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Showing content with the highest reputation since 09/15/15 in Blog Comments

  1. I tried to take a more analytical approach like @tokFan earlier and took screenshots of the OVERALL 6vs6 LEADERBOARDS as of December 2nd, 4:17 p.m. GMT +1. I created an Excel sheet with 38 teams which are in the Top 100 EA leaderboards and registered for this tournament. What I did then was create a Points per game average for all of these teams. I attached the file below. Top 20 results (only >100 games played): Top 20 results (all games): Not sure if we should count teams with ~40 or ~60 games due to easier opponents in lower divisions, but that's up to @Kenu I guess. Let me know what you think about this! 6vs6 overall 021215.xlsx
    6 points
  2. gj Sere and Jaakko "Tinder" Iivonen
    5 points
  3. Good stuff. Jageksi has a golden touch when it comes to scoring goals. Really the only thing that has changed since the interview was conducted was that Haldeman joined our team, so now we actually have two fantastic active D-men and one who's currently not-so-active. Gendlik is now also serving in the military (or being served?). It's been constantly -25 to -30 degrees since he left, which, frankly, I'm quite spiteful of. He'll be a beast when he's released.
    5 points
  4. I'm on the same boat with Bumer, always a pleasure to play with or against Dynasty. It was interesting to read this interview about Jageksi because I haven't had much of a chance to play with him. And thank you for reminding me about Snapu48 and Helsingin Tappara, good times.
    4 points
  5. Top-skilled team!!! Had a chance to play with them few nights and I was delighted of friendliness. Good interview! Best of luck!
    4 points
  6. Good job @FINSeRe and big thanks to @cHIIMEERa for the interview!
    4 points
  7. "Unfortunately for us it does work in 3% of the games we’re playing though" And you are gay
    4 points
  8. I dont think it has to be too complicated, Main point is that each group get 5 teams from this top 20 Instead of maybe 10 or 15 of these teams together... If you want to categorize anyway, it´s easy just to draw top 4 in separate groups and 5 to 8 in separate groups, 9 to 12 and so on... Just choose EASHL ranking as our seeding rank, I myself would prefer 6vs6 since that´s what we are playing for... then everyone know in the future that if you want to be seeded move up the eashl ranking. If theres is 1 or 2 really good teams that havent played enough to be seeded, It doesnt matter as they wont mess up the groups anyway, and still get their spot. You can draw a parallell to soccer championships where you have to move up the UEFA coefficent to be seeded, and seeds have a big factor to the standard of a tournament, but still it doesnt mean that lower seeded teams are worse or cant win, it´s just balanced groups.
    4 points
  9. Nice kenu !! Yeah i voted "its too late" because if we start 14th, christmas break comes too soon... so maybe 7th would be better so we can play couple of weeks and then go and have christmas in peace ?
    4 points
  10. http://www.twitch.tv/plee9999 (CAR stream) http://www.twitch.tv/FINSeRe (NBZ stream)
    3 points
  11. Great stuff, as expected! Thanks to @Nephenzy for the interview and to the author for the good read!
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. Good staf SeRe! Quality guarenteed
    3 points
  14. Yeah I missed don't hehe. I don't care if my team get a tough group. I think it's for the leagues best to have an exiting playoff. I don't think anyone wants semifinals or maybe even a final ending up with double digits. That is what's gonna happen if some groups are too easy.
    3 points
  15. I seriously dont give a shit, everybody can beat everybody. Do as u like
    3 points
  16. Hey very great job Kenu and the supports! Thank you to take us to the future! i Vote for 14th December so you get more time! You are Worth it!
    3 points
  17. Guys I think you're arguing because the overall rating is not a detailed enough fake videogame rating. Can we get into more specifics please? Like what's that guy's hand-eye rating?? Most importantly what's that guy's durability attribute??? You know... "Advanced" stats and shit...
    2 points
  18. But u cant say that for example someones is top because he was in good club in NHL 14. So much new in this game, new skill stick, now need more passing. And another things like that. For example pleemaker wasnt good in ps3, most reason difference skill stick nowadays he is amazing. U should watch skill in this game because new game bring new talents, ofc u cant know all these people but u should watch what they have done in this nhl, because that i think 90 overall to joukki is too small. This is just my opinion. I guess joukki dont care what overall he have... Both teams have great players ill enjoy watching the final! Hope u guys give us a good show!!!
    2 points
  19. good job, quality shit like @cHIIMEERa would say
    2 points
  20. Good interview, fun to read. Keep up the good work!
    2 points
  21. Wooow! nice interview, good going Sere. Quality shit!
    2 points
  22. Yup, I agree. Seeding the top 20 separately, in order to cause them to spread evenly 5 per group should be even enough. I suggest we use the TOP 20 (6vs6) ALL-TIME-list that @gzell60 posted.
    2 points
  23. We should just randomize them at this point, it's hard to split 20 teams up into 4 groups and still make sure they are all even. Literally any of those teams can beat each other.
    2 points
  24. I think we should go for @gzell60 "Top 20 results (all games)".
    2 points
  25. 6-player ranking top12: 1.Dynasty 2. Northern stars 3. TUK 4.Synergy hockey 5.UKnighted HC 6.Infinity 7. Carlsberg 8.Sjukstugan 9.Kattiautomaatti 10. Finnish roosters 11. Nordic blizzard 12.Refuse to lose And randomise the others?
