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Everything posted by Tanski87

  1. Free for FCL or other national leagues starting soon. Any position should work, but more used to left stick. Backup? Definately a maybe.
  2. Free any. Last ECL I played as a D and before that as a fwd for few tournaments. So can play both, but I think I would enjoy playing most as a winger. Handeness does not matter too much. Willing to grind hard and work as a team, but backup could also be an option.
  3. Free any. I would prefer to play RW, but with a right team any position works. Open mind for a backup/rotation spot also, but I do like to play, so only being a bench warmer will not be my thing.
  4. Free any! Played rw for most of nhl23, but some rd also. Kinda any position works, just need a right team. Feel free to DM.
  5. Free for upcoming tournaments. Looking for something fresh, so D is mostly not an option as playing that pos is getting a bit stale for me. D only for something really interesting. As a fwd any pos and stick works, hell can even be a goalie.
  6. Still free and looking for options. Any position works with a right team. Looking for an active team with a hunger to play as good as possible. Backup is also something that could work, but only if there is still lots to play and a fair chance to grab a spot from opening by playing good enough.
  7. Free. Long term and active team. Contacts here, psn or discord Tanski87#8673
  8. Roots In: Mikax222 from Huippupassi Out: Rimpe37 to different tunings
  9. Tanski87


    What is the most important position in hockey? There are star players and MVP's in every position, but if you think about the game and how everything works on the ice, the center is the most important position in hockey. After spending a year in the army, Migo_Boona is taking on a big challenge by stepping into the skates of a center in Roots. He missed both ECL 8 and ECL 9, but now he is ready to get back in the action. But who is this guy? Name: Miko "Migo_Boona" Nurmi Age: 21 From: Turku, Finland ECL Elite: Games: 28 Goals: 14 Assist: 17 Hits: 59 Who is Migo_Boona? I'm a pretty chill and easygoing person. I started playing 6s sometime around 2016, but I had a PS controller in my hands as a kid before I could even walk. Well, you get the point. Why NHL? I have watched hockey since I was like five years old, and if I remember correctly, my first game was NHL 03 on the PS1. Since then, I have owned and played every single game in the series. Why center? When I started playing 6s, I was an RW actually. But it changed to center at some point. Little by little, I found myself in the center position more often. Who is your real-life inspiration as a player? Pavel Datsyuk, definitely Pavel Datsyuk. My favourite NHL team has always been the Detroit Red Wings, with Pavel Datsyuk being my favourite player. Now that Datsyuk is in the twilight of his career, I have been starting to get really good vibes from Auston Matthews. There just isn't any specific player in the Red Wings at the moment that makes me go “Wow!” What new things would you like to see in future NHL games? A game that is not broken in any way, at least not with anything major. Gameplay should be rewarding, and the one who makes more good decisions and right calls should always win. Migo_Boona in ECL 10 and in the future? I'm going to do my best to get to the play-offs with my team and as far as possible there. I want to get better as a player and as part of a team during this season and in the future. Roots in ECL 10? I am really excited about this season as I missed the last ones. We have practised a lot together, and I do think we can go far if everything clicks. Your top 3 center's in Elite? Dominointi, Penatski, Kuru Migo_Boona from an ex-teammate's and opponent's point of view? @Hullued: I don't really know what to say, I think Miko is a skilled youngster. He is always one of the first to know what new tricks there are in the game. He does stuff with the controller that we older guys can just imagine doing. Even tries to teach me, but my fingers just cannot do stuff like that. He has grown a lot as a player since we played together in Shameful Knights, where he played a winger type of game as a center. Now he has clearly realised what it is all about and plays like a real center. Reads the game well, gives the puck to his teammates and trusts them with it. Lots of mental growth. He is a really social guy and often there is too much extra fuss going on in the party during games, but that has also changed as these days he is focusing on the game and what happens on the ice, nothing extra. I like Miko outside the games also, a nice person. You can have a heated and “bloody” debate with him, and after a few minutes, everything is completely fine. Pretty much as a summary: Miko has gone through a story of growth and I'm really proud of him. Migo_Boona seems to be ready for what is coming. He is not the most experienced ECL Elite level player, but he is one of the most humble workers. Wants to grow as a player alongside his team, Roots.
