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server issue complaints


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I'm opening up this topic to clarify some things about the "server issue" regarding Brayce Phantoms. I got some...well let's say angry messages that teams are having a high ping when playing against us. So first of all, we can NOT control the server we're on, neither does changing the region change anything. 

Just some insights, we played all of Elite last season with a ping of 50-70 (which was normal for us), we couldn't even find opponents except german teams. So we definitely had a disadvantage connection wise, but we accepted it knowing we're the only german team. 

I know most of the teams don't like us, no one wants us in Elite but I don't care. 😃 But messages like "we should be banned" or "you're not allowed to play in ECL cause of the new server" are just dumb and stupid. It's no one's responsibility but EA's to provide a fair gaming experience for everyone, I've been playing EASHL since the beginning and trust me it never was fair ping wise.

Just cause of the fact that 95% of the teams are finnish, it doesn't mean that everything goes your way. In order to grow this community maybe you should be glad that there are some teams from other countries in the higher divisions instead of wanting them to disband.

I thought ECL is for all European Teams, not just Finland and Sweden. :) 

No hard feelings, just wanted to get this out there.



Edited by PlaymakerSJ
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  • CSCL Staff

Helo @PlaymakerSJ,

it doesn't matter if anyone like your club or not. I feel sry for you guys and can't accept this story, what you talking about. We all GER / CZE / RUS and more played the last seasons with ping like you said or more bad too...it's upsolutely approximate and unsportsmanlike, reactions like this now, cause EA provide this for us too now !!!

ECL stands for all of us and not only for Scandinavian and I hope for you and us all, we can stop this reaction and be the Community for that we all work !!!

Respectful @CzE Toni

Fearless Knights 😉😘

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Hello when I read this post from @PlaymakerSJI thought at first he was joking that teams supposedly refused or criticism came up regarding the new server in Germany. but apparently not, which is why I would like to go into detail here. First of all, I've been playing since ECL 1, at a manageable level, which doesn't matter. Teams from Central, Western and Eastern Europe always had a sensitive night part when it came to the connection. In the ECL 9 this night part was the strongest with a new server in Sweden. When I talk about night part, the difference was that one team plays with a ping under 10 and the other with over 50. However, I do not remember that any criticism or statements such as those mentioned in the @PlaymakerSJpost came up. Much more was made fun of. I actually thought that E in ECL stands for European. And whether it will suit some Scandinavian teams or not, for the first time something like equal opportunities will emerge that will probably have a small home advantage for the teams. Therefore to all Scandinavian teams who think they are making such stupid statements: "Stop crying and stand like a fair competition like men!"

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It is completely warranted and understandable for people to be annoyed that they have to play games on an inferior server and it has nothing to do with your nationality or "race". Sending messages like that is over the top, but I do understand why people would prefer someone else to get promoted if it means playing games with a better connection.

I do agree with what you have said but it slightly annoys me when the suggestion is that it's racism when it clearly isn't.

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As I said before, I know out of first hand that it‘s annoying as hell to play on an inferior server. But taking all the heat for something you can do nothing about is just senseless. 

in addition it was okay for everyone when we played with an outrageous ping all season and could only find german teams in normal club games, which is still the case btw.

There needs to be a solution that benefits everyone. It just blows my mind that once the problem affects some teams they just blame it on the wrong people.

And don‘t know when I mentioned it has something to do with race or nationality, it clearly has not and never was my intent. 

Edited by PlaymakerSJ
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Good thread and it makes a good point. It's ok to be annoyed, just be sure to use that frustration in the right way and point it at EA as constructive feedback and perhaps let's do some testing as a community? Does it pick the German server 75% of the time or 100% of the time? Who is willing - in a positive environment to do some testing around this topic and see if we can find a way to make an impact on at least getting it closer to 50/50? 

I have personally notified EA about the problem yesterday, but of course the information I was able to provide was based on a very small sample so far.

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@Kenu should be tested, but the bigger problem has been there for a couple months now, as you know. Obviously not a member of BPH anymore, but it‘s ridiculous that BPH, ZSC and other german/swiss teams can only find german/slovak/french teams that they‘ll absolutely dismantle everytime - no disrespect here, it‘s just not fun for anyone involved. And everything worked until ~November...

This year was the worst experience I‘ve had playing EASHL. Not the reason why I left, but since I did and joined a finnish team I am actually allowed to play the game - WOW, great solution!

Adding a server in Frankfurt or wherever it is doesn‘t change a thing, it just reverses the disadvantage in challenge games (at least now the finnish/swedish players know how that feels, maybe that will get EA‘s attention?).

If EA doesn‘t figure out and fix this problem soon, it will be a handicap that NHL Esports in the “DACH“-region won‘t simply overcome.

And as @tbnantti pointed out: It doesn‘t matter if you like some teams or you don‘t - this is a problem for the whole EU community, or it will  be soon. 

There are teams boycotting games in the qualification series already, how many hateful messages will BPH, ZSC, Shooting Stars and all these teams get once the season starts?

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@izzo1706 @Tromi13 have you ever heard about those servers issues ??? :):) 

Well from France we are pointing those problems for more than a year but who cares about the complaining of 25 players in western Europe....
> waiting looooong time to find an opponent
> always finding the same teams to play against
> ping 50+


Welcome on board boys :)

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From my limited experience as a Finnish player visiting a German team in few separate nights, I had 62 ping in every game, only played against teams in that region. Even if the search thing was on relaxed. Same thing a few weeks later. The 62 ping was ´playable´ as in it did not freeze or anything like that, but if you play with 20ish or even smaller pings normally, you notice it in everything. It´s not fun.

My only guess on how to maybe ´open the borders´ is to run the searches on relaxed and hope teams in the south/west Europe get matched that way. I have no idea to be honest.

Unfortunate and unfair that EA has managed to put such a glorious system in place. Europe needs all the teams and players together, ECL tournaments and leagues are not nearly as fun and exciting if it´s just mainly Finnish and Swedish players. Hopefully they make the changes as soon as possible.

Make sure to answer the Leafy NHL 20 survey and talk about the issue in there as well. (front page on nhlgamer.com/community)



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vor 2 Stunden schrieb kApollo:

My only guess on how to maybe ´open the borders´ is to run the searches on relaxed and hope teams in the south/west Europe get matched that way. I have no idea to be honest.

Or, you know, EA simply revert the broken changes they did to matchmaking around October/November and we can all go back to playing the game normally.

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