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News Record Comments posted by J-Foppa

  1. 3 hours ago, Billy44205 said:

    I forgot something that I feel is a big deal in every ruling. Now with the trade-but-also-FA-recruitment deadline passed, banning players effectively puts teams in a situation where they don't have 8 players anymore to use. It doesn't violate the rulebook per se, but in spirit it kinda does. That is especially true for Huppati team that has 2 players banned. I don't know how many players are on that team but potentially they can only have - players remaining, which is not convenient. But wait, there's more. Now that the team has 6 players only, are these 6 guys immune to any ban or what? So there we have a potentially team-ending rule combo.

    I guess the point I'm making is that you can't completely restrict recruitment if you're gonna wield the banhammer.

    It is a good point!

    The deal is this; what is more important?

    A) Player integrity and following rules as individuals (including code of conduct)

    B) Tournament as a whole (Teams finnishing and not forfeiting).

    If you deem that B is more important than you also need to allow teams to take measures when A happens (i.e. individual players fuck up). Those measures could ofc be regulated as well so for example you are only allowed to draft the same amount of FA as players who are banned. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Billy44205 said:

    I am largely indifferent when it comes to code of conduct / language / political correctness enforcement. However I think posting personal pictures of guys, even without an insulting caption, is a big no no because privacy is a thing I value. Still, 10 games is 1/3 of a season, that seems like an amount disproportionate to the offense in my book, especially given that the guy was baited into it (not an excuse ofc but maybe an extenuating circumstance?).

    I like that people are prevented from taking captaincy roles as a result of some offenses, that's a punishment (or is it a blessing?) that can only positively impact the health of the leagues imo. That said, Egyptologen raised a valid point: what's in it for captains these days? It seems like a very very thankless job right now since they have no say in anything and are burdened with extra punishments, extra work, extra everything that sucks. Can this board of captains I have talked about before be a thing in the near future please?

    I remember very well the discussion that took place between me Koffe and Basstian when the original xbox rulebook was revised. We had a lengthy discussion about captains roles, responsibilties as well as privileges. At the time being, one of the problems we faced were teams that dissolved after captains abandoned their teams. Therefore we instated the rule of no trades for C and As. I was very persistent that this also meant that captains and assistant captains could not be sacked from the team. Because if you impose a prohibitary rule you also need to balance that with a beneficiary rule, or it will only become a burden.

    Today the community had not only merged with Playstation but has also grown considerably, and the rulebook has expanded. I  feel that the admins of today sometimes forgott to balance the rules. Its easy to forbid this forbid that, but you also need to motivate people to take that responsibility.

    I think I can speak for the other GM's of Synergy (We are 4 at the moment, sometimes 5) when I say we consider it a burden, and we keep rotating the captaincy. Imo there is no benefit to be a captain. Unless every member of your team leave and you can "sell" your division spot to new teammates. 

    • Like 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, gzell60 said:

    We felt like the video was in line with the typical amount of "banter" on this website (no drastic content, titanic soundtrack - nothing exceptional). I think all of you know the chatbox very well now, and so far we were very forgiving with everything that was written in there. As long as we are able to see some humor in the things that are posted, we are okay with it. Nobody likes total censorship.

    However this time, by accusing someone of being mentally disabled in addition to posting a personal image without asking for permission has crossed this line by a mile. It was a rude, unreflected attack with no humor whatsoever. If anyone of you thinks this sort of offense is fine, I'd ask you to please leave the website for an indefinite amount of time.

    This is something that not a single one of the staff members will ever tolerate and we will continue to hand out draconic penalties for this behaviour in the future.

    Thank you.

    Relax. No one said Totalli's action was okay. But I think I speak for more than myself when asking where the line is? If I just read your reply here I take it its fine to make fun of opponents with videos. Taunting is usually connected with some type of humour. Its okay even when your motive is to provoke and you even say so out clear? 


    • Like 6
  4. 3 minutes ago, elvijs99 said:

    Omg guy's just deal with it, decisions has been made so its pointless to argue or comment in here.