  10. Tanski87


    Passion in something every great player needs. With no passion, there is no way to get better, to get where you want to be and become a great player. Keranee is a player who has passion for the game. He wants to get better, loves to play and hates to lose. But who is this guy? Name: Jere "keranee" Keränen Age: 21 From: Ylivieska, Finland ECL Elite: Games: 66 Goals: 39 Assist: 36 Hits: 182 Who is keranee? Definitely a character, a bit of an extrovert and definitely someone that's easy to approach I guess? I'm currently living with my girlfriend somewhere in the northern part of Finland. I've always been pretty outgoing and social, I travel somewhere every summer either with friends or family, and that's something I really enjoy. I'm deep into sports too, more of a spectator nowadays but I played some floorball, did a little kickboxing and wrestled for my own amusement when I was younger. I'm super competitive and strive to succeed in whatever I do, whether it be playing games or just simply washing dishes for example (which is something I rarely do because my girlfriend really enjoys that stuff). Apparently I have a sense of humour as well. Currently I have my mind set on possibly starting studies and at some point maybe moving to another city to be closer to my family. Why NHL? Well I've always loved the sport and played a bit of the old games when I was younger. I think it was probably NHL 14 when I started playing more actively, and I've loved the series since. 6s I started to play competitively in NHL 18. Why RW? It just feels the most natural, I played left wing the previous season and really didn't feel at home playing a righty. I've pretty much played and tried out all of the forward positions at some point, but I'm most comfortable playing RW. Who is your real-life inspiration as a player? When I was younger and spent more time watching hockey I really loved watching Linus Omark play, he has flair in his game and is, or at least was, a really entertaining player to watch. Him or Mikael Granlund, both capable with the puck and good at making plays. What new things would you like to see in future NHL games? I'd love for them to focus more on gameplay and things that actually matter rather than worry about who they can get to visit the booth...yeah, they can always work for it to be more eSport friendly and listen to the competitive community. I really don't play anything aside from 6s, but if I had to pick something, I'd definitely throw in spectator and practise modes to start off with. Keranee in ECL 10 and in the future? I have high expectations for myself, but I'll be doing my best in order for my team to win games and try to be as consistent as possible. Roots in ECL 10? I'm really confident in our team right now, we are really determined and know our goals which we work very hard to achieve. I feel like all of us are on the same level and put in the work equally (except for Swag, he's just silly). No really, we have a great mix of personalities in our team, individual skill and experience. We've really been focusing on our game, trying our best to improve it and move forward. We'll definitely perform better than last season. ECL 10 is going to be full of skilled teams and individuals, and we're ready. I'm really excited and can't wait to play with these guys. Your top 3 RW's in Elite? Flyerkungen is an obvious answer, I've watched him play ever since I pretty much started playing sixes and just admire his level of skill. Maybe not the flashiest player, but definitely one of the most effective ones. Eki of course, super hard to play against. Just a powerhouse of a player. NikkeDangles, he's crazy talented offensively and really entertaining to watch. Honorable mention: KingofApes, I watched him play last FCL and was really surprised at how good his two-way game is. Solid offensively as well. Keranee from an ex-teammate's and opponent's point of view? Redmisti: One of the hungriest guys I have played with. When he came to play for us in Gotham Knights, he was not a known name, but his hunger and desire to get better was visible. He wanted to get to the top of the scene. He wants a big role, wants to lead his team on the ice, and he wants to make an impact in the big games. With him now being an opponent, I can say that he has moved forward as a player. His game has improved overall since the Gotham days. He is a skilled player whom you need to be careful with as an opponent, and I have noticed that he takes a big role with Roots, on the ice and in the voice chat during games. Last season was keranee´s first where he played every game of the elite season. His game is improving constantly, and he seems to be ready to get even better. We will see where this passion for the game leads him.
