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Posts posted by KingOfApes_

  1. PSN: KingOfApes_

    Positions: RW LW C LD RD

    About me: Im 17y boy from finland, Im owner of Victorious Secret HC, I have played eashl since nhl 13, I dont care about my points and stats, I put my team first! Im honest if im LW or RW i will be good but if its another pos im only ok. 

    So I can be captain, I can take care about this! I think be in captain is easy after owning vsh, sometimes its like a kindergarden xD 

    • Like 11
  2. 33 minutes ago, vSilenttio said:

    I dont know how to do this better than this, so here it goes. Here's regular players thoughts:

    • Max. two different levels of playing. Elite division and then rest - thats it
    • As long as we (teams and players) dont get paid from playing this game overall + ECL, this wont work. People with not that much time to play, cant be as good as those ones are who play alot and I mean, alot! PS4 has now like ~50 teams and yeah, it could be split into divisions but hell no for three different levels. It would definitely break the community somehow, as there would be "those elite guys" and then basic boys and rest who dont have enough time/skill/interest-combo in their hands. I'd rather have healthy and competitive community than just competitive community.
    • Personally I dont see people sticking into their teams just because of this. Yeah, there's some teams who have been there for years with same name and same core (more on Xbox, less on PS?) but its like 15-25% of teams. Working division system would need serious jump from 20% to 80%, for example. And then these "new" teams start from the championship just like the real new teams, if they want to split up for some reason. Offtopic: I dont get this team hopping thing. I've played now like 5-6 years and so far I've been in two teams (when you dont count the "lock-out season during NHL15).
    • ELITE: 30 teams -> 16 playoff-teams. I dont know how it could work, just an idea that jumped in my head right now; bottom-8 teams fights playout games and four teams that lose their playout round (best of 5 or 7), goes to Championship level and then four best teams rise from Championship. I like the playout idea, because that would bring the same danger from dropping out to 22th/30 team that what it brings to 28th/30 team for example. 22th battles 30th team in a playout series and by winning that series, you secure your team in Elite. Thoughts or just too difficult/strange to make it happen?

    Sorry if it's hard to understand my points.

    Yes, this would be best one so far,  No one really enjoy if regular season game end 10-0, even winner wont enjoy. Good idea! Hope admins will see this and think this idea. 

  3. Is that some kind a joke ? Real nhl team names ? Seriously ? I like division idea as well then there would be tight games more often than now, but still i think these division might split this community to half, then there is pro clubs and bad ones. I hope u dont do that mistake, we all are here to play together this tournament. And would you really like go to lower division ?

    Idk what u guys think but i want to play agaisnt best ones and beat them. So i hope you guys keep this simple, like 40 teams and then games on. Im sure that if we drop team number there will be tighter games, this system will offer more skill hockey and more hard games


    • Like 1
  4. Team name: Victorious Secret HC

    Team abbreviation: VSH

    Team Captains

    C KingOfApes_

    A SadaPoika

    A joukki13

    Team Roster :












    Our new logo:


    • Like 7
  5. Just saying guys, Why have to tell this little story ? Did you think that if you public this everything well be fine and you find time to play ? lol sometimes shit happens, so try play those games! It might be hard but there is always answer. And this so called "story" just blames TUK, remember that this isnt just TUK's "fault". I dont know so much details and what really happened so that was my opinion. (Might be difference if i know more) :) sorry if this hurt your feelings, maybe u can take it ? ;) 

  6. Mä oon nytten kattonut tätä touhua ja voin sanoo että ecl stereotypiät vähenee. Alussa tää näytti hyvältä uskottomattomat sivut. Mukavat toivotukset liigaan. yms Tää on mun oma mielipide ei liity kehenkään muuhun. Olen suoraan sanotusti pettynyt, ehkä omat lähtökuvitelmat olivat liian yliampuvia. Gm:ien (komitean) yhteystyö ei näytä toimivan. kyllä mä ymmärrän ogbiolania kiva antaa eka toivoa ja sitten tulee ilmoitus että hei bännit. ja mielestäni gm.ien pitäisi olla ymmärtävämpiä. tossa jessen jutussa voi hyvin tehdä johtopäätöksiä että juttu vuotaa kuin seula. ja viime aikoina on tullut sitä keppiä runsaalla kädellä. esim tuw haki  mahdollisuutta yhteen lisäpelaajaan koska 6 rosteris niin vastaus ei saa liittyä jajos ei pystytä pelaa loppuun niin lisä sanktiot. wtf En uskonjut silmiäni!!! Kyllä gm:ät ovat tehneet lukemattomia hyviä ratkaisuja. mutta nämä jotkut eivät uppoa mun päähän. joten jos nyt otetaan sitä tiukempaa pipoa pois päästä. tänne tultu pelaamaan, eikä noin hepposin perustein jengejä pois kiitos! ps. kaikilla kunniotuksella.

  7. Oh no evidence number 1# any clever person can say after showing this that jesse's claims are ok. "Sere kerto" hmm... I dont wanna any troubles but really... Sry have to speak finnish. Mun mielestä tää nyt vähän näyttää siltä että tästä voi vetää johtopäätöksen että tieto on vuotanut asiasta. En tietenkään mikään asian tutkija ole mutta ois kiva että kun kerran tuomioita jaetaan niin ne menis oikeaan osoitteeseen.


  8. Well... Only right move could be that pair get banned. Cmon u have to watch what your captain have put in result. Wtf... Hey is there anyone who have done that. We all have to spy our captains ? And get some nice agent name. No way. Innocent person get punishment... I dont get it. If this same happend again that some player chances points or something teams wont tell it to gm because they get punishment. cmon this is very good tournament but this omg i dont know what can be so low than this :) respect dont be mad just my opinion. I hope i dont have some punishment :D

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