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Posts posted by MovaaN

  1. What we've experienced so far is that if home team lobby leader is the home captain too, then the C has major lag issues. Otherwise home C lag has been pretty random and rare for us. And we always go play home if our lobby leader isn't captain in the match. It doesn't always work but most of the time yes.

    One thing to test too in invitational drop-ins, that the player who starts that private lobby isn't captain of either team. Kinda A's start and invite players to the lobby.


  2. For promotions maybe offer teams eligible for promotion a veto possibility. For example you can veto your first promotion chance if you don't feel confident/comfortable to go to higher division. And every team has 1 veto per division so some people don't misuse it endlessly. Like you play in div3 and end up on 3rd place. You can veto your promosion and play another season in Div3. But after that you don't have veto for Div3.

    And after relegation you get possibly lost veto back. Team plays div3, 3rd place --> veto --> new season in div3 3rd place -->promotion, next season on div2, second to last and relegation (if not enough vetoes used in div3) --> next season in Div3 + you have another veto to use in Div3

    Any thoughts on this?

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