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Everything posted by Teamplayer

  1. Free agent! Rw/C/Lw Im looking for a new team for upcoming ecl season in Lite or core. Message me here or discord (BlazingKnight83)
  2. Free (main positions) C/Rw/Lw/Rd looking for new team. Im looking for core/lite teams. I prefer finnish teams, but its not mandatory. I can play 4-6 times a week, (19-23) finnish time. Contact me here or discord/psn BlazingKnight83
  3. Free (main positions) C/Rw/Lw (Rd as a backup if needed) looking for new team, where i can improve my offensive and defensive awareness even higher levels. I'm trying to play like a two-way player where i can contribute on offense and help defenders. I can play 4-6 times a week, (19-23) finnish time. Contact me here or discord BlazingKnight83#3037
  4. Free C/Rw/Lw looking for neo-lite teams. I can play 4-6 times a week (19-22) finnish time. Contact me here or discord BlazingKnight83#3037
  5. Free agent Im 25yo finnish player who is looking for new team for upcoming tournaments. Im looking for core/lite teams. I hope that i can find long-term team rather than one season. I can play lw/c/rw/rd. I can play everyday 19-22. If you are interested message me here or psn: BlazingKnight83 or discord: BlazingKnight83#3037
  6. Im 25yo finnish player who is looking for new team for upcoming tournaments. Im looking for core/lite teams. I hope that i can find long-term team rather than one season. I can play lw/c/rw/rd. I can play everyday 18-22 expect wednesday (18-21) Finnish time. If you are interested message me here or psn: BlazingKnight83 or discord: BlazingKnight83#3037
  7. Im 25yo finnish player who is looking for new team for upcoming tournaments. Im looking for neo (prefer forward pos)/core/lite teams (prefer finnish teams). I hope that i can find long-term team rather than one season. I can play lw/c/rw/rd. I can play everyday 18-22 expect wednesday (18-21) Finnish time. If you are interested message me here or psn: BlazingKnight83 or discord: BlazingKnight83#3037
  8. Free agent! Im 25yo finnish player who is looking for new team for upcoming tournaments. Im looking for core/lite teams (prefer finnish teams). I hope that i can find long-term team rather than one season. I can play lw/c/rw/rd. I can play everyday 18-22 expect thursday (18-21) Finnish time. If you are interested message me on psn: BlazingKnight83 or discord: BlazingKnight83#3037
  9. Finnish Finishers is participating in ECL CORE and is looking for a G and RD!. We have a 8-man roster right now, but we are still looking to add a couple more players. Finnish language is a bonus for better communication but not mandatory. Contact @Findyyd, @Teamplayer or @MoisionMessier for a possible tryout.
  10. Finnish Finishers is participating in ECL CORE and is looking for a RW, G and RD We have a 7-man roster right now, but we are still looking to add a couple more players. Finnish language is a bonus for better communication but not mandatory. Contact @Findyyd, @Teamplayer or @MoisionMessier for a possible tryout.
  11. Free Rw/Lw/Rd. Can play C/Ld (prefer backup positions) I'm 24yo Finnish player. I started my career in ecl7 lite in Finnish Finishers (former Red Light Zone). Ecl8 i played in Red Light Zone. Ecl9 neo i played in Olympia. Ecl10 neo i went to play in Taavetin Starat. Ecl11 neo and ecl12 core i played in Finnish Finishers. Im looking for core/lite teams. Contact me here or psn BlazingKnight83
  12. Free Rd/Rw (Ld if needed) looking for long-term ecl or offseason lite/pro team. Prefer finnish teams, but that is not written in the stone. Can start as a backup aswell. Contact me here or psn BlazingKnight83
  13. Free Rd/Rw/Ld looking for a team. I can start as a backup aswell. Looking for lite team or higher. I prefer Finnish teams, but that is not written in the stone. Msg me here or psn: BlazingKnight83
  14. Free Rd/Rw/Ld looking for a team. I can start as a backup aswell. Looking for lite team. Msg me here or psn: BlazingKnight83
  15. Free C/Ld/Rd looking for long-term team prefer Finnish teams. Im solid player when i put my mind to it. Dont expect me to make it into a lineup on a first two/five games. Previously played Ld in Olympia in neo/ ecl7&8 in lite on RedLightZone. Contact me here or psn: BlazingKnight83
  16. Free C/Ld/Rd looking for long-term team prefer Finnish teams. Im solid player when i put my mind to it. Dont expect me to make it into a lineup on a first two/five games. Previously played Ld in Olympia in neo/ ecl7&8 in lite on RedLightZone. Looking for Lite/Pro team. Contact me here or psn: BlazingKnight83
  17. Free Ld/Rd looking for team after Ecl season. Looking for long-term team prefer Finnish teams. Contact me here or psn: BlazingKnight83
  18. Last try to fit into a roster. Free c/rw can be backup rd if needed. 22yo Finnish player looking for ECL team. Can play almost everyday. Want to learn new things and get better. What i can give? A bad humour and lame jokes. Prefer Finnish teams, not necessary have to be Finnish neo/lite Msg me here or psn: BlazingKnight83 or whatsapp +358408383396
  19. Free c/rw can be backup rd if needed. 22yo Finnish player looking for ECL team. Can play almost everyday. Want to learn new things and get better. What i can give? A bad humour, lame jokes and bad winger (with big ego) Prefer Finnish teams lite/pro Msg me here or psn: BlazingKnight83 or whatsapp +358408383396
  20. Free c/rw can be backup rd if needed. 22yo Finnish player looking ECL team. Can play almost everyday. Wanting to learn new things and get better. Finnish team lite/pro Msg me, psn: BlazingKnight83 or whatsapp +358408383396
  21. 22yo lw/c/rw looking team for ECL. (Pro/lite) Both handed and would like to improve myself as a teamplayer. Can play every night. Pm me here for tryouts or psnBlazingKnight83
  22. 22yo lw/c/rw (backup defender if needed) looking team for ECL. (Pro/lite) Both handed and would like to improve myself as a teamplayer. Can play every night. Pm me here for tryouts or psn BlazingKnight83
  23. 2, and when is the draft stream going live?
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