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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/15 in all areas

  1. Given EA's history, their next fix will probably go live in January and do nothing. Second problem, if we wait too long some teams may lose interest or even split up. That's why I vote 'No'. Instead, we could introduce some protective rules for the home team in each game. Examples: - They can leave the game in the beginning as often as they like - Maybe extend the 'cooldown' time from 1 minute to 1:30 to get some extra time to check the connection - Offer the ability to invite within Drop In because there we can switch through different lobby captains until the connection is fine I think that would make more sense than waiting for an illusional EA fix.
    2 points
  2. Neither Microsoft's nor Sony's networking solutions are related to this issue at all. NHL as well as almost any EA game (except Titanfall) is hosted on EA servers, entirely.
    1 point
  3. Well we will wait 2 or 3 weeks for nothing to happen (except we can mess around with team management on this page).
    1 point
  4. ok Imosi lainen but when i want check My ping to Ea from My internet i should ping .se and not .com Right? .com i ping us server i think?
    1 point
  5. Glad to hear @selänne8 & @cHIIMEERa! We intend to embed streams automatically in the future to maximise visibility of your streams!
    1 point
  6. At this moment i dont feel like playing this game at all so i voted yes. If the ECL starts before fix i think im not going to play in it. This is really horrible as i am home team captain 98% of games and when we once in a night get away game, opponent leaves in player selection room. I have horrible connection in every game but i just play throught it so atleast my team members get to play. Im useless on the ice so i just choose to park my ass in front of the opponent goalie and wish for best. ps. Those 2% are away games, im always captain when we are in home. Well there was one strange night when i was never captain, and it was kind of fun.
    1 point
  7. I'm also getting bad delays and I'm like 9 out of 10 times as home team captain in our team. I have 100/10 connection and don't know what others get when they try to ping or traceroute, but Im getting 102-110ms max and still laggggggg.. Starting to get a bit frustrated.. can't play normally and I have started to get lag as away captain. Anyway IP blocks..URL blocks.. these "fixes" doesn't work. Well at least not for me. The best option for me is to play with WiFi, then I only get to be the captain only 6 out of 10 times and...Cmon guys, you all should know EA Sports by now, they don't care and they won't fix this before christmas. I have a feeling this will take up to late spring...Wouldn't be surprised at all. I voted yes, but now I change my vote to Drop in. We should at least try this. -Commuwarrior
    1 point
  8. Voted no at this point. At the moment when there is no ETA and now that they (EA) are about to put a poll on their forums to get more information, this problem may take a long time to be fixed. The input issue is affected most of the people at some level, and starting now may lead to restarting league games (which I say is understandable) to get atleast playable connection to home team. But I feel confident that every GM on every team is mentally already prepared for this (I say that until game is fixed, that there is like 10-15s timeframe after first faceoff for teams to check severity of possible input lag) I know that there is a lot of holes in this but we are all in the same boat with this so maybe some solidarity is now needed on NHLGamer.com community
    1 point
  9. Managed to get it blocked with my router, i cant ping it anymore, no access what-so ever to that server =) Had to use Iptables commands in administration in WRT. If anyone has DD-WRT based router you can try adding this to admin commands: iptables -I OUTPUT -d -j logdrop iptables -I FORWARD -d -j DROP
    1 point
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