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Baranizer last won the day on March 12

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  1. The Developers are high af. They buffed Trucu, what are they smoking? Developer Feedback: We are balancing how much stamina damage is delivered from big hits and boosting Truculence and Shrug It Off to create more incentives to equip these X-Factors. Reduced Non-Truculence hits to deliver a max of 35 stamina damage on biggest hits. Increased Truculence Zone Ability to deliver 75% extra stamina damage on biggest hits. Increased Truculence Superstar Ability to deliver 35% extra stamina damage on biggest hits. Increased Shrug It Off Zone Ability: Will reduce incoming stamina damage from hits by 75%. Increased Shrug It Off Superstar Ability: Will reduce incoming stamina damage from hits by 30%.
  2. NOVA is ready for the season. 🟣🟣 We welcome our new members: @Shaitan_Batyr as a second G and @XxKapUstaxX as a forward. CURRENT ROSTER IS: Goalies: @Baranizer @Shaitan_Batyr Defense: @Azzez_88 @Vladyan @SPB_AlexZver_22 @Pakkoozt Offense: @xDekko-_- @XxKapUstaxX @Nester4343
  3. Still in search of that last piece of the winning squad)
  4. Please, stop answering to every message. This thread is FA posts only. if you want to talk to someone - write personal message, pls
  5. What's the point of this anarchy? ) There is a league which create rules and boundries in which we all are playing, so whats the point to invent smth yourself showing kind of disrespect for the league actually. Maybe its better to discuss the matter with the league and get some kind of common ground here. If majority wants perks banned - they will be banned. Simple as that. If not - live with it. Its how democracy works i guess))) sry if it sound awkward from the guy living in Russia )))))
  6. NOVA welcomes our new member on LD spot - the man, the myth, the legend (GIFU legend 😀). Swedish giant - @Azzez_88 Spins like a whirlwind, runs like a leopard and hits like a thunder. Lets do it! Welcome, Антоха!
  7. NOVA is looking for a starting C or under some circumstances RW for upcoming PRO season. *D spots are now filled. LW and G also. Contact me for tryout on Discord, PSN or whatever, except pigeon mail i guess )) @Baranizer
  8. This seems as a much better option then restrictions to use smth, always better to adapt things then to just ban them. Using different builds can actually be fun. But on the other hand it will affect most of the skilled guys who can benefit from edges for example to show impressive bot movement. And it can ruin the scene. so decision is hard here anyway. But we can do it like EA does - make a decision and then take it back after 2 business days 😂😂😂
  9. @ReDMisTi not two, but one game we took) it was 2-0 and 3-4 for us. But still thx for the mention of our guy @Nester4343, who can definitely do things))) Was very interesting to play against you every time. Gl in Elite! Feels that all your irl tough things gave you guys good motivation to succeed, so it feel as a fair outcome and a deserved championship win. Enjoy! Cya on ice.
  10. Lets not forget that garbage goals are part of hockey. Also its not enough to just stay positioned well to save the shot - you need to move and challenge the shot or guess the side of the shot. So its kinda weird to say that you want everything to be predictable - its a game)) As for truculence - this is what needs fixing i guess, cause its kinda lame that you hit everything you see with no problem. The same effect as it was with ass first hits after which players were flying around or laying dead for couple minutes on the ice. And everybody was doing it cause it was meta. As a goalie i dont really see any difference with guys having CQ, cause there are a lot of other deadly perks there like snappy or whatever. Also goalie perks not that much helpfull, maybe Tip Jar can help. Also Tipper is not that hard to counter but its annoying if the team abuses it all game long, farming Full Pressure with shots and also waiting for FP to kick in) Anyways - we all are in this boat together and game is the same for everyone.
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