Team Roistot looking for players for next ECL.
- In ECL lite season 5 we made it to playoffs with "wildcard" and won our first playoff opponent sqweer united 4-0. They were the second best team in regular season. We are now in top16.
so what we can offer you?
- We dont practice. We only play 2 warm up games before the ecl games, so u dont have to play everyday.
- The most important thing in our team is having fun. Sometimes having fun includes alcohol or other substanses.
-what we want from you?
- Because we dont practice at all you need to have some experience about this game.
- Relaxed attitude
- You dont need to be a teamplayer if you know how to put "verkot töttörölle"
Lyhyesti suomeksi.
- Etsinnässä pari pro tason ukkoa jotka ei jaksa enää takoa tätä peliä 7 päivää viikossa, mutta haluaa kuitenkin vielä pelailla ajankuluksi 2-3 päivänä viikossa.