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Everything posted by ruttopottu

  1. Vapaa LW Etsin joukkuetta joka pelaa voitoista, mutta ei myöskään jokaisen tappion jälkeen ole poistamassa sovellusta kun takkiin tulee. Eli ei turhan vakavaa meininkiä. Kokemusta tästä pelisarjasta on liikaa. Oma taso heittelee huonon neo pelaajan ja ok lite pelaajan välillä, joten sarjataso asettuisi varmaan neo/core. Muutkin pelipaikat houkuttaa, mutta lähtökohtaisesti tuo VL on se tutuin paikka. Ota yhteyttä, tai älä ota. PSN: ruttopottu
  2. Free LW (NEO/CORE). Backup role is also fine 🙂 Prefer Finnish teams. PSN: ruttopottu
  3. Free LW for upcoming tournaments. Core/neo. Only finnish teams. PS5.
  4. BonusAmbers (Core) We are looking for starting Goalie. Prefer Finnish players. PSN: ruttopottu
  5. Bonusambers (Core) is looking for a second goalie/good all-around player for the upcoming season. Were looking for someone who can play mainly as a goalie but it would be a huge bonus if you can also play in offense and/or defense. Your role in our squad would be mainly a backup player but we can guarantee some playing time. - We would prefer a Finnish player - You have to be at least 18 years old - Have to have a mic and a good sense of humor - To be able to play at least few times a week starting 20.00 CET - Some experience from previous seasons Contact me here or PSN: ruttopottu
  6. Bonusambers (Core) is looking for G and RD. Requirements: Finnish language, age +20 years and bad humor. Welcome to the tryouts this Saturday! Contact me here or on psn: ruttopottu
  7. Free LW is looking for a Finnish team for the next ECL. 28 years old, can play almost every day. A good atmosphere in the team is most important to me, of course winning is nice too. ✌ psn: ruttopottu
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