krigsföringen redan från land.1 point
Ifall man är finsk som bor i Sverige, jag menar er @Zalaz och @Pontus T, hur gör man då? Jag är på!1 point
ECL 5 - Elite Playoffs A week after the ECL 5 Lite playoffs kicked off, Pro and Elite are now heading into the most exciting time of the season too! The Pro playoffs will be covered in a seperate post, so if you are a Pro team be sure to check that out. Time to cover Elite! FRAMEWORK Each pairing, championship or promotion/relegation faceoffs, must be finished within 7 days of the series' start date. Don't expect any extensions! All pairings are to be played in a best-of-7 series (teams on the left side below play home first) ELITE PLAYOFFS The very best 8 teams are about to enter the final stages of the most exciting 6 vs. 6 competition NHLGamer has to offer! It's where everlasting stories are written (no pun intended) and true heroes are born. The ECL Elite playoffs starts off with these 4 pairings: Aapon Taikasauva vs. Rusty Blades Carlsberg HC vs. Northern Stars SJK eSports vs. Northern Ascendancy Written In The Stars vs. Dynasty ELITE RELEGATION FACEOFFS The teams that finished 13th and 14th in the standings will pause for a bit until two ECL Pro semi-final losers are determined. Thus, while two Elite teams are relegated instantly (see below), a strong ECL Pro representation could potentially open up two more Elite spots: Nordic Nightmare vs. ECL Pro semi-final loser 1 (series starts when ECL Pro semi-finals are finished) TIKI TALK vs. ECL Pro semi-final loser 2 (series starts when ECL Pro semi-finals are finished) ECL RELEGATIONS Synergy Hockey and Nordic Lightning weren't able to get it done in Elite this season and are relegated to ECL Pro for ECL 6. However, there's no time for frustration - charge the batteries and come back strong in ECL 6! THE (UN)LUCKY FEW? MUKIMIEHET, Kattiautomaatti, Sjukstugan and Silver Sword Griffins finished the season ranked 9 to 12 and will remain in ECL Elite for ECL 6. While MUKIMIEHET came very close to making the playoffs, the other teams were in danger of being relegated but managed to evade it. With new Pro teams entering the ring, things are only going to get tougher in the future, so stay focused and keep building those rosters to not share the fates of Synergy Hockey's and Nordic Lightning's next season. Best of luck to everyone and see you on the ice! @The_Alpha_Furyan & @gzell60 for NHLGamer.com1 point
1 point
hey, 3weeks ago i reseted completely my router. Since that connection have been really bad, i dont mean that game lag ,but everything happens so slowly in game, (feels like my player is overweight and cant move) i have tried solve this problem now 3 weeks but nothing happens, so now i turned into community side if there is some experts who can solve this problem contact me here in nhlgamer, or pm message at psn xdoumi Retirement will be sure after this season if connection keep staying as this:(0 points
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