This tuner is Shite! EA should bring us the old tuner back right away, if you can't even bring the "real" v.1.0 tuner back or you still haven't found a fix for the dressing room error.
I wonder if the Americans have this error, I highly doubt it. The good news is, only 4 days left on this test period.
Dear, Mr. Ramjagsingh, Kenu and illuminati🔺, ja ketä muita näitä nyt oli,
I know you are reading🌚.
Please, before you bring any new hybrid tuners or updates to this wonderful game of yours, FIX the **** Dressing room error!
Anyway, about this new so called "beta tuner". First of all this is NOT the one we had in beta. Also the skating was changed in an update, not a tuner.
really wonder, why did you **** this up as well?
My personal thoughts about the BETA tuner:
-It's way too easy to defend now, even our ripuli (💩) team can now somehow defend against much better teams (elite). Something is definitely wrong 😅.
-Stick checking is a joke, you can lift the stick even from behind and it's ridiculously effective. Correct me if I'm wrong, but man it's hard to protect the puck more than couple of seconds now. But I bet our young superstars agree on this one. (Or maybe it's just me and I suck *ss).
-Poke checking might be more realistic..But I think tha it's unbalanced compared to stick lifting. It is really hard to use poke check without getting a tripping penalty
-Skating, is it me or why does skating still feel so bad or why does it feel so sluggish? How hard can it be to make it slightly smoother or faster?
-Now this game feels like 50% Ice hockey and 50% fencing.
The last tuner was much better in my opinion, even though the skating feels super sluggish in that one as well. It was close to being perfect", would just ned a couple of minor tweaks.
Sincerely yours,