  11. Tanski87


    Many players are in a new team facing a fresh challenge in this ECL season. Some of the players are known for playing in a certain team, @Rimpe for example is strongly associated with Almost Famous. Now he is a member of Roots, a new team for him with new teammates and a new opportunity. But who is this guy? Name: Timi "Rimpe37" Rimpeläinen Age: 24 From: Lahti, Finland ECL Elite: Games: 110 Goals: 68 Assist: 64 Hits: 307 Who is Rimpe37? I'm a 24-year-old young man from Lahti, Finland. From a young age, gaming has always been part of my life. Only for around the last ~3 years have I been playing with a more competitive mindset, at least in NHL. Why NHL? I started watching real-life hockey pretty late, in my teenage years when I was 14 years old, and fell in love with the sport. Obviously I started playing the NHL games soon after that. I had played previous titles, but my first NHL that I bought for myself must've been NHL 09 or NHL 2k8 (an underrated game). Why LW? I actually use a left-handed stick in real life, and when I started to look for a competitive team for the first time I tried to find a good team where I could play C or RW. I got a chance to play for a pretty good team at the time, Sjukstugan, and they offered me an LW position so I just grinded and learned to play with the righty and stuck with it ever since. Who is your real-life inspiration as a player? Recently I've been fanboying for Nathan MacKinnon, an unreal player. What new things would you like to see in future NHL games? I would like to see something where you can "neppailla" with your friends, like a free skate where you can have multiple pucks and have friends join you. Also any team practice in 6v6 would be a huge plus. Rimpe37 in ECL10 and in the future? I'm really excited for the new season. I'm in a new team, and for the last couple of months we have been training a lot together and I feel that I'm an important part of the team now. About the decision to leave aF: I played for Almost Famous for a little over two years, and I was starting to struggle with motivation to continue playing this game and it was time for a change. After the transfer, playing this game has never been as fun and rewarding as it is now. Roots in ECL10? Last season Roots was eliminated in the quarterfinals and every one of us wants to improve on that. Your top 3 LW's in Elite? 1. Puantso 2. Joukki 3. jm98 Rimpe37 from an ex-teammate's point of view? @Aze It's hard to say anything but positive about Rimpe. However, it is loyalty and playing for the team that stand out the strongest. In my opinion Rimpe is the best two-way left winger that there is in this game. He's the type of player that everyone would want in their team. He does not give up and throw in the towel no matter how hard it gets, that is the best way to describe his loyalty. Roots got a great guy for their team. The last season ECL 9 was a struggle for Rimpe and his team Almost Famous. aF ended up in a relegation battle and lost by 2–4 wins against Gotham Knights. After that aF managed to keep their Elite spot in the Elite qualifiers. But that is in the past for this talented winger. It is time to see what the future brings for this powerhouse on the ice, and they will be great things if you ask me.
  12. Tanski87


    There are players in this community who are vocal, and players who prefer to be the more silent type. There is nothing wrong with either of these. This player and persona is one of the vocal ones. @vSilenttio talks a lot in the party during games, and he is not silent on social media either. But who is this guy? Name: Väinö "vee_SILE" Pietilä Age: 23 (soon 24!) From: Mäntsälä, Finland ECL Elite: Games: 133 Goals: 21 Assist: 84 Hits: 597 Who is vee_SILE? In real life, like outside of this bubble, I guess I'm an easy-going guy who enjoys life as it is at the moment. I have also learned to be as honest as I can ever be. Sometimes it's a very nice thing to be and do, but of course the dark side of it is that sometimes people might not like me because of it, but that's just me being me so yeah. One thing people recognise from me is that I laugh a lot even when "you should not", and for more information about that, you can ask the woman I live with. Oh! And we have two dogs in the household as well – amazing creatures! For a living I'm working in a primary school, and my “main job” out there is to help kids who have the need for special support. After almost three semesters in the job, I think this is my thing. Next up is getting educated. #taival Why NHL? The correct answer to this one has to be because of and thanks to my uncles, @Darkki87 and @Nikge, who both showed me the way to the