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  1. https://postimg.cc/gallery/d06ccYz hello, at this link I saved the photo where goalies levitate above the ice in butterfly. at this photo will be a goal under leg, because goalie fly above the ice
  2. https://postimg.cc/gallery/d06ccYz hello, at this link I saved the photo where goalies levitate above the ice in butterfly.
  3. Goalies fly up of ice. If they are in butterfly, their legs don’t contact with ice. They don't see the texture, they levitate above the ice. And the puck goes straight along the ice and flies relative to the ice. And the goalie is above the ice in the textures, hence the crooked animation and in the upper rebounds. i can send photo if you need, but just look replay when goalie in butterfly who can write to ea? Because goalies levitate the texture of ice, animation of all saves very bad. So much goals
  4. Hello, I'm a free agent G. I'm looking for a high LITE or PRO team and higher I’m played in Nova for a back up pre-last season in pro
  5. Free goalie Russian player 23st position in world rate top 100 eashl clubs for all time (save percentage) 0.794% In tournaments 84-86% saves Looking ecl pro/elite I have a great experience, best output build in communication with best goalies from ecl elite/pro. iStrong_rus
  6. Hello! Free G for ECL! One of the best goalie of Russian community. You can invite me for a game, to see how i play PSN: iStrong_rus Please, write me in PSN
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