Cant agree more on what you describe here. Even if our team is not part of the « top team » it’s so frustrating to play the same team day after day...How is it possible to prepare your ECL the best way as possible when facing 1st day a northern team and playing on 50ms if you can’t practice during training session ( same thing when northern team face central team and playing on our servers)? today it’s a f**** lottery and you just have to pray playing on your servers that’s make no sense!
Is there any solution atm? Yeah. why 6’s is not using the same matchmaking as HUT where everybody can match against everybody.Why not using a ranking like they are using in « Rivals » when matching most of the time someone around your level. There are solutions for sure but now everybody from the eashl community as to say something about the actual situation about servers issues.
Those are my points. Thx @Mannheimer1938 @Timasy for the topic
Grenoble BDL Esport is looking for a backup G for the next ECL lite.Preferably someone from our timezone (France). You will mainly play the training matches (we are playing everyday) but also some matches of the next ecl. Our goal is to find someone who will try to progress and then become our number one.
If you are interested, dm are open or by psn: tromi13