    Memory is good but short no?

    At least I remember someone writing a bunch of stuff after some decisions last ECL.

    Also we are not commenting saying decisions are wrong, but being members of the community we are interested in learning the boundaries of what is considered okay and not. Nothing wrong with that.

    • Like 5
  5. 7 minutes ago, Lauri said:

    That video is halfassed joke to accusation that muki doesnt play fair play because a goals replay were watched. 

    Yeah I get that, and Im sure Totalli is not serious about someone being autistic either...so question remains, where is the silver lining?

    • Like 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, Pair4You said:

    Well if you post a guys photo and declare him mentally disabled amongst other things, i wouldnt say that harsh :D

    Yes I agree. And I might be totally off here but didnt Muki post a video provoking it? Someone even wrote they welcomed drama...and that is fine?

    Does it mean I can make fun of my opponents with videos and if they respond they get 10 games?

    Again, I dont know what happened...but I would like clarification about the code of conduct rule...since I am the one who wrote the goddamn rule in 2012, and it seems it is interpreted differently today.

    • Like 6
  7. 1 minute ago, Jnmxxx said:

    Totalii posted the picture and was talking something about that he looks like he doesnt go out or something. Tbh nothing too bad but ofc totally unacceptable.

    He get 10 games for that?

    And I thought I was harsh as tgma. 

    Hedlund you here? Look how you were treated with silk gloves ;)

    • Like 1
  8. 44 minutes ago, iSvamp said:

    You guys should change name to "Drunken Rebels" now and give back the name to Isindar and Pzu who formed the club 'Synergy' back in the days together with Haligax, Zettan, Kimmo and Supremski.


    (This was a joke, heh)

    Dead End Kings - Should be a pro team with so many "Elite-players" from the last tournament.

    Anyways, good luck everyone! 

    Yes I do agree!

    Also beating you as Drunken Rebels makes you even more angry ;) Win win

  9. 1 hour ago, Bjono said:

    Stop cry. Have to start somewhere. And if you all are so much better decide this things, feel free to apply to be apart of The staff crew.

    Good job staff.

    Game on!

    And you are doing what? 

    They specifically asked us to comment...and we should...not comment? What is your point? I was not critizing, I made a remark that Club name seem more important than roster. 

    If I should critizise it will go something like this:

    Letting Unknown take over Northern Ascendancy means any team can go to the elite if they draft the captain of a Elite team. In Unknowns case I still feel its motivated since NA and Unknown are very similar teams with both Anrh and Foppatofflan playing for NA. Howere it does create a precedential case in forthcoming situations that might not fit the glove as well as NA/WHO.

    Letting NL keep their spot with 1 previous member and a former sacked assistant captain mean I could just add an irl friend who never played the game. Put him as captain and protect the club name. 

    Again...this is not crying but valid input to make the tournaments even better in the future. Im sure such input is more appreciated among admins then "stop crying" remarks!

    hugs and kisses xoxo

    • Like 1
  10. 48 minutes ago, MartindalexC said:


    You're right in it being a long way, but the 'way' in this case may as well be the circumference of the earth, truly, it is that far fetched.

    No, the first step is the game actually being competitively geared. Just because you can setup up 'comp' leagues, doesn't mean it's somehow on it's way to being an esport. Why are people so hung up on this? Seriously, look at other esports and tell me with a straight face that nhl is in any way similar.

    When EA actually adds things that raise the skill ceiling, stuff like actually being able to consistently control your dude and not having the game decide to dictate where you can skate to. On top of that they should atleast attempt to punish rng based plays, then and only then can you begin to talk about esports. At the moment anyone that talks about this trash game becoming an esport just seems as though they're deluding themselves into thinking this game is something that it's not. 


    Edit: 'Serious esport' would put it on par with CS, LoL and Dota since they're the main ones being discussed in the general public, right? You're telling me that nhl has a chance to compete on a stage that large? You cannot be serious. 