    2 points
  26. Both ways should work just fine. It doesn't matter if you are not in the top20 monthly as long as there is some seeding before teams will be randomized. Every team starts still from the same line, but this way there won't be all top15 teams in one group (A) and that way teams 9-15 would be out of playoffs as they might have been able to be #1-2 in other groups (B, C or D). What I'm trying to say, is that I prefer any kind of seeding before groups are made, as long as groups are still equal in the first tournament. I would also like to play few more games before x-mas, but it is you who knows it best how we should do it. If you feel like you aren't ready with the site before 14th, it's ok to for me to wait. I rather play the games when everything is completely ready than rush. We all should be thankful for you guys, that we will even be having this site.
    2 points
  27. What is this question? Of course All-time. Not every team has been playing 24/7 since for example our team has been only waiting for ECL to play because our teams only motivation to play is ECL. I believe we are searching the best 6v6 teams to seed, not teams which have played the most this month. Basically if you want to be TOP-20 in monthly leaderboard, you just have to grind games. It doesn't matter if you win, all you need is to play for example 100 games and win around half of them and voilá you are TOP-20. And you can correct me but I think that doesn't make you ''TOP-20 team of Europe''. EDIT: Actually checking TOP-20 monthly leaderboard now. You don't even need to win half of the games to get into it. Around 40% winning rate will make you into TOP-20, so I find this question very amusing. Of course if you want this kind of teams to be seeded, be my guest.
    2 points
  28. We can definitely start earlier, we've been ready to go for weeks now and judging by what can be gleaned from the site, it looks great. If we start on the 14th we'll barely have time to get going before a potential christmas break - plus people are usually traveling to visit friends and family so it will make it that much harder to setup games. Kenu, if you feel the site will be ready on the 4th, I see no reason to give us players a full 10 days to coordinate - we can do better then that. I strongely suggest we start around the 8th-10th at the latest to make sure the league is off to a good start before christmas. Just my 2 cents. Also, good work Kenu!!!
    2 points
  29. I think we could start a week earlier, that's 3 days to setup your team then. Should be enough time for everyone.
    2 points
  30. I couldn't disagree more Billy. In my opinion using full names makes things more authentic and a simulation of real life. That's why I play - cause I failed at real life.
    2 points
  31. Sounds as ambitious as I hoped this project would be. Great ideas right there. And that's why I hope you make us record more stats than Consolehockey did. It's not like anyone will complain if submitting a result takes 8 instead of 5 minutes.
    2 points
  32. Looks good Kenu! Btw that guy Samuli Sela plays alot in the penaltybox
    2 points
  33. Joukki just 90 overall, and vatalisti 85 overall lol ? how joukki can be unknown ?! Where have you been living all these years ? ?
    1 point
  34. We did it just for fun, I thought that simple interview might be little too boring so I wanted to add something more extra and publishing lineups before makes ite little bit more official also
    1 point
  35. So... Like, half of that Nordic team is Laser HT guys from Xbox. Good to see at least some Xbox guys in the finals. Also, this giving each other videogame ratings thing is a lame gimmick in my opinion. But I mean, to each his own, you guys... The rest of the interviews is fine.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. NOOB cHIIMEERa!!!!!!!!!!!! Hrmf. Just kidding. Fun, eh? Nice interview, was fun reading, well done both of you.. GL in the playoffs. Even tho I want us to win...and win we shall! Hehehe.
    1 point
  38. nice interview but wasnt synergy from playstation? they switched to xbox only to switch back again.
    1 point
  39. @Kenu Will those 4 groups be drawn live by the way? I think that would be one important step to avoid complaints about groups being unfair (which they will inevitably be in this first tournament)
    1 point
  40. Good Job Kenu and Lurkins! I voted yes for 14th December. I like the timeplan.
    1 point
  41. This sounds gr8. It would be fun to watch Highlights. Also i would really be happy for this "shoutbox" i could always check when there is a big game going and i could see if they are streaming it.
    1 point
  42. Ok I see your point. It was a wrong assumption on my part. Looks like I won't be reporting games anytime soon anyway so that doesn't change anything for me and I reckon some people will share your enthusiasm about more advanced stats (am I right, @MartindalexC ?? ).
    1 point
  43. I don't think that's up to you to decide @Billy44205, but of course these are things that are up for discussion. We will tell you more about the stats side soon. I am hoping people would be fine with recording the penalty times for the penalty their team takes. While it might feel useless, it opens up a whole new world of analysis. What if we could tell you when your team takes the most penalties, how your penalty kill is working and if there's a certain time-frame when things are going worse than others? We're not quite there yet with the analysis part, but by collecting the relevant data, we are able to do a bunch of cool stats in the future. Of course analysis is not everyone's cup of tea and we are building the features so that we can choose what fields are must fill and what fields are optional. I'm hoping the penalty times is not something people are against reporting, but as I mentioned, it will of course be taken into consideration.
    1 point
  44. Thanks! Samuli spends more time in the box than he does on the ice.
    1 point
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