I'm cool with people who are on the side of I like groups better don't change anything. At least you have an opinion and you say it. With that said...
1 ) I don't think it's just newcomers who want divisions. It has been talked about since the old CH.net website in like 2013 or so, and on PS3 you guys have had an EHL divided between elite and the other one. Also, I don't agree with the fact that old timers are a bigger deal than newcomers.
2 ) I don't think you can speak for the bad teams and players if you are not one of them. I have seen enough bad teams quit tournaments because it wasn't fun getting killed all the time. Also, sure you may learn more from losing to good teams than beating bad teams but improving the level of teams is not what we're going for here. It's more about giving a more consistently entertaining gaming experience for the most players.
3 ) Divisions seem so obviously better than regular tournaments to me, I didn't think I would need to defend them more than what I had initially written. It's one thing to say "we don't have time for divisions next ECL", it's another entirely when you say "I like groups better".
4 ) I think there are too many people who are stuck in the old CH mindset, and lack ambition and vision for the future of this community. Why is 3 tournaments a year worse than 2? Why can't we play league-type tournaments and Cup-type tournaments in parallel? You know, mixing things up to keep interest high. Are creativity and drive to improve only reserved for when you play NHL videogames, guys?