    I did not say it was on the way of becoming an e-sport. Your rant was a waste of time. Im saying it has the potential in the future and creating a base for competitive gaming is one step among a thousand others...like the game itself getting better. 

    The game or tournaments for that matter doesnt get better by just stating everything is shit. 

    Send EA a pm instead...

  11. 2 hours ago, Jesus said:

    Many of the teams out of these 23 teams in divsion 3, will in fact be consisting of former div 1 and div 2 players. Because, fact of the matter is that all teams in the current top 32 will not stick together for the next tournament. Instead, lesser teams 32-40 will step in and fill in those gaps only because they decided not to form a new team. You mess things up from the gecko with such a wide divison 3 since it will be so hard to reach division 2 in the first season. Many ok team will stop trying

    Hmm, earlier you said that div 1 and 2 players wont play in division 3, but now they will?

    Saying OK teams will give up if they fail to reach division 2 in their first try is imo just speculation. it sounds to me like division 3 will be pretty competitive, so thats nice for those teams that fail to make the playoffs this ECL. Everyone can't be successful in a competition but you make it sound like if teams are not successful they will quit. Im sure this rings true for some ppl/teams and not for others. 

    I think I've exempted my pool of arguments and I think we could go on and on back and forth, but it all comes down to in which direction you want to take this community. If you want to offer a more competitive experience for those who want it and still offer a tournament for newer or more laid back teams then I think the admins proposition is good. If you want to keep things as they have always been then I think divisions altogether is a bad idea. Some people like change, some people want things as they are, its human nature. 

    I think NHL has the potential to become a serious e-sport and not just the hobby it is today. It's a long way, but I believe the first step towards that is offering more competitive leagues. Something is not right when your average eashl game is way tougher then ECL.

    Edit: Again, just to be clear. Im not saying 16/16/infinity is the correct cutoff. Personally If I could do my own picking it would be be 12 (8 to playoffs) in Elite then 2x12 (16 to playoffs) in Pro and the rest in Div 3. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Jesus said:

    The #14 ranked div 1 team that lost against the 3# ranked div 2 team, will take their place in div 2. The other two nailed spots will be divided 1+1. It's not a problem!

    There are several ways of forming the casual league. But the main point is that I think NHLgamer should focus on competing with EASHL in the casual gaming department. I do believe there is a market for new teams consisting of 8 irl friends who like to hang out, drink beer and have a fun time. Why not play EASHL through NHLgamer?

    But if you really want 3 divisions, why do we make the third division so big? Maybe I didn't understand things correctly, but if we for example have 60 teams for the next tournament will the spread be 16/16/28? If you ask me, since most teams in europe can compete in div 2, would it not be smarter to go with 16/32/12 or 16/32/7 if we only have 55 teams? That to me, reflects the community much more. I think the idea of having a large div 2 makes the most sense. It also makes it easier for relegated div 2 teams to get back to div 2. If you ask me, a div 3 season don't have to be as long as the season in the other two divisions. Div 3 is all about getting back to div 2. The fewer games, the better. We all know that div 3 will be the first to leave the tournament.

    Anything else just seems like a waste.



    Its not a problem if the groups are set. But if they are uneven...or even considered uneven then it will be a problem because then you have to switch up teams

    Assuming no more teams quit this ECL we have 16/16/19. Ofc if there are 80 teams in the future then the cutoffs need amendments.

    43 minutes ago, Jesus said:

    Well, yeah. For the first season, the turn out of teams in the casual league will probably not be that great. But compare that to the huge division 3 where no one wants to play.

    The upside with a casual league is the fact that it don't risk hurting the community the way division 3 might do.

    Also. Tokfan made a great point about a bigger division 2. 16 teams in the playoff is way more exciting than 8 playoff teams. There we have something special that makes division 2 unique in its own right. 


    So the 2nd division would not have a limit of teams? Anybody can join? So a top team thats regulated will go from fierce competition to playing these 15-0 games again. Not very good imo. 

