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iSvamp last won the day on February 26

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  1. Hello Sportsgamer! It seems a bit stressful to close the registration already on March 21st? Further. It also seems in combination of “Super early bird” and “early bird” to be a quick way to get license money to cover the payout of old won prize money? I heard through one person that Tunnel Vision who won ECL Spring in NHL 24 was promised to get their prize money for that tournament on April 14th. And it's nice to be promised something that you have rightfully earned. But aren't you breaking your own rules in connection with this? In your rulebook it says the following (see attached picture): Winnings will be paid within 90 days. Since this is in a rulebook, how do you handle such a thing that there are still missing payments (according to rumors) from a tournament that was settled in NHL 24. And with that said, is the money on the way even for those who won ECL Winter this year? I'm just curious how you handle such matters, and why it became so stressful with a very short sign-up period? Looking forward to an answer. SINCERELY Mattias
  2. " still active top players and know how the game works." A player who “understands” how a game works cannot possibly need golden abilities. And we have seen that in FCL, where it is obviously possible for the best players to score goals anyway. This is not about “understanding” but is obviously only about what you think is FUN and how you WANT it to be. I think everyone is fairly familiar with how the game works, you don't have to be the “best” to have that ability. There is no logic in such a claim. If you're the best at something, it's just a sign that you're the best at managing HOW things work. Everyone understands how to kick a ball forward, but everyone is differently good at putting it into practice. Then that sportsgamer did not take into account the vote on the draft server where the top players had to vote on it - this, on the other hand, perhaps sportsgamer should respond to. Especially for the 2 highest divisions. This will of course create a larger skill gap, which should be exactly what the top teams should want. Just like the good teams now dominate in the FCL.
  3. I apologize if I offended anyone. I thought arrogance was the theme.
  4. I was just trying to be arrogant and degrading about the “skill” of our Finnish colleagues. That seems to be the theme in here when one disagrees with the other party's opinion. Yes, and I'm talking about an arrogant attitude, and responded to it by calling you bad at something you had some pride in back in the 40s. Then there was something you could call “Sisu”, now the hardest you have is Wadepaananen dancing on tiktok.
  5. Yes, you are absolutely right. I can take an example from my own life. I have worked in the Swedish Armed Forces for more years than many in here are old. Every damn year we are forced to train with soldiers from Finland. And yes, they have a rather low level of skill and training compared to many other countries in Northern Europe. The exercises are always boring, and their solutions to problems are very different from ours both tactically and strategically. But now it is the case that NATO has decided that Finland is our forward operating area for the Swedish forces. Then it would be incredibly stupid to piss on your Finnish colleagues, when they do not share our values and our view of how things should be solved strategically. Because it is with these Finnish soldiers that we will die together when the shit hits the fan. I have to accept that the Finnish soldiers also have an opinion, and a right to think. If I don't, I am absolutely convinced that the Finnish soldiers will shoot me before the Russians do. What you are doing now in here is fucking sick. You sit and call people bad just because they do not share your opinion. Do you really think that the players in Core and NEO dare to write an opinion in here just because you are a bunch of arrogant little kids? Even Finns who have never won anything in here sit and call people bad. Come on, step up. And those who have won, they work with the same method. And it's almost more fucking pathetic.
  6. Fair enough I have no Idea what happened in that boxplay tho. I took a 2min break and watched Illusion-Nightbot at Twitch.
  7. vNexs organization 🇸🇪 @iSvamp vNexs (IN) (Elite) pappeen- 🇸🇪 antoniomannen_ 🇸🇪 Skumboo 🇳🇴 Jonte05_ 🇸🇪 TTV_Anhberg 🇸🇪 LaxenHD 🇸🇪 PHDeemus 🇸🇪 vNexs Academy (IN) (Wildcard Pro) SeboLHD 🇸🇪 Jojjep- 🇸🇪 Mathiasgamer_07 🇳🇴 xRoot89_ 🇸🇪 I-melle-I 🇸🇪 vNexs Wisemen (IN) (Core) Ma-x-imilian 🇸🇪 Malmenlid 🇸🇪 Juhi1891 🇸🇪 Gurliver 🇸🇪 Samito97 🇫🇮 Stenborg431 🇸🇪
  8. The big question is whether they will now split the team again, and come back to play NEO for the 3rd time in a row under new accounts or whether they might continue this time?
  9. Well, we can dig deeper if you want to. To begin, we’ll simply look at the shot and shot-on-target shooting percentage of each shot type we have recorded data on. Observe the below tables. What we quickly see is that one-timers and deflections see the largest rise in shooting percentage if they are on target. One-timers especially are difficult shots to pull off so a larger percentage of them miss the net or are blocked, more so than any other shot type. So, one-timers, when on net (42% of the time compared to 50% of the time for all others) are an incredibly dangerous shot, second only to deflections. Of course, which shot types are repeatable for players? Which ones can better predict the rate at which they score goals? That’s what we want to know. The above table shows the single R values for each shot type’s repeatability and the relationship between each shot type and future goal-scoring. I show these values to indicate the size of the relationship whereas a R^2 value can obscure a negative relationship. I also didn’t want to include twelve scatter plots where one table would do. The sample size was 157 forwards with at least 200 minutes in each half of the sample.
  10. Slappers are the most common shot type. Not the most effective one. / By Hockeyanalyctics.com Shot Type Shots Goals Shooting Percentage Backhand 4246 405 9.5% Slap 20148 1354 6.7% Snap 8047 812 10.1% Tip-In 3034 615 20.3% Wrap 730 40 5.5% Wrist 19129 1640 8.6% Total 55334 4866 8.8% Sorry, but we can't add "facts" to the discussion if it isn't "facts".
  11. And I dont believe that banning abilities would make the skill gap bigger, I actually think that would do the opposite cuz people could just collapse infront of their net and not even worry about 1ts and so that would be bad for viewers and players (the game rewards active defence right now and not skill zoning which is pretty nice imo). And given that you barely conceded any goals this year - given that you are already the best team in Europe. How did you expect teams to score on you without abilities when there are only 1-2 teams that can match you in puck speed and team play? The teams only chance right now is that you are out of position, and someone gets a golden one tee to kick, or a free position against your goalie with CQ. This would of course make the skill gap bigger, because if the only thing that counts is “skill against skill” combined with teamplay, you would outplay all your opponents even more. So of course this would make the overmatched teams completely brutal again. Im one of the most active players in the scene so I know what im talking about little bit Yes, we all know that you play more than most, and that you are better than most both in 6s and in versus. It is known among everyone. But that's not really part of the discussion and makes one argument outweigh another. But don't get me wrong, all respect to you
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