video gaming world before I could even speak, so you could say that we are going way back with this one. Obviously watching the sport itself was one factor in continuing to play NHL – which was, still is and will be part of my life because of those guys I mentioned above. And now we are here. #loveyouguys Why LD? Because SIKA needed a Dman whom they can kick in the ass without getting hit back? I don't know, it all started in NHL 11 when I started playing with them for fun at first (Darkki joined the group somewhere around 2007–2008?), and maybe then they just realised that this 13-year-old kid can actually play so we need to play him in the league games as well. Then when SIKA had weekend meetings at my uncle's place, I just started hanging out with them like anyone else and ended up being part of the group – and nowadays we are still in touch on a daily basis. But on staying as LD – I think I just enjoyed playing NHL so much offline & online that maybe I didn't even realise what was happening, and suddenly I was our most important player after Darkki. It's funny to think about all this after all these years, especially when the SIKA guys are like a second family to me after 10+ years of knowing them. #SIKAfam Who is your real-life inspiration as a player? My first real-life inspiration was Kris Letang even though he played for the Pens, but fuck what an amazing player he was to watch as a young kid. The second big name for me was Mikko Kousa when HIFK signed him in the summer of 2010 when he came in as this young, “chubby-cheeked” offensive Dman who ended up being one of the best defenders in their championship-winning team in that same season. I still have his jersey hanging above my PS4. And then there's Claude Giroux, who is my all-time favourite player in all of sports, so I guess I can mention him as an inspiration – also have his jersey as well. Honourable mentions: Kimmo Timonen, Slava Voynov (shame what happened), Alex Pietrangelo, Ivan Provorov. #ynwa What new things would you like to see in future NHL games? Same old, same old. Less animation shit from the game engine, and overall I just keep hoping that EA creates a more competitive-ready game for us. Not just gameplay-wise, but things that are still missing like prac rooms/servers and a spectator mode are shit that keeps slowing the growth of the whole NHL scene. And it's 2020. #ffs vee_SILE in ECL 10 and in the future? I just try to keep doing my best so my team can be better game after game, week after week. Maybe one thing I could mention on an individual level is that it wouldn't hurt us if I produced even more than before, so that's one thing where I just need to be top-notch night in night out. Not an easy task but doable for sure. #followyourghost Roots in ECL 10? Roots will continue as a play-off team, and we will aim and go higher than we did back in ECL 9. Our roster looks better on paper, and most importantly, so does our game. Obviously we are far away from “Cup Contender” status when you ask the community, but we will definitely do our best. And now when I look back at what we have done as a team, I mean all the work we have done and still keep on doing, we are baby steps away from being “TOP 4” and sure, I understand if/when it sounds crazy, but that's how I feel right now, and I didn't feel like this last season when we were at the beginning of this new journey. Now it's just about finally stepping up in ECL games and being as good as you can ever be. #bowdown Your top 3 LD's in Elite? Not sure if I can rank them from #1 to #3 but here's my list: Nassustelija, Makexl, xDoumi. I don't like leaving Janzuh out of it, but I hope the old man keeps on going and forces his way back into my top 3 after this season. #onemoreyear vee_SILE from an ex-teammate's and opponent's point of view? @imosi vee_SILE is a guy who isn’t afraid of anyone and isn’t afraid of saying what he thinks. I’ve known him for over ten years. I’ve seen this kid grow up into a man. Played with him and against him for years, so I think I know him pretty well. I can only say positive things about him. Sile plays with true passion. If he plays, winning is the only option. Sile is one of the best teammates you can have on and off the ice. He’s maybe not the most skilled Dman in the scene, but he’s a really smart player and a really nasty defender to play against. Also very good offensively. One of the best all-around defenders in the scene. If you have this guy in your team, you are very lucky to have him. I love the way he cheers and talks on and off the ice. Be sure to check out his Sile Corner! ECL10 ennakko - ECL10 Elite preview with Checkmate captain @TackleControl and @tbnantti from Symphony.