    I really dont see the problem, sorry Jesus. If you get placed in division 3 where you "don't belong" its 2 months before you are up a division. Having 32 teams in div 2 pretty much includes all the remaining teams in this tournament. If that is the case then div 1 should be bigger but then again, no real point in divisions at all. 


  13. 4 minutes ago, Jesus said:

    Fact of the matter is that a casual league covers all the points you make about division 3. In fact, it will be even more fun for casual teams. How fun will it be for newcomers to battle expierenced teams who have started over in division 3? If I understod you correctly, you also wanna get rid of the exceptional status-thingy since it destroys the idea of fair play (I agree with you). That means you wanna introduce new teams by letting them play against for example Unknown. Even teams like CoG or other teams on that level will not be a pleasent expierence for newcomers. Already established teams will always be in the top of division 3, and top division 3 teams will most likely always beat the bottom division 2 team.

    It's better for them to join a casual league and play lots of EASHL and then join div 2 when they feel ready. Division 3 will give them nothing.

    Btw, stop accusing "none playoff"-teams of pushing their own agenda. You were not happy about Billys point of only div 1 guys expressing their opinion, so don't send back the exact same message.

    I hope the staff test out the 2 division system. If the community grows and the quality gaps gets wider and more clear, then we can give 3 divisions a shot. As it is now 3 equally large divisions, don't reflect the community. It divides and punish to many teams.

    Im not sure Im following you completely. You want the casual league to be separated from the elite and pro divisions? Who wants to play in the casual league? Maybe 5-8 teams? Eashl is the casual league imo. And new teams who wants to play competitive will automatically be placed in division 2? Which is gonna make that division pretty huge and uncompetitive. Sure you can make a pro division A and B. It's not a bad idea except there are lot of complications bound to arise such as what if 3 teams from elite gets relegated, in which division (group) will they play? Do you switch the teams up after each season because some ppl will definitely consider one group tougher?

    Billy deserved that message since he know me and my views and yet called me biased :) It's a manipulative argument. 

  14. 10 hours ago, Billy44205 said:

    I don't have a 2-division proposal! Why woud I? My point was NEVER the point Jesus has been trying to make. If I was to implement a 2-division system I would probably implement a separate casual league on the side coz there's too many teams to make only 2 divisions and you'd have to choose to enter the competitive league or the pro league. Happy now?

    But that is NOT my fucking point. I questioned where the cutoff between D2/D3 was made. The system the staff is presenting has division size that go small / small / big and I argued that it would reflect the skill distribution more accurately with small / big / small sizes. THAT was my initial point. Then I offered leads to make the system easier to swallow from the bottom end of things.

    As for dismissing your points, no way man. I ALWAYS respect a well thought out argument. 

    By the way... Your top-guy-centric bias is showing here: You pimp D2 with arguments for disappointed D1 hopefuls. I'm not saying your arguments are not valid but it's only one side of the matter.

    I think the cutoff is fine, because keeping both elite and pro divisions fairly small will make them both competitive. Looking at the teams now Elite division will be fierce, which is fun but as I said, if you get relegated you still have a competitive fun tournament ahead of you with a clear goal of making it back to the elite division. That was my perspective for the elite team player (of which I'm not part of yet). 

    For the pro division clubs you will play in a very good league with several great teams. You have the opportunity to build a great team and charge for the top. I think a lot of pro players would prefer a chance to win that championship with a reward to the elite league instead of trying to get to the playoffs with a small chance of surviving the first round.

    The third division will hopefully be a great introduction to newer teams or teams that perhaps would do better with some practise. The ones who would be unhappy about this are teams that miss this tournament's playoffs and consider themselves a division 2 team, and yeah I can understand the feeling but then again...the whole argument falls on the fact that it's 2 months you spend there if you are good enough.

    Im a bit surprised Billy you are using arguments like I'm a D1 biased guy since you should remember our lengthy discussions back in NHL14 when we played on Xbox360 and my opinions about divisions at that time. It has not changed.

