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Everything posted by ChildishGerm8

  1. Free G or D for upcoming FCL. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/7837 Message me here or PSN/Discord VilppiSami.
  2. Free D for neo/core/lite. Don't have lots of time to play, so 50/50 or backup role would be fine! PSN or Discord: VilppiSami
  3. Free D for upcoming tournaments and next ECL. Looking for Neo/Core team and starter position. PSN or Discord: VilppiSami
  4. Free D/G for Showdown tournament. Contact here or PSN VilppiSami.
  5. Want to play but not to pay. Looking for a team for ECL NEO, mainly as a defender (LD/RD), but can be a backup goalie too. Contacts here or PSN VilppiSami.
  6. Free D or G for upcoming tournaments and ECL. PSN VilppiSami.
  7. Still open for Defender position, skill level more on Core level.
  8. Free agent for upcoming ECL and tournaments. Looking for starter goalie or defender position in Core/Lite team. Open for a backup role in Lite too. Messages to my psn VilppiSami.
  9. Just wondering why you did same math as in my post.... Nevermind then 😂
  10. 1v1 and 6v6 licenses for person are the same, so not like 20e for playing in 1v1 and another 20e for playing in 6v6, but just 20e and can participate in both. On top of my math is then just the players who play only 1v1.
  11. Because of the new participation fees and prize pool system, I'm interested for a open starter spot in Neo or Core teams. Played as a D-man and Goalie in couple of ECL Core seasons and FCL tournaments. Contact here or PSN VilppiSami.
  12. Free D/G for upcoming FCL. Contact here or PSN VilppiSami.
  13. Free defender/goalie for upcoming tournaments. PSN VilppiSami.
  14. Still looking! Both handed Defender open for tryouts for next ECL. My level should be fine for Neo and Core teams. I am Interested in a team, which can offer lot of playtime outside ECL games too. Not interested in backup role. Able to play few games as a goalie too if needed. Message me here or PSN VilppiSami.
  15. Both handed Defender open for tryouts for next ECL. My level should be fine for Neo and Core teams. I am Interested in a team, which can offer lot of playtime outside ECL games too. Not interested in backup role. Able to play few games as a goalie too if needed. Message me here or PSN VilppiSami.
  16. Defender / Goalie looking for tryouts in core or lite team for upcoming ECL and tournaments. Played last ECL as backup LD/G, and FCL in Oulunsalo HT as LD. Not so much time to play this season, maybe 2-3 days per week, so backup role is ok. Contacts here or PSN VilppiSami.
  17. Free RD/LD/G for upcoming FCL! Contacts PSN: VilppiSami or Discord: VilppiSami#3300 Found team, thanks for everyone who offered tryout chance!
  18. Kallenraitti is still looking for starting goalie and one back-up skater for upcoming ECL season. We are participating for first time and we have no ECL experience. For goalie it's not necessary to speak Finnish. Contact me for tryouts.
  19. Ensi kaudella tavoitteena ECL:ään osallistuminen, joten nyt Kallenraitti hakee aktiivisia pelaajia vahvistamaan joukkueen alakertaa. OP ja MV voisi nyt löytää uuden joukkueen ja mukavaa peliseuraa iltoihin. Meillä puolustajat puolustaa ja hyökkääjät hyökkää, joten puolustajana tehopisteet ei ratkaise vaan se mitä osaa tehdä omassa päässä. Maalivahdilta kaivataan pelinlukutaitoa ja malttia, ns. helpot vedot pitäisi osata poimia. Pakollisena vaatimuksena on rento asenne ja hyvä huumori. Jos kiinnostus yhtään heräsi, laittele viestiä niin jutellaan lisää! Varapelaajille on myös myöhemmin tarvetta kaikille pelipaikoille!
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