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Everything posted by Ollizhki

  1. Agreed. Most fun i've had in years when it comes to 6v6 gameplay. As a goalie and as a skater.
  2. I find it hilarious, that the vast majority of the player base ( at least publicly) complaining about the removal of xFactors are from Pro and Elite. They already know the game mechanics throughout and are obviously skilled enough to adjust accordingly, so i fail to see the issue here. Nor do i care to be honest. Now you need to actually put at least SOME thought into your build and playstyle, although i highly doubt it considering most teams would shoot from the neutral zone with their backhand, if it were the meta. So yeah, teams might go into just forcing the play, but ask yourself, who's fault is that really? Just because you are a better player, doesn't make your opinion somehow more important. If anything, good players only benefit from this. Adapt and quit whining, it's (at the moment) only ONE tournament.
  3. Free G for FCL and ECL or other tournaments. Preferably Core for ECL, Lite might work out too. 50/50 or some variation of it. Finnish, fluent in english. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/313 Contact me here for a tryout.
  4. This is something a 9 year old would cheat about in street hockey. C'mon now. :DDD Top 1 dumbest ways to recieve a multi tournament ban. Regarding the recent LA decisions and suspensions as of late, great job LA! Fuck around and find out is a real thing.
  5. Basing your team's playstyle around Big Tipper deflections requires exactly 0% hockey IQ and creativity. It's lame, boring and extremely overpowered. So, if SportsGamer wants their on-ice product to be borderline unwatchable for viewers and not enjoyable for the players, go on ahead and keep Big Tipper allowed. To summarize: BAN IT.
  6. My question is how and why has this even happened? I mean it's a BASIC feature of a functional videogame and has been in the game for years. Seriously, do they not test out the matchmaking in any way prior to launch? This is actually terrible. Same with versus. Yeah you find opponents instantly, but it is always NA. No exception. Baffles my mind.
  7. Shameful Knights (Lite/Lite qualifiers) Looking for 50/50 LW, starting RD, 50/50 G and a backup defender. The team consists of experienced players with a structured creative passing playstyle, so it would be beneficial to have previous experience from Lite or at least good knowledge of the game mechanics and common set plays. Most of the team members are Finns, but your nationality does not matter. We play around 3 times a week. Contact me here for a tryout.
  8. Free C, RW, RD, possibly G for upcoming tournaments. Experienced, great two-way and passing ability. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/313 Contact me here.
  9. Shameful Knights (Lite) Looking for a 50/50 or 60/40 goalie. Be active a few days a week, a decent human being, somewhat on time and catch the puck (and then play it out🌚). That's it. Contact me here for more.
  10. Up. Also looking for a 50/50 goalie.
  11. Shameful Knights (Lite) Looking for a 50/50 forward (C with the ability to play on the wing) for the upcoming seasons. We are also looking for a 50/50 or backup defender. Contact me here or on PSN: Ollizhki27 for a tryout.
  12. Free G (preferably) or C/RW/RD for GCL (any division). 50/50 or backup only, for each position. Stats: https://sportsgamer.gg/players/313 Contact me here, or on PSN: Ollizhki27.
  13. Free RW/C/G for GCL. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/313 Contact me here.
  14. Free G and RW for GCL/WECL. Backup or maximum 50/50. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/313 Contact me here.
  15. Free G for WECL. As G i'd play as a backup or maximum 50/50. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/313 Contact me here.
  16. One of the most likable guys in community history and a damn good goalie as well! Well deserved Josh. 😍
  17. Shameful Knights (Lite qualifiers) Looking for a 50/50 forward, preferably with an ability to play on defence here and there. You'd mainly play as either winger, but occasionally you'll be needed on defence as well. Gametime in the ECL tournament games is 100% guaranteed. Contact me or Poistin here.
  18. Shameful Knights Are looking for a 50/50 or backup G at least for FCL, and possibly for ECL Lite as well. We are also in need of a backup player. You should be able to play either RW, LW or LD. Tournament games are guaranteed, as well as weekly practice games. Contact me here!
  19. I'm also interested to know. Furthermore, a question/suggestion: Could it be possible to include player(s) from other Nordic countries in a team as well? For example one non-Finnish player per team?
  20. Free G for GCL. 50/50 or backup. Any division. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/313#nhl Contact me here.
  21. Free G for GCL. I played G for Geekz Energy eSports ll in the previous GCL and did pretty well and had lots of fun between the posts, so i'd love to make my way into the tournament again! The role i'm looking for is either 50/50 or backup, as i have my own ECL team to manage as well. I'm able to play 2-3 times a week anyways for your team. Available for tryouts at any time, contact me here. Stats: https://sportsgamer.gg/players/313#nhl
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