    On the contrary the same can be said about those who argue against the divisions. I bet Peacerich is playing for a team that's barely missing the playoffs. It's not a wild guess, but a fact that people argue their own cause. I wouldn't mind starting in a lower division myself, maybe that's why I find it hard to hear people (not you Billy) who's team we dominated talk about the chance to win championships.

    Edit: And no matter who's point of view you take its all just speculation. We don't know for sure a 3 or 2 division system works best and if one fail, you can switch to the other. 

  15. 6 minutes ago, Billy44205 said:

    Also, the great majority of contributions to the discussion comes from D1 bound teams and that's less than representative of what the community thinks (although I have always suspected that this is a big gathering of sheep so maybe you are indeed the only guys who care about anything, but I digress...). It's too easy to promote a system where you don't suffer from any of its downsides. It's too easy to say "I get it you're mad" and leave out the "but please bite the bullet so I can have the best time for my top guy self". It's too easy to discard comments as coming from bitter low division people. Look at Silenttio's  reply to Jesus it reads like "You wanna be in D1, tough shit dude".

    Huh...interesting. You are pretty much dismissing the arguments based on what teams we belong to.

    We know we are not representing the whole community and we know Jesus is not either. But it's up to anyone to discuss the matter no one here can force other members to voice their opinions although I also would like to hear them. 

    We are also mostly discussing your point of view. We have barely discussed the fact that it is boring for those of us who keep spending a lot of time with this game to be faced with newly started teams (veterans or newcomers) every tournament. In my opinion I think the Pro division will be competitive...this is important to make teams stick. If you fail to reach the elite or gets relegated you will still have a very competitive tournament/season ahead of you.

    I would like to hear your proposition for the two division system though

    • Like 2
  16. 1 hour ago, Jesus said:

    Dude. Reality is. Most division 1 teams will have gigantic rosters. Most of these players will be inactive during seasons. But when a new div 2 team arrives, they will see their chance to get some playing time.

    This is what will happen. Of course new div 1 teams will add a lot of new good players to their team. You live in this fantasy world, where you think good players wanna play in div 2 or 3.

    Already today we can see it. Most teams active haven't sticked together from the begining. It's teams consisting of different constellations.

    Dont you think divisions is a good incentive for teams to stick together?

    If what you are saying is true then a two division system would be fatal since ALL the top players would play in division 1 and it would be even more impossible for a division 2 club to attract players. ECL is a competitive tournament but with 3 divisions hopefully new clubs will find it easier to approach the tournament and doesn't get discouraged so easily and teams that don't "belong" there needs 2 months. I don't get why you say a year.

    I know every club is different and maybe our problem is specific to Synergy but we have huge problems playing these tournaments with 30 teams in the group. I'm not even sure we would be able to continue playing ECL if the group stage was this long every tournament. It kills the activity for regular eash-nights.

    • Like 4
  17. 37 minutes ago, Jesus said:

    Fact of the matter is that every team that today don't have a complete roster and are placed in divison 3, will be forced to trade mediocre players to the team and hope for the best.

    Also to be honest. I think it's weird that some teams will get a pass based on a subjective opinion.

    Or practise. If you are a division 3 club then maybe you are right that it will exclude some players from joining...but will also open up spots for newcomers. Teach them, practise, get better. 

    I don't like subjective opinions at all when it comes to placing teams in divisions, seeding groups or whatever so I agree with you.

    55 minutes ago, Billy44205 said:

    @Egyptologen Spare me your patronizing speech. I don't owe this website anything, and disagreeing is not the same as not understanding. I thought you of all people would know that I have the highest level of understanding of what Kenu is going for, I just disagree with him on a fundamental level, and on a technical level.

    My point is not even the same as Jesus's so what about my point? Are there more bad teams than average teams?

    I didn't mean to patronize but you guys sound like its an eternity to be placed in division 3. When the fact is that neither you or Jesus have been very active for a long time. So 2 months is nothing. 

    And we are still just debating your side of it as one of the better division 3 teams. When creating divisions someone will feel they deserve to be higher up in the rank. And in that case they get to prove it during 2 months :)

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