  13. Tanski87


    Who are the best goalies in this scene? That is a question on which there are many answers and opinions, none of them right or wrong. Now we will get to know some more about one of the goalies likely to be named among the top in that position: @swagx88, with 103 appearances in ECL Elite and 873 saves in these games. But who is this guy? Name: Joonas "swagx88" Kuossari Age: 28 From: Hämeenlinna Who is Swagx88? Well the real Swag is someone who loves to have humor in his life, sarcastic humor especially. I have always loved to play sports, and I'm still playing floorball. I no longer play football or hockey, but I used to for many years. I teach special education in junior high for a living. Why NHL? Why NHL? That is an easy question, I have lived and breathed hockey for all of my life. I just have to see my hometown hockey team play live in all their home games and as many away games as possible. After NHL 98, I have not been able to stop playing this game series. Hockey is my passion, both following it in real life and playing it on the virtual ice. Why goalie? Goalie is the position I have played in pretty much every sport. No matter the game, if there is a goal then I am the keeper of it. I really think that it helps on the virtual ice to have real-life experience as a goalie. In the NHL games I started playing goalie during NHL 13, and that is what I am still doing. Who is your real life inspiration as a goalie? Definitely the local "kid" Juuse Saros. His aggressive style is something to look up to, and that is something I do try to bring to my own game as well. What new would you like to see from future NHL games? Spectator mode and a practice room for your EASHL team. Those are the most important ones. And a skill stick for a goalie! And a little, but not so little thing that I have wanted to see for years now: Custom goalie masks. It is irritating how they are the same old year after year. We need something fresh for these masks. Swagx88 in ECL 10 and in the future? My goal is to play consistently well throughout the season and take Roots to the Elite playoffs. I want to be one of the best goalies this coming season, and I intend to keep that level of play. Roots in ECL 10? We have been playing a lot together in the off-season, and our game is getting better and better. It is like night and day if you compare our playing now to what it was a couple of months ago, for example. I feel like we can take on and beat any team that we have faced outside of the ECL. This gives me a lot of faith in what we are doing. If I had to guess, I´d say that we will place somewhere around 5–6 in the regular season. Your top-3 goalies in Elite? Supreex, Jombb and the wild card Uhnikke. Swagx88 from an opponent's point of view? @l-Furyan-l: Swag is one of those larger-than-life characters that you just (sometimes unwillingly) grow to love. Having had the pleasure of both playing against him many a time and competing on the same team as him, I can with absolute confidence say he is both a terrific EASHL goaltender and a terrific person. In my opinion, his style on the ice as a goaltender with his wild, acrobatic desperation saves and eager puck-handling matches his personality quite well. High-energy, funny and with lots of wisdom (😁) to impart on his teammates. I've been frustrated by his saves many a time when playing against him, so these days when I score a goal on him I always cheer a little bit extra. The last season in ECL 9 was a solid one from Swag. He played 28 regular season games and 6 in the playoffs. His save percentage was 83.2% in these 34 games, with a goals against average just above 2. These are good numbers at this level and in this game. He was able to pull off the gamesaving performance when it mattered the most. His team Roots was in 4th place at the end of the regular season, and Swag was one of the major reasons for that. He secured wins for his team in many tight and even battles that ended with a one-goal difference. Swagx88 is also known from his streams @ Twitch "!swagmarkka" He is a streamer for a good cause, The Goalie Guild. Twitter "A nonprofit foundation dedicated to educating and inspiring the goalie community through scholarships, events, and holistic development."
  14. Tanski87


    ECL10 Roots: #1 Joonas "swagx88" Kuossari #13 Juhani "Tanski87" Tanskanen #21 Miko "Migo_Boona" Nurmi #28 Väinö "vee_SILE" Pietilä #37 Timi "Rimpe37" Rimpeläinen #52 Jim "SadaPoika" Leskinen #98 Jere "keranee" Keränen #rooting4Roots
  15. Roots is looking for a goalie. There is already a goalie in the team so role is a #2 goalie. Your job would not just be sitting on a bench, there will be playing time. We are playing usually from sunday to thursday around 20-23 finnish time. Sometimes some games during weekend also. Contact me here or at PSN if you feel like this could be a role for you.
  16. A big loss to many members of this community and a shock for even more. My condolences to the ones close to him. I only had a privilege to play with him a few times. But sharing a psn party with him left an impact to me and I believe to others also. Really one of the genuinely nicest guys to play with. What a loss.. Farewell my fellow hard hitting right defender. May you rest in peace.
  17. Roots looking for LW/RW. Role is for starting lineup. Also we are looking for a goalie. Backup/2nd goalie if you want to put it out that way. But there will be playing time, not just sitting on a bench. As a team we aim high. We are willing to work hard for it. If you feel like you could be what we a looking for, then message me in here or PSN.
  18. Roots - Nightmare Monday 21fin 2 games. Rest of the games wednesday, same time.
  19. Yeeah, im gonna take this in finnish also. You need to wait for the next tournament, like Tare said. When registration opens up do register your team on it, wait for registration to close and in 2-24h(usually) teams are under control of the captains and you can invite players for that tournament. Every team has individual roster for an individual tournament. Elikkäs, odota seuraavaa turnasta, ilmottaudu siihen ja odota ilmottautumisten loppumista. Sitten kapteenit saa joukkueet haltuun ja voi kutsua pelaajat. Joka turnauksella on oma rosterinsa, eli ympäri vuoden ei pyöri kiinteä rosteri mihin lisäillään ja poistetaan pelaajia.
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