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  1. I have played the game since the first iteration of EASHL in NHL 09, and I can honestly say the EASHL side of things, gameplay wise, is the best it has been in a long time. I would even go as far as saying it's the best it has been in the PS4/PS5 era. We have finally moved away from the god awful pakota vaan (force) meta, and can score from plays farther out from the net. When someone scores a golden one-tee goal against us, I feel like we have made a mistake in our coverage, as opposed to a forced pass getting through in front of the net, which can go through even if it's "covered". I think teams should be punished for breakdowns in coverage and the game feels rewarding both offensively and defensively that way. Obviously I have dropped down divisions this year, moved to the wing and use golden 1T, so my opinion might be a bit biased, but I've played with and against Elite teams enough in this version as well to confidently say the meta is way better than it used to be. I am 100% in favor of leaving things as they are with only Big Tipper being banned. I fear an XF ban would move the meta back towards forcing, net scrambles and broken plays in front of the net, which is both boring to play and boring to watch. Even with sniper builds on wings. EDIT: Another thing to note is having to cover the 1T/CQ makes the defence more active and opens up space in other areas of the ice, as teams can't just collapse to the slot and play passively on defence.
  2. Free c/rw for upcoming tournaments. Backup is fine as well. 🙏
  3. If Leksand deserves the spot in Elite, they'll win the qualifiers, surely.
  4. After banning CQ, something must be done about goalie abilities. Sure, you can say you can run a sniper build or dump points in shots, but the fact is you NEED those points for speed and acceleration because that's what the meta is. You need chances first to even attempt to score goals. The same logic could be applied to goalies if their abilities were banned: if you want to save snipes, put points in glove/blocker high. They don't have to make such a decision now. Goalies are already terribly OP on straight snipes from the slot. I don't necessarily think the difference will be as major as people are making it out to be, but if we're going to start banning abilities we should do it the right way.
  5. I don't really care what happens, but do not, under any circumstances, ban elite edges.
  6. First of all, there are 16 teams in Elite, not 8. And yes, like I said in my message I do think it's fine because it's the only way to ensure the integrity of the competition. That, or expand the divisions. If we go down that road of logic, it's "unfair" that Lite has a prize pool at all considering we're talking about the 49th best team in Europe with the Lite winner. In what other esport is that possible? Elite has to remain the crown jewel that teams aspire to reach.
  7. Surely people realize that if the prize pool in the lower divisions was higher, the top teams would just drop down in divisions? The player fees go into a general pool anyway to accommodate everything that SG is doing and are not marked to a specific division. At least that's how I see it. Would it be fine if we merged the Elite and Pro divisions to "justify" the prize pool in the highest league? The only way it would change things is (probably) that the Elite teams would still populate the finishing places with a prize pool. Before anyone chimes in saying I play in Elite and that somehow makes my points moot: we're not exactly favorites to touch the money at the moment. All in all I think it's a good thing to monetize what SG is doing to ensure the future of this operation that we've enjoyed for free for far too long. Sorry if someone quotes me and I don't reply, as I've tried to keep my mouth shut about this as debates devolve into playground insults in this community far too often. Mea culpa for that partially as well. Edit: I do understand the frustration for players in the lower divisions who play for fun, but the fees don't take that away from you. You can still play EASHL if you think the fee is too high. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. These (higher) fees have been mandatory for players in the higher divisions for some time.
  8. JYP Jyväskylä IN: @xAaro89x from FILA Academy Starting LW Welcome! 🤗
  9. I might be a bit biased here considering I'm a forward, but these are Grade A scoring chances that should be going in some of the time even if the goalie is positioned correctly. 🤐
  10. JYP is looking for a starting LD and starting OR 1A/1B goalie for the upcoming game NHL22. Most of the time we play from Sunday to Thursday. We rarely (if at all) play Fri or Sat. We're looking for - and we cannot stress this enough - for players that are willing to commit for the full year. Otherwise, we aren't interested. Contact indi969 or tbnantti on PSN, Discord or here on NHLGamer. Reasons behind the message: Sandro can only play a few times a week. Swag has recently moved and his internet connection is not stable. That's why he didn't play in FCL. Sile has informed us we are free to look for a starting LD to replace him as he can't commit to the level of activity required atm.
  11. Another very soft punishment by NHLGamer regarding the same topic. But hey, at least it's more than what @Patzlaf got for using the n-word on stream, I guess. Which was no punishment. 😲
  12. I'm sure everyone knows but IN: JYP @Xteemuz from hREDS @vSilenttio from Roots OUT: @MakeaxlMake exercised his option to make his loan to Enigma a permanent transfer @xDoumi Doumi exercised his option to terminate his contract after ECL11 JYP would like to thank our former players for their services.
  13. Matchfixing? If some teams want to fix a match it doesn't matter what system is used. If you're referring to the fact that both teams would be content with securing 1p to clinch a playoff spot or whatever, both the 2-1-0 and 3-2-1-0 allow that and it's fairly common in pro sports -> teams go into the match with a more defensive mindset. I think suggesting someone will fix a match is a bit farfetched.
  14. I calculated last season's regular season standings with the 3-2-1-0 system back when this was last discussed. 1. LHC 75 2. JYP 74 3. HAVU 74 4. hREDS 57 5. UB 51 6. Brayce 47 7. Roots 47 8. FBK 39 9. Vesa 38 10. KOVA 37 11. Ghetto 35 12. SJ 34 13. Checkmate 33 14. Luleå 30 15. Gotham 29 16. AF 20 If you compare the standings to the actual ECL10 standings, you can see that not a whole lot changed. The same 8 teams would have made the playoffs and the same teams would have occupied the relegation spots. The only anomaly in the standings is Checkmate, who actually finished 9th with 9 wins in OT out of their 13 wins. I'm sure you could replicate these results with the previous seasons as well, so it doesn't really make a difference.
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