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Janikka last won the day on March 24

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  1. Zenegeim (FCL, ECL, and beyond) in: @Sanezh (C) @Janikka (A) @pakjiz (A) @imosi @jubex0r @Viktorhall (Still looking for #1 LW and 50/50 G.)
  2. Still looking. Also looking for a Goalie to share the ice time ~50/50 (whoever plays better gets the big games).
  3. Thanks for the encouragement. I would perhaps not be the best candidate to run a defending school. When it comes to the current era of the ECL, I've only played in Pro (and a bit in Lite), so it would probably be good for someone guiding others to have experience from the top league and know what it takes to get to that level.
  4. Really interesting, thanks for doing this and reporting on the outcome. I'd like to see more of this kind of thing, and I'd love to see teams at least in ECL Elite take the next step in competitiveness by having dedicated coaching. As long as this scene doesn't stagnate or regress (and we've unfortunately seen some signs of that), I think that would be a natural step for teams to gain an edge over the competition.
  5. Congrats, but where is the legendary MKivinen95?
  6. Zenegeim (FCL, ECL Pro Qualifiers) Zenegeim is looking for a new #1 LW. We will play in the FCL and enter the ECL Pro Qualifiers for the ECL 24 Spring season. Please contact either Janikka-, Pakjiz, or Sanezh. Contact any of us either here or on PSN.
  7. I've now been in five Burst games in HUT on the Helsinki servers (three games before the new patch and two games since the servers went back online). None of these games had any packet loss. Looks very promising so far.
  8. Typically, those affected by the common packet loss problem on the Helsinki servers have packet loss with a stable ping. Do you also only encounter this problem on the Helsinki servers?
  9. I played a few games on the Helsinki servers last night, and the one game where I had packet loss it was at 7%. Looks like the problem has gotten worse, perhaps not in frequency but we're certainly seeing higher figures of packet loss across the board.
  10. Thank you very much, @Kenu and the other SportsGamer admins as well as everyone else who helped find a quick solution to this problem. A shout-out to @FlyerKungen and @pakjiz who both also have DNA, are affected by this problem, and were active in bringing it to people's attention (FlyerKungen even made DNA and EA aware of it). Also thank you to everyone who participated in the relevant threads and polls as you all helped keep this issue on the front burner. Sorry for the corny acceptance speech there, I'm just really happy we got a quick ruling to work around this problem before the season started. I know there are dozens of players like me who can now start their season without having to worry about playing some of their games with packet loss. Here's hoping EA can fix it as soon as possible so the Finnish and Russian players can play their home games with the lowest ping.
  11. I support this sentiment because I think you're right. Naturally, I would hope for a favorable decision as someone with the issue, but the opposite would still provide clarity on this and determine conclusively that it's up to each affected team to decide amongst themselves how they deal with the problem (whether through roster adjustments or something else) while being obligated to honor their opponent's home server selection.
  12. I am currently not playing NHL but Pakjiz is as he said.
  13. Excellent work! Great to know both of the relevant parties who may actually be able to do something about this are now aware of it.
  14. This is an offshoot of my previous thread where I polled people about the problem with packet loss connecting to the Helsinki (Europe North East) servers on DNA, the Finnish ISP. Based on that poll, most players who are on DNA are indeed affected by the problem where their connection to the Finnish servers is weakened by packet loss hovering somewhere between 1 and 3 percent. I feel like the results warrant further steps, and the next obvious step is polling the community about their willingness to honor affected opponents' requests to play both games (home and away) on the Swedish server. This of course excludes the home games of Central European teams who have the right to play their home games on their nearest server. I feel confident that we have pinned the problem down to the North East servers and it does not appear on either the Europe North or Europe Central servers. I understand some teams may have an affected player and still feel like the lower ping tilts the team's preference in favor of playing on the Finnish servers. For this reason, I'm including it as an option in the poll so those teams can also make themselves heard. The packet loss problem is likely not getting fixed in the very near future, and speaking on behalf of everyone I contacted about the topic, we feel like reverting to the Swedish server would be the best workaround until the Finnish servers work smoothly for all players. Obviously, as someone affected by the problem myself, my perspective is perhaps narrow as to the pros and cons of this solution. I just don't see a better one for now unless the community as a whole demands that those affected tough it out and play at least a great number of their games on the Finnish server where they may always encounter the problem. Note that in the poll, "is/is not affected" means whether your team has at least one player in your regular roster who gets frequent packet loss on the Helsinki/North East servers. If you have a player who has the problem but doesn't feel like it affects their game at all, that would still count toward "is affected" in the poll.
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