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Player Ability Bans - ECL '25 Season Discussion

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Hey everyone,

As we gear up for the upcoming NHL 25 season, it's time to revisit the topic of player ability bans that we implemented for NHL 24. In the previous season, we took action based on community feedback and decided to ban several player abilities that were considered overpowered.

However, as we transition into NHL 25, we find ourselves in a different scenario. The game dynamics and balance have evolved, and we don't yet have a clear understanding of how these player abilities will impact gameplay. Given this uncertainty, our initial thought is to refrain from imposing any ability bans for the first season of NHL 25.

We believe it's crucial to gauge the new game's balance and understand how these abilities function in the current context before making any decisions. Therefore, the idea is that the upcoming season will serve as a testing ground. We'll closely monitor gameplay, gather feedback from all of you, and assess whether any Abilities are causing issues or significantly skewing the competitive landscape.

This forum thread is the perfect place to share your thoughts, observations, and experiences from the ECL '24: Winter and Spring, during which we played both with and without these banned traits. Did you notice any significant changes in gameplay? Did the absence of these abilities make the game more balanced and enjoyable for you? We value your input and encourage you to contribute to this discussion.

Ultimately, we want to make informed decisions that enhance the competitive experience while preserving the integrity of the game. So, let's have an open and constructive dialogue about our approach for the first season of NHL 25. Your feedback will play a vital role in shaping our league's future.

Of course, before we actually get to play the game, this is just pure speculation, but we want to get the discussion started early.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

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The bans have been proven to work towards a more balanced gameplay experience. IMO unless EA states these op abilities are either heavily nerfed (doubt) or removed from the game (more doubt) it's not that likely the gameplay updates in 25 balance those out. We've been here before.

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All I ask is that, whichever way this goes, there is a definitive, non-reversible decision from League Administration (on bans/no bans) at least a few weeks out from when the first official tournament is set to begin.

Give us a fair chance to practice for a reasonable amount of time under game-like conditions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i dont think goalie will change so drasticaly o tips gonna be overpowered anyway. seems even one timers is deadlier and faster and more smooth, so if you go like golden one timer its gonna be deadlier then ever, i looking on this one timer gameplay videos, im pretty not sure, how we gonna be able to stop that, if they dont change goalies drasticaly. but i think the same - first season need to go without bans so we know what is what.

Edited by saaggssy
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